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C++ map::cbegin方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中std::map::cbegin方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ map::cbegin方法的具体用法?C++ map::cbegin怎么用?C++ map::cbegin使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在std::map的用法示例。


示例1: answer

// Construct the answer after parsing an input string
std::string answer(const std::map<std::string, coef_type, std::greater<std::string>>& tokens) {
    std::string ans;
    for (auto cit = tokens.cbegin(); cit != tokens.cend(); ++cit) {
        if (cit != tokens.cbegin() && cit->second > 0) {
            ans += "+";
        if (cit->first != "1") {
            if (cit ->second > 1 || cit ->second < 1) {
                ans += std::to_string(cit->second);
                ans += "*";
            ans += cit->first;
        else {
            ans += std::to_string(cit->second);
    return ans;

示例2: findByName_helper

//fills lst or const_lst  (depending on which is null) with all borrowers with specified name 
static void findByName_helper(const std::map<unsigned int, Borrower>& borrowers, const std::string name, 
	list<Borrower*const> *const lst, list<const Borrower*const> *const const_lst){

	borrowers_citer iter = borrowers.cbegin();

	while (iter != borrowers.cend())
		if (iter->second.getName() == name)
			const_lst == NULL ? lst->push_back(const_cast<Borrower*>(&iter->second)) : const_lst->push_back(&iter->second);

示例3: optionsToString

std::string optionsToString(std::map<std::string, std::string> const &options) {
  if (!options.empty()) {
    std::ostringstream resultStream;
    auto optionsKvpIt = options.cbegin();
    auto const &firstKvp = (*optionsKvpIt);
    resultStream << firstKvp.first << "='" << firstKvp.second << '\'';
    for (; optionsKvpIt != options.cend(); ++optionsKvpIt) {
      auto kvp = (*optionsKvpIt);
      resultStream << ", " << kvp.first << "='" << kvp.second << '\'';
    return resultStream.str();
  } else {
    return std::string();

示例4: InitializeMeshNeiboNum

int MeshInfoSet::InitializeMeshNeiboNum(const std::map<MeshPair, int>& meshPair, std::map<int, std::vector<std::pair<int, int>>>& meshNeiboNum)
	int rtn = 0;
	for (map<MeshPair, int>::const_iterator it = meshPair.cbegin(); it != meshPair.cend(); ++it)
		rtn = AddMeshNeiboNum(it->first.first, it->first.second, it->second, meshNeiboNum);
		rtn = AddMeshNeiboNum(it->first.second, it->first.first, it->second, meshNeiboNum);
	for (map<int, vector<pair<int, int>>>::iterator it = meshNeiboNum.begin(); it != meshNeiboNum.end(); ++it)
		sort(it->second.begin(), it->second.end(), CmpPairByLagerSecond<int, int>);
	return 0;

示例5: GetServerIDsFromHostMap

// assuming the namenode id is 0
void GetServerIDsFromHostMap(std::vector<int32_t> *server_ids,
    const std::map<int32_t, HostInfo>& host_map){
  int32_t num_servers = host_map.size() - 1;
  int32_t i = 0;

  for (auto host_info_iter = host_map.cbegin();
    host_info_iter != host_map.cend(); host_info_iter++) {
    if (host_info_iter->first == 0)
    (*server_ids)[i] = host_info_iter->first;

示例6: wakeSleepingThreads

 * Function: wakeSleepingThreads
 * Iterates over all threads alive and wakes them up if needed.
 * If a thread is awaken it is added to the READY list.
void wakeSleepingThreads()
	uthread *curr;
	// Add waking threads to READY list
	for (auto th=livingThreads.cbegin(); th != livingThreads.cend(); ++th)
		// curr is the current thread in the for loop
		curr = th->second;
		// If the thread is sleeping and it should wake up, wake it up
		if (curr->get_state() == uthread::state::SLEEPING &&

示例7: garbage_collection

    void garbage_collection()
        for (auto i = rx_pkt_queue.cbegin(); i != rx_pkt_queue.cend(); /* NO INCREMENT*/)
            if (i->second->id <= last_fw_id)
#ifdef VERBOSE
                printf("Erasing pkt with id=%u, last_fw_id %u\n", i->first, last_fw_id);

示例8: check_types

bool check_types(const std::map<std::string, uint16_t>& expected) {
  // holds the type names we see at runtime
  std::map<std::string, uint16_t> found;
  // fetch all available type names
  auto types = uniform_type_info::instances();
  for (auto tinfo : types) {
    found.insert(std::make_pair(tinfo->name(), tinfo->type_nr()));
  // compare the two maps
  if (expected == found) {
    return true;
  using const_iterator = std::map<std::string, uint16_t>::const_iterator;
  using std::setw;
  using std::left;
  std::ostringstream oss;
  oss << left << setw(20) << ("found (" + tostr(found.size(), 1) + ")")
      << "  |  expected (" << expected.size() << ")";
  oss << std::setfill('-') << setw(22) << "" << "|" << setw(22) << "";
  auto fi = found.cbegin();
  auto fe = found.cend();
  auto ei = expected.cbegin();
  auto ee = expected.cend();
  std::string dummy(20, ' ');
  auto out = [&](const_iterator& i, const_iterator last) -> std::string {
    if (i == last) {
      return dummy;
    std::ostringstream tmp;
    tmp << left << setw(16) << i->first << "[" << tostr(i->second) << "]";
    return tmp.str();
  while (fi != fe || ei != ee) {
    CAF_PRINT(out(fi, fe) << "  |  " << out(ei, ee));
  return false;

