本文整理汇总了C#中ArrayList.Contains方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# ArrayList.Contains方法的具体用法?C# ArrayList.Contains怎么用?C# ArrayList.Contains使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类ArrayList
示例1: addIntoListBySingleComplexCandy
void addIntoListBySingleComplexCandy(GameObject target,ArrayList _arr,ArrayList _arr2)
if (target && _arr != null) {
Candy candy = target.GetComponent<Candy>();
int type1 = candy.type;
int count = type1/100;
int dir = (type1 - count*100)/10;
if(count == 4)
if(dir == 1)
for(int j = 0 ; j < mapLine ; j++)
GameObject t = getCandyAt(candy.row,j);
if(t && !_arr.Contains(t) && !_arr2.Contains(t))
for(int i = 0 ; i < mapRow ; i++)
GameObject t = getCandyAt(i,candy.line);
if(t && !_arr.Contains(t) && !_arr2.Contains(t))
//单5 t
if(count == 5)
for(int i = candy.row - 1 ;i <= candy.row + 1; i++)
for(int j = candy.line - 1; j <= candy.line + 1 ;j++)
GameObject t = getCandyAt(i,j);
if(t && !_arr.Contains(t) && !_arr2.Contains(t))
示例2: SpawnLayer
void SpawnLayer(int layer, ArrayList spots, bool destroyLastLayer)
if (destroyLastLayer) {
foreach(Object o in lastLayer) {
else {
int counter = 0;
int i, j;
// Top left -> top right
j = layer;
for (i = -layer; i < layer; i++) {
if (spots.Contains(counter)) {
lastLayer.Add(Instantiate (Atom, transform.position + new Vector3(i, j, 1), transform.rotation));
// Top right -> bottom right
i = layer;
for (j = layer; j > -layer; j--) {
if (spots.Contains(counter)) {
lastLayer.Add(Instantiate (Atom, transform.position + new Vector3(i, j, 1), transform.rotation));
// bottom right -> bottom left
j = -layer;
for (i = layer; i > -layer; i--) {
if (spots.Contains(counter)) {
lastLayer.Add(Instantiate (Atom, transform.position + new Vector3(i, j, 1), transform.rotation));
// bottom left -> top right
i = -layer;
for (j = -layer; j < layer; j++) {
if (spots.Contains(counter)) {
lastLayer.Add(Instantiate (Atom, transform.position + new Vector3(i, j, 1), transform.rotation));
示例3: bttnChangePlayerProfile_Click
protected void bttnChangePlayerProfile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ISession session = (ISession)Context.Items[Constant.NHibernateSessionSign];
this.Hero.Biography = this.txtPersonalText.Text;
ArrayList lstExtension = new ArrayList();
if (this.fileAvatar.HasFile)
string filename = fileAvatar.FileName;
if (!lstExtension.Contains(Path.GetExtension(filename).ToLower()))
this.lblAvatarError.Text = "Sai định dạng file ảnh";
if (!Functions.UploadImage(fileAvatar.FileContent, Server.MapPath("~/data/images/heroes/") + this.Hero.ID.ToString() + ".jpg"))
this.lblAvatarError.Text = "Có lỗi khi upload ảnh. Vui lòng thử lại sau vài phút";
this.Hero.Avatar = true;
this.aDeleteAvatar.Visible = true;
示例4: OnTriggerEnter2D
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other)
if (other.CompareTag ("Paddle")) {
GameObject[] bricks = BrickController.GetBricks ();
ArrayList hitBricks = new ArrayList ();
if (bricks.Length <= destroyBlockCount) {
//Just break all the bricks if we only have as many bricks left as we should hit
hitBricks.AddRange (bricks);
} else {
//Select some random bricks.
for (int i = 0; i < destroyBlockCount; i++) {
while (hitBricks.Count < i + 1) {
int index = Random.Range (0, bricks.Length - 1);
GameObject b = bricks [index];
if (!hitBricks.Contains (b)) {
hitBricks.Add (b);
//Destroy some Bricks!
