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C++ sptr::get_rx_gain_range方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::sptr::get_rx_gain_range方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ sptr::get_rx_gain_range方法的具体用法?C++ sptr::get_rx_gain_range怎么用?C++ sptr::get_rx_gain_range使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::sptr的用法示例。


示例1: init_usrp

void init_usrp() {
	cout << "Initial USRP" << endl;
	usrp = uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::make(usrp_ip);


	uhd::meta_range_t rx_range = usrp->get_rx_gain_range();

示例2: init_gains

void uhd_device::init_gains()
	uhd::gain_range_t range;

	range = usrp_dev->get_tx_gain_range();
	tx_gain_min = range.start();
	tx_gain_max = range.stop();

	range = usrp_dev->get_rx_gain_range();
	rx_gain_min = range.start();
	rx_gain_max = range.stop();

	usrp_dev->set_tx_gain((tx_gain_min + tx_gain_max) / 2);
	usrp_dev->set_rx_gain((rx_gain_min + rx_gain_max) / 2);

	tx_gain = usrp_dev->get_tx_gain();
	rx_gain = usrp_dev->get_rx_gain();


示例3: set_optimal_rx_gain

 * Function to find optimal RX gain setting (for the current frequency)
UHD_INLINE void set_optimal_rx_gain(
    uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::sptr usrp,
    uhd::rx_streamer::sptr rx_stream,
    double wave_freq = 0.0)
    const double gain_step = 3.0;
    const double gain_compression_threshold = gain_step * 0.5;
    const double actual_rx_rate = usrp->get_rx_rate();
    const double actual_tx_freq = usrp->get_tx_freq();
    const double actual_rx_freq = usrp->get_rx_freq();
    const double bb_tone_freq = actual_tx_freq - actual_rx_freq + wave_freq;
    const size_t nsamps = size_t(actual_rx_rate / default_fft_bin_size);

    std::vector<samp_type> buff(nsamps);
    uhd::gain_range_t rx_gain_range = usrp->get_rx_gain_range();
    double rx_gain = rx_gain_range.start() + gain_step;
    double curr_dbrms = 0.0;
    double prev_dbrms = 0.0;
    double delta = 0.0;

    // No sense in setting the gain where this is no gain range
    if (rx_gain_range.stop() - rx_gain_range.start() < gain_step)

    // The algorithm below cycles through the RX gain range
    // looking for the point where the signal begins to get
    // clipped and the gain begins to be compressed.  It does
    // this by looking for the gain setting where the increase
    // in the tone is less than the gain step by more than the
    // gain compression threshold (curr - prev < gain - threshold).

    // Initialize prev_dbrms value
    capture_samples(usrp, rx_stream, buff, nsamps);
    prev_dbrms = compute_tone_dbrms(buff, bb_tone_freq/actual_rx_rate);
    rx_gain += gain_step;

    // Find RX gain where signal begins to clip
    while (rx_gain <= rx_gain_range.stop())
        capture_samples(usrp, rx_stream, buff, nsamps);
        curr_dbrms = compute_tone_dbrms(buff, bb_tone_freq/actual_rx_rate);
        delta = curr_dbrms - prev_dbrms;

        // check if the gain is compressed beyone the threshold
        if (delta < gain_step - gain_compression_threshold)
            break;  // if so, we are done

        prev_dbrms = curr_dbrms;
        rx_gain += gain_step;

    // The rx_gain value at this point is the gain setting where clipping
    // occurs or the gain setting that is just beyond the gain range.
    // The gain is reduced by 2 steps to make sure it is within the range and
    // under the point where it is clipped with enough room to make adjustments.
    rx_gain -= 2 * gain_step;

    // Make sure the gain is within the range.
    rx_gain = rx_gain_range.clip(rx_gain);

    // Finally, set the gain.

示例4: get_rx_parameters

	os << std::endl << "-----> Get RX gain names" << std::endl;
	std::vector<std::string> rx_gain_names = usrp->get_rx_gain_names(nchan);
	os << "Rx Gain Names: " << std::endl;
	for (int index =0; index < rx_gain_names.size(); index++)
		// Name
		os << "\t" << rx_gain_names[index] << endl;
	for (int index =0; index < rx_gain_names.size(); index++)
		// Name
		os << "\t" << "Name: " << rx_gain_names[index] << "  Value: ";
		// Value
		double element_gain = usrp->get_rx_gain(rx_gain_names[index], nchan);
		os << element_gain << endl;
		catch(uhd::runtime_error &e)
			os << "Exception code while getting value: " << e.code() << endl;

	// Gain ranges for each of the gain elements
	os << std::endl << "-----> Get RX element gain ranges" << std::endl;
	for (int index =0; index < rx_gain_names.size(); index++)
		// Name
		os << "\t" << "Name: " << rx_gain_names[index] << "  Value: ";
		// Value
		uhd::gain_range_t element_gain_range = usrp->get_rx_gain_range(rx_gain_names[index], nchan);
		os << "Start: " << element_gain_range.start() << " End: " << element_gain_range.stop() << " Step: " << element_gain_range.step() << endl;
		catch(uhd::runtime_error &e)
			os << "Exception code while getting value: " << e.code() << endl;

	// Total Gain range
		os << endl << "-----> Get RX Total Gain Range" << endl;
		uhd::gain_range_t rx_total_gain_range = usrp->get_rx_gain_range(nchan);
		os << "RX Total Gain Range: " ;
		os << "Start: " << rx_total_gain_range.start() << " End: " << rx_total_gain_range.stop() << " Step: " << rx_total_gain_range.step() << endl;
	catch(uhd::runtime_error &e)
		os << "Exception code: " << e.code() <<endl;
	os << std::endl << "********** RX ANTENNA ***********" << std::endl;
	// Current Rx Antenna
	os << std::endl << "-----> Get RX Antenna" << std::endl;
	string rx_antenna = usrp->get_rx_antenna(nchan);
	os << "RX Antenna: " ;
	os << rx_antenna << endl;

	// RX Antenna choices
	os << std::endl << "-----> Get Rx Antenna List" << std::endl;
