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C# Timer类代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中System.Threading.Timer的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Timer类的具体用法?C# Timer怎么用?C# Timer使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: Main

using System;
using System.Threading;

class TimerExample
    static void Main()
        // Create an AutoResetEvent to signal the timeout threshold in the
        // timer callback has been reached.
        var autoEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
        var statusChecker = new StatusChecker(10);

        // Create a timer that invokes CheckStatus after one second, 
        // and every 1/4 second thereafter.
        Console.WriteLine("{0:h:mm:ss.fff} Creating timer.\n", 
        var stateTimer = new Timer(statusChecker.CheckStatus, 
                                   autoEvent, 1000, 250);

        // When autoEvent signals, change the period to every half second.
        stateTimer.Change(0, 500);
        Console.WriteLine("\nChanging period to .5 seconds.\n");

        // When autoEvent signals the second time, dispose of the timer.
        Console.WriteLine("\nDestroying timer.");

class StatusChecker
    private int invokeCount;
    private int  maxCount;

    public StatusChecker(int count)
        invokeCount  = 0;
        maxCount = count;

    // This method is called by the timer delegate.
    public void CheckStatus(Object stateInfo)
        AutoResetEvent autoEvent = (AutoResetEvent)stateInfo;
        Console.WriteLine("{0} Checking status {1,2}.", 

        if(invokeCount == maxCount)
            // Reset the counter and signal the waiting thread.
            invokeCount = 0;


11:59:54.202 Creating timer.

11:59:55.217 Checking status  1.
11:59:55.466 Checking status  2.
11:59:55.716 Checking status  3.
11:59:55.968 Checking status  4.
11:59:56.218 Checking status  5.
11:59:56.470 Checking status  6.
11:59:56.722 Checking status  7.
11:59:56.972 Checking status  8.
11:59:57.223 Checking status  9.
11:59:57.473 Checking status 10.

Changing period to .5 seconds.

11:59:57.474 Checking status  1.
11:59:57.976 Checking status  2.
11:59:58.476 Checking status  3.
11:59:58.977 Checking status  4.
11:59:59.477 Checking status  5.
11:59:59.977 Checking status  6.
12:00:00.478 Checking status  7.
12:00:00.980 Checking status  8.
12:00:01.481 Checking status  9.
12:00:01.981 Checking status 10.

Destroying timer.
