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C++ Ptr::getCell方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中mwworld::Ptr::getCell方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ Ptr::getCell方法的具体用法?C++ Ptr::getCell怎么用?C++ Ptr::getCell使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在mwworld::Ptr的用法示例。


示例1: getSndGenTypeFromName

    int Creature::getSndGenTypeFromName(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr, const std::string &name)
        if(name == "left")
            MWBase::World *world = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld();
            Ogre::Vector3 pos(ptr.getRefData().getPosition().pos);
            if(world->isUnderwater(ptr.getCell(), pos))
                return 2;
                return 0;
            return -1;
        if(name == "right")
            MWBase::World *world = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld();
            Ogre::Vector3 pos(ptr.getRefData().getPosition().pos);
            if(world->isUnderwater(ptr.getCell(), pos))
                return 3;
                return 1;
            return -1;
        if(name == "moan")
            return 4;
        if(name == "roar")
            return 5;
        if(name == "scream")
            return 6;
        if(name == "land")
            return 7;

        throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Unexpected soundgen type: ")+name);

示例2: getNearbyDoor

    MWWorld::Ptr getNearbyDoor(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, float minSqr, bool closed)
        MWWorld::CellStore *cell = actor.getCell();

            return MWWorld::Ptr(); // check interior cells only

        // Check all the doors in this cell
        MWWorld::CellRefList<ESM::Door>& doors = cell->get<ESM::Door>();
        MWWorld::CellRefList<ESM::Door>::List& refList = doors.mList;
        MWWorld::CellRefList<ESM::Door>::List::iterator it = refList.begin();
        Ogre::Vector3 pos(actor.getRefData().getPosition().pos);

        /// TODO: How to check whether the actor is facing a door? Below code is for
        ///       the player, perhaps it can be adapted.
        //MWWorld::Ptr ptr = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getFacedObject();
            //std::cout << "faced door " << ptr.getClass().getName(ptr) << std::endl;

        /// TODO: The in-game observation of rot[2] value seems to be the
        ///       opposite of the code in World::activateDoor() ::confused::
        for (; it != refList.end(); ++it)
            MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Door>& ref = *it;
            if(pos.squaredDistance(Ogre::Vector3(ref.mData.getPosition().pos)) < minSqr)
                if((closed && ref.mData.getLocalRotation().rot[2] == 0) ||
                   (!closed && ref.mData.getLocalRotation().rot[2] >= 1))
                    return MWWorld::Ptr(&ref, actor.getCell()); // found, stop searching
        return MWWorld::Ptr(); // none found

示例3: insertBegin

void Actors::insertBegin(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr)
    Ogre::SceneNode* cellnode;
    CellSceneNodeMap::const_iterator celliter = mCellSceneNodes.find(ptr.getCell());
    if(celliter != mCellSceneNodes.end())
        cellnode = celliter->second;
        //Create the scenenode and put it in the map
        cellnode = mRootNode->createChildSceneNode();
        mCellSceneNodes[ptr.getCell()] = cellnode;

    Ogre::SceneNode* insert = cellnode->createChildSceneNode();
    const float *f = ptr.getRefData().getPosition().pos;
    insert->setPosition(f[0], f[1], f[2]);
    insert->setScale(ptr.getCellRef().mScale, ptr.getCellRef().mScale, ptr.getCellRef().mScale);

    // Convert MW rotation to a quaternion:
    f = ptr.getCellRef().mPos.rot;

    // Rotate around X axis
    Ogre::Quaternion xr(Ogre::Radian(-f[0]), Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_X);

    // Rotate around Y axis
    Ogre::Quaternion yr(Ogre::Radian(-f[1]), Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Y);

    // Rotate around Z axis
    Ogre::Quaternion zr(Ogre::Radian(-f[2]), Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Z);

    // Rotates first around z, then y, then x

示例4: insertBegin

void Objects::insertBegin(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr)
    osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> cellnode;

