本文整理汇总了C#中BlockType类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# BlockType类的具体用法?C# BlockType怎么用?C# BlockType使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: MatchResult
public MatchResult(Pattern pattern, int x, int y, BlockType type)
this.pattern = pattern;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.type = type;
示例2: ReadBlock
public static void ReadBlock(Stream stream, out BlockType blockType, out byte[] data)
blockType = (BlockType)stream.ReadByte();
var sizeBuffer = stream.ReadBytes(2);
var size = (ushort)(sizeBuffer[0] | sizeBuffer[1] << 8);
data = stream.ReadBytes(size - 2);
示例3: CanPlaceBlock
public bool CanPlaceBlock(BlockType type, int[] chunkCoord, int[] blockCoord)
// Check first to see if we are attempting one of the overlap blocks that techinically "belongs" to the next chunk over
bool changed = false;
if (blockCoord[0] == Settings.CHUNK_SIZE) // x is actually in the next chunk
blockCoord[0] = 0;
changed = true;
if (blockCoord[1] == Settings.CHUNK_SIZE)
blockCoord[1] = 0;
changed = true;
if (blockCoord[2] == Settings.CHUNK_SIZE)
blockCoord[2] = 0;
changed = true;
if (changed)
return CanPlaceBlock(type, chunkCoord, blockCoord);
Chunk c;
if (!allChunks.TryGetValue(Util.CoordsToString(chunkCoord), out c))
return false; // No chunk found
return true;
示例4: ExportJson
public void ExportJson()
var blockType = new BlockType { Name = "Foo" };
var result = blockType.ToJson();
const string key = "\"Name\": \"Foo\"";
Assert.NotEqual( result.IndexOf( key ), -1 );
示例5: GraphSearch
/// <summary>
/// Give the start position of the agent and a goal, provide the Maze and a container to handle the pathfinding. can give different containers implementing IContainer interface
/// to have different search results
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pos">Start position</param>
/// <param name="GoalNode">Goal position</param>
/// <param name="Grid">The Maze Grid</param>
/// <param name="frontier">Container to use (i.e. Stack, Queue, PriorityQueue)</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public List<BlockPosition> GraphSearch(Node pos, Node GoalNode, BlockType[,] Grid, datastructures.IContainer<Node> frontier)
List<Node> explored = new List<Node>();
while (!frontier.isEmpty())
Node currentNode = frontier.Pop();
if (isGoalState(currentNode, GoalNode)) //path found, return
return currentNode.Path();
else //still searching..
foreach (Node n in getSuccesors(currentNode, Grid, PathFindSuccessor))
if (!explored.Contains(n))
return null; //there are no more nodes, and the goal hasn't been reached. return null
示例6: BlockInfo
public BlockInfo(Vector2i position, BlockType type, float height, Vector3 normal)
Position = position;
Type = type;
Height = height;
Normal = normal;
示例7: SelectDirtBlock
void SelectDirtBlock()
_selectedBlockType = BlockType.Dirt;
示例8: convert
// * Convert a block to a different type of block as a copy.
// *
// * @date 12.06.2011 23:33:50
// * @author Christian Scheiblich
// * @param blockType
// * the type of block to convert to
// * @param block
// * the pattern block keeping memory or not
// * @return a new block object as a copy for the the requested type
// * @throws BlockException
// * if off sets or sizes are negative or out of bound
public static Block convert(BlockType blockType, Block block)
Block newBlock = null;
newBlock = create(blockType, block.getOffSetRow(), block.getOffSetCol(), block.getNoOfRows(), block.getNoOfCols());
double[][] matrix = block.get();
for(int i = 0; i < block.getNoOfRows(); i++)
for(int j = 0; j < block.getNoOfCols(); j++)
double val = matrix[i][j];
if(val != 0.0)
newBlock.set(i, j, val);
} // for
} // for
} // if
return newBlock;
示例9: readBlock
private Blox readBlock(BlockType type, string szName)
Blox blox = new Blox(szName, type);
UseType useType;
foreach (XmlNode node in m_xmlDocBlox.ChildNodes[1].ChildNodes) {
if (node.Name == "indicator") {
} else if(node.Name != "script"){
switch(node.Name) {
case "instrument_global":
useType = UseType.InstrumentGlobal;
case "block_global":
useType = UseType.BlockGlobal;
case "parameter":
useType = UseType.Parameter;
if (node.Name != "#comment") {
if (log.IsWarnEnabled) log.Warn("Variable Type not recognized. Skipping! (" + node.Name + ")");
blox.addVar(BloxReader.CreateVar(node, useType));
return blox;
示例10: GetCost
public static uint GetCost(BlockType blockType)
switch (blockType)
case BlockType.BankRed:
case BlockType.BankBlue:
case BlockType.BeaconRed:
case BlockType.BeaconBlue:
return 50;
case BlockType.SolidRed:
case BlockType.SolidBlue:
return 10;
case BlockType.TransRed:
case BlockType.TransBlue:
return 25;
case BlockType.Road:
return 10;
case BlockType.Jump:
return 25;
case BlockType.Ladder:
return 25;
case BlockType.Shock:
