本文整理汇总了C#中BoundingBoxD.Include方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# BoundingBoxD.Include方法的具体用法?C# BoundingBoxD.Include怎么用?C# BoundingBoxD.Include使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类BoundingBoxD
示例1: UpdateWorldAABB
public override void UpdateWorldAABB()
CulledObjects.GetAll(m_list, true);
m_localAABB = BoundingBoxD.CreateInvalid();
foreach (var element in m_list)
m_localAABB = m_localAABB.Include(element.WorldAABB);
m_aabb = m_localAABB.Transform(ref m_worldMatrix);
示例2: AddItem
/// <summary>
/// Adds environment item to internal collections. Creates render and physics data.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if successfully added, otherwise false.</returns>
private bool AddItem(
MyEnvironmentItemDefinition itemDefinition,
ref MatrixD worldMatrix,
ref BoundingBoxD aabbWorld, bool silentOverlaps = false)
return true;
String.Format("Environment item with definition '{0}' not found in class '{1}'", itemDefinition.Id, m_definition.Id));
if (!m_definition.ContainsItemDefinition(itemDefinition))
return false;
if (itemDefinition.Model == null)
return false;
//MyDefinitionId defId = new MyDefinitionId(envItemObjectBuilderType, subtypeId.ToString());
int modelId = MyEnvironmentItems.GetModelId(itemDefinition.Id.SubtypeId);
string modelName = MyModel.GetById(modelId);
MyModel model = MyModels.GetModelOnlyData(modelName);
if (model == null)
//Debug.Fail(String.Format("Environment item model of '{0}' not found, skipping the item...", itemDefinition.Id));
return false;
int localId = worldMatrix.Translation.GetHashCode();
if (m_itemsData.ContainsKey(localId))
if (!silentOverlaps)
Debug.Fail("More items on same place! " + worldMatrix.Translation.ToString());
MyLog.Default.WriteLine("WARNING: items are on the same place.");
return false;
MyEnvironmentItemData data = new MyEnvironmentItemData()
Id = localId,
SubtypeId = itemDefinition.Id.SubtypeId,
Transform = new MyTransformD(ref worldMatrix),
Enabled = true,
SectorInstanceId = -1,
Model = model,
//Preload split planes
MatrixD transform = data.Transform.TransformMatrix;
float sectorSize = MyFakes.ENVIRONMENT_ITEMS_ONE_INSTANCEBUFFER ? 20000 : m_definition.SectorSize;
Vector3I sectorId = MyEnvironmentSector.GetSectorId(transform.Translation - CellsOffset, sectorSize);
MyEnvironmentSector sector;
if (!m_sectors.TryGetValue(sectorId, out sector))
sector = new MyEnvironmentSector(sectorId, sectorId * sectorSize + CellsOffset);
m_sectors.Add(sectorId, sector);
// Adds instance of the given model. Local matrix specified might be changed internally in renderer.
MatrixD sectorOffsetInv = MatrixD.CreateTranslation(-sectorId * sectorSize - CellsOffset);
Matrix transformL = (Matrix)(data.Transform.TransformMatrix * sectorOffsetInv);
data.SectorInstanceId = sector.AddInstance(itemDefinition.Id.SubtypeId, modelId, localId, ref transformL, model.BoundingBox, m_instanceFlags, m_definition.MaxViewDistance);
data.Transform = new MyTransformD(transform);
m_itemsData.Add(localId, data);
if (ItemAdded != null)
new ItemInfo()
LocalId = localId,
SubtypeId = data.SubtypeId,
Transform = data.Transform,
return true;
示例3: UpdateBoundingFrustum
void UpdateBoundingFrustum()
// Update frustum
BoundingFrustum.Matrix = ViewProjectionMatrix;
// Update bounding box
BoundingBox = BoundingBoxD.CreateInvalid();
BoundingBox.Include(ref BoundingFrustum);
