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C++ Node::isHTMLElement方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中webcore::Node::isHTMLElement方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ Node::isHTMLElement方法的具体用法?C++ Node::isHTMLElement怎么用?C++ Node::isHTMLElement使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在webcore::Node的用法示例。


示例1: setInputMethodState

void EditorClientEA::setInputMethodState(bool active)
	WebCore::Node* pNode = NULL;
	Frame* frame = m_page->d->page->focusController()->focusedOrMainFrame();
	if (frame && frame->document() && frame->document()->focusedNode())
		pNode = frame->document()->focusedNode();

	// Note by Arpit Baldeva: If on console(true by default on consoles/can be enabled on PC through emulation), 
	// we detect if the node was focused due to the user input or through javascript.
	// If the node was focused by user input(such as click), we present the editor(emulated keyboard on consoles, debug log on PC).
	// If the node was focused by javascript, we make the cursor jump to the node. In addition, we blur <input>/<textarea> element 
	// so that the user click can bring up the emulated keyboard.
	EA::WebKit::View* pView = m_page->view();
	bool onConsole = true;
#elif defined(EA_PLATFORM_WINDOWS)
	bool onConsole = pView->IsEmulatingConsoleOnPC();
#elif defined(EA_PLATFORM_OSX)
	bool onConsole = false;
	if(onConsole && !pView->AllowJSTextInputStateNotificationOnConsole())
			if (pNode && pNode->isHTMLElement())
				if(pNode->hasTagName(WebCore::HTMLNames::inputTag) || pNode->hasTagName(WebCore::HTMLNames::textareaTag)) 
					HTMLElement* pElement = static_cast<HTMLElement*> (pNode);
	// CSidhall 1/22/09 Added notify user app of text input state for possible virtual keyboard...
	// We can't fully trust the enabled flag because the input field might be a password in which case we still
	// want to activate the keyboard input. So we do our own checking and also get extra info...   

	//Note by Arpit Baldeva: We are interested in the <input> and <textarea> elements. The problem is that we can't rely on the shouldUseInputMethod() of node to reliably detect an
	//editable node since it does not include password(as noted above). Webkit trunk has some cryptic comment explaining why that is the right thing to do. So we do as follows. 
	// We could add a new method to the class hierarchy to achieve following but want to minimize the changes inside core layer.

	bool inputActive	= active;
	bool searchActive	= false;
	bool passwordActive = false;
	EA::WebKit::KeyboardType kbType = EA::WebKit::kDefaultKeyBoard;
	EA::WebKit::InputType inputType = EA::WebKit::kInputTypeNone;

    if( pNode && pNode->isHTMLElement())
		if(pNode->hasTagName(WebCore::HTMLNames::inputTag) ) 
			HTMLInputElement* pInputElement = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*> (pNode);
			inputActive		= pInputElement->isTextField(); // This check makes sure that we are not firing this event with inputActive set to true in case of HTML like <input type="button" value="Click me" onclick="msg()">
			//+ Deprecated
			searchActive	= pInputElement->isSearchField();
			passwordActive	= pInputElement->isPasswordField();
			//New HTML5 input types (text field related)
				inputType = EA::WebKit::kInputTypeEmail;
			else if (pInputElement->isNumberField())
				inputType = EA::WebKit::kInputTypeNumber;
			else if(pInputElement->isSearchField())
				inputType = EA::WebKit::kInputTypeSearch;
			else if(pInputElement->isTelephoneField())
				inputType = EA::WebKit::kInputTypeTelephone;
			else if(pInputElement->isURLField())
				inputType = EA::WebKit::kInputTypeUrl;
			else if(pInputElement->isPasswordField())
				inputType = EA::WebKit::kInputTypePassword;

/*			//Note by Arpit Baldeva: This will always come back as true but provided the commented out code here for the sack of clarity
		else if(pNode->hasTagName(WebCore::HTMLNames::textareaTag))
			inputActive = enabled;

		HTMLElement* pElement = static_cast<HTMLElement*> (pNode);
			const WebCore::SpaceSplitString& classNames = pElement->classNames();
			for(int i = 0; i < EA::WebKit::kCountKeyBoardTypes; ++i)
					kbType = sKeyBoardClassMap[i].mKeyboardType;
