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C++ Tag::year方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中taglib::Tag::year方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ Tag::year方法的具体用法?C++ Tag::year怎么用?C++ Tag::year使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在taglib::Tag的用法示例。


示例1: readTags

void Track::readTags()
    QByteArray fileName = QFile::encodeName( p->url.toLocalFile() );
    const char * encodedName = fileName.constData();
    TagLib::FileRef fileref = TagLib::FileRef( encodedName, true, TagLib::AudioProperties::Fast);

   if ( !fileref.isNull() )
        if( fileref.tag() )
            TagLib::Tag *tag = fileref.tag();

            p->title   = !tag->title().isNull() ? TStringToQString( tag->title() ).trimmed() : QObject::tr("Unknown");
            p->artist  = !tag->artist().isNull() ? TStringToQString( tag->artist() ).trimmed() : QObject::tr("Unknown");
            p->album   = !tag->album().isNull() ? TStringToQString( tag->album() ).trimmed() : QObject::tr("Unknown");
            p->comment = TStringToQString( tag->comment() ).trimmed();
            p->genre   = !tag->genre().isNull() ? TStringToQString( tag->genre() ).trimmed() : QObject::tr("Unknown");
            p->year    = tag->year() ? QString::number( tag->year() ) : QString::null;
            p->tracknumber   = tag->track() ? QString::number( tag->track() ) : QString::null;
            p->length     = fileref.audioProperties()->length();
            p->counter = 0;
            p->rate = 0;

            //polish up empty tags
            if( p->title == QObject::tr("Unknown") ) {
                QFileInfo fileInfo(p->url.toLocalFile());
                p->title = fileInfo.fileName().replace( '_', ' ' ).replace('.' + fileInfo.suffix(),"") ;


示例2: parseAndWrite

bool parseAndWrite(const char* location, Json::Writer& writer)
  Json::Value metadata;
  metadata[LOCATION] = location;
  TagLib::FileRef f(location);

  if (f.isNull()){
    return false;

  if (f.tag() && !f.tag()->isEmpty()){
    TagLib::Tag* tag = f.tag();
    TagLib::String artist = tag->artist();
    TagLib::String album = tag->artist();
    TagLib::String title = tag->title();

    uint track = tag->track();
    uint year = tag->year();

    metadata[TITLE] = title.toCString(true);
    metadata[ARTIST] = artist.toCString(true);
    metadata[ALBUM] = album.toCString(true);
    metadata[TRACK] = track;
    metadata[YEAR] = year;

  std::cout << writer.write(metadata);
  return true;

示例3: getMp3Info

void getMp3Info(const WCHAR* fileName, MP3Info &info)
    TagLib::FileRef f(fileName);

    if (!f.isNull() && f.tag())
        TagLib::Tag *tag = f.tag();

        info.tag[0] = tag->title().toWString();
        info.tag[1] = tag->artist().toWString();
        info.tag[2] = tag->album().toWString();
        info.tag[3] = tag->comment().toWString();
        info.tag[4] = tag->genre().toWString();
        info.year = tag->year();
        info.track = tag->track();

        TagLib::PropertyMap tags = f.file()->properties();

        if (!f.isNull() && f.audioProperties()) 
            TagLib::AudioProperties *properties = f.audioProperties();

            int seconds = properties->length() % 60;
            int minutes = (properties->length() - seconds) / 60;

            info.bitrate = properties->bitrate();
            info.sample_rate = properties->sampleRate();
            info.channels = properties->channels();
            info.length_minutes = minutes;
            info.length_seconds = seconds;

