本文整理汇总了C++中rcpp::IntegerVector::length方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ IntegerVector::length方法的具体用法?C++ IntegerVector::length怎么用?C++ IntegerVector::length使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类rcpp::IntegerVector
示例1: subsetCounts
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::List subsetCounts(Rcpp::IntegerVector counts, Rcpp::IntegerVector start, Rcpp::IntegerVector width, Rcpp::LogicalVector strand){
if (start.length() != width.length() || start.length() != strand.length()) Rcpp::stop("provided vectors have different lengths...");
int nr = start.length();
int len = counts.length();
int tot = 0;
int* S = start.begin(); int* W = width.begin();
for (int i = 0; i < nr; ++i){
int s = S[i] - 1;
int w = W[i];
if (s < 0) Rcpp::stop("negative start positions are invalid");
if (s + w > len) Rcpp::stop("range exceeds the lengths of the counts vector");
tot += w;
Rcpp::IntegerVector res(tot);
Rcpp::IntegerVector nstart(nr);
Rcpp::IntegerVector nend(nr);
int* R = res.begin(); int* C = counts.begin(); int* ST = strand.begin();
int* NS = nstart.begin(); int* NE = nend.begin();
int currpos = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nr; ++i){
NS[i] = currpos + 1;
int w = W[i];
if (ST[i]) std::copy(C + S[i]-1, C + S[i]-1 + w, R + currpos);
else std::reverse_copy(C + S[i]-1, C + S[i]-1 + w, R + currpos);
currpos += w;
NE[i] = currpos;
return List::create(_("counts")=res, _("starts")=nstart, _("ends")=nend);
示例2: testColPost
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::NumericMatrix testColPost(Rcpp::NumericMatrix post, Rcpp::List m2u, int nthreads){
Rcpp::IntegerVector values = Rcpp::as<Rcpp::IntegerVector>(m2u["values"]);
Rcpp::IntegerVector map = Rcpp::as<Rcpp::IntegerVector>(m2u["map"]);
if (post.ncol() != map.length()) Rcpp::stop("posteriors doesn't match with m2u");
Rcpp::NumericMatrix smallerPost(post.nrow(), values.length());
Vec<double> foo; NMPreproc preproc(asVec(values), asVec(map), foo);
collapsePosteriors_core(asMat(smallerPost), asMat(post), preproc);
return smallerPost;
示例3: getAllFunnels
SEXP getAllFunnels(SEXP Rmpcross)
char* stackmem;
std::string error;
int nFounders;
Rcpp::RObject mpcross_ = Rmpcross;
bool valid = validateMPCross(mpcross_, nFounders, error, true, false, false);
goto signal_error;
Rcpp::List mpcross = Rmpcross;
Rcpp::DataFrame pedigree(mpcross["pedigree"]);
Rcpp::IntegerVector id = mpcross["id"];
int nFinals = id.length();
std::vector<int> fid = Rcpp::as<std::vector<int> >(mpcross["fid"]);
Rcpp::IntegerMatrix output(id.length(), nFounders);
std::vector<int> nIntercrossingGenerations;
nIntercrossingGenerations.resize(nFinals, 0);
//get number of intercrossing generations
bool ok = intercrossingGenerations(pedigree, nFounders, id, nIntercrossingGenerations);
error = "Problem determining number of intercrossing generations";
goto signal_error;
//now get the actual funnels from the pedigree
int funnel[16];
for(int i = 0; i < id.length(); i++)
ok = getFunnel(id[i], pedigree, fid, nIntercrossingGenerations[i], funnel, pedigree.nrows(), nFounders);
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Problem with pedigree, for individual number " << (i+1) << ", having id " << id[i];
error = ss.str();
goto signal_error;
for(int j = 0; j < nFounders; j++) output(i, j) = funnel[j];
return output;
stackmem = (char*)alloca(error.size() + 4);
memset(stackmem, 0, error.size() + 4);
memcpy(stackmem, error.c_str(), error.size());
return R_NilValue;
示例4: testSortCounts
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::IntegerVector testSortCounts(Rcpp::IntegerVector v){
Rcpp::IntegerVector res(v.length());
Vec<int> v2 = asVec(v);
Vec<int> v3 = asVec(res);
sortCounts(v2, v3);
return res;
示例5: quantileNorm
