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C++ pointer::getFlags方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中sle::pointer::getFlags方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ pointer::getFlags方法的具体用法?C++ pointer::getFlags怎么用?C++ pointer::getFlags使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在sle::pointer的用法示例。


示例1: doApply

    TER doApply () override
        // Ripple if source or destination is non-native or if there are paths.
        std::uint32_t const uTxFlags = mTxn.getFlags ();
        bool const partialPaymentAllowed = uTxFlags & tfPartialPayment;
        bool const limitQuality = uTxFlags & tfLimitQuality;
        bool const defaultPathsAllowed = !(uTxFlags & tfNoRippleDirect);
        bool const bPaths = mTxn.isFieldPresent (sfPaths);
        bool const bMax = mTxn.isFieldPresent (sfSendMax);
        Account const uDstAccountID (mTxn.getFieldAccount160 (sfDestination));
        STAmount const saDstAmount (mTxn.getFieldAmount (sfAmount));
        STAmount maxSourceAmount;
        if (bMax)
            maxSourceAmount = mTxn.getFieldAmount (sfSendMax);
        else if (saDstAmount.isNative ())
            maxSourceAmount = saDstAmount;
          maxSourceAmount = STAmount (
              {saDstAmount.getCurrency (), mTxnAccountID},
              saDstAmount.mantissa(), saDstAmount.exponent (),
              saDstAmount < zero);
        auto const& uSrcCurrency = maxSourceAmount.getCurrency ();
        auto const& uDstCurrency = saDstAmount.getCurrency ();

        // isZero() is XRP.  FIX!
        bool const bXRPDirect = uSrcCurrency.isZero () && uDstCurrency.isZero ();

        m_journal.trace <<
            "maxSourceAmount=" << maxSourceAmount.getFullText () <<
            " saDstAmount=" << saDstAmount.getFullText ();

        if (!isLegalNet (saDstAmount) || !isLegalNet (maxSourceAmount))
            return temBAD_AMOUNT;

        if (uTxFlags & tfPaymentMask)
            m_journal.trace <<
                "Malformed transaction: Invalid flags set.";

            return temINVALID_FLAG;
        else if (!uDstAccountID)
            m_journal.trace <<
                "Malformed transaction: Payment destination account not specified.";

            return temDST_NEEDED;
        else if (bMax && maxSourceAmount <= zero)
            m_journal.trace <<
                "Malformed transaction: bad max amount: " << maxSourceAmount.getFullText ();

            return temBAD_AMOUNT;
        else if (saDstAmount <= zero)
            m_journal.trace <<
                "Malformed transaction: bad dst amount: " << saDstAmount.getFullText ();

            return temBAD_AMOUNT;
        else if (badCurrency() == uSrcCurrency || badCurrency() == uDstCurrency)
            m_journal.trace <<
                "Malformed transaction: Bad currency.";

            return temBAD_CURRENCY;
        else if (mTxnAccountID == uDstAccountID && uSrcCurrency == uDstCurrency && !bPaths)
            // You're signing yourself a payment.
            // If bPaths is true, you might be trying some arbitrage.
            m_journal.trace <<
                "Malformed transaction: Redundant transaction:" <<
                " src=" << to_string (mTxnAccountID) <<
                " dst=" << to_string (uDstAccountID) <<
                " src_cur=" << to_string (uSrcCurrency) <<
                " dst_cur=" << to_string (uDstCurrency);

            return temREDUNDANT;
        else if (bMax && maxSourceAmount == saDstAmount &&
                 maxSourceAmount.getCurrency () == saDstAmount.getCurrency ())
            // Consistent but redundant transaction.
            m_journal.trace <<
                "Malformed transaction: Redundant SendMax.";

            return temREDUNDANT_SEND_MAX;
        else if (bXRPDirect && bMax)
            // Consistent but redundant transaction.
            m_journal.trace <<
                "Malformed transaction: SendMax specified for XRP to XRP.";

            return temBAD_SEND_XRP_MAX;
        else if (bXRPDirect && bPaths)

示例2: doApply

    TER doApply () override
        // Divvy if source or destination is non-native or if there are paths.
        std::uint32_t const uTxFlags = mTxn.getFlags ();
        bool const partialPaymentAllowed = uTxFlags & tfPartialPayment;
        bool const limitQuality = uTxFlags & tfLimitQuality;
        bool const defaultPathsAllowed = !(uTxFlags & tfNoDivvyDirect);
        bool const bPaths = mTxn.isFieldPresent (sfPaths);
        bool const bMax = mTxn.isFieldPresent (sfSendMax);
        AccountID const uDstAccountID (mTxn.getFieldAccount160 (sfDestination));
        STAmount const saDstAmount (mTxn.getFieldAmount (sfAmount));
        STAmount maxSourceAmount;
        if (bMax)
            maxSourceAmount = mTxn.getFieldAmount (sfSendMax);
        else if (saDstAmount.native ())
            maxSourceAmount = saDstAmount;
          maxSourceAmount = STAmount (
              {saDstAmount.getCurrency (), mTxnAccountID},
              saDstAmount.mantissa(), saDstAmount.exponent (),
              saDstAmount < zero);

        m_journal.trace <<
            "maxSourceAmount=" << maxSourceAmount.getFullText () <<
            " saDstAmount=" << saDstAmount.getFullText ();

        // Open a ledger for editing.
        auto const index = getAccountRootIndex (uDstAccountID);
        SLE::pointer sleDst (mEngine->view().entryCache (ltACCOUNT_ROOT, index));

        if (!sleDst)
            // Destination account does not exist.
            if (!saDstAmount.native ())
                m_journal.trace <<
                    "Delay transaction: Destination account does not exist.";