return 50;
case BlockType.Explosive:
return 100;
return 1000;
示例11: create
public static Block create(BlockType blockType, int offSetRow, int offSetCol, int noOfRows, int noOfCols)
Block block = null;
case BlockType.Dummy :
block = new BlockDummy(offSetRow, offSetCol, noOfRows, noOfCols);
case BlockType.Full :
block = new BlockFull(offSetRow, offSetCol, noOfRows, noOfCols);
case BlockType.Index :
block = new BlockIndex(offSetRow, offSetCol, noOfRows, noOfCols);
default :
throw new BlockError("BlockBuilder#create -- given BlockType is not defined");
} // switch
return block;
示例12: ChangeCurrentBlock
private void ChangeCurrentBlock(BlockType blk)
m_enumCurrentBlock = blk;
switch (blk)
case BlockType.Blank:
this.空白ToolStripMenuItem.CheckState = CheckState.Checked;
this.机器人ToolStripMenuItem.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked;
this.墙ToolStripMenuItem.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked;
this.终止点ToolStripMenuItem.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked;
case BlockType.Wall:
this.空白ToolStripMenuItem.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked;
this.机器人ToolStripMenuItem.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked;
this.墙ToolStripMenuItem.CheckState = CheckState.Checked;
this.终止点ToolStripMenuItem.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked;
case BlockType.Robot:
this.空白ToolStripMenuItem.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked;
this.机器人ToolStripMenuItem.CheckState = CheckState.Checked;
this.墙ToolStripMenuItem.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked;
this.终止点ToolStripMenuItem.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked;
case BlockType.Goal:
this.空白ToolStripMenuItem.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked;
this.机器人ToolStripMenuItem.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked;
this.墙ToolStripMenuItem.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked;
this.终止点ToolStripMenuItem.CheckState = CheckState.Checked;
示例13: addFace
public void addFace(FACE face, int x, int y, int z, BlockType type)
//get the template vertices needed to draw this face
Vector3[] vertices = BlockTemplate.vertices[(int)face];
//get the uv mapping for this block/face combination
Vector2[] uv = BlockTypes.getUV(type, face);
//Vector2[] uv = BlockTemplate.uv;
//store the original vertex index
int origin = _vertices.Count;
for (int i=0;i<vertices.Length; i++)
Vector3 vertex = Vector3.Scale(vertices[i] + new Vector3(x,y,z), Block.SIZE);
//translate and scale the vertex to the position of this block
//get a template face
int[] triangles = BlockTemplate.face;
for (int i=0; i<triangles.Length; i++)
//translate this index to point to the vertices we just added
_triangles.Add(origin + triangles[i]);
示例14: HandleTileEdit
public override bool HandleTileEdit(TSPlayer player, TileEditType editType, BlockType blockType, DPoint location, int objectStyle)
if (this.IsDisposed)
return false;
if (base.HandleTileEdit(player, editType, blockType, location, objectStyle))
return true;
if (editType == TileEditType.PlaceTile)
return this.HandleTilePlace(player, blockType, location, objectStyle);
if (editType == TileEditType.TileKill || editType == TileEditType.TileKillNoItem)
return this.HandleTileDestruction(player, location);
if (editType == TileEditType.PlaceWire || editType == TileEditType.PlaceWireBlue || editType == TileEditType.PlaceWireGreen)
return this.HandleWirePlace(player, location);
#if DEBUG || Testrun
if (editType == TileEditType.DestroyWire) {
player.SendMessage(location.ToString(), Color.Aqua);
if (!TerrariaUtils.Tiles[location].active())
return false;
ObjectMeasureData measureData = TerrariaUtils.Tiles.MeasureObject(location);
"X: {0}, Y: {1}, FrameX: {2}, FrameY: {3}, Origin X: {4}, Origin Y: {5}, Active State: {6}",
location.X, location.Y, TerrariaUtils.Tiles[location].frameX, TerrariaUtils.Tiles[location].frameY,
measureData.OriginTileLocation.X, measureData.OriginTileLocation.Y,
return false;
示例15: ApplyScaleAndCritical
static string ApplyScaleAndCritical(string pattern, Stat stat, BlockType type, float effectFactor, int criticalBuffId)
float ciriticalFactor = 0;
if (stat != null)
if (type == BlockType.Attack1 || type == BlockType.Attack2)
bool isCritical = RandomTool.IsIn(stat.Get(HeroStatType.criticalHitChance));
if (isCritical)
int parenOpen;
int parenclose;
SearchParenIndexs(pattern, "PhysicalAttack", out parenOpen, out parenclose);
pattern = pattern.Insert(parenclose, "; param=critical");
if (criticalBuffId > 0)
pattern = string.Format("Sequence({0}; Action(Contact; Buff; {1}) )", pattern, criticalBuffId);
ciriticalFactor = stat.Get(HeroStatType.criticalHitDamageFactor);
return string.Format(pattern, 1 + effectFactor + ciriticalFactor);