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C++ vector::size方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中ublas::vector::size方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ vector::size方法的具体用法?C++ vector::size怎么用?C++ vector::size使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在ublas::vector的用法示例。


示例1: decodeBPSK

ublas::vector<int> decodeBPSK(const ublas::vector<double> &rx) {
  ublas::vector<int> vHat(rx.size());
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rx.size(); i++) {
    vHat(i) = 0.5 * (sign(rx(i)) + 1);

  return vHat;

示例2: addVector

     * \f$U+=V \f$ where U and V are type
     * uvlas::vector<T> and you
     * want to specify WHERE to add
     * the DenseVector<T> V
    void addVector ( const ublas::vector<value_type>& V,
                     const std::vector<size_type>& dof_indices )
        FEELPP_ASSERT ( V.size() == dof_indices.size() ).error( "invalid dof indices" );

        for ( size_type i=0; i<V.size(); i++ )
            this->add ( dof_indices[i], V( i ) );

示例3: biterr

double biterr(const ublas::vector<int> &u, const ublas::vector<int> &v) {
  int numErr = 0;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < u.size(); i++) {
    if (u(i) != v(i)) {

  return static_cast<double>(numErr) / u.size();

示例4: cross

ublas::vector<T>    cross( const ublas::vector<T> &a, const ublas::vector<T> &b )
	BOOST_ASSERT(a.size() == 3);
	BOOST_ASSERT(b.size() == 3);

	ublas::vector<T>	result(3);
	result(0) = a(1) * b(2) - a(2) * b(1);
	result(1) = a(2) * b(0) - a(0) * b(2);
	result(2) = a(0) * b(1) - a(1) * b(0);
	return result;

示例5: printVector

void printVector(const ublas::vector<T> &u) {
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < u.size(); i++) {
    std::cout << u(i);

    if (i + 1 < u.size()) {
      std::cout << ", ";
  std::cout << std::endl;

示例6: v

ublas::vector<int> mod2(const ublas::vector<int> &u) {
  ublas::vector<int> v(u.size());

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < u.size(); i++) {
    v(i) = u(i) % 2;

    // modulus result can be negative if u(i) negative, depending on implementation
    if (v(i) < 0) {
      v(i) += 2;

  return v;

示例7: diff

ScalarType diff(ublas::vector<ScalarType> & v1, viennacl::vector<ScalarType> & v2)
   ublas::vector<ScalarType> v2_cpu(v2.size());
   viennacl::copy(v2.begin(), v2.end(), v2_cpu.begin());

   for (unsigned int i=0;i<v1.size(); ++i)
      if ( std::max( std::fabs(v2_cpu[i]), std::fabs(v1[i]) ) > 0 )
        //if (std::max( std::fabs(v2_cpu[i]), std::fabs(v1[i]) ) < 1e-10 )  //absolute tolerance (avoid round-off issues)
        //  v2_cpu[i] = 0;
          v2_cpu[i] = std::fabs(v2_cpu[i] - v1[i]) / std::max( std::fabs(v2_cpu[i]), std::fabs(v1[i]) );
         v2_cpu[i] = 0.0;

      if (v2_cpu[i] > 0.0001)
        //std::cout << "Neighbor: "      << i-1 << ": " << v1[i-1] << " vs. " << v2_cpu[i-1] << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Error at entry " << i   << ": " << v1[i]   << " vs. " << v2_cpu[i]   << std::endl;
        //std::cout << "Neighbor: "      << i+1 << ": " << v1[i+1] << " vs. " << v2_cpu[i+1] << std::endl;

   return norm_inf(v2_cpu);

示例8: kronecker

     for (size_t i = 0; i < expectation_.size(); ++i)
         for (size_t j = 0; j <= i; ++j)
             covMatrix_(i, j) = expectation_(i) * expectation_(j);

示例9: A

ublas::vector<double> dirichlet_rnd(const ublas::vector<int>& nz) {
  //! Returns sample from a Dirichlet distribution with dimension k = len(nz).
  int k = nz.size();
  ublas::vector<double> A(k);
  for (int i=0; i<k; ++i) {
    A(i) = Rmath::rgamma(1+nz(i), 1);

  return A/sum(A);

示例10: diff

ScalarType diff ( ublas::vector<ScalarType> & v1, viennacl::vector<ScalarType,Alignment> & v2 ) {
    ublas::vector<ScalarType> v2_cpu ( v2.size() );
    viennacl::copy( v2.begin(), v2.end(), v2_cpu.begin() );
    for ( unsigned int i=0; i<v1.size(); ++i ) {
        if ( std::max ( fabs ( v2_cpu[i] ), fabs ( v1[i] ) ) > 0 )
            v2_cpu[i] = fabs ( v2_cpu[i] - v1[i] ) / std::max ( fabs ( v2_cpu[i] ), fabs ( v1[i] ) );
            v2_cpu[i] = 0.0;
    return norm_inf ( v2_cpu );


