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C++ vixl::MacroAssembler类代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中vixl::MacroAssembler的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ MacroAssembler类的具体用法?C++ MacroAssembler怎么用?C++ MacroAssembler使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: emitCall

TCA emitCall(vixl::MacroAssembler& a, CppCall call) {
  switch (call.kind()) {
  case CppCall::Kind::Direct:
    a. Mov  (rHostCallReg, reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(call.address()));
  case CppCall::Kind::Virtual:
    a. Ldr  (rHostCallReg, argReg(0)[0]);
    a. Ldr  (rHostCallReg, rHostCallReg[call.vtableOffset()]);
  case CppCall::Kind::IndirectReg:
  case CppCall::Kind::IndirectVreg:
    // call indirect currently not implemented. It'll be something like
    // a.Br(x2a(call.getReg()))
  case CppCall::Kind::ArrayVirt:
  case CppCall::Kind::Destructor:

  using namespace vixl;
  auto fixupAddr = a.frontier();
  a.   HostCall(6);

  // Note that the fixup address for a HostCall is directly *before* the
  // HostCall, not after as in the native case. This is because, in simulation
  // mode we look at the simulator's PC at the time the fixup is invoked, and it
  // will still be pointing to the HostCall; it's not advanced past it until the
  // host call returns. In the native case, by contrast, we'll be looking at
  // return addresses, which point after the call.
  return fixupAddr;

示例2: emitCallWithinTC

TCA emitCallWithinTC(vixl::MacroAssembler& a, TCA call) {
  a.   Mov     (rHostCallReg, reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(call));

  a.   Blr     (rHostCallReg);
  auto fixupAddr = a.frontier();

  return fixupAddr;

示例3: emitCall

TCA emitCall(vixl::MacroAssembler& a, CppCall call) {
  if (call.isDirect()) {
    a. Mov  (rHostCallReg, reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(call.getAddress()));
  } else if (call.isVirtual()) {
    a. Ldr  (rHostCallReg, argReg(0)[0]);
    a. Ldr  (rHostCallReg, rHostCallReg[call.getOffset()]);
  } else {
    // call indirect currently not implemented. It'll be somthing like
    // a.Br(x2a(call.getReg()))

  using namespace vixl;
  auto fixupAddr = a.frontier();
  a.   HostCall(6);

  // Note that the fixup address for a HostCall is directly *before* the
  // HostCall, not after as in the native case. This is because, in simulation
  // mode we look at the simulator's PC at the time the fixup is invoked, and it
  // will still be pointing to the HostCall; it's not advanced past it until the
  // host call returns. In the native case, by contrast, we'll be looking at
  // return addresses, which point after the call.
  return fixupAddr;

示例4: assertx

// overall emitter
void Vgen::emit(jit::vector<Vlabel>& labels) {
  // Some structures here track where we put things just for debug printing.
  struct Snippet {
    const IRInstruction* origin;
    TcaRange range;
  struct BlockInfo {
    jit::vector<Snippet> snippets;

  // This is under the printir tracemod because it mostly shows you IR and
  // machine code, not vasm and machine code (not implemented).
  bool shouldUpdateAsmInfo = !!m_asmInfo
    && Trace::moduleEnabledRelease(HPHP::Trace::printir, kCodeGenLevel);

  std::vector<TransBCMapping>* bcmap = nullptr;
  if (mcg->tx().isTransDBEnabled() || RuntimeOption::EvalJitUseVtuneAPI) {
    bcmap = &mcg->cgFixups().m_bcMap;

  jit::vector<jit::vector<BlockInfo>> areaToBlockInfos;
  if (shouldUpdateAsmInfo) {
    for (auto& r : areaToBlockInfos) {

  for (int i = 0, n = labels.size(); i < n; ++i) {
    assertx(checkBlockEnd(unit, labels[i]));

    auto b = labels[i];
    auto& block = unit.blocks[b];
    codeBlock = &area(block.area).code;
    vixl::MacroAssembler as { *codeBlock };
    a = &as;
    auto blockStart = a->frontier();
    addrs[b] = blockStart;

      // Compute the next block we will emit into the current area.
      auto cur_start = start(labels[i]);
      auto j = i + 1;
      while (j < labels.size() && cur_start != start(labels[j])) {
      next = j < labels.size() ? labels[j] : Vlabel(unit.blocks.size());

    const IRInstruction* currentOrigin = nullptr;
    auto blockInfo = shouldUpdateAsmInfo
      ? &areaToBlockInfos[unsigned(block.area)][b]
      : nullptr;
    auto start_snippet = [&](Vinstr& inst) {
      if (!shouldUpdateAsmInfo) return;

        Snippet { inst.origin, TcaRange { codeBlock->frontier(), nullptr } }
    auto finish_snippet = [&] {
      if (!shouldUpdateAsmInfo) return;

      if (!blockInfo->snippets.empty()) {
        auto& snip = blockInfo->snippets.back();
        snip.range = TcaRange { snip.range.start(), codeBlock->frontier() };

    for (auto& inst : block.code) {
      if (currentOrigin != inst.origin) {
        currentOrigin = inst.origin;

      if (bcmap && inst.origin) {
        auto sk = inst.origin->marker().sk();
        if (bcmap->empty() ||
            bcmap->back().md5 != sk.unit()->md5() ||
            bcmap->back().bcStart != sk.offset()) {
          bcmap->push_back(TransBCMapping{sk.unit()->md5(), sk.offset(),
                                          main().frontier(), cold().frontier(),

      switch (inst.op) {
#define O(name, imms, uses, defs) \
        case Vinstr::name: emit(inst.name##_); break;
#undef O


  for (auto& p : jccs) {

示例5: emit

void Vgen::emit(const ldimmq& i) {
    union {
        double dval;
        int64_t ival;
    ival = i.s.q();
    if (i.d.isSIMD()) {
        // Assembler::fmov (which you'd think shouldn't be a macro instruction)
        // will emit a ldr from a literal pool if IsImmFP64 is false. vixl's
        // literal pools don't work well with our codegen pattern, so if that
        // would happen, emit the raw bits into a GPR first and then move them
        // unmodified into a SIMD.
        if (vixl::Assembler::IsImmFP64(dval)) {
            a->Fmov(D(i.d), dval);
        } else if (ival == 0) { // careful: dval==0.0 is true for -0.0
            // 0.0 is not encodeable as an immediate to Fmov, but this works.
            a->Fmov(D(i.d), vixl::xzr);
        } else {
            a->Mov(rAsm, ival); // XXX avoid scratch register somehow.
            a->Fmov(D(i.d), rAsm);
    } else {
        a->Mov(X(i.d), ival);

示例6: emit

void Vgen::emit(ldimml& i) {
  if (i.d.isSIMD()) {
    emitSimdImmInt(a, i.s.q(), i.d);
  } else {
    Vreg32 d = i.d;
    a->Mov(W(d), i.s.l());
