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C++ Object::getAssociation方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中udm::Object::getAssociation方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ Object::getAssociation方法的具体用法?C++ Object::getAssociation怎么用?C++ Object::getAssociation使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在udm::Object的用法示例。


示例1: getNameUmlAttributeMap

std::string UdmComparator::ObjectName::operator()( Udm::Object udmObject ) {

	static StringSet reportedClassNameSet;

	Uml::Class umlClass = udmObject.type();
	Uml::Attribute umlNameAttribute;

	UmlClassNameAttributeMap::iterator cnmItr = _umlClassNameAttributeMap.find( umlClass );
	if ( cnmItr != _umlClassNameAttributeMap.end() ) {

		umlNameAttribute = cnmItr->second;

	} else {

		NameUmlAttributeMap nameUmlAttributeMap = getNameUmlAttributeMap( umlClass );
		NameUmlAttributeMap::iterator numItr = nameUmlAttributeMap.find( "name" );
		if ( numItr != nameUmlAttributeMap.end() ) {

			umlNameAttribute = numItr->second;

		} else {

			numItr = nameUmlAttributeMap.find( "Name" );
			if ( numItr != nameUmlAttributeMap.end() ) {

				umlNameAttribute = numItr->second;

			} else if (  static_cast< std::string >( umlClass.stereotype() ) != "Connection"  ) {

				std::string className = umlClass.name();
				if ( reportedClassNameSet.find( className ) == reportedClassNameSet.end() ) {
					std::cerr << "WARNING: Class \"" << className << "\" has no \"[Nn]ame\" attribute." << std::endl << std::endl;
					reportedClassNameSet.insert( className );
				return "";



		_umlClassNameAttributeMap.insert(  std::make_pair( umlClass, umlNameAttribute )  );


	std::string udmObjectName = "";
	if ( umlNameAttribute != Udm::null ) {
		udmObjectName = udmObject.getStringAttr( umlNameAttribute );
		if (  umlClass.stereotype() == "Connection" && udmObjectName == static_cast< std::string >( umlClass.name() )  ) {
			udmObjectName = "";

	if ( udmObjectName == "" && umlClass.stereotype() == "Connection" ) {

		UmlAssociationRoleSet umlAssociationRoleSet = getAllUmlAssociationRoles( umlClass );

		for( UmlAssociationRoleSet::iterator arsItr = umlAssociationRoleSet.begin() ; arsItr != umlAssociationRoleSet.end() ; ++arsItr ) {
			UdmObjectSet udmObjectSet = udmObject.getAssociation( *arsItr, Udm::TARGETFROMCLASS );
			for( UdmObjectSet::iterator uosItr = udmObjectSet.begin() ; uosItr != udmObjectSet.end() ; ++uosItr ) {

				if ( !udmObjectName.empty() ) udmObjectName += ":";
				udmObjectName += (*this)(*uosItr);



		if ( umlNameAttribute != Udm::null ) {
			udmObject.setStringAttr( umlNameAttribute, udmObjectName );


	Udm::Object udmObjectParent = udmObject.GetParent();

	if ( udmObjectParent != Udm::null ) {
		const auto& it = ObjectNameCache.find(udmObjectParent);
		if (it != ObjectNameCache.end())
			udmObjectName = it->second + "/" + udmObjectName;
			udmObjectName = operator()( udmObjectParent ) + "/" + udmObjectName;

	return udmObjectName;

示例2: compareNodeAux

	UdmChildObjectSet::iterator ucsItr1 = udmChildObjectSet1.begin();
	for (; ucsItr1 != udmChildObjectSet1.end(); ++ucsItr1) {

		UdmChildObjectSet::iterator ucsItr2 = udmChildObjectSet2.find(*ucsItr1);

		if (ucsItr2 == udmChildObjectSet2.end()) {
			std::cerr << "No corresponding object for \"" << ucsItr1->object.getPath( "/" ) << "\" in first model found in second model." << std::endl;
			Report::get_singleton().incrementDifferences( udmObject1 );
			retval = false;

		if (compareNodeAux(ucsItr1->object, ucsItr2->object) == false) {
			retval = false;
			Report::get_singleton().addToDifferences( udmObject1 );

	UdmChildObjectSet::iterator ucsItr2 = udmChildObjectSet2.begin();
	for (; ucsItr2 != udmChildObjectSet2.end(); ++ucsItr2) {
		std::cerr << "No corresponding object for \"" << ucsItr2->object.getPath( "/" ) << "\" in second model found in first model." << std::endl;
		Report::get_singleton().incrementDifferences( udmObject1 );
		retval = false;
//	if ( !retval ) return false;

	UmlAssociationRoleSet umlAssociationRoleSet = getAllUmlAssociationRoles( umlClass1 );
	for( UmlAssociationRoleSet::iterator arsItr = umlAssociationRoleSet.begin() ; arsItr != umlAssociationRoleSet.end() ; ++arsItr ) {

		Uml::AssociationRole umlAssociationRole = *arsItr;
		UdmObjectSet udmObjectSet1 = _classNameFilter.filterUdmObjectSet(   udmObject1.getAssociation(  Uml::theOther( umlAssociationRole )  )   );
		UdmObjectSet udmObjectSet2 = _classNameFilter.filterUdmObjectSet(   udmObject2.getAssociation(  Uml::theOther( umlAssociationRole )  )   );

		if ( udmObjectSet1.size() != udmObjectSet2.size() ) {
			std::cerr << "Objects \"" << udmObject1.getPath( "/" ) << "\" and \"" << udmObject2.getPath( "/" ) << "\"" << std::endl;
			std::cerr << "have a different number of \"" << umlAssociationRole.name() << "\" associations: " << udmObjectSet1.size() << " vs. " << udmObjectSet2.size() << std::endl << std::endl;
			retval = false;

		UdmAssociationObjectSet udmAssociationObjectSet1;
		std::copy(udmObjectSet1.begin(), udmObjectSet1.end(), std::inserter(udmAssociationObjectSet1, udmAssociationObjectSet1.begin()));
		if ( udmAssociationObjectSet1.size() != udmObjectSet1.size() ) {
			std::cerr << "Object \"" << udmObject1.getPath( "/" ) << "\" has \"" << umlAssociationRole.name() << "\" associated objects that cannot be distinguished (probably due to duplicate name)." << std::endl << std::endl;
			retval = false;

		UdmAssociationObjectSet udmAssociationObjectSet2;
		std::copy(udmObjectSet2.begin(), udmObjectSet2.end(), std::inserter(udmAssociationObjectSet2, udmAssociationObjectSet2.begin()));
		if ( udmAssociationObjectSet2.size() != udmObjectSet2.size() ) {
			std::cerr << "Object \"" << udmObject2.getPath( "/" ) << "\" has \"" << umlAssociationRole.name() << "\" associated objects that cannot be distinguished (probably due to duplicate name)." << std::endl << std::endl;
			retval = false;

		UdmAssociationObjectSet::iterator ucsItr1 = udmAssociationObjectSet1.begin();
		for( ; ucsItr1 != udmAssociationObjectSet1.end(); ++ucsItr1 ) {

			UdmAssociationObjectSet::iterator ucsItr2 = udmAssociationObjectSet2.find(*ucsItr1);

			if ( ucsItr2 == udmAssociationObjectSet2.end()) {
				std::cerr << "In first model, \"" << udmObject1.getPath( "/" ) << "\" has a \"" << umlAssociationRole.name() << "\" association object \"" << ucsItr1->object.getPath( "/" ) << "\", but not in the second model." << std::endl;