示例4: f

bool MP3::readID3v2(const std::string& filename, Metadata& meta) {
	// After reading http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/taglib-devel/2008-March/000902.html
	// adding a big lock seems reasonable
	try {
		TagLib::MPEG::File f(filename.c_str());
		if (f.isValid() && f.tag()) {
			TagLib::Tag* pTag = f.tag();
			meta.interpret = pTag->artist().isNull() ? "" : pTag->artist().to8Bit(true);
			meta.album = pTag->album().isNull() ? "" : pTag->album().to8Bit(true);
			meta.title = pTag->title().isNull() ? "" : pTag->title().to8Bit(true);
			meta.genre = pTag->genre().isNull() ? "" : pTag->genre().to8Bit(true);
			meta.track_no = pTag->track();
			meta.year = pTag->year();
			return meta.complete();
	} catch (const std::exception&) {
		// ...
	return false;

示例5: handle_file

int handle_file(const char* filepath, const char* filekey, AudioFileRecordStore& record_store)
    bool record_exists = record_store.find_record(filekey) != NULL;

    // Scanning a file for tags is expensive, so only do it if required.
            && !record_store.record_update_required(filekey))
        // no update reqquired so has been handled.
        return 1;

    TagLib::FileRef f(filepath);
    if (!f.isNull() && f.tag())
        AudioFileRecord &record = record_store.get_record(filekey);

        if (verbose)
            TagLib::Tag *tag = f.tag();
            std::cout << filepath << endl;
            std::cout << filekey << endl;
            std::cout << "-- TAG (basic) --" << endl;
            std::cout << "title   - \"" << tag->title()   << "\"" << endl;
            std::cout << "artist  - \"" << tag->artist()  << "\"" << endl;
            std::cout << "album   - \"" << tag->album()   << "\"" << endl;
            std::cout << "year    - \"" << tag->year()    << "\"" << endl;
            std::cout << "comment - \"" << tag->comment() << "\"" << endl;
            std::cout << "track   - \"" << tag->track()   << "\"" << endl;
            std::cout << "genre   - \"" << tag->genre()   << "\"" << endl;

        TagLib::PropertyMap tags = f.file()->properties();

        for(TagLib::PropertyMap::ConstIterator i = tags.begin(); i != tags.end(); ++i)
            for(TagLib::StringList::ConstIterator j = i->second.begin(); j != i->second.end(); ++j) 
                record.update(i->first.toCString(true), j->toCString(true));

        if (f.audioProperties())
            TagLib::AudioProperties *properties = f.audioProperties();
            record.update(audio_tags::BITRATE, properties->bitrate());
            record.update(audio_tags::LENGTH, properties->length());
            record.update(audio_tags::SAMPLERATE, properties->sampleRate());
            record.update(audio_tags::CHANNELS, properties->channels());

        return 1;

    return 0;

示例6: urlObj

TagLibTokenizer::TagLibTokenizer(const Document *pDocument) :
	if (pDocument != NULL)
		Url urlObj(pDocument->getLocation());
		string pseudoContent;

		if ((urlObj.isLocal() == true) &&
			(urlObj.getFile().empty() == false))
			string location(urlObj.getLocation());
			string trackTitle;

			location += "/";
			location += urlObj.getFile();

			TagLib::FileRef fileRef(location.c_str(), false);
			if (fileRef.isNull() == false)
				TagLib::Tag *pTag = fileRef.tag();
				if ((pTag != NULL) &&
					(pTag->isEmpty() == false))
					char yearStr[64];

					trackTitle = pTag->title().to8Bit(); 
					trackTitle += " ";
					trackTitle += pTag->artist().to8Bit();

					pseudoContent = trackTitle;
					pseudoContent += " ";
					pseudoContent += pTag->album().to8Bit();
					pseudoContent += " ";
					pseudoContent += pTag->comment().to8Bit();
					pseudoContent += " ";
					pseudoContent += pTag->genre().to8Bit();
					snprintf(yearStr, 64, " %u", pTag->year());
					pseudoContent += yearStr;
				trackTitle = pseudoContent = pDocument->getTitle();

			m_pTagDocument = new Document(trackTitle, pDocument->getLocation(),
				pDocument->getType(), pDocument->getLanguage());
			m_pTagDocument->setData(pseudoContent.c_str(), pseudoContent.length());