// Update bounding sphere
BoundingSphere = MyUtils.GetBoundingSphereFromBoundingBox(ref BoundingBox);
示例4: AddItem
/// <summary>
/// Adds environment item to internal collections. Creates render and physics data.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if successfully added, otherwise false.</returns>
private bool AddItem(
MyEnvironmentItemDefinition itemDefinition,
ref MatrixD worldMatrix,
ref BoundingBoxD aabbWorld,
HkStaticCompoundShape sectorRootShape,
Dictionary<MyStringHash, HkShape> subtypeIdToShape,
int localModelId = MAIN_MODEL_LOCAL_ID)
return true;
String.Format("Environment item with definition '{0}' not found in class '{1}'", itemDefinition.Id, m_definition.Id));
if (!m_definition.ContainsItemDefinition(itemDefinition))
return false;
if (itemDefinition.Model == null)
return false;
//MyDefinitionId defId = new MyDefinitionId(envItemObjectBuilderType, subtypeId.ToString());
int modelId = MyEnvironmentItems.GetModelId(itemDefinition.Id.SubtypeId, localModelId);
string modelName = MyModel.GetById(modelId);
MyModel model = MyModels.GetModelOnlyData(modelName);
if (model == null)
//Debug.Fail(String.Format("Environment item model of '{0}' not found, skipping the item...", itemDefinition.Id));
return false;
int localId = worldMatrix.Translation.GetHashCode();
MyEnvironmentItemData data = new MyEnvironmentItemData()
Id = localId,
SubtypeId = itemDefinition.Id.SubtypeId,
Transform = new MyTransformD(ref worldMatrix),
Enabled = true,
SectorInstanceId = -1,
ModelId = modelId,
//Preload split planes
MatrixD transform = data.Transform.TransformMatrix;
Vector3I sectorId = MyEnvironmentSector.GetSectorId(transform.Translation - CellsOffset, m_definition.SectorSize);
MyEnvironmentSector sector;
if (!m_sectors.TryGetValue(sectorId, out sector))
sector = new MyEnvironmentSector(sectorId, sectorId * m_definition.SectorSize + CellsOffset);
m_sectors.Add(sectorId, sector);
// Adds instance of the given model. Local matrix specified might be changed internally in renderer.
MatrixD sectorOffset = MatrixD.CreateTranslation(-sectorId * m_definition.SectorSize - CellsOffset);
Matrix transformL = (Matrix)(transform * sectorOffset);
data.SectorInstanceId = sector.AddInstance(itemDefinition.Id.SubtypeId, data.ModelId, localId, ref transformL, model.BoundingBox, m_instanceFlags, m_definition.MaxViewDistance);
int physicsShapeInstanceId;
if (AddPhysicsShape(data.SubtypeId, model, ref transform, sectorRootShape, subtypeIdToShape, out physicsShapeInstanceId))
// Map to data index - note that itemData is added after this to its list!
m_physicsShapeInstanceIdToLocalId[physicsShapeInstanceId] = localId;
m_localIdToPhysicsShapeInstanceId[localId] = physicsShapeInstanceId;
data.Transform = new MyTransformD(transform);
if (m_itemsData.ContainsKey(localId))
//Debug.Fail("More items on same place! " + transform.Translation.ToString());
m_itemsData.Add(localId, data);
if (ItemAdded != null)
new ItemInfo()
LocalId = localId,
SubtypeId = data.SubtypeId,
Transform = data.Transform,
示例5: TestVoxelNavmeshTriangle
public void TestVoxelNavmeshTriangle(ref Vector3D a, ref Vector3D b, ref Vector3D c, List<MyCubeGrid> gridsToTest, List<MyGridPathfinding.CubeId> linkCandidatesOutput, out bool intersecting)
ProfilerShort.Begin("Triangle-obstacle tests");
Vector3D s = (a + b + c) / 3.0;
if (m_obstacles.IsInObstacle(s))
intersecting = true;