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::IntegerMatrix quantileNorm(Rcpp::IntegerMatrix mat, Rcpp::IntegerVector ref, int nthreads=1, int seed=13){
if (mat.nrow() != ref.length()) Rcpp::stop("incompatible arrays...");
if (!std::is_sorted(ref.begin(), ref.end())) Rcpp::stop("ref must be sorted");
int ncol = mat.ncol();
int nrow = mat.nrow();
//allocate new matrix
Rcpp::IntegerMatrix res(nrow, ncol);
Mat<int> oldmat = asMat(mat);
Mat<int> newmat = asMat(res);
Vec<int> ref2 = asVec(ref);
//allocate a seed for each column
std::seed_seq sseq{seed};
std::vector<std::uint32_t> seeds(ncol);
sseq.generate(seeds.begin(), seeds.end());
#pragma omp parallel num_threads(nthreads)
std::vector<std::pair<int, int> > storage(nrow);//pairs <value, index>
#pragma omp for
for (int col = 0; col < ncol; ++col){
std::mt19937 gen(seeds[col]);
qtlnorm(oldmat.getCol(col), ref2, newmat.getCol(col), storage, gen);
res.attr("dimnames") = mat.attr("dimnames");
return res;
示例6: countInSubset
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::IntegerVector countInSubset(Rcpp::IntegerVector counts, Rcpp::IntegerVector start, Rcpp::IntegerVector width){
if (start.length() != width.length()) Rcpp::stop("provided vectors have different lengths...");
int nr = start.length();
int len = counts.length();
Rcpp::IntegerVector res(nr);
int* R = res.begin(); int* C = counts.begin();
int* S = start.begin(); int* W = width.begin();
for (int i = 0; i < nr; ++i){
int s = S[i] - 1;
int w = W[i];
if (s < 0) Rcpp::stop("negative start positions are invalid");
if (s + w > len) Rcpp::stop("range exceeds the lengths of the counts vector");
R[i] = sum(C + s, w);
return res;
示例7: SumRes
//Function to summarize results from BeQTL and return a dataframe
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::DataFrame SumRes(const arma::mat & cormat, const arma::mat & errmat, const Rcpp::DataFrame SnpDF, const Rcpp::DataFrame Genedf, const int samplesize, const double tcutoff){
Rcpp::Rcout<<"Generating Tmat"<<std::endl;
arma::mat tmat = sqrt(samplesize-2)*(cormat/(sqrt(1-square(cormat))));
Rcpp::Rcout<<"Finding strong t"<<std::endl;
arma::uvec goods = find(abs(tmat)>tcutoff);
Rcpp::Rcout<<"Generating matrix index"<<std::endl;
arma::umat goodmat = Ind(tmat.n_rows,goods);
Rcpp::Rcout<<"Subsetting tmat"<<std::endl;
Rcpp::Rcout<<"This many good results"<<goodmat.n_rows<<std::endl;
arma::vec tvec = tmat(goods);
Rcpp::Rcout<<"Subsetting Errmat"<<std::endl;
arma::vec errvec = errmat(goods);
Rcpp::Rcout<<"Generating SNP and Gene lists"<<std::endl;
Rcpp::IntegerVector GoodGenes = Rcpp::wrap(arma::conv_to<arma::ivec>::from(goodmat.col(0)));
Rcpp::IntegerVector GoodSNPs = Rcpp::wrap(arma::conv_to<arma::ivec>::from(goodmat.col(1)));
//Subset SNP anno
Rcpp::CharacterVector SNPnames = SnpDF["rsid"];
SNPnames = SNPnames[GoodSNPs];
arma::ivec SNPchr = Rcpp::as<arma::ivec>(SnpDF["Chrom"]);
SNPchr = SNPchr(goodmat.col(1));
arma::ivec SNPpos = Rcpp::as<arma::ivec>(SnpDF["Pos"]);
SNPpos = SNPpos(goodmat.col(1));
//Subset Geneanno
Rcpp::CharacterVector GeneNames = Genedf["Symbol"];
GeneNames = GeneNames[GoodGenes];
arma::ivec Genechr = Rcpp::as<arma::ivec>(Genedf["Chrom"]);
Genechr = Genechr(goodmat.col(0));
arma::ivec Genestart = Rcpp::as<arma::ivec>(Genedf["Start"]);
Genestart = Genestart(goodmat.col(0));
arma::ivec Genestop = Rcpp::as<arma::ivec>(Genedf["Stop"]);
Genestop = Genestop(goodmat.col(0));
arma::ivec CisDist(GoodGenes.length());
Rcpp::Rcout<<"Calculating Cisdist"<<std::endl;
CisDist = arma::min(arma::join_cols(abs(Genestop-SNPpos),abs(Genestart-SNPpos)),1);
Rcpp::Rcout<<"CisDist Calculated"<<std::endl;
return Rcpp::DataFrame::create(Rcpp::Named("SNP")=SNPnames,
示例8: gillespie
//' The Gillespie algorithm for simulating continuous time Markov chains.