			// Give the result to the parent class

示例7: ReadTag

bool ReadTag(const musik::Core::String& fn, musik::Core::SongInfo& target)
    bool ret = true;

    musik::Core::Filename mfn(fn);

    target.SetFormat("Ogg Vorbis");

#if defined (WIN32)
        TagLib::FileRef tag_file(fn.c_str());
        TagLib::FileRef tag_file(utf16to8(fn, true).c_str());
        if (!tag_file.isNull())
            if (tag_file.tag())
                TagLib::Tag *tag = tag_file.tag();        



            if (tag_file.audioProperties())
                TagLib::AudioProperties *properties = tag_file.audioProperties();
                int duration = properties->length() * 1000;

        // if the title is empty, then use the
        // filename...
        if (target.GetTitle().IsEmpty())
            musik::Core::Filename MFN(fn);
    catch (...)
        ret = false;
        cout << "taglib crashed reading: " << fn.c_str() << endl;

    return ret;

示例8: MetaData

bool MetaData(const char* filepath, cFields& fields, cRow& props)
#define ADD(x, t) do { if (t) { fields.push_back(x); props.push_back(t); } } while(0)
#define ADDSTRING(x, t) do { if (!t.empty()) { fields.push_back(x); props.push_back(t); } } while(0)
#define ADDINT(x, t) do { std::string c = *itoa(t); if (!c.empty()){ fields.push_back(x); props.push_back(c);} } while(0)
    TagLib::FileRef f(filepath);


    //cTag t;
    //const char* tmp = NULL;
    std::string tmp;
    if (f.isNull()) 
        std::cerr<< "Taglib failed on " << filepath << std::endl;
        ADD("metadata_needs_update", "2"); // failure
        return false;
    TagLib::Tag *tag = f.tag();
    if (tag) 
#if 0
      tmp   = toString(tag->title()).c_str();   ADD("title",   tmp);
      tmp   = toString(tag->artist()).c_str();  ADD("artist",  tmp);
      tmp   = toString(tag->album()).c_str();   ADD("album",   tmp);
      tmp   = toString(tag->comment()).c_str(); ADD("comment", tmp);
      tmp   = toString(tag->genre()).c_str();   ADD("genre",   tmp);
        tmp   = toString(tag->title());   ADDSTRING("title",   tmp);
        tmp   = toString(tag->artist());  ADDSTRING("artist",  tmp);
        tmp   = toString(tag->album());   ADDSTRING("album",   tmp);
        tmp   = toString(tag->comment()); ADDSTRING("comment", tmp);
        tmp   = toString(tag->genre());   ADDSTRING("genre",   tmp);
      //ADDINT("track", tag->track());
      ADDINT("year",  tag->year());
    TagLib::AudioProperties *prop = f.audioProperties();
    if (prop) 
        ADDINT("bitrate",    prop->bitrate());
        ADDINT("samplerate", prop->sampleRate());
      //  ADDINT("channels",   prop->channels());
        ADDINT("length" ,    prop->length());
    ADD("metadata_needs_update", "0");
    return true;

示例9: main

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {

    cout << "******************** \"" << argv[i] << "\" ********************" << endl;

    TagLib::FileRef f(argv[i]);

    if(!f.isNull() && f.tag()) {

      TagLib::Tag *tag = f.tag();

      cout << "-- TAG (basic) --" << endl;
      cout << "title   - \"" << tag->title()   << "\"" << endl;
      cout << "artist  - \"" << tag->artist()  << "\"" << endl;
      cout << "album   - \"" << tag->album()   << "\"" << endl;
      cout << "year    - \"" << tag->year()    << "\"" << endl;
      cout << "comment - \"" << tag->comment() << "\"" << endl;
      cout << "track   - \"" << tag->track()   << "\"" << endl;
      cout << "genre   - \"" << tag->genre()   << "\"" << endl;

