本文整理汇总了C#中BodyPart.PasteShapeSizeToOpposite方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# BodyPart.PasteShapeSizeToOpposite方法的具体用法?C# BodyPart.PasteShapeSizeToOpposite怎么用?C# BodyPart.PasteShapeSizeToOpposite使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类BodyPart
示例1: DrawShapeHandle
* Draw a collider gizmo for a specified part
* */
public static void DrawShapeHandle(BodyPart part, bool drawOpposite)
// early out if the part is null or the part has no shape
if (part==null || part.shapeType==ShapeType.None || !part.isCollider) return;
// store the current color
Color oldColor = Handles.color;
// set undo snapshot
BodyPart[] parts = new BodyPart[1];
if(isSymmetrical && part.oppositePart!=null)
parts = new BodyPart[2];
parts[1] = part.oppositePart;
parts[1].oppositePart = part; // BUG: No idea why I need to do this
parts[0] = part;
Undo.SetSnapshotTarget(parts, string.Format("Change Shape"));
// create shape handles
if (isShapeHandleEnabled)
// use radius if shape is capsule or sphere
float radius = 0f;
// compute the size to draw the shape handle based on the part's scale
Vector3 shapeHandleSize = GetShapeHandleSize(part);
// draw the correct handle based on shapeType
switch (part.shapeType)
case ShapeType.Box:
// create handles
ShapeHandles.WireBox(ref shapeHandleSize, part.bone.TransformPoint(part.shapeCenter), part.bone.rotation,"");
// apply the result
DoShapeSizeThresholdTest(part, shapeHandleSize);
// handle symmetry
if (parts.Length>1)
if (drawOpposite)
// get the opposite part's dimensions in case its local scale is different
shapeHandleSize = GetShapeHandleSize(parts[1]);
// ghost the opposite part
CustomHandleUtilities.SetHandleColor(oldColor, symmetryAlpha);
ShapeHandles.WireBox(ref shapeHandleSize, parts[1].bone.TransformPoint(parts[1].shapeCenter), parts[1].bone.rotation,"");
// apply the result
DoShapeSizeThresholdTest(parts[1], shapeHandleSize);
case ShapeType.Capsule:
// get handle properties
float height = 0f;
Quaternion capsuleOrientation = Quaternion.identity;
GetCapsuleProperties(part, ref height, ref radius, ref capsuleOrientation);
// draw handle
ShapeHandles.WireCapsule(ref radius, ref height, part.bone.TransformPoint(part.shapeCenter), part.bone.rotation*part.shapeRotation*capsuleOrientation, "");
// apply result
DoShapeSizeThresholdTest(part, CapsuleToSize(part, height, radius));
// handle symmetry
if (parts.Length>1)
if (drawOpposite)
// get the opposite part's dimensions in case its local scale is different
GetCapsuleProperties(parts[1], ref height, ref radius, ref capsuleOrientation);
// ghost the opposite part
CustomHandleUtilities.SetHandleColor(oldColor, symmetryAlpha);
ShapeHandles.WireCapsule(ref radius, ref height, parts[1].bone.TransformPoint(parts[1].shapeCenter), parts[1].bone.rotation*parts[1].shapeRotation*capsuleOrientation, "");
// apply the result
DoShapeSizeThresholdTest(parts[1], CapsuleToSize(parts[1], height, radius));
case ShapeType.Sphere:
// create a simple radius handle
float oldRadius = Mathf.Max(
radius = Handles.RadiusHandle(part.bone.rotation*part.shapeRotation, part.bone.TransformPoint(part.shapeCenter), oldRadius);
if (Mathf.Abs(radius-oldRadius)>changeThreshold)