本文整理汇总了C#中Bounds.Expand方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Bounds.Expand方法的具体用法?C# Bounds.Expand怎么用?C# Bounds.Expand使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类Bounds
示例1: AKGetFreeRandomSpawnPoint
public static SpawnPoint AKGetFreeRandomSpawnPoint(FactionType faction)
foreach (SpawnPoint sp in instances)
//if (sp.faction != faction)
// continue;
bool busy = false;
Bounds volume = new Bounds(sp.Position);
volume.Expand(new Vec3(1, 1, 2));
Body[] result = PhysicsWorld.Instance.VolumeCast(volume,
foreach (Body body in result)
if (body.Static)
foreach (Shape shape in body.Shapes)
if (PhysicsWorld.Instance.IsContactGroupsContactable(shape.ContactGroup,
busy = true;
if (busy)
if (!busy)
return sp;
return null;
示例2: FindFreePositionForUnit
Vec3 FindFreePositionForUnit( Unit unit, Vec3 center )
Vec3 volumeSize = unit.MapBounds.GetSize() + new Vec3( 2, 2, 0 );
for( float zOffset = 0; true; zOffset += .3f )
for( float radius = 3; radius < 8; radius += .6f )
for( float angle = 0; angle < MathFunctions.PI * 2; angle += MathFunctions.PI / 32 )
Vec3 pos = center + new Vec3( MathFunctions.Cos( angle ), MathFunctions.Sin( angle ), 0 ) * radius + new Vec3( 0, 0, zOffset );
Bounds volume = new Bounds( pos );
volume.Expand( volumeSize * .5f );
Body[] bodies = PhysicsWorld.Instance.VolumeCast( volume, (int)ContactGroup.CastOnlyContact );
if( bodies.Length == 0 )
return pos;
示例3: OnCalculateMapBounds
protected override void OnCalculateMapBounds( ref Bounds bounds )
base.OnCalculateMapBounds( ref bounds );
Bounds b = new Bounds( Position );
b.Expand( new Vec3( .5f, .5f, .1f ) );
bounds.Add( b );
示例4: AquireNewTarget
private Unit AquireNewTarget()
Unit TempTarget = null;
Bounds volume = new Bounds(this.Position);
volume.Expand(new Vec3(Type.RadarRange, Type.RadarRange, Type.RadarRange));
Body[] result = PhysicsWorld.Instance.VolumeCast(volume,
foreach (Body body in result)
MapObject obj = MapSystemWorld.GetMapObjectByBody(body);
if (obj != null)
Unit unit = obj as Unit;
if (unit != null)
float Angletounit = CalculateAngleTo(unit);
//0.8f in radian is 45 Degrees and the absoulote value whould give the missile a window of 90'
if (Angletounit > 0.8f)
if (TempTarget == null)
TempTarget = unit;
float PreTargetDistance = (TempTarget.Position - Position).LengthFast();
float newTargetDistance = (unit.Position - Position).LengthFast();
float DifDis = PreTargetDistance - newTargetDistance;
float DiftAngle = CalculateAngleTo(TempTarget) - Angletounit;
if (DifDis > 0 && DiftAngle > 0)
TempTarget = unit;
return TempTarget;
示例5: AquireNewTarget
private Unit AquireNewTarget()
// NH & KEEN - reset the targetted bodypart
targetBody = null;
targetShape = null;
Unit TempTarget = null;
Bounds volume = new Bounds(this.Position);
volume.Expand(new Vec3(Type.RadarRange, Type.RadarRange, Type.RadarRange));
Body[] result = PhysicsWorld.Instance.VolumeCast(volume,
foreach (Body body in result)
MapObject obj = MapSystemWorld.GetMapObjectByBody(body);
if (obj != null)
Unit unit = obj as Unit;
if (unit != null)
float Angletounit = CalculateAngleToTarget(unit);
