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C++ std::array类代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中std::array的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ array类的具体用法?C++ array怎么用?C++ array使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: begin

			[[nodiscard]] std::array<char16, 2>::const_iterator begin() const noexcept
				return m_buffer.begin();

示例2: GenerateFixedParameters

namespace NWM {

// 802.11 broadcast MAC address
constexpr MacAddress BroadcastMac = {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF};

constexpr u64 DefaultNetworkUptime = 900000000; // 15 minutes in microseconds.

// Note: These values were taken from a packet capture of an o3DS XL
// broadcasting a Super Smash Bros. 4 lobby.
constexpr u16 DefaultExtraCapabilities = 0x0431;

// Size of the SSID broadcast by an UDS beacon frame.
constexpr u8 UDSBeaconSSIDSize = 8;

// The maximum size of the data stored in the EncryptedData0 tag (24).
constexpr u32 EncryptedDataSizeCutoff = 0xFA;

 * NWM Beacon data encryption key, taken from the NWM module code.
 * We stub this with an all-zeros key as that is enough for Citra's purpose.
 * The real key can be used here to generate beacons that will be accepted by
 * a real 3ds.
constexpr std::array<u8, CryptoPP::AES::BLOCKSIZE> nwm_beacon_key = {};

 * Generates a buffer with the fixed parameters of an 802.11 Beacon frame
 * using dummy values.
 * @returns A buffer with the fixed parameters of the beacon frame.
std::vector<u8> GenerateFixedParameters() {
    std::vector<u8> buffer(sizeof(BeaconFrameHeader));

    BeaconFrameHeader header{};
    // Use a fixed default time for now.
    // TODO(Subv): Perhaps use the difference between now and the time the network was started?
    header.timestamp = DefaultNetworkUptime;
    header.beacon_interval = DefaultBeaconInterval;
    header.capabilities = DefaultExtraCapabilities;

    std::memcpy(buffer.data(), &header, sizeof(header));

    return buffer;

 * Generates an SSID tag of an 802.11 Beacon frame with an 8-byte all-zero SSID value.
 * @returns A buffer with the SSID tag.
std::vector<u8> GenerateSSIDTag() {
    std::vector<u8> buffer(sizeof(TagHeader) + UDSBeaconSSIDSize);

    TagHeader tag_header{};
    tag_header.tag_id = static_cast<u8>(TagId::SSID);
    tag_header.length = UDSBeaconSSIDSize;

    std::memcpy(buffer.data(), &tag_header, sizeof(TagHeader));

    // The rest of the buffer is already filled with zeros.

    return buffer;

 * Generates a buffer with the basic tagged parameters of an 802.11 Beacon frame
 * such as SSID, Rate Information, Country Information, etc.
 * @returns A buffer with the tagged parameters of the beacon frame.
std::vector<u8> GenerateBasicTaggedParameters() {
    // Append the SSID tag
    std::vector<u8> buffer = GenerateSSIDTag();

    // TODO(Subv): Add the SupportedRates tag.
    // TODO(Subv): Add the DSParameterSet tag.
    // TODO(Subv): Add the TrafficIndicationMap tag.
    // TODO(Subv): Add the CountryInformation tag.
    // TODO(Subv): Add the ERPInformation tag.

    return buffer;

 * Generates a buffer with the Dummy Nintendo tag.
 * It is currently unknown what this tag does.
 * TODO(Subv): Figure out if this is needed and what it does.
 * @returns A buffer with the Nintendo tagged parameters of the beacon frame.
std::vector<u8> GenerateNintendoDummyTag() {
    // Note: These values were taken from a packet capture of an o3DS XL
    // broadcasting a Super Smash Bros. 4 lobby.
    constexpr std::array<u8, 3> dummy_data = {0x0A, 0x00, 0x00};

    DummyTag tag{};
    tag.header.tag_id = static_cast<u8>(TagId::VendorSpecific);
    tag.header.length = sizeof(DummyTag) - sizeof(TagHeader);
    tag.oui_type = static_cast<u8>(NintendoTagId::Dummy);
    tag.oui = NintendoOUI;
    tag.data = dummy_data;

    std::vector<u8> buffer(sizeof(DummyTag));

示例3: _T

LRESULT COption::ExtractProc(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp)
	static CFolderDialog FolderDlg;
	static SOption* pOption = &m_option_tmp;