                // Another transaction could create the account and then this
                // transaction would succeed.
                return tecNO_DST;
            else if (mParams & tapOPEN_LEDGER && partialPaymentAllowed)
                // You cannot fund an account with a partial payment.
                // Make retry work smaller, by rejecting this.
                m_journal.trace <<
                    "Delay transaction: Partial payment not allowed to create account.";

                // Another transaction could create the account and then this
                // transaction would succeed.
                return telNO_DST_PARTIAL;
            else if (saDstAmount < STAmount (mEngine->getLedger ()->getReserve (0)))
                // getReserve() is the minimum amount that an account can have.
                // Reserve is not scaled by load.
                m_journal.trace <<
                    "Delay transaction: Destination account does not exist. " <<
                    "Insufficent payment to create account.";

                // TODO: dedupe
                // Another transaction could create the account and then this
                // transaction would succeed.
                return tecNO_DST_INSUF_XDV;

            // Create the account.
            sleDst = std::make_shared<SLE>(ltACCOUNT_ROOT,
                getAccountRootIndex (uDstAccountID));
            sleDst->setFieldAccount (sfAccount, uDstAccountID);
            sleDst->setFieldU32 (sfSequence, 1);
        else if ((sleDst->getFlags () & lsfRequireDestTag) &&
                 !mTxn.isFieldPresent (sfDestinationTag))
            // The tag is basically account-specific information we don't
            // understand, but we can require someone to fill it in.

            // We didn't make this test for a newly-formed account because there's
            // no way for this field to be set.
            m_journal.trace << "Malformed transaction: DestinationTag required.";

            return tecDST_TAG_NEEDED;
            // Tell the engine that we are intending to change the the destination
            // account.  The source account gets always charged a fee so it's always
            // marked as modified.
            mEngine->view().entryModify (sleDst);

        TER terResult;

        bool const bDivvy = bPaths || bMax || !saDstAmount.native ();
        // XXX Should bMax be sufficient to imply divvy?


示例3: doApply

TER PaymentTransactor::doApply ()
    // Ripple if source or destination is non-native or if there are paths.
    std::uint32_t const uTxFlags = mTxn.getFlags ();
	//bool const bPartialPayment = is_bit_set(uTxFlags, tfPartialPayment);
    bool const bLimitQuality = is_bit_set (uTxFlags, tfLimitQuality);
    bool const bNoRippleDirect = is_bit_set (uTxFlags, tfNoRippleDirect);
    bool const bPaths = mTxn.isFieldPresent (sfPaths);
    bool const bMax = mTxn.isFieldPresent (sfSendMax);
    uint160 const uDstAccountID = mTxn.getFieldAccount160 (sfDestination);
    STAmount const saDstAmount = mTxn.getFieldAmount (sfAmount);
    STAmount const saMaxAmount = bMax
                                   ? mTxn.getFieldAmount (sfSendMax)
                                   : saDstAmount.isNative ()
                                   ? saDstAmount
                                   : STAmount (saDstAmount.getCurrency (),
                                        saDstAmount.getMantissa (),
                                        saDstAmount.getExponent (),
                                        saDstAmount < zero);
    uint160 const uSrcCurrency = saMaxAmount.getCurrency ();
    uint160 const uDstCurrency = saDstAmount.getCurrency ();
    bool const bSTRDirect = uSrcCurrency.isZero () && uDstCurrency.isZero ();

    m_journal.trace <<
        "saMaxAmount=" << saMaxAmount.getFullText () <<
        " saDstAmount=" << saDstAmount.getFullText ();

    if (!saDstAmount.isLegalNet () || !saMaxAmount.isLegalNet ())
        return temBAD_AMOUNT;

    if (uTxFlags & tfPaymentMask)
        m_journal.trace <<
            "Malformed transaction: Invalid flags set.";

        return temINVALID_FLAG;
    else if (!uDstAccountID)
        m_journal.trace <<
            "Malformed transaction: Payment destination account not specified.";

        return temDST_NEEDED;
    else if (bMax && saMaxAmount <= zero)
        m_journal.trace <<
            "Malformed transaction: bad max amount: " << saMaxAmount.getFullText ();

        return temBAD_AMOUNT;
    else if (saDstAmount <= zero)
        m_journal.trace <<
            "Malformed transaction: bad dst amount: " << saDstAmount.getFullText ();

        return temBAD_AMOUNT;
    else if (CURRENCY_BAD == uSrcCurrency || CURRENCY_BAD == uDstCurrency)
        m_journal.trace <<
            "Malformed transaction: Bad currency.";

        return temBAD_CURRENCY;
    else if (mTxnAccountID == uDstAccountID && uSrcCurrency == uDstCurrency && !bPaths)
        m_journal.trace <<
            "Malformed transaction: Redundant transaction:" <<
            " src=" << to_string (mTxnAccountID) <<
            " dst=" << to_string (uDstAccountID) <<
            " src_cur=" << to_string (uSrcCurrency) <<
            " dst_cur=" << to_string (uDstCurrency);

        return temREDUNDANT;
    else if (bMax && saMaxAmount == saDstAmount && saMaxAmount.getCurrency () == saDstAmount.getCurrency ())
        m_journal.trace <<
            "Malformed transaction: Redundant SendMax.";

        return temREDUNDANT_SEND_MAX;
    else if (bSTRDirect && bMax)
        m_journal.trace <<
            "Malformed transaction: SendMax specified for STR to STR.";

        return temBAD_SEND_STR_MAX;
    else if (bSTRDirect && bPaths)
        m_journal.trace <<
            "Malformed transaction: Paths specified for STR to STR.";

        return temBAD_SEND_STR_PATHS;
    else if (bSTRDirect && bLimitQuality)