//0.8f in radian is 45 Degrees and the absoulote value whould give the missile a window of 90'
float targettingAngle = Type.HomingAngle / 2;
if (Angletounit > targettingAngle)
if (TempTarget == null)
TempTarget = unit;
float PreTargetDistance = (TempTarget.Position - Position).Length();
float newTargetDistance = (unit.Position - Position).Length();
float DifDis = PreTargetDistance - newTargetDistance;
float DiftAngle = CalculateAngleToTarget(TempTarget) - Angletounit;
if (DifDis > 0 && DiftAngle > 0)
TempTarget = unit;
// NH & KEEN - if our target is a unit, select a random bodypart to target, otherwise check if there is a physics body to follow
if (TempTarget != null)
AKunit targetUnit = TempTarget as AKunit;
if (targetUnit != null)
if (targetUnit.PhysicsModel != null && targetUnit.PhysicsModel.Bodies.Length != 0)
string targetBodyName = targetUnit.Type.BodyParts[World.Instance.Random.Next(0, targetUnit.Type.BodyParts.Count)].PhysicsShape;
FindTargetShape(targetUnit, targetBodyName, out targetBody, out targetShape);
if (TempTarget.PhysicsModel != null && TempTarget.PhysicsModel.Bodies.Length != 0)
targetBody = TempTarget.PhysicsModel.Bodies[0];
return TempTarget;
示例6: FindFirstFreeSpawner
public Spawner FindFirstFreeSpawner()
float blockedCheckRadius = 3;
foreach (Spawner s in attachedSpawners)
bool busy = false;
Bounds volume = new Bounds(s.Position);
volume.Expand(new Vec3(
blockedCheckRadius, blockedCheckRadius, blockedCheckRadius * 2));
Body[] result = PhysicsWorld.Instance.VolumeCast(volume,
foreach (Body body in result)
if (body.Static)
foreach (Shape shape in body.Shapes)
if (PhysicsWorld.Instance.IsContactGroupsContactable(shape.ContactGroup,
busy = true;
if (busy)
if (!busy)
return s;
return null;
示例7: CreateEnemy
bool CreateEnemy()
//Get need enemy type
string typeName = GetCreateEnemyTypeName();
//Get point
MapObject point = null;
int safeCounter = 1;
while( point == null )
point = enemySpawnPoints[ World.Instance.Random.Next( enemySpawnPoints.Count ) ];
if( safeCounter > 1000 )
if( point == null )
return false;
//check for free position
bool freePoint;
Bounds volume = new Bounds( point.Position );
volume.Expand( new Vec3( 2, 2, 2 ) );
Body[] bodies = PhysicsWorld.Instance.VolumeCast( volume,
(int)ContactGroup.CastOnlyDynamic );
freePoint = bodies.Length == 0;
if( !freePoint )
return false;
//Create object
MapObject newObj = (MapObject)Entities.Instance.Create( typeName, Map.Instance );
newObj.Position = point.Position + new Vec3( 0, 0, 1 );
if( typeName == "Robot" )
newObj.Position += new Vec3( 0, 0, 1 );
if( newObj is Unit )
( (Unit)newObj ).ViewRadius = 300;
newObj.Destroying += EnemyUnitDestroying;
newObj.Tick += EnemyUnitTick;
return true;
示例8: GetFreeRandomSpawnPoint
public static SpawnPoint GetFreeRandomSpawnPoint()
for( int n = 0; n < 10; n++ )
SpawnPoint spawnPoint = GetRandomSpawnPoint();
if( spawnPoint == null )
if( !noSpawnPointLogInformed )
Log.Warning( "No spawn points." );
noSpawnPointLogInformed = true;
return null;
bool busy = false;
Bounds volume = new Bounds( spawnPoint.Position );
volume.Expand( new Vec3( 1, 1, 2 ) );