BoundingBoxD triBB;
Vector3D aLocal, bLocal, cLocal, gLocal;
Vector3D g = Vector3D.Zero;
if (MyPerGameSettings.NavmeshPresumesDownwardGravity)
g = Vector3.Down * 2.0f;
intersecting = false;
foreach (var grid in gridsToTest)
MatrixD mat = grid.PositionComp.WorldMatrixNormalizedInv;
Vector3D.Transform(ref a, ref mat, out aLocal);
Vector3D.Transform(ref b, ref mat, out bLocal);
Vector3D.Transform(ref c, ref mat, out cLocal);
Vector3D.TransformNormal(ref g, ref mat, out gLocal);
triBB = new BoundingBoxD(Vector3D.MaxValue, Vector3D.MinValue);
triBB.Include(ref aLocal, ref bLocal, ref cLocal);
Vector3I min = grid.LocalToGridInteger(triBB.Min);
Vector3I max = grid.LocalToGridInteger(triBB.Max);
Vector3I pos = min - Vector3I.One;
Vector3I max2 = max + Vector3I.One;
for (var it = new Vector3I_RangeIterator(ref pos, ref max2); it.IsValid(); it.GetNext(out pos))
if (grid.GetCubeBlock(pos) != null)
Vector3 largeMin = (pos - Vector3.One) * grid.GridSize;
Vector3 largeMax = (pos + Vector3.One) * grid.GridSize;
Vector3 smallMin = (pos - Vector3.Half) * grid.GridSize;
Vector3 smallMax = (pos + Vector3.Half) * grid.GridSize;
BoundingBoxD largeBb = new BoundingBoxD(largeMin, largeMax);
BoundingBoxD bb = new BoundingBoxD(smallMin, smallMax);
largeBb.Include(largeMin + gLocal);
largeBb.Include(largeMax + gLocal);
bb.Include(smallMin + gLocal);
bb.Include(smallMax + gLocal);
ProfilerShort.Begin("Triangle intersection tests");
if (largeBb.IntersectsTriangle(ref aLocal, ref bLocal, ref cLocal))
if (bb.IntersectsTriangle(ref aLocal, ref bLocal, ref cLocal))
intersecting = true;
int dx = Math.Min(Math.Abs(min.X - pos.X), Math.Abs(max.X - pos.X));
int dy = Math.Min(Math.Abs(min.Y - pos.Y), Math.Abs(max.Y - pos.Y));
int dz = Math.Min(Math.Abs(min.Z - pos.Z), Math.Abs(max.Z - pos.Z));
if ((dx + dy + dz) < 3)
m_tmpLinkCandidates.Add(new MyGridPathfinding.CubeId() { Grid = grid, Coords = pos });
if (intersecting) break;
if (!intersecting)
for (int i = 0; i < m_tmpLinkCandidates.Count; ++i)
示例6: GetSafeBoundingBoxForPlayers
private static void GetSafeBoundingBoxForPlayers(Vector3D start, double spawnDistance, out BoundingBoxD output)
double tolerance = 10.0f;
BoundingSphereD sphere = new BoundingSphereD(start, tolerance);
var players = MySession.Static.Players.GetOnlinePlayers();
bool tryIncludeOtherPlayers = true;
// We have to try adding other players until the bounding sphere stays the same
while (tryIncludeOtherPlayers)
tryIncludeOtherPlayers = false;
foreach (var player in players)
Vector3D playerPosition = player.GetPosition();
double distanceFromSphere = (sphere.Center - playerPosition).Length() - sphere.Radius;
if (distanceFromSphere <= 0.0) continue;
if (distanceFromSphere > spawnDistance * 2.0f) continue;
sphere.Include(new BoundingSphereD(playerPosition, tolerance));
tryIncludeOtherPlayers = true;
sphere.Radius += spawnDistance;
output = new BoundingBoxD(sphere.Center - new Vector3D(sphere.Radius), sphere.Center + new Vector3D(sphere.Radius));
var entities = MyEntities.GetEntitiesInAABB(ref output);
foreach (var entity in entities)
if (entity is MyCubeGrid)
var cubeGrid = entity as MyCubeGrid;
if (cubeGrid.IsStatic)
Vector3D gridPosition = cubeGrid.PositionComp.GetPosition();
// If grid is close to picked player we need to include it's "safe" bounding box for spawning ships,
// so cargo ships don't spawn near it.