      TagLib::PropertyMap tags = f.file()->properties();

      unsigned int longest = 0;
      for(TagLib::PropertyMap::ConstIterator i = tags.begin(); i != tags.end(); ++i) {
        if (i->first.size() > longest) {
          longest = i->first.size();

      cout << "-- TAG (properties) --" << endl;
      for(TagLib::PropertyMap::ConstIterator i = tags.begin(); i != tags.end(); ++i) {
        for(TagLib::StringList::ConstIterator j = i->second.begin(); j != i->second.end(); ++j) {
          cout << left << std::setw(longest) << i->first << " - " << '"' << *j << '"' << endl;


    if(!f.isNull() && f.audioProperties()) {

      TagLib::AudioProperties *properties = f.audioProperties();

      int seconds = properties->length() % 60;
      int minutes = (properties->length() - seconds) / 60;

      cout << "-- AUDIO --" << endl;
      cout << "bitrate     - " << properties->bitrate() << endl;
      cout << "sample rate - " << properties->sampleRate() << endl;
      cout << "channels    - " << properties->channels() << endl;
      cout << "length      - " << minutes << ":" << setfill('0') << setw(2) << seconds << endl;
  return 0;

示例10: scan

	void FileStore::scan(const string & a_path) {
		if (!fs::exists(a_path)) 
		if (fs::is_directory(a_path)) {
			fs::directory_iterator end; // default construction yields past-the-end
			for (fs::directory_iterator curr(a_path); curr != end; ++curr) {
				fs::path p = curr->path();
				string s = p.string();
		} else if (fs::is_regular_file(a_path)) {
			if (pathExists(a_path))
			TagLib::FileRef file_ref(a_path.c_str(), false);
			if (!file_ref.isNull() && file_ref.tag()) {
				cerr << "indexing " << a_path << endl;
				TagLib::Tag *t = file_ref.tag();
				string artist = t->artist().to8Bit(true);
				string album = t->album().to8Bit(true);
				string title = t->title().to8Bit(true);
				string genre = t->genre().to8Bit(true);
				string year = t->year() > 0 ? lexical_cast<string>(t->year()) : "";
				string track = t->track() > 0 ? lexical_cast<string>(t->track()) : "";
				string uri = "file://" + a_path;
				shared_ptr<UUID> fileID(generateID());
				addField(*fileID, ARTIST, artist);
				addField(*fileID, ARTIST, artist);
				addField(*fileID, ALBUM, album);
				addField(*fileID, YEAR, year);
				addField(*fileID, TITLE, title);
				addField(*fileID, GENRE, genre);
				addField(*fileID, TRACK, track);
				addField(*fileID, URI, uri);

示例11: main

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    if (argc < 3) return 1;

    string what(argv[1]);

    TagLib::FileRef f(argv[2]);

    if(!f.isNull() && f.tag()) {

        TagLib::Tag *tag = f.tag();
        if (what == "title")  cout << tag->title()   << endl;
        if (what == "artist") cout << tag->artist()  << endl;
        if (what == "album")  cout << tag->album()   << endl;
        if (what == "year")   cout << tag->year()    << endl;
    return 0;

示例12: main

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {

        cout << "******************** \"" << argv[i] << "\" ********************" << endl;

        TagLib::FileRef f(argv[i]);

        if(!f.isNull() && f.tag()) {

            TagLib::Tag *tag = f.tag();

            cout << "-- TAG --" << endl;
            cout << "title   - \"" << tag->title()   << "\"" << endl;
            cout << "artist  - \"" << tag->artist()  << "\"" << endl;
            cout << "album   - \"" << tag->album()   << "\"" << endl;
            cout << "year    - \"" << tag->year()    << "\"" << endl;
            cout << "comment - \"" << tag->comment() << "\"" << endl;
            cout << "track   - \"" << tag->track()   << "\"" << endl;
            cout << "genre   - \"" << tag->genre()   << "\"" << endl;

        if(!f.isNull() && f.audioProperties()) {

            TagLib::AudioProperties *properties = f.audioProperties();

            int seconds = properties->length() % 60;
            int minutes = (properties->length() - seconds) / 60;

            cout << "-- AUDIO --" << endl;
            cout << "bitrate     - " << properties->bitrate() << endl;
            cout << "sample rate - " << properties->sampleRate() << endl;
            cout << "channels    - " << properties->channels() << endl;
            cout << "length      - " << minutes << ":" << formatSeconds(seconds) << endl;
    return 0;

