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C++ Iterator::first方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中yaml::Iterator::first方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ Iterator::first方法的具体用法?C++ Iterator::first怎么用?C++ Iterator::first使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在yaml::Iterator的用法示例。


示例1: ReadFn

Program::Program(const YAML::Node& fns) {
  for (YAML::Iterator it = fns.begin(); it != fns.end(); ++it) {
    std::string name;
    it.first() >> name;
    ReadFn(name, it.second());

示例2: load

 * Loads a ruleset's contents from a YAML file.
 * @param filename YAML filename.
void Ruleset::load(const std::string &filename)
	std::string s = Options::getDataFolder() + "Ruleset/" + filename + ".rul";
	std::ifstream fin(s.c_str());
	if (!fin)
		throw Exception("Failed to load ruleset");
    YAML::Parser parser(fin);
	YAML::Node doc;

	for (YAML::Iterator i = doc.begin(); i != doc.end(); ++i)
		std::string key;
		i.first() >> key;
		if (key == "countries")
			for (YAML::Iterator j = i.second().begin(); j != i.second().end(); ++j)
				std::string type;
				j.second()["type"] >> type;
				RuleCountry *rule;
				if (_countries.find(type) != _countries.end())
					rule = _countries[type];
					rule = new RuleCountry(type);
					_countries[type] = rule;
		else if (key == "regions")
			for (YAML::Iterator j = i.second().begin(); j != i.second().end(); ++j)
				std::string type;
				j.second()["type"] >> type;
				RuleRegion *rule;
				if (_regions.find(type) != _regions.end())
					rule = _regions[type];
					rule = new RuleRegion(type);
					_regions[type] = rule;
		else if (key == "facilities")

示例3: load

void ExtraStrings::load(const YAML::Node &node)
	for (YAML::Iterator i = node.begin(); i != node.end(); ++i)
		std::string key;
		i.first() >> key;
		if (key == "strings")
			for (YAML::Iterator j = i.second().begin(); j != i.second().end(); ++j)
				std::string index;
				j.first() >> index;
				std::string translation;
				j.second() >> translation;
				_strings[index] = translation;

示例4: load

void ExtraSprites::load(const YAML::Node &node)
	for (YAML::Iterator i = node.begin(); i != node.end(); ++i)
		std::string key;
		i.first() >> key;
		if (key == "width")
			i.second() >> _width;
		else if (key == "height")

示例5: load

 * Add the weighted options from a YAML::Node to a WeightedOptions.
 * The weight option list is not replaced, only values in @a nd will be added /
 * changed.
 * @param nd The YAML node (containing a map) with the new values.
 * @param wo The list to change.
void WeightedOptions::load(const YAML::Node &nd)
	for (YAML::Iterator val = nd.begin(); val != nd.end(); ++val)
		std::string id;
		unsigned w;
		val.first() >> id;
		val.second() >> w;
		set(id, w);

示例6: parseConfigMapFromYamlNode

 static ConfigMap parseConfigMapFromYamlNode(const YAML::Node &n) {
   ConfigMap configMap;
   for(YAML::Iterator it = n.begin(); it != n.end(); ++it) {
     if(it.second().Type() == YAML::NodeType::Scalar) {
     } else if(it.second().Type() == YAML::NodeType::Sequence) {
       configMap[it.first().to<std::string>()] = parseConfigVectorFromYamlNode(it.second());
     } else if(it.second().Type() == YAML::NodeType::Map) {
       ConfigItem item;
       item.children = parseConfigMapFromYamlNode(it.second());
     } else if(it.second().Type() == YAML::NodeType::Null) {
     } else {
       fprintf(stderr, "Unknown YAML::NodeType: %d\n", it.second().Type());
   return configMap;

示例7: load

 * Loads the extra sound set from yaml.
 * @param node YAML node.
 * @param modIndex the internal index of the associated mod.
void ExtraSounds::load(const YAML::Node &node, int modIndex)
	for (YAML::Iterator i = node.begin(); i != node.end(); ++i)
		std::string key;
		i.first() >> key;
		if (key == "files")
			for (YAML::Iterator j = i.second().begin(); j != i.second().end(); ++j)
				int index;
				j.first() >> index;
				std::string filename;
				j.second() >> filename;
				_sounds[index] = filename;
	_modIndex = modIndex;

示例8: load

 * Loads the inventory from a YAML file.
 * @param node YAML node.
void RuleInventory::load(const YAML::Node &node)
	int a = 0;
	for (YAML::Iterator i = node.begin(); i != node.end(); ++i)
		std::string key;
		i.first() >> key;
		if (key == "id")
			i.second() >> _id;
		else if (key == "x")