Body[] result = PhysicsWorld.Instance.VolumeCast( volume,
(int)ContactGroup.CastOnlyContact );
foreach( Body body in result )
if( body.Static )
foreach( Shape shape in body.Shapes )
if( PhysicsWorld.Instance.IsContactGroupsContactable( shape.ContactGroup,
(int)ContactGroup.Dynamic ) )
busy = true;
if( busy )
if( !busy )
return spawnPoint;
return null;
示例9: GetBounds
protected override Bounds GetBounds()
Bounds bounds = new Bounds( data.Position );
bounds.Expand( data.AttenuationFar * 1.1f );
return bounds;
//if( !float.IsPositiveInfinity( data.AttenuationRange ) )
// Bounds bounds = new Bounds( data.Position );
// bounds.Expand( data.AttenuationRange );
// return bounds;
// return new Bounds(
// new Vec3( float.MinValue, float.MinValue, float.MinValue ),
// new Vec3( float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue ) );
示例10: OnRender
protected override void OnRender( Camera camera )
base.OnRender( camera );
if( sceneNode != null )
sceneNode.Visible = Visible && camera != reflectionCamera;
//update material
if( material != null )
//update visible flag of the reflection render texture
Camera defaultCamera = RendererWorld.Instance.DefaultCamera;
if( reflectionRenderTexture != null && camera == defaultCamera )
Bounds bounds = new Bounds( Position );
bounds.Expand( new Vec3( Size.X, Size.Y, 1 ) * .5f );
Frustum frustum = FrustumUtils.GetFrustumByCamera( defaultCamera,
Map.Instance.NearFarClipDistance.Maximum );
//frustum test mode
if( EngineDebugSettings.FrustumTest && camera.AllowFrustumTestMode )
frustum.HalfWidth *= .5f;
frustum.HalfHeight *= .5f;
bool inFrustum = frustum.IsIntersects( bounds ) && frustum.Origin.Z > Position.Z;
reflectionRenderTexture.AutoUpdate = inFrustum && Visible;
if( EntitySystemWorld.Instance.IsEditor() )
//render volume
if( physicsHeight != 0 && Type.PhysicsDensity != 0 )
Bounds bounds = new Bounds( Position - new Vec3( 0, 0, physicsHeight / 2 ) );
bounds.Expand( new Vec3( Size.X, Size.Y, physicsHeight ) / 2 );
camera.DebugGeometry.Color = new ColorValue( 0, 0, 1 );
camera.DebugGeometry.AddBounds( bounds );
示例11: OnPreRenderTargetUpdate
protected override void OnPreRenderTargetUpdate( RenderTargetEvent evt )
base.OnPreRenderTargetUpdate( evt );
Camera camera = owner.reflectionCamera;
Camera defaultCamera = RendererWorld.Instance.DefaultCamera;
camera.NearClipDistance = defaultCamera.NearClipDistance;
camera.FarClipDistance = defaultCamera.FarClipDistance;
camera.AspectRatio = defaultCamera.AspectRatio;
camera.Fov = defaultCamera.Fov;
camera.Position = defaultCamera.Position;
camera.FixedUp = defaultCamera.FixedUp;
camera.Direction = defaultCamera.Direction;
Plane reflectionPlane = new Plane( Vec3.ZAxis, owner.Position.Z );
camera.EnableReflection( reflectionPlane );
//set clip planes
Plane clipPlane = new Plane( Vec3.ZAxis, owner.Position.Z );
Plane[] clipPlanes = new Plane[ 5 ];
clipPlanes[ 0 ] = clipPlane;
Vec3 reflectedCameraPosition = camera.GetReflectionMatrix() * camera.Position;
Bounds bounds = new Bounds( owner.Position );
bounds.Expand( new Vec3( owner.Size.X, owner.Size.Y, 0 ) * .5f );
Vec3 p0 = new Vec3( bounds.Minimum.X, bounds.Minimum.Y, owner.Position.Z );