    CellMap::iterator found = mCellSceneNodes.find(ptr.getCell());
    if (found == mCellSceneNodes.end())
        cellnode = new osg::Group;
        mCellSceneNodes[ptr.getCell()] = cellnode;
        cellnode = found->second;

    osg::ref_ptr<SceneUtil::PositionAttitudeTransform> insert (new SceneUtil::PositionAttitudeTransform);

    insert->getOrCreateUserDataContainer()->addUserObject(new PtrHolder(ptr));

    const float *f = ptr.getRefData().getPosition().pos;

    insert->setPosition(osg::Vec3(f[0], f[1], f[2]));

    const float scale = ptr.getCellRef().getScale();
    osg::Vec3f scaleVec(scale, scale, scale);
    ptr.getClass().adjustScale(ptr, scaleVec, true);


示例5: evadeObstacles

bool MWMechanics::AiPackage::pathTo(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, ESM::Pathgrid::Point dest, float duration)
    //Update various Timers
    mTimer += duration; //Update timer

    ESM::Position pos = actor.getRefData().getPosition(); //position of the actor

    /// Stops the actor when it gets too close to a unloaded cell
    //... At current time, this test is unnecessary. AI shuts down when actor is more than 7168
    //... units from player, and exterior cells are 8192 units long and wide.
    //... But AI processing distance may increase in the future.
    if (isNearInactiveCell(pos))
        actor.getClass().getMovementSettings(actor).mPosition[1] = 0;
        return false;

    /// Checks if you can't get to the end position at all, adds end position to end of path
    /// Rebuilds path every quarter of a second, in case the target has moved
    if(mTimer > 0.25)
        const ESM::Cell *cell = actor.getCell()->getCell();       
        if (doesPathNeedRecalc(dest, cell)) { //Only rebuild path if it's moved
            mPathFinder.buildSyncedPath(pos.pos, dest, actor.getCell(), true); //Rebuild path, in case the target has moved
            mPrevDest = dest;

        if(!mPathFinder.getPath().empty()) //Path has points in it
            ESM::Pathgrid::Point lastPos = mPathFinder.getPath().back(); //Get the end of the proposed path

            if(distance(dest, lastPos) > 100) //End of the path is far from the destination
                mPathFinder.addPointToPath(dest); //Adds the final destination to the path, to try to get to where you want to go

        mTimer = 0;

    /// Checks if you aren't moving; attempts to unstick you
    if(mPathFinder.checkPathCompleted(pos.pos[0],pos.pos[1])) //Path finished?
        // Reset mTimer so that path will be built right away when a package is repeated
        mTimer = 0.26f;
        return true;
        evadeObstacles(actor, duration, pos);
    return false;

示例6: buildNewPath

    void AiCombat::buildNewPath(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, const MWWorld::Ptr& target)
        ESM::Pathgrid::Point newPathTarget = PathFinder::MakePathgridPoint(target.getRefData().getPosition());

        //construct new path only if target has moved away more than on [targetPosThreshold]
        if (doesPathNeedRecalc(newPathTarget, actor.getCell()->getCell()))
            ESM::Pathgrid::Point start(PathFinder::MakePathgridPoint(actor.getRefData().getPosition()));
            mPathFinder.buildSyncedPath(start, newPathTarget, actor.getCell(), false);

示例7: buildNewPath

    void AiCombat::buildNewPath(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor)
        //Construct path to target
        ESM::Pathgrid::Point dest;
        dest.mX = mTarget.getRefData().getPosition().pos[0];
        dest.mY = mTarget.getRefData().getPosition().pos[1];
        dest.mZ = mTarget.getRefData().getPosition().pos[2];
        Ogre::Vector3 newPathTarget = Ogre::Vector3(dest.mX, dest.mY, dest.mZ);

        float dist = -1; //hack to indicate first time, to construct a new path
            ESM::Pathgrid::Point lastPt = mPathFinder.getPath().back();
            Ogre::Vector3 currPathTarget(lastPt.mX, lastPt.mY, lastPt.mZ);
            dist = Ogre::Math::Abs((newPathTarget - currPathTarget).length());

        float targetPosThreshold;
        bool isOutside = actor.getCell()->getCell()->isExterior();
        if (isOutside)
            targetPosThreshold = 300;
            targetPosThreshold = 100;

        if((dist < 0) || (dist > targetPosThreshold))
            //construct new path only if target has moved away more than on <targetPosThreshold>
            ESM::Position pos = actor.getRefData().getPosition();