foreach (GameObject b in hitBricks) {
BrickController.HitBrick (b);
//Remove the carrot
Destroy (this.gameObject);
示例5: DetectOtherObjects
//we are only testing in one direction at a time
public static bool DetectOtherObjects(float[] dir, Transform startingFrom)
float[] localDir = new float[2] { dir[0], dir[1] }; //since we are passing by reference we need to make our own local
localDir[0] *= 0.9f; //scale the distance
localDir[1] *= 0.9f;
RaycastHit2D[] hits = Physics2D.LinecastAll(new Vector2(startingFrom.position.x + localDir[0], startingFrom.position.y + localDir[1]),
new Vector2(startingFrom.position.x + (localDir[0] * 1.1f), startingFrom.position.y + (localDir[1] * 1.1f)));
//Debug.DrawLine(new Vector3(startingFrom.position.x + localDir[0], startingFrom.position.y + localDir[1]),
// new Vector3(startingFrom.position.x + (localDir[0] * 1.1f), startingFrom.position.y + (localDir[1] * 1.1f)), Color.blue, 30.0f, false);
//blacklist pseudo-children, and other placement pieces
ArrayList blackList = new ArrayList();
for (int j = 0; j < hits.Length; j++)
if (hits[j].collider.GetComponent<PlacementBottom>() != null &&
hits[j].collider.GetComponent<PlacementBottom>().pseudoParent == startingFrom)
for (int j = 0; j < hits.Length; j++)
if (blackList.Contains(j)) continue; //skip pseudo-children and placement pieces
//okay, we found one, don't place here!
return true;
return false;
示例6: CalculatePoints
void CalculatePoints(bool isPhoto)
ArrayList targetHits = new ArrayList ();
foreach (RaycastHit hit in eyes.hits)
if (hit.transform && hit.transform.tag == "Girl" && !targetHits.Contains(hit.transform.gameObject.GetHashCode()))
targetAcquire = true;
int points = (int)(Mathf.Min(10, 20 * Mathf.Max(0f, 1 - hit.distance/eyes.fovMaxDistance)));
points *= 100;
GameState gs = GameManager.getInstance().getGameState();
if(gs == GameState.Stealth)
points *=2;
else if(gs == GameState.Detected)
points /=2;
示例7: findDetachedVoxels
public static ArrayList findDetachedVoxels(int [,,] mapData, int stopCode, IntVector3 point)
where i,j,k is a recently destroyed block, returns a list of IntVector3s of all blocks that should
be detached, as well as the size of the blob that would contain them.
ArrayList detachedVoxels = new ArrayList ();
allVisitedVoxels = new ArrayList ();
ArrayList seeds = MDView.getNeighbors (mapData, point);
for (int index=0; index<seeds.Count; index++) {
IntVector3 seedPoint = (IntVector3)seeds [index];
if (allVisitedVoxels.Contains (seedPoint)) {
seeds.Remove (seedPoint);
ArrayList newVoxels = getBlob (mapData, stopCode, seedPoint);
if (newVoxels.Count > 0) {
detachedVoxels.AddRange (newVoxels);
return detachedVoxels;
示例8: Start
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
// Get all waypoints and store transforms
GameObject[] temp = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Waypoint");
Transform[] children = new Transform[temp.Length];
// Sort the waypoints in ascending order
for(int i = 0; i < temp.Length; i++)
int number = int.Parse(temp[i].name.Substring(8));
children[number] = temp[i].transform;
indices = new ArrayList(); // Array of guard positions
guards = new ArrayList(); // Array of guards
// Place guards at waypoints without overlap
for(int i = 0; i < numberOfGuards; i++)
int index = Random.Range(1, 15); // Choose waypoint on outer circle
if(!indices.Contains(index) && index != 3 && index != 6 && index != 10 && index != 13)
// Instantiate guard and add index if no overlap
GameObject g = (GameObject)Instantiate(guard, children[index].position, Quaternion.identity);
g.GetComponent<Patroller>().position = index;
i--; // Decrement if ovelap
示例9: unique
public Hashtable unique(string elementValue, string elementID)
bool valid = true;
ArrayList listNames = new ArrayList();
if (elementValue.Trim() == string.Empty)
valid = false;
Regex objName = new Regex("^[ \t\r\n\v\f]*[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*[ \t\r\n\v\f]*$");
if (!objName.IsMatch(elementValue))
valid = false;
if (valid)
if (listNames.Contains(elementValue.Trim().ToLower()))
valid = false;
Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
ht.Add("elementID", elementID);
ht.Add("valid", valid);
return ht;
示例10: bttnChangeTribeInfo_Click
protected void bttnChangeTribeInfo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.tribe.Tag = this.txtTag.Text;