	// Extraction Settings

	static constexpr std::array<LPCTSTR, 3> ExtractCheckText{{
		_T("Extract each folder"),
		_T("Fix the CRC of OGG files upon extraction"),
		_T("Enable simple decoding")

	static const std::array<BOOL*, 4> ExtractCheckFlag{{
		&pOption->bCreateFolder, &pOption->bFixOgg, &pOption->bEasyDecrypt, &pOption->bRenameScriptExt

	static std::array<CCheckBox, ExtractCheckText.size()> ExtractCheck;
	static CCheckBox ExtractCheckAlpha;
	static CLabel ExtractLabelPng, ExtractLabelAlpha, ExtractLabelBuf, ExtractLabelTmp;
	static CRadioBtn ExtractRadioImage, ExtractRadioSave;
	static CUpDown ExtractUpDownPng;
	static CEditBox ExtractEditPng, ExtractEditAlpha, ExtractEditSave, ExtractEditBuf, ExtractEditTmp;
	static CButton ExtractBtnSave, ExtractBtnTmp;
	static CGroupBox ExtractGroupImage, ExtractGroupSave;

	switch (msg)
			UINT ID = 10000;
			const int x = 10;
			const int xx = 15;
			int y = 0;

			// Extraction Settings

			for (size_t i = 0; i < ExtractCheckText.size(); i++)
				ExtractCheck[i].Create(hWnd, ExtractCheckText[i], ID++, x, y += 20, 230, 20);


			int y_image = y;
			ExtractGroupImage.Create(hWnd, _T("Output image format"), ID++, x, y_image += 34, 240, 110);
			ExtractRadioImage.Create(hWnd, _T("BMP"), ID++, x + xx, y_image += 18, 50, 20);
			ExtractRadioImage.Create(hWnd, _T("PNG"), ID++, x + xx, y_image += 20, 50, 20);
			ExtractRadioImage.SetCheck(0, pOption->bDstBMP);
			ExtractRadioImage.SetCheck(1, pOption->bDstPNG);
			ExtractLabelPng.Create(hWnd, _T("Compression Level"), ID++, x + xx + 50, y_image + 3, 100, 20);
			ExtractEditPng.Create(hWnd, _T(""), ID++, x + xx + 150, y_image, 40, 22);
			ExtractUpDownPng.Create(hWnd, ExtractEditPng.GetCtrlHandle(), pOption->CmplvPng, ID++, 9, 0);


			ExtractCheckAlpha.Create(hWnd, _T("Enable alpha blending"), ID++, x + xx, y_image += 22, 140, 20);
			ExtractLabelAlpha.Create(hWnd, _T("Background color"), ID++, x + xx * 2 + 4, y_image += 24, 100, 20);
			ExtractEditAlpha.Create(hWnd, pOption->szBgRGB, ID++, x + xx * 2 + 100, y_image - 4, 100, 22);


			const int x_save = x + 200;
			int y_save = y;

			ExtractGroupSave.Create(hWnd, _T("Destination"), ID++, x_save + 50, y_save += 34, 290, 110);
			ExtractRadioSave.Create(hWnd, _T("Specify each time"), ID++, x_save + xx + 50, y_save += 18, 220, 20);
			ExtractRadioSave.Create(hWnd, _T("Same folder as input source"), ID++, x_save + xx + 50, y_save += 20, 200, 20);
			ExtractRadioSave.Create(hWnd, _T("The following folder"), ID++, x_save + xx + 50, y_save += 20, 200, 20);
			ExtractRadioSave.SetCheck(0, pOption->bSaveSel);
			ExtractRadioSave.SetCheck(1, pOption->bSaveSrc);
			ExtractRadioSave.SetCheck(2, pOption->bSaveDir);
			ExtractEditSave.Create(hWnd, pOption->SaveDir, ID++, x_save + xx * 2 + 40, y_save += 20, 200, 22);
			ExtractBtnSave.Create(hWnd, _T("Browse"), ID++, x_save + xx * 2 + 250, y_save + 1, 50, 20);


			y = (y_image > y_save) ? y_image : y_save;
			ExtractLabelBuf.Create(hWnd, _T("Buffer Size(KB)"), ID++, x, y += 44, 100, 20);
			ExtractEditBuf.Create(hWnd, pOption->BufSize, ID++, x + 100, y - 4, 110, 22);