            ESM::Pathgrid::Point start;
            start.mX = pos.pos[0];
            start.mY = pos.pos[1];
            start.mZ = pos.pos[2];

                mPathFinder.buildPath(start, dest, actor.getCell(), isOutside);
                PathFinder newPathFinder;
                newPathFinder.buildPath(start, dest, actor.getCell(), isOutside);

                //TO EXPLORE:
                //maybe here is a mistake (?): PathFinder::getPathSize() returns number of grid points in the path,
                //not the actual path length. Here we should know if the new path is actually more effective.
                //if(pathFinder2.getPathSize() < mPathFinder.getPathSize())
                    mPathFinder = newPathFinder;


bool MWDialogue::Filter::testPlayer (const ESM::DialInfo& info) const
    const MWWorld::Ptr player = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getPlayer().getPlayer();

    // check player faction
    if (!info.mPcFaction.empty())
        MWMechanics::NpcStats& stats = MWWorld::Class::get (player).getNpcStats (player);
        std::map<std::string,int>::iterator iter = stats.getFactionRanks().find (Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase (info.mPcFaction));

            return false;

        // check rank
        if (iter->second < info.mData.mPCrank)
            return false;

    // check cell
    if (!info.mCell.empty())
        if (Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase (player.getCell()->mCell->mName) != Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase (info.mCell))
            return false;

    return true;


bool MWDialogue::Filter::testPlayer (const ESM::DialInfo& info) const
    const MWWorld::Ptr player = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getPlayerPtr();

    // check player faction
    if (!info.mPcFaction.empty())
        MWMechanics::NpcStats& stats = MWWorld::Class::get (player).getNpcStats (player);
        std::map<std::string,int>::iterator iter = stats.getFactionRanks().find (Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase (info.mPcFaction));

            return false;

        // check rank
        if (iter->second < info.mData.mPCrank)
            return false;

    // check cell
    if (!info.mCell.empty())
        // supports partial matches, just like getPcCell
        const std::string& playerCell = player.getCell()->getCell()->mName;
        bool match = playerCell.length()>=info.mCell.length() &&
            Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(playerCell.substr (0, info.mCell.length()), info.mCell);
        if (!match)
            return false;

    return true;

示例10: updateObjectCell

void Actors::updateObjectCell(const MWWorld::Ptr &old, const MWWorld::Ptr &cur)
    Ogre::SceneNode *node;
    MWWorld::CellStore *newCell = cur.getCell();

    CellSceneNodeMap::const_iterator celliter = mCellSceneNodes.find(newCell);
    if(celliter != mCellSceneNodes.end())
        node = celliter->second;
        node = mRootNode->createChildSceneNode();
        mCellSceneNodes[newCell] = node;

    PtrAnimationMap::iterator iter = mAllActors.find(old);
    if(iter != mAllActors.end())
        Animation *anim = iter->second;
        mAllActors[cur] = anim;

    mRendering->updateWaterRippleEmitterPtr (old, cur);

示例11: if

bool MWMechanics::AiFollow::execute (const MWWorld::Ptr& actor,float duration)
    const MWWorld::Ptr target = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->searchPtr(mActorId, false); //The target to follow

    if(target == MWWorld::Ptr()) return true;   //Target doesn't exist

    ESM::Position pos = actor.getRefData().getPosition(); //position of the actor

    if(!mAlwaysFollow) //Update if you only follow for a bit
        if(mTotalTime > mDuration && mDuration != 0) //Check if we've run out of time
            return true;

        if((pos.pos[0]-mX)*(pos.pos[0]-mX) +
                (pos.pos[1]-mY)*(pos.pos[1]-mY) +
                (pos.pos[2]-mZ)*(pos.pos[2]-mZ) < 100*100) //Close-ish to final position
            if(actor.getCell()->isExterior()) //Outside?
                if(mCellId == "") //No cell to travel to
                    return true;
                if(mCellId == actor.getCell()->getCell()->mName) //Cell to travel to
                    return true;

    //Set the target desition from the actor
    ESM::Pathgrid::Point dest = target.getRefData().getPosition().pos;

    if(distance(dest, pos.pos[0], pos.pos[1], pos.pos[2]) < 100) //Stop when you get close
        actor.getClass().getMovementSettings(actor).mPosition[1] = 0;
    else {
        pathTo(actor, dest, duration); //Go to the destination