this.tribe.Name = this.txtName.Text;
this.tribe.Description = this.txtDescription.Content;
if (this.fileAvatar.HasFile)
ArrayList lstExtension = new ArrayList();
string filename = fileAvatar.FileName;
if (!lstExtension.Contains(Path.GetExtension(filename).ToLower()))
this.lblAvatarError.Text = "Định dạng file ảnh phải là jpg";
else if (!Functions.UploadImage(fileAvatar.FileContent, Server.MapPath("~/data/images/tribe/") + this.tribe.ID.ToString() + ".jpg"))
this.lblAvatarError.Text = "File không đúng định dạng. Vui lòng thử lại với ảnh khác";
this.tribe.Avatar = true;
ISession session = (ISession)Context.Items[Constant.NHibernateSessionSign];
Response.Redirect("tribe.aspx?id=" + this.village.ID.ToString(), true);
示例11: _TellTilesToFall
// Coroutine that tells tiles above recently destroyed Tiles to fall down into their place
IEnumerator _TellTilesToFall(ArrayList pointsToCheckForFall)
// Wait until the tile creation is done and no other tiles are falling
while (pushInProgress && fallInProgressInt == 0)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1.0f);
ArrayList visitedXPositions = new ArrayList();
foreach (Vector2 currentPosVector in pointsToCheckForFall)
// If we haven't visited this column yet (We don't want to ask blocks to fall twice)
if (!visitedXPositions.Contains(currentPosVector.x))
int currentXPos = (int)currentPosVector.x;
int currentYPos = (int)currentPosVector.y;
// Start at the currentYPos, and iterate upwards to all tiles in the array
for (int incrementalY = currentYPos; incrementalY < gridHeight; incrementalY++)
// Make sure testX and incrementalY are within the grid bounds
if ((currentXPos >= 0 && currentXPos <= gridWidth - 1) &&
(incrementalY >= 0 && incrementalY <= gridHeight - 1))
// Assuming tile still exists, tell it to fall
if (tileArray[currentXPos, incrementalY] != null)
tileArray[currentXPos, incrementalY].StartCoroutine(tileArray[currentXPos, incrementalY].Fall());
yield return null;
示例12: findClosestWaypoint
private Waypoints findClosestWaypoint()
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
Stack stack = new Stack();
Vector3 carPosition = car.transform.position;
float minDistance = float.MaxValue;
Waypoints found = null;
while(stack.Count > 0) {
Waypoints actual = (Waypoints)stack.Pop();
foreach(Waypoints w in actual.next) {
Vector3 waypointPosition = actual.transform.position;
float distance = Vector3.Distance(carPosition, waypointPosition);
if(distance < minDistance) {
minDistance = distance;
found = actual;
return found;
示例13: BindHotelList
public void BindHotelList()
MessageContent.InnerHtml = "";
_hotelfacilitiesEntity.LogMessages = new HotelVp.Common.Logger.LogMessage();
_hotelfacilitiesEntity.LogMessages.Userid = UserSession.Current.UserAccount;
_hotelfacilitiesEntity.LogMessages.Username = UserSession.Current.UserDspName;
_hotelfacilitiesEntity.LogMessages.IpAddress = UserSession.Current.UserIP;
_hotelfacilitiesEntity.HotelFacilitiesDBEntity = new List<HotelFacilitiesDBEntity>();
HotelFacilitiesDBEntity hotelFacilitiesDBEntity = new HotelFacilitiesDBEntity();
hotelFacilitiesDBEntity.HotelID = hidHotelID.Value;
DataSet dsResult = HotelFacilitiesBP.BindHotelList(_hotelfacilitiesEntity).QueryResult;
if (dsResult.Tables.Count == 0 || dsResult.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)
ArrayList chkList = new ArrayList();
foreach (DataRow drRow in dsResult.Tables[0].Rows)
for (int i = 0; i < dvChkList.Controls.Count; i++)
if (dvChkList.Controls[i].Controls.Count > 0)
CheckBoxList chbList = (CheckBoxList)dvChkList.Controls[i].Controls[0];
foreach (ListItem li in chbList.Items)
if (chkList.Contains(li.Value))
li.Selected = true;
//foreach (ListItem li in chkServiceList.Items)
// if (chkList.Contains(li.Value))
// {
// li.Selected = true;
// }
//foreach (ListItem li in chkFacilitiesList.Items)
// if (chkList.Contains(li.Value))
// {
// li.Selected = true;
// }
示例14: IsStringArrayEqual
// Just for string arrays.
public static bool IsStringArrayEqual(ArrayList a1, ArrayList a2)
if (a1.Count != a2.Count) return false;
foreach (string str in a1) {
if (!a2.Contains(str)) return false;
return true;
示例15: GetIntersection
public static ArrayList GetIntersection(ArrayList src, ArrayList dst)
ArrayList intersectedlist = new ArrayList();
foreach (object s in src) {
if (dst.Contains(s)) intersectedlist.Add(s);
return intersectedlist;