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C++ array::get_type方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中nd::array::get_type方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ array::get_type方法的具体用法?C++ array::get_type怎么用?C++ array::get_type使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在nd::array的用法示例。


示例1: view

nd::array nd::view(const nd::array &arr, const ndt::type &tp)
  if (arr.get_type() == tp) {
    // If the types match exactly, simply return 'arr'
    return arr;
  } else if (tp.get_type_id() == bytes_type_id) {
    // If it's a request to view the data as raw bytes
    nd::array result = view_as_bytes(arr, tp);
    if (!result.is_null()) {
      return result;
  } else if (arr.get_type().get_type_id() == bytes_type_id) {
    // If it's a request to view raw bytes as something else
    nd::array result = view_from_bytes(arr, tp);
    if (!result.is_null()) {
      return result;
  } else if (arr.get_ndim() == tp.get_ndim()) {
    // If the type is symbolic, e.g. has a "Fixed" symbolic dimension,
    // first substitute in the shape from the array
    if (tp.is_symbolic()) {
      dimvector shape(arr.get_ndim());
      return view_concrete(arr, substitute_shape(tp, arr.get_ndim(), shape.get()));
    } else {
      return view_concrete(arr, tp);

  stringstream ss;
  ss << "Unable to view nd::array of type " << arr.get_type();
  ss << " as type " << tp;
  throw type_error(ss.str());

示例2: format_json

nd::array dynd::format_json(const nd::array &n, bool struct_as_list)
  // Create a UTF-8 string
  nd::array result = nd::empty(ndt::string_type::make());

  // Initialize the output with some memory
  output_data out;
  out.out_begin = out.out_string.begin();
  out.out_capacity_end = out.out_string.end();
  out.out_end = out.out_begin;
  out.struct_as_list = struct_as_list;

  if (!n.get_type().is_expression()) {
    ::format_json(out, n.get_type(), n.get_arrmeta(), n.get_readonly_originptr());
  } else {
    nd::array tmp = n.eval();
    ::format_json(out, tmp.get_type(), tmp.get_arrmeta(), tmp.get_readonly_originptr());

  // Shrink the memory to fit, and set the pointers in the output
  string *d = reinterpret_cast<string *>(result.get_readwrite_originptr());
  d->assign(out.out_string.data(), out.out_end - out.out_begin);

  // Finalize processing and mark the result as immutable

  return result;

示例3: view

nd::array nd::view(const nd::array& arr, const ndt::type& tp)
    // If the types match exactly, simply return 'arr'
    if (arr.get_type() == tp) {
        return arr;
    } else if (arr.get_ndim() == tp.get_ndim()) {
        // Allocate a result array to attempt the view in it
        array result(make_array_memory_block(tp.get_metadata_size()));
        // Copy the fields
        result.get_ndo()->m_data_pointer = arr.get_ndo()->m_data_pointer;
        if (arr.get_ndo()->m_data_reference == NULL) {
            // Embedded data, need reference to the array
            result.get_ndo()->m_data_reference = arr.get_memblock().release();
        } else {
            // Use the same data reference, avoid producing a chain
            result.get_ndo()->m_data_reference = arr.get_data_memblock().release();
        result.get_ndo()->m_type = ndt::type(tp).release();
        result.get_ndo()->m_flags = arr.get_ndo()->m_flags;
        // Now try to copy the metadata as a view
        if (try_view(arr.get_type(), arr.get_ndo_meta(), tp,
                     result.get_ndo_meta(), arr.get_memblock().get())) {
            // If it succeeded, return it
            return result;
        // Otherwise fall through, let it get destructed, and raise an error

    stringstream ss;
    ss << "Unable to view nd::array of type " << arr.get_type();
    ss << "as type " << tp;
    throw type_error(ss.str());

示例4: format_json

nd::array dynd::format_json(const nd::array& n)
    // Create a UTF-8 string
    nd::array result = nd::empty(ndt::make_string());

    // Initialize the output with some memory
    output_data out;
    out.blockref = reinterpret_cast<const string_type_metadata *>(result.get_ndo_meta())->blockref;
    out.api = get_memory_block_pod_allocator_api(out.blockref);
    out.api->allocate(out.blockref, 1024, 1, &out.out_begin, &out.out_capacity_end);
    out.out_end = out.out_begin;

    if (!n.get_type().is_expression()) {
        ::format_json(out, n.get_type(), n.get_ndo_meta(), n.get_readonly_originptr());
    } else {
        nd::array tmp = n.eval();
        ::format_json(out, tmp.get_type(), tmp.get_ndo_meta(), tmp.get_readonly_originptr());