示例9: load

	 * Loads the article definition from a YAML file.
	 * @param node YAML node.
	void ArticleDefinition::load(const YAML::Node &node)
		int a = 0;
		for (YAML::Iterator i = node.begin(); i != node.end(); ++i)
			std::string key;
			i.first() >> key;
			if (key == "id")
				i.second() >> id;
				i.second() >> title;
			else if (key == "type_id")

示例10: load

 * Loads the unit from a YAML file.
 * @param node YAML node.
void Unit::load(const YAML::Node &node)
	int a = 0;

	for (YAML::Iterator i = node.begin(); i != node.end(); ++i)
		std::string key;
		i.first() >> key;
		if (key == "type")
			i.second() >> _type;
		else if (key == "race")

示例11: parser

void PointMatcher<T>::ICPChainBase::loadFromYaml(std::istream& in)
	YAML::Parser parser(in);
	YAML::Node doc;
	typedef set<string> StringSet;
	StringSet usedModuleTypes;
	// Fix for issue #6: compilation on gcc 4.4.4
	//PointMatcher<T> pm;
	const PointMatcher & pm = PointMatcher::get();

		// NOTE: The logger needs to be initialize first to allow ouput from other contructors
		boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(loggerMutex);
		usedModuleTypes.insert(createModuleFromRegistrar("logger", doc, pm.REG(Logger), logger));
	usedModuleTypes.insert(createModulesFromRegistrar("readingDataPointsFilters", doc, pm.REG(DataPointsFilter), readingDataPointsFilters));
	usedModuleTypes.insert(createModulesFromRegistrar("readingStepDataPointsFilters", doc, pm.REG(DataPointsFilter), readingStepDataPointsFilters));
	usedModuleTypes.insert(createModulesFromRegistrar("referenceDataPointsFilters", doc, pm.REG(DataPointsFilter), referenceDataPointsFilters));
	//usedModuleTypes.insert(createModulesFromRegistrar("transformations", doc, pm.REG(Transformation), transformations));
	//usedModuleTypes.insert(createModuleFromRegistrar("matcher", doc, pm.REG(Matcher), matcher)); // don't destroy the already created tree
	usedModuleTypes.insert(createModulesFromRegistrar("outlierFilters", doc, pm.REG(OutlierFilter), outlierFilters));
	usedModuleTypes.insert(createModuleFromRegistrar("errorMinimizer", doc, pm.REG(ErrorMinimizer), errorMinimizer));

	// See if to use a rigid transformation
	if (nodeVal("errorMinimizer", doc) != "PointToPointSimilarityErrorMinimizer")
		this->transformations.push_back(new typename TransformationsImpl<T>::RigidTransformation());
		this->transformations.push_back(new typename TransformationsImpl<T>::SimilarityTransformation());
	usedModuleTypes.insert(createModulesFromRegistrar("transformationCheckers", doc, pm.REG(TransformationChecker), transformationCheckers));
	usedModuleTypes.insert(createModuleFromRegistrar("inspector", doc, pm.REG(Inspector),inspector));
	// FIXME: this line cause segfault when there is an error in the yaml file...
	// check YAML entries that do not correspend to any module
	for(YAML::Iterator moduleTypeIt = doc.begin(); moduleTypeIt != doc.end(); ++moduleTypeIt)
		string moduleType;
		moduleTypeIt.first() >> moduleType;
		if (moduleType != "matcher" && usedModuleTypes.find(moduleType) == usedModuleTypes.end())
			throw InvalidModuleType(
				(boost::format("Module type %1% does not exist") % moduleType).str()

示例12: parse_binding_config

 * Parses the binding config YAML specification.
 * \param[in] node The YAML node containing the binding config specification.
 * \param[out] b The object in which to store the binding configuration information.
void parse_binding_config(YAML::Node const& node, controlit::BindingConfig& bc)
    // Parameters
    // for (YAML::Iterator it = node["parameters"].begin();
    //      it !=node["parameters"].end(); ++it)
    // {
    //     std::string paramName;
    //     *it >> paramName;
    //     bc.addParameter(paramName);
    // }

    std::string parameter;
    node["parameter"] >> parameter;

    // Direction
    std::string direction;
    node["direction"] >> direction;

    if (direction == "input") bc.setDirection(controlit::BindingConfig::Direction::Input);
    if (direction == "output") bc.setDirection(controlit::BindingConfig::Direction::Output);
    if (direction == "bidirectional") bc.setDirection(controlit::BindingConfig::Direction::Bidirectional);

    // Target
    YAML::Node const& targetNode = *(node.FindValue("target"));
    // targetNode["transportType"] >> bc.transportType;
    std::string transportType;
    std::string transportDataType;

    targetNode["type"] >> transportType;
    targetNode["dataType"] >> transportDataType;


    // Target properties
    YAML::Node const* propertiesNode = targetNode.FindValue("properties");
    if (propertiesNode != NULL)
        for (YAML::Iterator it = propertiesNode->begin(); it != propertiesNode->end(); ++it)
            std::string key, value;
            it.first() >> key;
            it.second() >> value;
            bc.addProperty(key, value);