示例13: mediaTag

bool mediaTag(Artwork *art, TagLib::File *f)
    Q_ASSERT(f != NULL);

    TagLib::Tag *tag = f->tag();
    art->filetype = FILETYPE_UNKNOWN;

    // The basic stuff!!!
    art->artist = TStringToQString(tag->artist()).trimmed();
    art->album = TStringToQString(tag->album()).trimmed();
    art->track = TStringToQString(tag->title()).trimmed();
    art->genre = TStringToQString(tag->genre()).trimmed();
    art->year = tag->year();
    art->trackNo = tag->track();

    // we need something to search on!
    if (art->artist == "" && art->album == "" && art->track == "") {
        return false;

    // Any audio properties???
    if (f->audioProperties()) {
        TagLib::AudioProperties *properties = f->audioProperties();

        int seconds = properties->length() % 60;
        int minutes = (properties->length() - seconds) / 60;
        art->duration = minutes * 60 + seconds;

        art->bitRate = properties->bitrate();
        art->sampleRate = properties->sampleRate();
        art->channels = properties->channels();

    return true;

示例14: ReadFile

void TagReader::ReadFile(const QString& filename,
                         pb::tagreader::SongMetadata* song) const {
  const QByteArray url(QUrl::fromLocalFile(filename).toEncoded());
  const QFileInfo info(filename);

  qLog(Debug) << "Reading tags from" << filename;

  song->set_url(url.constData(), url.size());

  std::unique_ptr<TagLib::FileRef> fileref(factory_->GetFileRef(filename));
  if (fileref->isNull()) {
    qLog(Info) << "TagLib hasn't been able to read " << filename << " file";

  TagLib::Tag* tag = fileref->tag();
  if (tag) {
    Decode(tag->title(), nullptr, song->mutable_title());
    Decode(tag->artist(), nullptr, song->mutable_artist());  // TPE1
    Decode(tag->album(), nullptr, song->mutable_album());
    Decode(tag->genre(), nullptr, song->mutable_genre());

  QString disc;
  QString compilation;

  // Handle all the files which have VorbisComments (Ogg, OPUS, ...) in the same
  // way;
  // apart, so we keep specific behavior for some formats by adding another
  // "else if" block below.
  if (TagLib::Ogg::XiphComment* tag =
          dynamic_cast<TagLib::Ogg::XiphComment*>(fileref->file()->tag())) {
    ParseOggTag(tag->fieldListMap(), nullptr, &disc, &compilation, song);

  if (TagLib::MPEG::File* file =
          dynamic_cast<TagLib::MPEG::File*>(fileref->file())) {
    if (file->ID3v2Tag()) {
      const TagLib::ID3v2::FrameListMap& map = file->ID3v2Tag()->frameListMap();

      if (!map["TPOS"].isEmpty())
        disc = TStringToQString(map["TPOS"].front()->toString()).trimmed();

      if (!map["TBPM"].isEmpty())

      if (!map["TCOM"].isEmpty())
        Decode(map["TCOM"].front()->toString(), nullptr,

      if (!map["TIT1"].isEmpty())  // content group
        Decode(map["TIT1"].front()->toString(), nullptr,

      // Skip TPE1 (which is the artist) here because we already fetched it

      if (!map["TPE2"].isEmpty())  // non-standard: Apple, Microsoft
        Decode(map["TPE2"].front()->toString(), nullptr,

      if (!map["TCMP"].isEmpty())
        compilation =

      if (!map["APIC"].isEmpty()) song->set_art_automatic(kEmbeddedCover);