    /** returns the first n elites
     * @param p_start start value of the elite values
     * @param p_end end value of the elite values ([start, end) elite elements must be created)
     * @param p_population const reference to the population
     * @param p_rankIndex rank index (first index has the position of the population element, that has the smalles fitness value)
     * @param p_elite vector with elite individual
    template<typename T, typename L> inline void bestof<T,L>::getElite( const std::size_t& p_start, const std::size_t& p_end, const std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< individual::individual<L> > >& p_population, const ublas::vector<T>&, const ublas::vector<std::size_t>& p_rankIndex, const ublas::vector<std::size_t>&, std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< individual::individual<L> > >& p_elite )
        const std::size_t l_end = std::min(p_end, m_number);

        std::size_t n = p_start;
        for(std::size_t i=p_start; i < p_end; ++i) {
            p_elite.push_back( p_population[p_rankIndex[p_rankIndex.size()-1-n]] );
            if (n >= l_end)
                n = p_start;

示例12: diff

ScalarType diff(ublas::vector<ScalarType> const & v1, VCLVectorType const & v2)
   ublas::vector<ScalarType> v2_cpu(v2.size());
   viennacl::backend::finish();  //workaround for a bug in APP SDK 2.7 on Trinity APUs (with Catalyst 12.8)
   viennacl::copy(v2.begin(), v2.end(), v2_cpu.begin());

   for (unsigned int i=0;i<v1.size(); ++i)
      if (v2_cpu[i] != v1[i])
        return 1;

   return 0;

示例13: ranks

Serialization SDPSeriationGen::Impl::readout_connected(ublas::vector<double>& x,const AdjMat::AdjMatT& adj)
	unsigned int n = x.size();

	// tricky: make sure x > 0 at all times.
	x += ublas::scalar_vector<double>(n, 1 - (*min_element(x.begin(),x.end())));

	Serialization::RankT ranks(n);
	std::vector<bool> done(n,false);

	// find highest component of x
	ublas::vector<double>::iterator it = BEST_ELEM(x);
	int idx = std::distance(x.begin(),it);

	L("Determine Actual Path through Graph.\n");
	for(unsigned int i=0;i<n;i++){
		// mark as visited
		ranks[i] = idx;
		done[idx] = true;

		// make sure we do not visit again
		*it = 0.0; 

		// [m,i] = max(x.*A(:,i));
		ublas::vector<double> adjcol = ublas::column(adj,idx);
		for(unsigned int j=0;j<adjcol.size();j++)
			if(adjcol[j]>0.00001) adjcol[j]=1;
		ublas::vector<double> tmp = ublas::element_prod(x,adjcol);
		it = BEST_ELEM(tmp);

		if( *it < 0.000000001 && i<n-1)
			// if *it small, then either x[it] visited or adj(old_idx,idx) not connected
			// --> we reached a dead end, find next best start point
			it  = BEST_ELEM(x);
			idx = std::distance(x.begin(),it);
			idx = std::distance(tmp.begin(),it);
			// point it in x, not tmp:
			it  = x.begin();
			it += idx;

	return Serialization(ranks);

示例14: diff

ScalarType diff(ublas::vector<ScalarType> & v1, viennacl::vector<ScalarType> & v2)
   ublas::vector<ScalarType> v2_cpu(v2.size());
   viennacl::backend::finish();  //workaround for a bug in APP SDK 2.7 on Trinity APUs (with Catalyst 12.8)
   viennacl::copy(v2.begin(), v2.end(), v2_cpu.begin());

   for (std::size_t i=0;i<v1.size(); ++i)
      if ( std::max( std::fabs(v2_cpu[i]), std::fabs(v1[i]) ) > 0 )
         v2_cpu[i] = std::fabs(v2_cpu[i] - v1[i]) / std::max( std::fabs(v2_cpu[i]), std::fabs(v1[i]) );
         v2_cpu[i] = 0.0;

   return norm_inf(v2_cpu);

示例15: Exception

   void vector2image_2d(const ublas::fixed_vector<size_t, 2> size, const ublas::vector< float_t > &vector, float_accessor_t & image)
     size_t n_x_vertices = size(0);
     size_t n_y_vertices = size(1);
     if(vector.size() != n_x_vertices * n_y_vertices)
       throw Exception("Exception: vector of wrong length in vector2image().");
     if(image.size() != size)
       throw Exception("Exception: image of wrong size in vector2image().");
     for(size_t i = 0; i < n_x_vertices; i++)
       for(size_t j = 0; j < n_y_vertices; ++j)
         size_t vertex_index = i + j * n_x_vertices;
         image[ublas::fixed_vector<size_t, 2>(i, j)] = vector(vertex_index);
