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C++ parcelType::Vliq方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中typenamecloudtype::parcelType::Vliq方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ parcelType::Vliq方法的具体用法?C++ parcelType::Vliq怎么用?C++ parcelType::Vliq使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在typenamecloudtype::parcelType的用法示例。


示例1: mag

void Foam::LambertWall<CloudType>::evaluatePendularWall
    typename CloudType::parcelType& p,
    const point& site,
    const WallSiteData<vector>& data,
    scalar pREff
) const
    const scalar& st = this->surfaceTension();
    const scalar& ca = this->contactAngle();
    const scalar& lf = this->liqFrac();
    const scalar& vis = this->viscosity();
    const scalar& ms = this->minSep();

    scalar Vtot = lf*(p.Vliq());

    vector r_PW = p.position() - site;

    vector U_PW = p.U() - data.wallData();

    scalar r_PW_mag = mag(r_PW);

    scalar normalOverlapMag = pREff - r_PW_mag;

    scalar S = -normalOverlapMag;

    vector rHat_PW = r_PW/(r_PW_mag + VSMALL);

    // Normal force
    scalar capMag =
        (1+max(S, 0)*sqrt(mathematical::pi*pREff/Vtot));

    //Info << "the value of capMag is " << capMag << endl;
    //Info << " the value of overlapMag S is " << S << endl;
    //Info << " the volume of Vtot is " << Vtot << endl;

    scalar Svis = max(pREff*ms, S);

    scalar etaN = 6*mathematical::pi*vis*pREff*pREff/Svis;

    vector fN_PW = (-capMag - etaN*(U_PW & rHat_PW)) * rHat_PW;

    p.f() += fN_PW;

    vector UT_PW = U_PW - (U_PW & rHat_PW)*rHat_PW
                  - ((pREff*p.omega()) ^ rHat_PW);

    scalar etaT =
        6*mathematical::pi*vis*pREff*(8./15.*log(pREff/Svis) + 0.9588);

    vector fT_PW = -etaT * UT_PW;

    p.f() += fT_PW;

    p.torque() += (pREff*-rHat_PW) ^ fT_PW;



void Foam::ManualInjectionWet<CloudType>::setProperties
    const label parcelI,
    const label,
    const scalar,
    typename CloudType::parcelType& parcel
    // set particle velocity
    parcel.U() = U0_;

    // set particle diameter
    parcel.d() = diameters_[parcelI];

    // set initial liquid volume
    parcel.Vliq() = iniVliq_;