    // Shrink the memory to fit, and set the pointers in the output
    string_type_data *d = reinterpret_cast<string_type_data *>(result.get_readwrite_originptr());
    d->begin = out.out_begin;
    d->end = out.out_capacity_end;
    out.api->resize(out.blockref, out.out_end - out.out_begin, &d->begin, &d->end);

    // Finalize processing and mark the result as immutable

    return result;

示例5: broadcast_error_message

inline string broadcast_error_message(const nd::array& dst, const nd::array& src)
    vector<intptr_t> dst_shape = dst.get_shape(), src_shape = src.get_shape();
    stringstream ss;

    ss << "cannot broadcast dynd array with type ";
    ss << src.get_type() << " and shape ";
    print_shape(ss, src_shape);
    ss << " to type " << dst.get_type() << " and shape ";
    print_shape(ss, dst_shape);

    return ss.str();

示例6: bad_alloc

    // Constructor which creates the output based on the input's broadcast shape
    array_iter(const ndt::type& op0_dtype, nd::array& out_op0, const nd::array& op1, const nd::array& op2, const nd::array& op3) {
        create_broadcast_result(op0_dtype, op1, op2, op3, out_op0, m_iter_ndim[0], m_itershape);
        nd::array ops[4] = {out_op0, op1, op2, op3};
        m_array_tp[0] = out_op0.get_type();
        m_array_tp[1] = op1.get_type();
        m_array_tp[2] = op2.get_type();
        m_array_tp[3] = op3.get_type();
        m_itersize = 1;
        m_iter_ndim[1] = m_array_tp[1].get_ndim();
        m_iter_ndim[2] = m_array_tp[2].get_ndim();
        m_iter_ndim[3] = m_array_tp[3].get_ndim();
        // Allocate and initialize the iterdata
        if (m_iter_ndim[0] != 0) {
            memset(m_iterindex.get(), 0, sizeof(intptr_t) * m_iter_ndim[0]);
            // The destination iterdata
            size_t iterdata_size = m_array_tp[0].get_iterdata_size(m_iter_ndim[0]);
            m_iterdata[0] = reinterpret_cast<iterdata_common *>(malloc(iterdata_size));
            if (!m_iterdata[0]) {
                throw std::bad_alloc();
            m_metadata[0] = out_op0.get_ndo_meta();
                            &m_metadata[0], m_iter_ndim[0], m_itershape.get(), m_uniform_tp[0]);
            m_data[0] = m_iterdata[0]->reset(m_iterdata[0], out_op0.get_readwrite_originptr(), m_iter_ndim[0]);
            // The op iterdata
            for (int i = 1; i < 4; ++i) {
                iterdata_size = m_array_tp[i].get_broadcasted_iterdata_size(m_iter_ndim[i]);
                m_iterdata[i] = reinterpret_cast<iterdata_common *>(malloc(iterdata_size));
                if (!m_iterdata[i]) {
                    throw std::bad_alloc();
                m_metadata[i] = ops[i].get_ndo_meta();
                                &m_metadata[i], m_iter_ndim[i],
                                m_itershape.get() + (m_iter_ndim[0] - m_iter_ndim[i]), m_uniform_tp[i]);
                m_data[i] = m_iterdata[i]->reset(m_iterdata[i], ops[i].get_ndo()->m_data_pointer, m_iter_ndim[0]);

            for (size_t i = 0, i_end = m_iter_ndim[0]; i != i_end; ++i) {
                m_itersize *= m_itershape[i];
        } else {
            for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
                m_iterdata[i] = NULL;
                m_uniform_tp[i] = m_array_tp[i];
                m_data[i] = ops[i].get_ndo()->m_data_pointer;
                m_metadata[i] = ops[i].get_ndo_meta();