output.Include(new BoundingBoxD(new Vector3D(gridPosition - spawnDistance), new Vector3D(gridPosition + spawnDistance)));
示例7: UpdateRenderObject
protected void UpdateRenderObject()
m_actualWorldAABB = BoundingBoxD.CreateInvalid();
if (AnimationController.CharacterBones != null)
for (int i = 1; i < Model.Bones.Length; i++)
Vector3D p1 = Vector3D.Transform(AnimationController.CharacterBones[i].Parent.AbsoluteTransform.Translation, WorldMatrix);
Vector3D p2 = Vector3D.Transform(AnimationController.CharacterBones[i].AbsoluteTransform.Translation, WorldMatrix);
m_actualWorldAABB.Include(ref p1);
m_actualWorldAABB.Include(ref p2);
ContainmentType containmentType;
m_aabb.Contains(ref m_actualWorldAABB, out containmentType);
if (containmentType != ContainmentType.Contains)
MatrixD worldMatrix = WorldMatrix;
VRageRender.MyRenderProxy.UpdateRenderObject(Render.RenderObjectIDs[0], ref worldMatrix, false, m_actualWorldAABB);
m_aabb = m_actualWorldAABB;
示例8: CalculateAABB
private static void CalculateAABB(ref BoundingBoxD bbox, out float scaleZ, out float scaleXY, ref Vector3D position, ref Vector3D direction, ref Vector3D up, float reflectorConeMaxAngleCos, float reflectorRange)
scaleZ = 1;
scaleXY = 1;
float cosAngle = 1 - reflectorConeMaxAngleCos;
scaleZ = reflectorRange;
// Calculate cone side (hypotenuse of triangle)
float side = reflectorRange / cosAngle;
// Calculate cone bottom scale (Pythagoras theorem)
scaleXY = (float)System.Math.Sqrt(side * side - reflectorRange * reflectorRange) * 2;
if (scaleXY == 0)
scaleXY = 1;
up = MyUtils.Normalize(up);
Vector3 coneSideDirection = Vector3.Cross(up, direction);
coneSideDirection = MyUtils.Normalize(coneSideDirection);
Vector3D coneCenter = position + direction * scaleZ;
Vector3D pt1 = coneCenter + coneSideDirection * scaleXY / 2 + up * scaleXY / 2;
Vector3D pt2 = coneCenter - coneSideDirection * scaleXY / 2 + up * scaleXY / 2;
Vector3D pt3 = coneCenter + coneSideDirection * scaleXY / 2 - up * scaleXY / 2;
Vector3D pt4 = coneCenter - coneSideDirection * scaleXY / 2 - up * scaleXY / 2;
bbox = BoundingBoxD.CreateInvalid();
bbox = bbox.Include(ref position);
//bbox = bbox.Include(ref coneCenter);
bbox = bbox.Include(ref pt1);
bbox = bbox.Include(ref pt2);
bbox = bbox.Include(ref pt3);
bbox = bbox.Include(ref pt4);
示例9: Update
public bool Update()
if (!Enabled)
return AutoDelete; //efect is not enabled at all and must be deleted
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(WorldMatrix != MatrixD.Zero, "Effect world matrix was not set!");
if (!m_isPreloading && !m_wasPreloaded && m_preload > 0)
m_isPreloading = true;
// TODO: Optimize (preload causes lags, depending on preload size, it's from 0 ms to 85 ms)
while (m_elapsedTime < m_preload)
m_isPreloading = false;
m_wasPreloaded = true;
if (!m_isPreloading && IsInFrustum)
m_elapsedTime += MyEngineConstants.UPDATE_STEP_SIZE_IN_SECONDS;
//m_distance = MySector.MainCamera.GetDistanceWithFOV(WorldMatrix.Translation) / (100.0f); //precalculate for LODs
m_distance = (float)Vector3D.Distance(MyTransparentGeometry.Camera.Translation, WorldMatrix.Translation) / (100.0f); //precalculate for LODs
m_particlesCount = 0;
m_birthRate = 0;
m_AABB = BoundingBoxD.CreateInvalid();
//if (CalculateDeltaMatrix)
//DeltaMatrix = Matrix.Invert(m_lastWorldMatrix) * m_worldMatrix;
if (Velocity != Vector3.Zero)
var position = m_worldMatrix.Translation;
position.X += Velocity.X * MyEngineConstants.UPDATE_STEP_SIZE_IN_SECONDS;