      // Find a suitable comment tag.  For now we ignore iTunNORM comments.
      for (int i = 0; i < map["COMM"].size(); ++i) {
        const TagLib::ID3v2::CommentsFrame* frame =
            dynamic_cast<const TagLib::ID3v2::CommentsFrame*>(map["COMM"][i]);

        if (frame && TStringToQString(frame->description()) != "iTunNORM") {
          Decode(frame->text(), nullptr, song->mutable_comment());

      // Parse FMPS frames
      for (int i = 0; i < map["TXXX"].size(); ++i) {
        const TagLib::ID3v2::UserTextIdentificationFrame* frame =
            dynamic_cast<const TagLib::ID3v2::UserTextIdentificationFrame*>(

        if (frame && frame->description().startsWith("FMPS_")) {
                         TStringToQString(frame->fieldList()[1]), song);

      // Check POPM tags
      // We do this after checking FMPS frames, so FMPS have precedence, as we

示例15: main

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {

    cout << "******************** \"" << argv[i] << "\" ********************" << endl;

    TagLib::FileRef f(argv[i]);

    if(!f.isNull() && f.tag()) {

      TagLib::Tag *tag = f.tag();

      cout << "-- TAG --" << endl;
      cout << "title        - \"" << tag->title()   << "\"" << endl;
      cout << "artist       - \"" << tag->artist()  << "\"" << endl;
      cout << "album artist - \"" << tag->albumArtist()   << "\"" << endl;
      cout << "album        - \"" << tag->album()   << "\"" << endl;
      cout << "year         - \"" << tag->year()    << "\"" << endl;
      cout << "comment      - \"" << tag->comment() << "\"" << endl;
      cout << "track        - \"" << tag->track()   << "\"" << endl;
      cout << "genre        - \"" << tag->genre()   << "\"" << endl;
      cout << "grouping     - \"" << tag->grouping()   << "\"" << endl;
      TagLib::Ogg::XiphComment *comment = NULL;
      TagLib::FLAC::File *flac = dynamic_cast<TagLib::FLAC::File *>(f.file());
      if (flac) {
        cout << "flac:" << endl;
        cout << "id3v1   - \"" << flac->ID3v1Tag()   << "\"" << endl;
        cout << "id3v2   - \"" << flac->ID3v2Tag()   << "\"" << endl;
        cout << "xiph    - \"" << flac->xiphComment()   << "\"" << endl;
        comment = flac->xiphComment();
      if (!comment) {
        comment = dynamic_cast<TagLib::Ogg::XiphComment *>(tag);
      if (comment) {
        TagLib::Ogg::FieldListMap fields = comment->fieldListMap();
        for(TagLib::Ogg::FieldListMap::ConstIterator it = fields.begin(), end = fields.end(); it != end; it++) {
          if (!it->second.isEmpty())
            cout << "xiph:" << it->first << " \"" << it->second[0].substr(0,3) << "\"" << endl;
      cout << "pictures- \"" << f.file()->pictures().size()   << "\"" << endl;
      TagLib::File::PictureList l = f.file()->pictures();
      for (TagLib::File::_PictureList::ConstIterator i = l.begin(), end = l.end(); i != end; i++) {
        cout << "\t" << (*i)->typeName() << ' ' << (*i)->mimeType() << ' ' << (*i)->base64data().size() << endl;
      cout << "pictures- \"" << tag->pictures().size()   << "\"" << endl;

    if(!f.isNull() && f.audioProperties()) {

      TagLib::AudioProperties *properties = f.audioProperties();

      int seconds = properties->length() % 60;
      int minutes = (properties->length() - seconds) / 60;

      cout << "-- AUDIO --" << endl;
      cout << "bitrate     - " << properties->bitrate() << endl;
      cout << "sample rate - " << properties->sampleRate() << endl;
      cout << "channels    - " << properties->channels() << endl;
      cout << "length      - " << minutes << ":" << formatSeconds(seconds) << endl;
  return 0;
