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C++ vec_mut_ptr_t::sub_view方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中vectorspace::vec_mut_ptr_t::sub_view方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ vec_mut_ptr_t::sub_view方法的具体用法?C++ vec_mut_ptr_t::sub_view怎么用?C++ vec_mut_ptr_t::sub_view使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在vectorspace::vec_mut_ptr_t的用法示例。


示例1: Vp_StMtV

void MatrixOpSubView::Vp_StMtV(
  VectorMutable* y, value_type a, BLAS_Cpp::Transp M_trans_in
  , const Vector& x, value_type b
  ) const
  using BLAS_Cpp::no_trans;
  using BLAS_Cpp::trans;


    M_trans_trans = ( M_trans_==no_trans ? M_trans_in : BLAS_Cpp::trans_not(M_trans_in) );

  // ToDo: Assert compatibility!

  if( rng_rows_.full_range() && rng_cols_.full_range() ) {
    AbstractLinAlgPack::Vp_StMtV(  // The matrix is just transposed
      y, a
      ,*M_full_, M_trans_trans
      ,x, b );
  // y = b*y
  Vt_S( y, b );
  // xt1                      = 0.0
  // xt3 = xt(op_op_rng_cols) = x
  // xt3                      = 0.0
  // [ yt1 ]                        [ xt1 ]
  // [ yt2 ] = a * op(op(M_full)) * [ xt3 ]
  // [ yt3 ]                        [ xt3 ]
  // =>
  // y += yt2 = yt(op_op_rng_rows)
  const Range1D
    op_op_rng_rows = ( M_trans_trans == no_trans ? rng_rows_ : rng_cols_ ),
    op_op_rng_cols = ( M_trans_trans == no_trans ? rng_cols_ : rng_rows_ );
    xt = ( M_trans_trans == no_trans ? M_full_->space_rows() : M_full_->space_cols() ).create_member(),
    yt = ( M_trans_trans == no_trans ? M_full_->space_cols() : M_full_->space_rows() ).create_member();
  *xt = 0.0;
  *xt->sub_view(op_op_rng_cols) = x;
    LinAlgOpPack::V_StMtV( yt.get(), a, *M_full_, M_trans_trans, *xt );
  LinAlgOpPack::Vp_V( y, *yt->sub_view(op_op_rng_rows) );

示例2: do_step

bool CheckDescentQuasiNormalStep_Step::do_step(
  Algorithm& _algo, poss_type step_poss, IterationPack::EDoStepType type
  ,poss_type assoc_step_poss
  using BLAS_Cpp::no_trans;
  using AbstractLinAlgPack::dot;
  using LinAlgOpPack::V_MtV;

  NLPAlgo         &algo        = rsqp_algo(_algo);
  NLPAlgoState    &s           = algo.rsqp_state();
  NLP             &nlp         = algo.nlp();
  const Range1D   equ_decomp   = s.equ_decomp();

  EJournalOutputLevel olevel = algo.algo_cntr().journal_output_level();
  std::ostream& out = algo.track().journal_out();

  // print step header.
  if( static_cast<int>(olevel) >= static_cast<int>(PRINT_ALGORITHM_STEPS) ) {
    using IterationPack::print_algorithm_step;
    print_algorithm_step( algo, step_poss, type, assoc_step_poss, out );
  const size_type
    nb = nlp.num_bounded_x();

  // Get iteration quantities
    &c_iq   = s.c(),
    &Ypy_iq = s.Ypy();
  const Vector::vec_ptr_t
    cd_k = c_iq.get_k(0).sub_view(equ_decomp);
  const Vector
    &Ypy_k = Ypy_iq.get_k(0);
  value_type descent_c = -1.0;
  if( s.get_iter_quant_id( Gc_name ) != AlgorithmState::DOES_NOT_EXIST ) {
    if( static_cast<int>(olevel) >= static_cast<int>(PRINT_ALGORITHM_STEPS) ) {
      out	<< "\nGc_k exists; compute descent_c = c_k(equ_decomp)'*Gc_k(:,equ_decomp)'*Ypy_k ...\n";
    const MatrixOp::mat_ptr_t
      Gcd_k = s.Gc().get_k(0).sub_view(Range1D(),equ_decomp);
      t = cd_k->space().create_member();
    V_MtV( t.get(), *Gcd_k, BLAS_Cpp::trans, Ypy_k );
    if( static_cast<int>(olevel) >= static_cast<int>(PRINT_VECTORS) ) {
      out	<< "\nGc_k(:,equ_decomp)'*Ypy_k =\n" << *t;
    descent_c = dot( *cd_k, *t );
  else {
    if( static_cast<int>(olevel) >= static_cast<int>(PRINT_ALGORITHM_STEPS) ) {
      out	<< "\nGc_k does not exist; compute descent_c = c_k(equ_decomp)'*FDGc_k(:,equ_decomp)'*Ypy_k "
        << "using finite differences ...\n";
      t = nlp.space_c()->create_member();
      ,static_cast<int>(olevel) >= static_cast<int>(PRINT_ALGORITHM_STEPS) ? &out : NULL
    if( static_cast<int>(olevel) >= static_cast<int>(PRINT_VECTORS) ) {
      out	<< "\nFDGc_k(:,equ_decomp)'*Ypy_k =\n" << *t->sub_view(equ_decomp);
    descent_c = dot( *cd_k, *t->sub_view(equ_decomp) );

  if( static_cast<int>(olevel) >= static_cast<int>(PRINT_ALGORITHM_STEPS) ) {
    out	<< "\ndescent_c = " << descent_c << std::endl;

  if( descent_c > 0.0 ) { // ToDo: add some allowance for > 0.0 for finite difference errors!
    if( static_cast<int>(olevel) >= static_cast<int>(PRINT_ALGORITHM_STEPS) ) {
      out	<< "\nError, descent_c > 0.0; this is not a descent direction\n"
        << "Throw TestFailed and terminate the algorithm ...\n";
      true, TestFailed
      ,"CheckDescentQuasiNormalStep_Step::do_step(...) : Error, descent for the decomposed constraints "
      "with respect to the quasi-normal step c_k(equ_decomp)'*FDGc_k(:,equ_decomp)'*Ypy_k = "
      << descent_c << " > 0.0;  This is not a descent direction!\n" );

  return true;
