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C++ VString::Format方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中xbox::VString::Format方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ VString::Format方法的具体用法?C++ VString::Format怎么用?C++ VString::Format使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在xbox::VString的用法示例。


示例1: GetProxy

XBOX::VError VRPCService::GetProxy( XBOX::VString& outProxy, const XBOX::VString& inModulePath, const XBOX::VString& inNamespace, const IHTTPRequest* inRequest, IHTTPResponse* inResponse)
	VError err = VE_OK;


	if (fApplication != NULL)
		VRIAContext *riaContext = fApplication->RetainNewContext( err);
		if (err == VE_OK)
			VRPCCatalog *catalog = fApplication->RetainRPCCatalog( riaContext, &err, inRequest, inResponse);
			if (err == VE_OK)
				if (catalog != NULL)
					MapOfRPCSchema schemas;

					err = catalog->RetainSchemasByModule( inModulePath, schemas);
					if (err == VE_OK)
						// Build the proxy
						VFile *bodyFile = NULL, *templateFile = NULL;
						VFilePath path;

						VRIAServerApplication::Get()->GetWAFrameworkFolderPath( path);
						path.ToSubFolder( L"Core").ToSubFolder( L"Runtime").ToSubFolder( L"rpcService");
						path.SetFileName( L"proxy-body.js", true);

						bodyFile = new VFile( path);
						if (bodyFile == NULL)
							err = vThrowError( VE_MEMORY_FULL);
						if (err == VE_OK)
							path.SetFileName( L"proxy-template.js", true);
							templateFile = new VFile( path);
							if (templateFile == NULL)
								err = vThrowError( VE_MEMORY_FULL);
						if (err == VE_OK && bodyFile->Exists() && templateFile->Exists())
							VString templateString;
							VFileStream bodyStream( bodyFile);
							VFileStream templateStream( templateFile);
							err = bodyStream.OpenReading();
							if (err == VE_OK)
							if (err == VE_OK)
								err = bodyStream.GetText( outProxy);
							if (err == VE_OK)
								VValueBag bag;
								bag.SetString( L"rpc-pattern", fPatternForMethods);
								bag.SetString( L"publishInGlobalNamespace", (fPublishInClientGlobalNamespace) ? L"true" : L"false");
								outProxy.Format( &bag);
							if (err == VE_OK)
								err = templateStream.GetText( templateString);
							if (err == VE_OK)
								if (templateString.BeginsWith( L"/*"))
									// sc 28/08/2014, remove the copyright
									VIndex end = templateString.Find( L"*/");
									if (end > 0)
										templateString.Remove( 1, end + 1);

								for (MapOfRPCSchema::const_iterator iter = schemas.begin() ; iter != schemas.end() ; ++iter)
									VValueBag bag;
									bag.SetString( L"function-name", iter->first.GetMethodName());
									bag.SetString( L"namespace", inNamespace);
									bag.SetString( L"modulePath", inModulePath);
									VString proxy( templateString);
									proxy.Format( &bag);
									outProxy.AppendString( proxy);

							err = vThrowError( VE_FILE_NOT_FOUND);

						QuickReleaseRefCountable( bodyFile);
						QuickReleaseRefCountable( templateFile);
					err = vThrowError( VE_RIA_RPC_CATALOG_NOT_FOUND);
