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C++ IVMapManager::GetLiquidLevel方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中vmap::IVMapManager::GetLiquidLevel方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ IVMapManager::GetLiquidLevel方法的具体用法?C++ IVMapManager::GetLiquidLevel怎么用?C++ IVMapManager::GetLiquidLevel使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在vmap::IVMapManager的用法示例。


示例1: getLiquidStatus

GridMapLiquidStatus TerrainInfo::getLiquidStatus(float x, float y, float z, uint8 ReqLiquidType, GridMapLiquidData *data) const
    GridMapLiquidStatus result = LIQUID_MAP_NO_WATER;
    VMAP::IVMapManager* vmgr = VMAP::VMapFactory::createOrGetVMapManager();
    float liquid_level, ground_level;
    uint32 liquid_type;

    ground_level = GetHeight(x,y,z,true,DEFAULT_WATER_SEARCH);
    if (vmgr->GetLiquidLevel(GetMapId(), x, y, z, ReqLiquidType, liquid_level, ground_level, liquid_type))
        DEBUG_LOG("getLiquidStatus(): vmap liquid level: %f ground: %f type: %u", liquid_level, ground_level, liquid_type);
        // Check water level and ground level
        if (liquid_level > ground_level && z > ground_level - 2)
            // All ok in water -> store data
            if (data)
                data->type  = liquid_type;
                data->level = liquid_level;
                data->depth_level = ground_level;

            // For speed check as int values
            int delta = int((liquid_level - z) * 10);

            // Get position delta
            if (delta > 20)                   // Under water
                return LIQUID_MAP_UNDER_WATER;
            if (delta > 0 )                   // In water
                return LIQUID_MAP_IN_WATER;
            if (delta > -1)                   // Walk on water
                return LIQUID_MAP_WATER_WALK;
            result = LIQUID_MAP_ABOVE_WATER;
    else if(GridMap* gmap = const_cast<TerrainInfo*>(this)->GetGrid(x, y))
        GridMapLiquidData map_data;
        GridMapLiquidStatus map_result = gmap->getLiquidStatus(x, y, z, ReqLiquidType, &map_data);
        // Not override LIQUID_MAP_ABOVE_WATER with LIQUID_MAP_NO_WATER:
        if (map_result != LIQUID_MAP_NO_WATER && (map_data.level > ground_level))
            if (data)
                *data = map_data;
            return map_result;
    return result;

示例2: GetLiquidInfo

bool TerrainHolder::GetLiquidInfo(float x, float y, float z, float & liquidlevel, uint32 & liquidtype)
    VMAP::IVMapManager* vmgr = VMAP::VMapFactory::createOrGetVMapManager();

    float flr;
    if (vmgr->GetLiquidLevel(m_mapid, x, y, z, 0xFF, liquidlevel, flr, liquidtype))
        return true;

    liquidlevel = GetLiquidHeight(x, y);
    liquidtype = GetLiquidType(x, y);

    if (liquidtype == 0)
        return false;
    return true;

示例3: getLiquidStatus

GridMapLiquidStatus TerrainInfo::getLiquidStatus(float x, float y, float z, uint8 ReqLiquidType, GridMapLiquidData* data) const
    GridMapLiquidStatus result = LIQUID_MAP_NO_WATER;
    VMAP::IVMapManager* vmgr = VMAP::VMapFactory::createOrGetVMapManager();

    float liquid_level = INVALID_HEIGHT_VALUE;
    float ground_level = INVALID_HEIGHT_VALUE;
    uint32 liquid_type = 0;
    ground_level = GetHeightStatic(x,y,z,true,DEFAULT_WATER_SEARCH);

    if (vmgr->GetLiquidLevel(GetMapId(), x, y, z, ReqLiquidType, liquid_level, ground_level, liquid_type))
        // DEBUG_LOG("getLiquidStatus(): vmap liquid level: %f ground: %f type: %u", liquid_level, ground_level, liquid_type);
        // Check water level and ground level
        if (liquid_level > ground_level && z > ground_level - 2)
            // All ok in water -> store data
            if (data)
                // hardcoded in client like this
                if (GetMapId() == 530 && liquid_type == 2)
                    liquid_type = 15;

                uint32 liquidFlagType = 0;
                if (LiquidTypeEntry const* liq = sLiquidTypeStore.LookupEntry(liquid_type))
                    liquidFlagType = liq->Type;

                if (liquid_type && liquid_type < 21)
                    if (AreaTableEntry const* area = GetAreaEntryByAreaFlagAndMap(GetAreaFlag(x, y, z), GetMapId()))
                        uint32 overrideLiquid = area->LiquidTypeOverride[liquidFlagType];
                        if (!overrideLiquid && area->zone)
                            area = GetAreaEntryByAreaID(area->zone);
                            if (area)
                                overrideLiquid = area->LiquidTypeOverride[liquidFlagType];

                        if (LiquidTypeEntry const* liq = sLiquidTypeStore.LookupEntry(overrideLiquid))
                            liquid_type = overrideLiquid;
                            liquidFlagType = liq->Type;

                data->level = liquid_level;
                data->depth_level = ground_level;

                data->entry = liquid_type;
                data->type_flags = 1 << liquidFlagType;

            // For speed check as int values
            int delta = int((liquid_level - z) * 10);

            // Get position delta
            if (delta > 20)                   // Under water
                return LIQUID_MAP_UNDER_WATER;
            if (delta > 0)                    // In water
                return LIQUID_MAP_IN_WATER;
            if (delta > -1)                   // Walk on water
                return LIQUID_MAP_WATER_WALK;
            result = LIQUID_MAP_ABOVE_WATER;
    else if (GridMap* gmap = const_cast<TerrainInfo*>(this)->GetGrid(x, y))
        GridMapLiquidData map_data;
        GridMapLiquidStatus map_result = gmap->getLiquidStatus(x, y, z, ReqLiquidType, &map_data);
        // Not override LIQUID_MAP_ABOVE_WATER with LIQUID_MAP_NO_WATER:
        if (map_result != LIQUID_MAP_NO_WATER && (map_data.level > ground_level))
            if (data)
                // hardcoded in client like this
                if (GetMapId() == 530 && map_data.entry == 2)
                    map_data.entry = 15;
                *data = map_data;
            return map_result;
    return result;