示例13: loadChildren

void Property::loadChildren( const YAML::Node& yaml_node )
  if( yaml_node.Type() != YAML::NodeType::Map )
    printf( "Property::loadChildren() TODO: error handling - unexpected YAML type.\n" );

  // A special map entry named "Value" means the value of this property, not a child.
  if( const YAML::Node *value_node = yaml_node.FindValue( "Value" ))
    loadValue( *value_node );

  // Yaml-cpp's FindValue() and operator[] functions are order-N,
  // according to the docs, so we don't want to use those.  Instead we
  // make a hash table of the existing property children, then loop
  // over all the yaml key-value pairs, looking up their targets by
  // key (name) in the map.  This should keep this function down to
  // order-N or close, instead of order N squared.

  // First make the hash table of all child properties indexed by name.
  QHash<QString, Property*> child_map;
  int num_property_children = children_.size();
  for( int i = 0; i < num_property_children; i++ )
    Property* child = children_.at( i );
    child_map[ child->getName() ] = child;

  // Next loop over all yaml key/value pairs, calling load() on each
  // child whose name we find.
  for( YAML::Iterator it = yaml_node.begin(); it != yaml_node.end(); ++it )
    QString key;
    it.first() >> key;
    QHash<QString, Property*>::const_iterator hash_iter = child_map.find( key );
    if( hash_iter != child_map.end() )
      Property* child = hash_iter.value();
      child->load( it.second() );

示例14: readYamlNode

void YamlConfigReader::readYamlNode( Config& config, const YAML::Node& yaml_node )
  switch( yaml_node.Type() )
  case YAML::NodeType::Map:
    for( YAML::Iterator it = yaml_node.begin(); it != yaml_node.end(); ++it )
      std::string key;
      it.first() >> key;
      Config child = config.mapMakeChild( QString::fromStdString( key ));
      readYamlNode( child, it.second() );
  case YAML::NodeType::Sequence:
    for( YAML::Iterator it = yaml_node.begin(); it != yaml_node.end(); ++it )
      Config child = config.listAppendNew();
      readYamlNode( child, *it );
  case YAML::NodeType::Scalar:
    std::string s;
    yaml_node >> s;
    config.setValue( QString::fromStdString( s ));
  case YAML::NodeType::Null:

示例15: ofs

    // Called from the consumer since this class is a registered MessageListener.
    virtual void
      onMessage (const Message * message)
      throw ()

        static int
          count = 0;

          const TextMessage *
            textMessage = dynamic_cast < const
            TextMessage * >(message);

          const BytesMessage *
            bytesMessage = dynamic_cast < const
            BytesMessage * >(message);

          string text = "";

          if (bytesMessage != NULL)
            //std::cout << bytesMessage->getBodyBytes();

            size_t i = bytesMessage->getBodyLength ();
            printf ("%lu", i);
            ofstream ofs ("message.yaml", ofstream::out);
            for (int x = 1; x <= i; x++)
              ofs << bytesMessage->readByte ();
            ofs.flush ();
            ofs.close ();

              std::ifstream fin ("message.yaml");
              //std::stringstream fin(std::string(bytesMessage->getBodyBytes()));
              YAML::Parser parser (fin);
              YAML::Node doc;
              // We assume only the first doc, need to check with doc.size
              parser.GetNextDocument (doc);

Key: :agent
Key: :body
Key: :callerid
Key: :collectiv
Key: :filter
Key: :hash
Key: :msgtarget
Key: :msgtime
Key: :requestid
Key: :senderid
              for (YAML::Iterator it = doc.begin (); it != doc.end (); ++it)
                std::string key, value;
                it.first () >> key;
                std::cout << "Key: " << key << std::endl;

              std::string requestid;
              std::string senderid;
              std::string msgtarget;
              doc[":msgtarget"] >> msgtarget;
              doc[":requestid"] >> requestid;
              doc[":senderid"] >> senderid;
              std::cout << msgtarget << std::endl << requestid << std::
                endl << senderid << std::endl;

              // Body seems to be multiline string of yaml
              // Parsing strings http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2813030/yaml-cpp-parsing-strings
              std::string body;
              doc[":body"] >> body;

              std::stringstream bodystream (body);
              YAML::Parser bodyparser (bodystream);
              YAML::Node bodydoc;
              std::string action;
              bodyparser.GetNextDocument (bodydoc);
              bodydoc >> action;
              std::cout << action;

              // Construct YAML body
              YAML::Emitter reply_message_body_yaml;
              reply_message_body_yaml << "pong";

              // Put it in a string
              std::string reply_message_body = reply_message_body_yaml.c_str();
              std::cout << reply_message_body << std::endl;
              // Append PSK to it
              std::string psk = "unset";
              std::string body_psk = reply_message_body;