			ExtractLabelTmp.Create(hWnd, _T("Temporary Folder"), ID++, x, y += 24, 100, 20);
			ExtractEditTmp.Create(hWnd, pOption->TmpDir, ID++, x + 100, y - 4, 200, 22);
			ExtractBtnTmp.Create(hWnd, _T("Browse"), ID++, x + 310, y - 3, 50, 20);


		case WM_COMMAND:

示例4: nbDims

int nbDims(std::array<T, N> const& p)
	return p.size();

示例5: findHeapContainingBlock

namespace coreinit

be_wfunc_ptr<void*, uint32_t>*

be_wfunc_ptr<void*, uint32_t, int>*

be_wfunc_ptr<void, void*>*

static std::array<CommonHeap *, MEMBaseHeapType::Max>

static ExpandedHeap *
sSystemHeap = nullptr;

static MemoryList *
sForegroundMemlist = nullptr;

static MemoryList *
sMEM1Memlist = nullptr;

static MemoryList *
sMEM2Memlist = nullptr;

static MemoryList *
findListContainingHeap(CommonHeap *heap)
   be_val<uint32_t> start, size, end;
   OSGetForegroundBucket(&start, &size);
   end = start + size;

   if (heap->dataStart >= start && heap->dataEnd <= end) {
      return sForegroundMemlist;
   } else {
      OSGetMemBound(OSMemoryType::MEM1, &start, &size);
      end = start + size;

      if (heap->dataStart >= start && heap->dataEnd <= end) {
         return sMEM1Memlist;
      } else {
         return sMEM2Memlist;

static MemoryList *
findListContainingBlock(void *block)
   be_val<uint32_t> start, size, end;
   uint32_t addr = memory_untranslate(block);
   OSGetForegroundBucket(&start, &size);
   end = start + size;

   if (addr >= start && addr <= end) {
      return sForegroundMemlist;
   } else {
      OSGetMemBound(OSMemoryType::MEM1, &start, &size);
      end = start + size;

      if (addr >= start && addr <= end) {
         return sMEM1Memlist;
      } else {
         return sMEM2Memlist;

static CommonHeap *
findHeapContainingBlock(MemoryList *list, void *block)
   CommonHeap *heap = nullptr;
   uint32_t addr = memory_untranslate(block);

   while ((heap = reinterpret_cast<CommonHeap*>(MEMGetNextListObject(list, heap)))) {
      if (addr >= heap->dataStart && addr < heap->dataEnd) {
         auto child = findHeapContainingBlock(&heap->list, block);
         return child ? child : heap;

   return nullptr;

MEMiInitHeapHead(CommonHeap *heap, MEMiHeapTag tag, uint32_t dataStart, uint32_t dataEnd)
   heap->tag = tag;
   MEMInitList(&heap->list, offsetof(CommonHeap, link));
   heap->dataStart = dataStart;
   heap->dataEnd = dataEnd;
   heap->flags = 0;

   if (auto list = findListContainingHeap(heap)) {
      MEMAppendListObject(list, heap);

示例6: Serialize

 static void Serialize(const std::array<T, N>& x, Archive& ar) {
     for (typename std::array<T, N>::const_iterator it = x.begin();
          it != x.end(); ++it)
         Serialization<Archive, T>::Serialize(*it, ar);

示例7: IsNo31Month

static inline bool IsNo31Month(const int Month) {
	static const std::array<int, 5> No31Month = { 2, 4, 6, 9, 11 };
	return std::any_of(No31Month.begin(), No31Month.end(), [Month](const int i) { return Month == i; });

示例8: GetPixelWidth

bool cMap::UpdatePixel(unsigned int a_X, unsigned int a_Z)
	int BlockX = m_CenterX + static_cast<int>((a_X - m_Width  / 2) * GetPixelWidth());
	int BlockZ = m_CenterZ + static_cast<int>((a_Z - m_Height / 2) * GetPixelWidth());

	int ChunkX, ChunkZ;
	cChunkDef::BlockToChunk(BlockX, BlockZ, ChunkX, ChunkZ);

	int RelX = BlockX - (ChunkX * cChunkDef::Width);
	int RelZ = BlockZ - (ChunkZ * cChunkDef::Width);

	ASSERT(m_World != nullptr);