Vec3 p1 = new Vec3( bounds.Maximum.X, bounds.Minimum.Y, owner.Position.Z );
Vec3 p2 = new Vec3( bounds.Maximum.X, bounds.Maximum.Y, owner.Position.Z );
Vec3 p3 = new Vec3( bounds.Minimum.X, bounds.Maximum.Y, owner.Position.Z );
clipPlanes[ 1 ] = Plane.FromPoints( reflectedCameraPosition, p0, p1 );
clipPlanes[ 2 ] = Plane.FromPoints( reflectedCameraPosition, p1, p2 );
clipPlanes[ 3 ] = Plane.FromPoints( reflectedCameraPosition, p2, p3 );
clipPlanes[ 4 ] = Plane.FromPoints( reflectedCameraPosition, p3, p0 );
camera.SetClipPlanesForAllGeometry( clipPlanes );
//set reflection level settings
if( DecorativeObjectManager.Instance != null )
saveDrawDecorativeObjects = DecorativeObjectManager.Instance.Visible;
camera.DrawStaticGeometry = true;
camera.DrawModels = true;
camera.DrawEffects = true;
if( (int)owner.ReflectionLevel < (int)ReflectionLevels.OnlyStaticGeometry )
camera.DrawStaticGeometry = false;
if( (int)owner.ReflectionLevel < (int)ReflectionLevels.OnlyModels )
camera.DrawModels = false;
if( (int)owner.ReflectionLevel < (int)ReflectionLevels.ReflectAll )
camera.DrawEffects = false;
if( DecorativeObjectManager.Instance != null )
DecorativeObjectManager.Instance.Visible = false;
//activate simple rendering mode for terrains
foreach( HeightmapTerrain terrain in HeightmapTerrain.Instances )
saveHeightmapTerrainsSimpleRenderingState.Add( terrain, terrain.SimpleRendering );
terrain.SimpleRendering = true;
示例12: OnRender
protected override void OnRender( Camera camera )
base.OnRender( camera );
if( !camera.IsForShadowMapGeneration() && MapEditorInterface.Instance != null &&
MapEditorInterface.Instance.IsEntitySelected( this ) )
//render volume
if( physicsHeight != 0 && Type.PhysicsDensity != 0 )
Bounds bounds = new Bounds( Position - new Vec3( 0, 0, physicsHeight / 2 ) );
bounds.Expand( new Vec3( Size.X, Size.Y, physicsHeight ) / 2 );
camera.DebugGeometry.Color = new ColorValue( 0, 0, 1 );
camera.DebugGeometry.AddBounds( bounds );
示例13: ViewportPreUpdate
void ViewportPreUpdate( Viewport viewport )
Camera camera = viewport.ViewportCamera;
if( camera.Purpose == Camera.Purposes.MainCamera )
bool needUpdate;
if( Visible )
Bounds bounds = new Bounds( Position );
bounds.Expand( new Vec3( Size.X, Size.Y, 1 ) * .5f );
Frustum frustum = FrustumUtils.GetFrustumByCamera( camera );
//frustum test mode
if( EngineDebugSettings.FrustumTest && camera.AllowFrustumTestMode )
frustum.HalfWidth *= .5f;
frustum.HalfHeight *= .5f;
needUpdate = frustum.IsIntersects( bounds ) && frustum.Origin.Z > Position.Z;
needUpdate = false;
if( needUpdate )
ReflectionTextureItem item = null;
if( !IsFixedPipelineFallback() && ReflectionLevel != ReflectionLevels.None &&
RenderSystem.Instance.Capabilities.HardwareRenderToTexture )
item = GetReflectionTextureItemByViewport( viewport );
if( item == null )
item = CreateReflectionTextureItem( viewport );
if( item != null )
UpdateReflectionTexture( item );
//update material
if( material != null )
if( item != null )
material.UpdateReflectionMap( item.reflectionTexture.Name );
if( sceneNode != null )
sceneNode.Visible = Visible;
