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C++ MultiVector::getMap方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中tpetra::MultiVector::getMap方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ MultiVector::getMap方法的具体用法?C++ MultiVector::getMap怎么用?C++ MultiVector::getMap使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在tpetra::MultiVector的用法示例。


示例1: importer

// ============================================================================
dissect(const Tpetra::MultiVector<double,int,int> & x,
        Tpetra::MultiVector<double,int,int> & xSmall,
        double * lambda
#ifndef NDEBUG
  TEUCHOS_ASSERT_EQUALITY(x.NumVectors(), xSmall.NumVectors());
  // Make sure the maps are matching.
  std::shared_ptr<const Tpetra::Map<int,int>> extendedMap =

  Epetra_Import importer(xSmall.getMap(), x.getMap());

  // Strip off the phase constraint variable.
  xSmall.Import(x, importer, Insert);

  // TODO Check if we need lambda on all procs.
  if (x.getMap().Comm().MyPID() == 0) {
    const int n = x.MyLength();
    for (int k = 0; k < x.NumVectors(); k++)
      lambda[k] = (*(x(k)))[n - 1];


示例2: timeMon

apply (const Tpetra::MultiVector<scalar_type, local_ordinal_type, global_ordinal_type, node_type>& X,
       Tpetra::MultiVector<scalar_type, local_ordinal_type, global_ordinal_type, node_type>& Y,
       Teuchos::ETransp mode,
       scalar_type alpha,
       scalar_type beta) const 
    Teuchos::TimeMonitor timeMon (*Time_);

    // compute() calls initialize() if it hasn't already been called.
    // Thus, we only need to check isComputed().
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(! isComputed(), std::runtime_error, 
      "Ifpack2::Chebyshev::apply(): You must call the compute() method before "
      "you may call apply().");
       X.getNumVectors() != Y.getNumVectors(), 
       "Ifpack2::Chebyshev::apply(): X and Y must have the same number of "
       "columns.  X.getNumVectors() = " << X.getNumVectors() << " != "
       << "Y.getNumVectors() = " << Y.getNumVectors() << ".");
      // The relation 'isSameAs' is transitive.  It's also a collective,
      // so we don't have to do a "shared" test for exception (i.e., a
      // global reduction on the test value).
         ! X.getMap ()->isSameAs (*getDomainMap ()),
         "Ifpack2::Chebyshev: The domain Map of the matrix must be the same as "
	 "the Map of the input vector(s) X.");
         ! Y.getMap ()->isSameAs (*getRangeMap ()),
         "Ifpack2::Chebyshev: The range Map of the matrix must be the same as "
	 "the Map of the output vector(s) Y.");
    applyImpl (X, Y, mode, alpha, beta);
  ApplyTime_ += Time_->totalElapsedTime ();

示例3: X_tmp

void IdentitySolver<MatrixType>::
apply (const Tpetra::MultiVector<scalar_type,local_ordinal_type,global_ordinal_type,node_type>& X,
       Tpetra::MultiVector<scalar_type,local_ordinal_type,global_ordinal_type,node_type>& Y,
       Teuchos::ETransp /*mode*/,
       scalar_type alpha,
       scalar_type beta) const
  using Teuchos::RCP;
  typedef Teuchos::ScalarTraits<scalar_type> STS;
  typedef Tpetra::MultiVector<scalar_type, local_ordinal_type,
                              global_ordinal_type, node_type> MV;

    ! isComputed (), std::runtime_error,
    "Ifpack2::IdentitySolver::apply: If compute() has not yet been called, "
    "or if you have changed the matrix via setMatrix(), "
    "you must call compute() before you may call this method.");

  // "Identity solver" does what it says: it's the identity operator.
  // We have to Export if the domain and range Maps are not the same.
  // Otherwise, this operator would be a permutation, not the identity.
  if (export_.is_null ()) {
    Y.update (alpha, X, beta);
  else {
    if (alpha == STS::one () && beta == STS::zero ()) { // the common case
      Y.doExport (X, *export_, Tpetra::REPLACE);
    else {
      // We know that the domain and range Maps are compatible.  First
      // bring X into the range Map via Export.  Then compute in place
      // in Y.
      MV X_tmp (Y.getMap (), Y.getNumVectors ());
      X_tmp.doExport (X, *export_, Tpetra::REPLACE);
      Y.update (alpha, X_tmp, beta);

示例4: rcp

 static Teuchos::RCP<Tpetra::MultiVector<Scalar,LO,GO,Node> > Clone( const Tpetra::MultiVector<Scalar,LO,GO,Node>& mv, const int numvecs )
   return Teuchos::rcp( new Tpetra::MultiVector<Scalar,LO,GO,Node>(mv.getMap(),numvecs));

示例5: findUniqueGids

size_t findUniqueGids(
  Tpetra::MultiVector<gno_t, lno_t, gno_t> &keys,
  Tpetra::Vector<gno_t, lno_t, gno_t> &gids
  // Input:  Tpetra MultiVector of keys; key length = numVectors()
  //         May contain duplicate keys within a processor.
  //         May contain duplicate keys across processors.
  // Input:  Empty Tpetra Vector with same map for holding the results
  // Output: Filled gids vector, containing unique global numbers for
  //         each unique key.  Global numbers are in range [0,#UniqueKeys).

  size_t num_keys = keys.getLocalLength();
  size_t num_entries = keys.getNumVectors();

  MPI_Comm mpicomm = Teuchos::getRawMpiComm(*(keys.getMap()->getComm()));
  // Zoltan's siMPI will be used here
    int flag;
    if (!flag) {
      int narg = 0;
      char **argv = NULL;
      MPI_Init(&narg, &argv);
  MPI_Comm mpicomm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;  // Will get MPI_COMM_WORLD from siMPI

  int num_gid = sizeof(gno_t)/sizeof(ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE) * num_entries;
  int num_user = sizeof(gno_t);

  // Buffer the keys for Zoltan_DD
  Teuchos::ArrayRCP<const gno_t> *tmpKeyVecs =
           new Teuchos::ArrayRCP<const gno_t>[num_entries];
  for (size_t v = 0; v < num_entries; v++) tmpKeyVecs[v] = keys.getData(v);

  ZOLTAN_ID_PTR ddkeys = new ZOLTAN_ID_TYPE[num_gid * num_keys];
  size_t idx = 0;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_keys; i++) {
    for (size_t v = 0; v < num_entries; v++) {
      ZOLTAN_ID_PTR ddkey = &(ddkeys[idx]);
      TPL_Traits<ZOLTAN_ID_PTR,gno_t>::ASSIGN(ddkey, tmpKeyVecs[v][i]);
      idx += TPL_Traits<ZOLTAN_ID_PTR,gno_t>::NUM_ID;
  delete [] tmpKeyVecs;

  // Allocate memory for the result
  char *ddnewgids = new char[num_user * num_keys];
  // Compute the new GIDs
  size_t nUnique = findUniqueGidsCommon<gno_t>(num_keys, num_gid,
                                               ddkeys, ddnewgids, mpicomm);

  // Copy the result into the output vector
  gno_t *result = (gno_t *)ddnewgids;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_keys; i++)
    gids.replaceLocalValue(i, result[i]);

  // Clean up
  delete [] ddkeys;
  delete [] ddnewgids;

  return nUnique;