示例9: check_martialarts

void check_martialarts()
    for( auto style = martialarts.cbegin(); style != martialarts.cend(); ++style ) {
        for( auto technique = style->second.techniques.cbegin();
             technique != style->second.techniques.cend(); ++technique ) {
            if( ma_techniques.find( *technique ) == ma_techniques.end() ) {
                debugmsg( "Technique with id %s in style %s doesn't exist.",
                          technique->c_str(), style->second.name.c_str() );
        for( auto weapon = style->second.weapons.cbegin();
             weapon != style->second.weapons.cend(); ++weapon ) {
            if( !item::type_is_defined( *weapon ) ) {
                debugmsg( "Weapon %s in style %s doesn't exist.",
                          weapon->c_str(), style->second.name.c_str() );

示例10: main

int main()
    const std::map< int, std::vector<double> > map =
        { 247, { 1.2, 2.3, 3.4, 4.5 } },
        { 106, { 5.6, 6.7, 7.8, 8.9, 9.1, 1.2, 2.3 } },
        { 184, { 3.4, 4.5 } }

        // option 1: range-based loops
        for( const auto& pair : map )
            std::cout << "key: " << pair.first << "  value: [  " ;
            for( double d : pair.second ) std::cout << d << "  " ;
            std::cout << "]\n" ;
    std::cout << "----------------\n" ;
        // option 2: iterators
        for( auto map_iter = map.cbegin() ; map_iter != map.cend() ; ++map_iter )
            std::cout << "key: " << map_iter->first << "  value: [  " ;
            for( auto vec_iter = map_iter->second.cbegin() ; vec_iter != map_iter->second.cend() ; ++vec_iter )
                std::cout << *vec_iter << "  " ;
            std::cout << "]\n" ;
    std::cout << "----------------\n" ;
        // option 3: range-based loop for map, subscript operator for vector
        for( const auto& pair : map )
            std::cout << "key: " << pair.first << "  value: [  " ;
            for( std::size_t i = 0 ; i < pair.second.size() ; ++i )  std::cout << pair.second[i] << "  " ;
            std::cout << "]\n" ;
    // options 4, 5 ...

示例11: ModelData

const model_map	ModelData::readModelList(GLFWwindow* window, const std::map<std::string, std::string>& fileNamesAndPaths, const DescriptorType descType){
	model_map models;
	std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it;

	// Start to asynchronously load models
	for (it = fileNamesAndPaths.cbegin(); it != fileNamesAndPaths.cend(); ++it){
		models.emplace(it->first, new ModelData(it->second, false, descType)); // Do not create voxel space, also

	// Wait for individual models to load
	std::map<std::string, ModelData*>::const_iterator m_i;
	for (m_i = models.cbegin(); m_i != models.cend(); ++m_i){
		Framework::GL::initObjectToDraw(m_i->second, window);


	return models;

示例12: GetLanguageString

static std::string GetLanguageString(DiscIO::IVolume::ELanguage language, std::map<DiscIO::IVolume::ELanguage, std::string> strings)
	auto end = strings.end();
	auto it = strings.find(language);
	if (it != end)
		return it->second;

	// English tends to be a good fallback when the requested language isn't available
	if (language != DiscIO::IVolume::ELanguage::LANGUAGE_ENGLISH)
		it = strings.find(DiscIO::IVolume::ELanguage::LANGUAGE_ENGLISH);
		if (it != end)
			return it->second;

	// If English isn't available either, just pick something
	if (!strings.empty())
		return strings.cbegin()->second;

	return "";

示例13: uthread_spawn

 * Description: This function creates a new thread, whose entry point is the
 * function f with the signature void f(void). The thread is added to the end
 * of the READY threads list. The uthread_spawn function should fail if it
 * would cause the number of concurrent threads to exceed the limit
 * (MAX_THREAD_NUM). Each thread should be allocated with a stack of size
 * STACK_SIZE bytes.
 * Return value: On success, return the ID of the created thread.
 * On failure, return -1.
int uthread_spawn(void (*f)(void))
	// If the current number of threads is MAX_THREAD_NUM, no
	// more threads can be spawned.
	if (livingThreads.size() >= MAX_THREAD_NUM)
		std::cerr << LIB_ERROR_MSG << "Number of threads exceeded "
			  << "the maximum number allowed." << std::endl;
		return EXIT_FAIL;

	// Block SIGTVALRM signal
	sigset_t oldSet;
	blockSignal(SIGVTALRM, &oldSet);

	// Find the smallest id available, starting from MAIN_ID + 1.
	uthread::id newId = MAIN_THREAD_ID + 1;
	for (auto it = ++livingThreads.cbegin(); /* start from the second */
		  it != livingThreads.cend();
		if (newId < it->first)
			// If the threads ids numbering doesn't match natural
			// incremental numbering, we found an empty spot.