	ColorID PixelData;
	m_World->DoWithChunk(ChunkX, ChunkZ, [&](cChunk & a_Chunk)
			if (!a_Chunk.IsValid())
				return false;

			if (GetDimension() == dimNether)
				// TODO 2014-02-22 xdot: Nether maps

				return false;

			static const std::array<unsigned char, 4> BrightnessID = { { 3, 0, 1, 2 } };  // Darkest to lightest
			BLOCKTYPE TargetBlock;
			NIBBLETYPE TargetMeta;

			auto Height = a_Chunk.GetHeight(RelX, RelZ);
			auto ChunkHeight = cChunkDef::Height;
			a_Chunk.GetBlockTypeMeta(RelX, Height, RelZ, TargetBlock, TargetMeta);
			auto ColourID = BlockHandler(TargetBlock)->GetMapBaseColourID(TargetMeta);

			if (IsBlockWater(TargetBlock))
				ChunkHeight /= 4;
				while (((--Height) != -1) && IsBlockWater(a_Chunk.GetBlock(RelX, Height, RelZ)))
			else if (ColourID == 0)
				while (((--Height) != -1) && ((ColourID = BlockHandler(a_Chunk.GetBlock(RelX, Height, RelZ))->GetMapBaseColourID(a_Chunk.GetMeta(RelX, Height, RelZ))) == 0))

			// Multiply base color ID by 4 and add brightness ID
			const int BrightnessIDSize = static_cast<int>(BrightnessID.size());
			PixelData = ColourID * 4 + BrightnessID[static_cast<size_t>(Clamp<int>((BrightnessIDSize * Height) / ChunkHeight, 0, BrightnessIDSize - 1))];
			return false;

	SetPixel(a_X, a_Z, PixelData);

	return true;


#include <Nazara/Core/Serialization.hpp>

#include <Nazara/Core/Color.hpp>
#include <Nazara/Core/MemoryView.hpp>
#include <Nazara/Math/BoundingVolume.hpp>
#include <Nazara/Math/Frustum.hpp>
#include <Nazara/Math/Ray.hpp>
#include <array>

#include <Catch/catch.hpp>

	GIVEN("A context of serialization")
		std::array<char, 256> datas; // The array must be bigger than any of the serializable classes
		Nz::MemoryView stream(datas.data(), datas.size());

		Nz::SerializationContext context;
		context.stream = &stream;

		WHEN("We serialize basic types")
			THEN("Arithmetical types")
				REQUIRE(Serialize(context, 3));
				int value = 0;
				REQUIRE(Unserialize(context, &value));
				REQUIRE(value == 3);

示例10: warning

#include <kernel/session/win32_session.h>
#include <thread>
#include <future>
#pragma warning(disable:4996)
namespace kernel {

::std::shared_ptr<win32_session> win32_session::handshake(life_stream raw_stream, session_id_t sid) throw(...)
    ::std::array<unsigned char, 512> pipe_name;
    sprintf((char*)(pipe_name.data()), "opennui_pipe_%d", sid);
    auto stream_pair = _message_stream_connection(raw_stream, (char*)pipe_name.data());
    win32_message_stream& cts_stream = stream_pair.first;
    win32_message_stream& stc_stream = stream_pair.second;
    ::std::shared_ptr<win32_session> session = ::std::make_shared<win32_session>();
    session->_life_stream = std::move(raw_stream);
    session->_cts_stream  = std::move(cts_stream);
    session->_stc_stream  = std::move(stc_stream);
    session->_session_id  = sid;
    return session;

win32_session::session_id_t win32_session::get_id() const
    return _session_id;

win32_session::life_stream win32_session::get_life_stream()


void EUTelGeometryTelescopeGeoDescription::master2LocalVec( int sensorID, std::array<double,3> const & globalVec, std::array<double,3>& localVec) {
	this->master2LocalVec(sensorID, globalVec.data(), localVec.data());


#include <Nazara/Audio/Algorithm.hpp>
#include <Catch/catch.hpp>

#include <array>

	SECTION("Mix two channels together")
		std::array<int, 4> input{ 1, 3, 5, 3 };
		std::array<int, 2> output{ 0, 0 };

		// Two channels and two frames !
		Nz::MixToMono(input.data(), output.data(), 2, 2);

		std::array<int, 2> theoric{ 2, 4 }; // It's the mean of the two channels
		REQUIRE(output == theoric);

示例13: get

T get(std::array<T,N> const& p, int i)
	return i < p.size() ? p[i] : 0;

示例14: vec

 vector<T> vec(const std::array<T, n>& arr) {
   return vector<T>(arr.begin(), arr.end());

示例15: PatchTypeAsString

const char* PatchTypeAsString(PatchType type)
  return s_patch_type_strings.at(static_cast<int>(type));
