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C++ FFbxImporter::GetFbxMeshCount方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中unfbx::FFbxImporter::GetFbxMeshCount方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ FFbxImporter::GetFbxMeshCount方法的具体用法?C++ FFbxImporter::GetFbxMeshCount怎么用?C++ FFbxImporter::GetFbxMeshCount使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在unfbx::FFbxImporter的用法示例。


示例1: Logger

				Warn->Log( errorMessage );

			FbxNode* RootNodeToImport = NULL;
			RootNodeToImport = FbxImporter->Scene->GetRootNode();

			// For animation and static mesh we assume there is at lease one interesting node by default
			int32 InterestingNodeCount = 1;
			TArray< TArray<FbxNode*>* > SkelMeshArray;

			bool bImportStaticMeshLODs = ImportUI->StaticMeshImportData->bImportMeshLODs;
			bool bCombineMeshes = ImportUI->bCombineMeshes;

			if ( ImportUI->MeshTypeToImport == FBXIT_SkeletalMesh )
				FbxImporter->FillFbxSkelMeshArrayInScene(RootNodeToImport, SkelMeshArray, false);
				InterestingNodeCount = SkelMeshArray.Num();
			else if( ImportUI->MeshTypeToImport == FBXIT_StaticMesh )
				FbxImporter->ApplyTransformSettingsToFbxNode(RootNodeToImport, ImportUI->StaticMeshImportData);

				if( bCombineMeshes && !bImportStaticMeshLODs )
					// If Combine meshes and dont import mesh LODs, the interesting node count should be 1 so all the meshes are grouped together into one static mesh
					InterestingNodeCount = 1;
					// count meshes in lod groups if we dont care about importing LODs
					bool bCountLODGroupMeshes = !bImportStaticMeshLODs;
					int32 NumLODGroups = 0;
					InterestingNodeCount = FbxImporter->GetFbxMeshCount(RootNodeToImport,bCountLODGroupMeshes,NumLODGroups);

					// if there were LODs in the file, do not combine meshes even if requested
					if( bImportStaticMeshLODs && bCombineMeshes )
						bCombineMeshes = NumLODGroups == 0;

			if (InterestingNodeCount > 1)
				// the option only works when there are only one asset
				ImportOptions->bUsedAsFullName = false;

			const FString Filename( UFactory::CurrentFilename );
			if (RootNodeToImport && InterestingNodeCount > 0)
				int32 NodeIndex = 0;

				int32 ImportedMeshCount = 0;
				UStaticMesh* NewStaticMesh = NULL;
				if ( ImportUI->MeshTypeToImport == FBXIT_StaticMesh )  // static mesh
					if (bCombineMeshes)
						TArray<FbxNode*> FbxMeshArray;
						FbxImporter->FillFbxMeshArray(RootNodeToImport, FbxMeshArray, FbxImporter);
						if (FbxMeshArray.Num() > 0)
							NewStaticMesh = FbxImporter->ImportStaticMeshAsSingle(InParent, FbxMeshArray, Name, Flags, ImportUI->StaticMeshImportData, NULL, 0);