	// Create a fresh thread with the found id and entry function f
	// Then put it in the living threads list and READY list.
	uthread *newThread = new uthread(newId, f);
	livingThreads.insert(std::make_pair(newId, newThread));

	// Unblock SIGVTALRM and return
	return newId;

示例14: particleRadii

* Determines the the display particle radii.
void ParticleDisplay::particleRadii(std::vector<FloatType>& output, ParticlePropertyObject* radiusProperty, ParticleTypeProperty* typeProperty)
	OVITO_ASSERT(radiusProperty == nullptr || radiusProperty->type() == ParticleProperty::RadiusProperty);
	OVITO_ASSERT(typeProperty == nullptr || typeProperty->type() == ParticleProperty::ParticleTypeProperty);

	if(radiusProperty) {
		// Take particle radii directly from the radius property.
		OVITO_ASSERT(radiusProperty->size() == output.size());
		std::copy(radiusProperty->constDataFloat(), radiusProperty->constDataFloat() + output.size(), output.begin());
	else if(typeProperty) {
		// Assign radii based on particle types.
		OVITO_ASSERT(typeProperty->size() == output.size());
		// Build a lookup map for particle type radii.
		const std::map<int,FloatType> radiusMap = typeProperty->radiusMap();
		// Skip the following loop if all per-type radii are zero. In this case, simply use the default radius for all particles.
		if(std::any_of(radiusMap.cbegin(), radiusMap.cend(), [](const std::pair<int,FloatType>& it) { return it.second != 0; })) {
			// Fill radius array.
			const int* t = typeProperty->constDataInt();
			for(auto c = output.begin(); c != output.end(); ++c, ++t) {
				auto it = radiusMap.find(*t);
				// Set particle radius only if the type's radius is non-zero.
				if(it != radiusMap.end() && it->second != 0)
					*c = it->second;
		else {
			// Assign a constant radius to all particles.
			std::fill(output.begin(), output.end(), defaultParticleRadius());
	else {
		// Assign a constant radius to all particles.
		std::fill(output.begin(), output.end(), defaultParticleRadius());

示例15: main

int main()
        typedef std::pair<const int, double> V;
        V ar[] =
            V(1, 1),
            V(1, 1.5),
            V(1, 2),
            V(2, 1),
            V(2, 1.5),
            V(2, 2),
            V(3, 1),
            V(3, 1.5),
            V(3, 2),
            V(4, 1),
            V(4, 1.5),
            V(4, 2),
            V(5, 1),
            V(5, 1.5),
            V(5, 2),
            V(6, 1),
            V(6, 1.5),
            V(6, 2),
            V(7, 1),
            V(7, 1.5),
            V(7, 2),
            V(8, 1),
            V(8, 1.5),
            V(8, 2)
        std::map<int, double> m(ar, ar+sizeof(ar)/sizeof(ar[0]));
        assert(std::distance(m.begin(), m.end()) == m.size());
        assert(std::distance(m.rbegin(), m.rend()) == m.size());
        std::map<int, double>::iterator i;
        i = m.begin();
        std::map<int, double>::const_iterator k = i;
        assert(i == k);
        for (int j = 1; j <= m.size(); ++j, ++i)
            assert(i->first == j);
            assert(i->second == 1);
            i->second = 2.5;
            assert(i->second == 2.5);
        typedef std::pair<const int, double> V;
        V ar[] =
            V(1, 1),
            V(1, 1.5),
            V(1, 2),
            V(2, 1),
            V(2, 1.5),
            V(2, 2),
            V(3, 1),
            V(3, 1.5),
            V(3, 2),
            V(4, 1),
            V(4, 1.5),
            V(4, 2),
            V(5, 1),
            V(5, 1.5),
            V(5, 2),
            V(6, 1),
            V(6, 1.5),
            V(6, 2),
            V(7, 1),
            V(7, 1.5),
            V(7, 2),
            V(8, 1),
            V(8, 1.5),
            V(8, 2)
        const std::map<int, double> m(ar, ar+sizeof(ar)/sizeof(ar[0]));
        assert(std::distance(m.begin(), m.end()) == m.size());
        assert(std::distance(m.cbegin(), m.cend()) == m.size());
        assert(std::distance(m.rbegin(), m.rend()) == m.size());
        assert(std::distance(m.crbegin(), m.crend()) == m.size());
        std::map<int, double>::const_iterator i;
        i = m.begin();
        for (int j = 1; j <= m.size(); ++j, ++i)
            assert(i->first == j);
            assert(i->second == 1);
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L || defined(_LIBCPP_MSVC)
        typedef std::pair<const int, double> V;
        V ar[] =
            V(1, 1),
            V(1, 1.5),
            V(1, 2),
            V(2, 1),
            V(2, 1.5),
            V(2, 2),
            V(3, 1),