示例7: result

static nd::array view_concrete(const nd::array &arr, const ndt::type &tp)
  // Allocate a result array to attempt the view in it
  nd::array result(make_array_memory_block(tp.get_arrmeta_size()));
  // Copy the fields
  result.get_ndo()->data.ptr = arr.get_ndo()->data.ptr;
  if (arr.get_ndo()->data.ref == NULL) {
    // Embedded data, need reference to the array
    result.get_ndo()->data.ref = arr.get_memblock().release();
  } else {
    // Use the same data reference, avoid producing a chain
    result.get_ndo()->data.ref = arr.get_data_memblock().release();
  result.get_ndo()->m_type = ndt::type(tp).release();
  result.get_ndo()->m_flags = arr.get_ndo()->m_flags;
  // First handle a special case of viewing outermost "var" as "fixed[#]"
  if (arr.get_type().get_type_id() == var_dim_type_id && tp.get_type_id() == fixed_dim_type_id) {
    const var_dim_type_arrmeta *in_am = reinterpret_cast<const var_dim_type_arrmeta *>(arr.get_arrmeta());
    const var_dim_type_data *in_dat = reinterpret_cast<const var_dim_type_data *>(arr.get_readonly_originptr());
    fixed_dim_type_arrmeta *out_am = reinterpret_cast<fixed_dim_type_arrmeta *>(result.get_arrmeta());
    out_am->dim_size = tp.extended<ndt::fixed_dim_type>()->get_fixed_dim_size();
    out_am->stride = in_am->stride;
    if ((intptr_t)in_dat->size == out_am->dim_size) {
      // Use the more specific data reference from the var arrmeta if possible
      if (in_am->blockref != NULL) {
        result.get_ndo()->data.ref = in_am->blockref;
      result.get_ndo()->data.ptr = in_dat->begin + in_am->offset;
      // Try to copy the rest of the arrmeta as a view
      if (try_view(arr.get_type().extended<ndt::base_dim_type>()->get_element_type(),
                   arr.get_arrmeta() + sizeof(var_dim_type_arrmeta),
                   result.get_arrmeta() + sizeof(fixed_dim_type_arrmeta), arr.get_memblock().get())) {
        return result;
  // Otherwise try to copy the arrmeta as a view
  else if (try_view(arr.get_type(), arr.get_arrmeta(), tp, result.get_arrmeta(), arr.get_memblock().get())) {
    // If it succeeded, return it
    return result;

  stringstream ss;
  ss << "Unable to view nd::array of type " << arr.get_type();
  ss << " as type " << tp;
  throw type_error(ss.str());

示例8: parse_json

void dynd::parse_json(nd::array &out, const char *json_begin,
                      const char *json_end, const eval::eval_context *ectx)
    try {
        const char *begin = json_begin, *end = json_end;
        ndt::type tp = out.get_type();
        ::parse_json(tp, out.get_ndo_meta(), out.get_readwrite_originptr(), begin, end, ectx);
        begin = skip_whitespace(begin, end);
        if (begin != end) {
            throw json_parse_error(begin, "unexpected trailing JSON text", tp);
    } catch (const json_parse_error& e) {
        stringstream ss;
        string line_prev, line_cur;
        int line, column;
        get_error_line_column(json_begin, json_end, e.get_position(),
                        line_prev, line_cur, line, column);
        ss << "Error parsing JSON at line " << line << ", column " << column << "\n";
        if (e.get_type().get_type_id() != uninitialized_type_id) {
            ss << "DType: " << e.get_type() << "\n";
        ss << "Message: " << e.get_message() << "\n";
        print_json_parse_error_marker(ss, line_prev, line_cur, line, column);
        throw runtime_error(ss.str());

示例9: runtime_error

uint32_t ndt::categorical_type::get_value_from_category(const nd::array &category) const
  nd::array c;
  if (category.get_type() == m_category_tp) {
    // If the type is right, get the category value directly
    c = category;
  else {
    // Otherwise convert to the correct type, then get the category value
    c = nd::empty(m_category_tp);

  intptr_t i = nd::binary_search(m_categories, c).as<intptr_t>();
  if (i < 0) {
    stringstream ss;
    ss << "Unrecognized category value ";
    m_category_tp.print_data(ss, c.get()->metadata(), c.data());
    ss << " assigning to dynd type " << type(this, true);
    throw std::runtime_error(ss.str());
  else {
    return (uint32_t)unchecked_fixed_dim_get<intptr_t>(m_category_index_to_value, i);

示例10: result

static nd::array array_function_dereference(const nd::array &self)
  // Follow the pointers to eliminate them
  ndt::type dt = self.get_type();
  const char *arrmeta = self.get_arrmeta();
  char *data = self.get_ndo()->m_data_pointer;
  memory_block_data *dataref = self.get_ndo()->m_data_reference;
  if (dataref == NULL) {
    dataref = self.get_memblock().get();
  uint64_t flags = self.get_ndo()->m_flags;

  while (dt.get_type_id() == pointer_type_id) {
    const pointer_type_arrmeta *md =
        reinterpret_cast<const pointer_type_arrmeta *>(arrmeta);
    dt = dt.extended<ndt::pointer_type>()->get_target_type();
    arrmeta += sizeof(pointer_type_arrmeta);
    data = *reinterpret_cast<char **>(data) + md->offset;
    dataref = md->blockref;