//' This function is called by \code{\link{Simulate.EventSim}}
//' @param start_states an integer vector giving the start states for each patient
//' @param start_times a numeric vector containing the calendar time at which each patient is recruited
//' @param n_state an integer, the number of states on the underlying DAG
//' @param rates A list of \code{n_state * n_state * length(patientEndTime)} transition rates
//' @param patientEndTimes The ith \code{n_state*n_state} block of rates represents the transition
//' rate matrix until patient time patientEndTimes[i]
//' @param calendarEndTimes The ith \code{n_state*n_state} block of rates represents the transition
//' rate matrix until calendar time calendarEndTimes[i]
//' @param shape The shape parameter for the edges in the DAG. A matrix where shape[i,j] is the Weibull
//' shape parameter for the edge from node i to node j. If there is no edge between i and j
//' then shape[i,j] = 0.
//' @param resetEdges A vector (from1,to1,from2,to2,...) of edges for which if a subject traverses
//' one of these edges then patient time switches are reset. See \code{SetIsResetEdge.ProgressionGraph} for further
//' details
//' @param duration The total (patient) time each subject is to be simulated
//' @return A data frame with columns "id", "state" and "patient_transition_time" listing the (patient) time at
//' which patients transition into new states. For example
//' id state patient_transition_time
//' 1 1 0.0
//' 1 2 1.4
//' patient 1 transitions to state 1 at time 0 (w.r.t. patient time) and then at time 1.4 transitions
//' to state 2
Rcpp::DataFrame gillespie(Rcpp::IntegerVector start_states,Rcpp::NumericVector start_times,
const int n_state,Rcpp::NumericVector rates, Rcpp::NumericVector patientEndTimes,
Rcpp::NumericVector calendarEndTimes,Rcpp::NumericMatrix shape, Rcpp::NumericVector
resetEdges, const double duration){
//set up output vectors
std::vector<int> Id;
std::vector<int> transition_to_states;
std::vector<double> transition_times;
//Random number generator
Rcpp::RNGScope scope;
//lots of validation and set up here
Transitions transitions(n_state,rates,patientEndTimes,calendarEndTimes,shape,resetEdges);
//for each subject
for(R_len_t subject_id=0; subject_id != start_states.length(); ++subject_id){
//Initialize patient-specific variables
int current_Id = subject_id+1;
int current_state = start_states[subject_id];
SubjectTime subjectTime(start_times[subject_id]);
//store subject recruitment in output vectors
//get intial transition from current state
double out_time=0;
double time_left_before_switch = transitions.getNextSwitch(subjectTime);
int proposed_new_state = transitions.ProposeNewState(out_time,subjectTime, current_state);
//keep going until, no more rate switching and the rate leaving current state = 0
while(!(out_time == INFINITY && time_left_before_switch == INFINITY ) &&
subjectTime.getCurrentPatientTime() <= duration){
//std::cout << time_left_before_switch << " " << out_time << " " << subjectTime.getCurrentPatientTime()
// << " " << proposed_new_state << std::endl;
if(out_time >= time_left_before_switch ||
subjectTime.getCurrentPatientTime() + out_time > duration){ //subject switch rate matrices before transition
else{ //subject transitions at time current_patient_time + out_time
int old_state = current_state;
current_state = proposed_new_state;
if(current_state != old_state){
//are we reseting the patient time switches (i.e. have we crossed
//an edge with isResetEdge = TRUE?)
proposed_new_state = transitions.ProposeNewState(out_time,subjectTime, current_state);
time_left_before_switch = transitions.getNextSwitch(subjectTime );