position.Y += Velocity.Y * MyEngineConstants.UPDATE_STEP_SIZE_IN_SECONDS;
position.Z += Velocity.Z * MyEngineConstants.UPDATE_STEP_SIZE_IN_SECONDS;
m_worldMatrix = MatrixD.CreateWorld(position, Vector3D.Normalize(Velocity), m_worldMatrix.Up);
//if (RenderCounter == 0 || ((MyRender.RenderCounter - RenderCounter) < FRAMES_TO_SKIP)) //more than FRAMES_TO_SKIP frames consider effect as invisible
foreach (MyParticleGeneration generation in m_generations)
generation.EffectMatrix = WorldMatrix;
m_particlesCount += generation.GetParticlesCount();
m_birthRate += generation.GetBirthRate();
BoundingBoxD bbox = generation.GetAABB();
m_AABB = m_AABB.Include(ref bbox);
if (m_particlesCount > 0)
m_hasShownSomething = true;
IsInFrustum = true; // MySector.MainCamera.IsInFrustum(ref m_AABB);
m_lastWorldMatrix = m_worldMatrix;
if (((m_particlesCount == 0 && HasShownSomething())
|| (m_particlesCount == 0 && m_birthRate == 0.0f))
&& AutoDelete && !m_isPreloading)
{ //Effect was played and has to be deleted
return true;
if (!m_isPreloading && OnUpdate != null)
OnUpdate(this, null);
return false;
示例10: CalcBox
private void CalcBox()
m_boundingBox = new BoundingBoxD();
m_calculatedBox = true;
示例11: Update
public bool Update()
if (!Enabled)
return AutoDelete; //efect is not enabled at all and must be deleted
if (WorldMatrix == MatrixD.Zero)
return true;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(WorldMatrix != MatrixD.Zero, "Effect world matrix was not set!");
if (!m_isPreloading && !m_wasPreloaded && m_preload > 0)
m_isPreloading = true;
// TODO: Optimize (preload causes lags, depending on preload size, it's from 0 ms to 85 ms)
while (m_elapsedTime < m_preload)
m_isPreloading = false;
m_wasPreloaded = true;
if (MyParticlesManager.CalculateGravityInPoint != null && m_updateCounter == 0)
Gravity = MyParticlesManager.CalculateGravityInPoint(WorldMatrix.Translation);
if (m_updateCounter > GRAVITY_UPDATE_DELAY)
m_updateCounter = 0;
if (!m_isPreloading)
m_elapsedTime += VRage.Game.MyEngineConstants.UPDATE_STEP_SIZE_IN_SECONDS;
//m_distance = MySector.MainCamera.GetDistanceWithFOV(WorldMatrix.Translation) / (100.0f); //precalculate for LODs
m_distance = (float)Vector3D.Distance(MyTransparentGeometry.Camera.Translation, WorldMatrix.Translation) / (100.0f); //precalculate for LODs
m_particlesCount = 0;
m_birthRate = 0;
m_AABB = BoundingBoxD.CreateInvalid();
if (Velocity != Vector3.Zero)
var position = m_worldMatrix.Translation;
position.X += Velocity.X * VRage.Game.MyEngineConstants.UPDATE_STEP_SIZE_IN_SECONDS;
position.Y += Velocity.Y * VRage.Game.MyEngineConstants.UPDATE_STEP_SIZE_IN_SECONDS;
position.Z += Velocity.Z * VRage.Game.MyEngineConstants.UPDATE_STEP_SIZE_IN_SECONDS;
m_worldMatrix = MatrixD.CreateWorld(position, Vector3D.Normalize(Velocity), m_worldMatrix.Up);
foreach (MyParticleGeneration generation in m_generations)
generation.EffectMatrix = WorldMatrix;
m_particlesCount += generation.GetParticlesCount();
m_birthRate += generation.GetBirthRate();
BoundingBoxD bbox = generation.GetAABB();
m_AABB = m_AABB.Include(ref bbox);
if (m_particlesCount > 0)
m_hasShownSomething = true;
foreach (var particleLight in m_particleLights)
m_lastWorldMatrix = m_worldMatrix;
if (((m_particlesCount == 0 && HasShownSomething())
|| (m_particlesCount == 0 && m_birthRate == 0.0f))
&& AutoDelete && !m_isPreloading)
{ //Effect was played and has to be deleted
return true;
if (!m_isPreloading && OnUpdate != null)
OnUpdate(this, null);
return false;