  // Create an array without the pointers
  nd::array result(make_array_memory_block(dt.get_arrmeta_size()));
  if (!dt.is_builtin()) {
    dt.extended()->arrmeta_copy_construct(result.get_arrmeta(), arrmeta,
  result.get_ndo()->m_type = dt.release();
  result.get_ndo()->m_data_pointer = data;
  result.get_ndo()->m_data_reference = dataref;
  result.get_ndo()->m_flags = flags;
  return result;

示例11: typed_data_assign

void dynd::typed_data_assign(const ndt::type &dst_tp, const char *dst_arrmeta,
                             char *dst_data, const nd::array &src_arr,
                             const eval::eval_context *ectx)
  typed_data_assign(dst_tp, dst_arrmeta, dst_data, src_arr.get_type(),
                    src_arr.get_arrmeta(), src_arr.get_readonly_originptr(),

示例12: while

static nd::array property_ndo_get_groups(const nd::array& n) {
    ndt::type d = n.get_type();
    while (d.get_type_id() != groupby_type_id) {
        d = d.at_single(0);
    const groupby_type *gd = d.extended<groupby_type>();
    return gd->get_groups_type().p("categories");

示例13: set

 static void set(const ndt::type& paramtype, char *metadata, char *data, const nd::array& value) {
     if (paramtype.get_type_id() == void_pointer_type_id) {
         // TODO: switch to a better mechanism for passing nd::array references
         *reinterpret_cast<const array_preamble **>(data) = value.get_ndo();
     } else {
         typed_data_assign(paramtype, metadata, data, value.get_type(), value.get_ndo_meta(), value.get_ndo()->m_data_pointer);

示例14: array

static nd::array view_as_bytes(const nd::array &arr, const ndt::type &tp)
  if (arr.get_type().get_flags() & type_flag_destructor) {
    // Can't view arrays of object type
    return nd::array();

  // Get the essential components of the array to analyze
  memory_block_ptr data_ref = arr.get_data_memblock();
  char *data_ptr = arr.get_ndo()->data.ptr;
  ndt::type data_tp = arr.get_type();
  const char *data_meta = arr.get_arrmeta();
  intptr_t data_dim_size = -1, data_stride = 0;
  // Repeatedly refine the data
  while (data_tp.get_type_id() != uninitialized_type_id) {
    refine_bytes_view(data_ref, data_ptr, data_tp, data_meta, data_dim_size, data_stride);
  // Check that it worked, and that the resulting data pointer is aligned
  if (data_dim_size < 0 ||
      !offset_is_aligned(reinterpret_cast<size_t>(data_ptr), tp.extended<ndt::bytes_type>()->get_target_alignment())) {
    // This signals we could not view the data as a
    // contiguous chunk of bytes
    return nd::array();

  char *result_data_ptr = NULL;
  nd::array result(make_array_memory_block(tp.extended()->get_arrmeta_size(), tp.get_data_size(),
                                           tp.get_data_alignment(), &result_data_ptr));
  // Set the bytes extents
  ((char **)result_data_ptr)[0] = data_ptr;
  ((char **)result_data_ptr)[1] = data_ptr + data_dim_size;
  // Set the array arrmeta
  array_preamble *ndo = result.get_ndo();
  ndo->m_type = ndt::type(tp).release();
  ndo->data.ptr = result_data_ptr;
  ndo->data.ref = NULL;
  ndo->m_flags = arr.get_flags();
  // Set the bytes arrmeta
  bytes_type_arrmeta *ndo_meta = reinterpret_cast<bytes_type_arrmeta *>(result.get_arrmeta());
  ndo_meta->blockref = data_ref.release();
  return result;

示例15: get_value_from_category

uint32_t categorical_type::get_value_from_category(const nd::array& category) const
    if (category.get_type() == m_category_tp) {
        // If the type is right, get the category value directly
        return get_value_from_category(category.get_arrmeta(), category.get_readonly_originptr());
    } else {
        // Otherwise convert to the correct type, then get the category value
        nd::array c = nd::empty(m_category_tp);
        return get_value_from_category(c.get_arrmeta(), c.get_readonly_originptr());