示例14: UpdateReflectionTexture
void UpdateReflectionTexture( ReflectionTextureItem item )
//changing during update
bool saveDrawDecorativeObjects = false;
Dictionary<HeightmapTerrain, bool> saveHeightmapTerrainsSimpleRenderingState =
new Dictionary<HeightmapTerrain, bool>();
//configure camera and entities
Camera camera = item.reflectionCamera;
Camera mainCamera = item.mainCamera;
camera.NearClipDistance = mainCamera.NearClipDistance;
camera.FarClipDistance = mainCamera.FarClipDistance;
camera.AspectRatio = mainCamera.AspectRatio;
camera.Fov = mainCamera.Fov;
camera.Position = mainCamera.Position;
camera.FixedUp = mainCamera.FixedUp;
camera.Direction = mainCamera.Direction;
Plane reflectionPlane = new Plane( Vec3.ZAxis, Position.Z );
camera.EnableReflection( reflectionPlane );
//set clip planes
Plane clipPlane = new Plane( Vec3.ZAxis, Position.Z );
Plane[] clipPlanes = new Plane[ 5 ];
clipPlanes[ 0 ] = clipPlane;
Vec3 reflectedCameraPosition = camera.GetReflectionMatrix() * camera.Position;
Bounds bounds = new Bounds( Position );
bounds.Expand( new Vec3( Size.X, Size.Y, 0 ) * .5f );
Vec3 p0 = new Vec3( bounds.Minimum.X, bounds.Minimum.Y, Position.Z );
Vec3 p1 = new Vec3( bounds.Maximum.X, bounds.Minimum.Y, Position.Z );
Vec3 p2 = new Vec3( bounds.Maximum.X, bounds.Maximum.Y, Position.Z );
Vec3 p3 = new Vec3( bounds.Minimum.X, bounds.Maximum.Y, Position.Z );
clipPlanes[ 1 ] = Plane.FromPoints( reflectedCameraPosition, p0, p1 );
clipPlanes[ 2 ] = Plane.FromPoints( reflectedCameraPosition, p1, p2 );
clipPlanes[ 3 ] = Plane.FromPoints( reflectedCameraPosition, p2, p3 );
clipPlanes[ 4 ] = Plane.FromPoints( reflectedCameraPosition, p3, p0 );
camera.SetClipPlanesForAllGeometry( clipPlanes );
//set reflection level settings
if( DecorativeObjectManager.Instance != null )
saveDrawDecorativeObjects = DecorativeObjectManager.Instance.Visible;
camera.DrawStaticGeometry = true;
camera.DrawModels = true;
camera.DrawEffects = true;
if( (int)ReflectionLevel < (int)ReflectionLevels.OnlyStaticGeometry )
camera.DrawStaticGeometry = false;
if( (int)ReflectionLevel < (int)ReflectionLevels.OnlyModels )
camera.DrawModels = false;
if( (int)ReflectionLevel < (int)ReflectionLevels.ReflectAll )
camera.DrawEffects = false;
if( DecorativeObjectManager.Instance != null )
DecorativeObjectManager.Instance.Visible = false;
//activate simple rendering mode for terrains
foreach( HeightmapTerrain terrain in HeightmapTerrain.Instances )
saveHeightmapTerrainsSimpleRenderingState.Add( terrain, terrain.SimpleRendering );
terrain.SimpleRendering = true;
//get clip volumes
List<Box> clipVolumes = new List<Box>();
foreach( WaterPlaneClipVolume volume in WaterPlaneClipVolume.Instances )
if( volume.Editor_IsExcludedFromWorld() )
clipVolumes.Add( volume.GetBox() );
//bind clip volumes
if( clipVolumes.Count != 0 )
RenderingLowLevelMethodsImpl.PushClipVolumes( clipVolumes.ToArray() );
item.reflectionRenderTexture.Update( false );
//unbind clip volumes
if( clipVolumes.Count != 0 )
//restore entity settings
//restore simple rendering mode state for terrains
foreach( HeightmapTerrain terrain in HeightmapTerrain.Instances )