    //Check if you're far away
    if(distance(dest, pos.pos[0], pos.pos[1], pos.pos[2]) > 1000)
        actor.getClass().getCreatureStats(actor).setMovementFlag(MWMechanics::CreatureStats::Flag_Run, true); //Make NPC run
    else if(distance(dest, pos.pos[0], pos.pos[1], pos.pos[2])  < 800) //Have a bit of a dead zone, otherwise npc will constantly flip between running and not when right on the edge of the running threshhold
        actor.getClass().getCreatureStats(actor).setMovementFlag(MWMechanics::CreatureStats::Flag_Run, false); //make NPC walk

    return false;

示例12: updateRegionSound

    void SoundManager::updateRegionSound(float duration)
        static float sTimeToNextEnvSound = 0.0f;
        static int total = 0;
        static std::string regionName = "";
        static float sTimePassed = 0.0;
        MWBase::World *world = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld();
        const MWWorld::Ptr player = world->getPlayerPtr();
        const ESM::Cell *cell = player.getCell()->getCell();

        sTimePassed += duration;
        if(!cell->isExterior() || sTimePassed < sTimeToNextEnvSound)

        float a = Misc::Rng::rollClosedProbability();
        // NOTE: We should use the "Minimum Time Between Environmental Sounds" and
        // "Maximum Time Between Environmental Sounds" fallback settings here.
        sTimeToNextEnvSound = 5.0f*a + 15.0f*(1.0f-a);
        sTimePassed = 0;

        if(regionName != cell->mRegion)
            regionName = cell->mRegion;
            total = 0;

        const ESM::Region *regn = world->getStore().get<ESM::Region>().search(regionName);
        if(regn == NULL)

        std::vector<ESM::Region::SoundRef>::const_iterator soundIter;
        if(total == 0)
            soundIter = regn->mSoundList.begin();
            while(soundIter != regn->mSoundList.end())
                total += (int)soundIter->mChance;
            if(total == 0)

        int r = Misc::Rng::rollDice(total);
        int pos = 0;

        soundIter = regn->mSoundList.begin();
        while(soundIter != regn->mSoundList.end())
            if(r - pos < soundIter->mChance)
                playSound(soundIter->mSound.toString(), 1.0f, 1.0f);
            pos += soundIter->mChance;


示例13: buildNewPath

    void AiCombat::buildNewPath(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, const MWWorld::Ptr& target)
        Ogre::Vector3 newPathTarget = Ogre::Vector3(target.getRefData().getPosition().pos);

        float dist;

            ESM::Pathgrid::Point lastPt = mPathFinder.getPath().back();
            Ogre::Vector3 currPathTarget(lastPt.mX, lastPt.mY, lastPt.mZ);
            dist = (newPathTarget - currPathTarget).length();
        else dist = 1e+38F; // necessarily construct a new path

        float targetPosThreshold = (actor.getCell()->getCell()->isExterior())? 300 : 100;

        //construct new path only if target has moved away more than on [targetPosThreshold]
        if(dist > targetPosThreshold)
            ESM::Position pos = actor.getRefData().getPosition();

            ESM::Pathgrid::Point start;
            start.mX = pos.pos[0];
            start.mY = pos.pos[1];
            start.mZ = pos.pos[2];

            ESM::Pathgrid::Point dest;
            dest.mX = newPathTarget.x;
            dest.mY = newPathTarget.y;
            dest.mZ = newPathTarget.z;

                mPathFinder.buildPath(start, dest, actor.getCell(), false);
                PathFinder newPathFinder;
                newPathFinder.buildPath(start, dest, actor.getCell(), false);

                    mPathFinder = newPathFinder;

示例14: startWaiting

    void WaitDialog::startWaiting(int hoursToWait)
        if(Settings::Manager::getBool("autosave","Saves")) //autosaves when enabled

        MWBase::World* world = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld();
        mFadeTimeRemaining = 0.4f;

        mHours = hoursToWait;

        // FIXME: move this somewhere else?
        mInterruptAt = -1;
        MWWorld::Ptr player = world->getPlayerPtr();
        if (mSleeping && player.getCell()->isExterior())
            std::string regionstr = player.getCell()->getCell()->mRegion;
            if (!regionstr.empty())
                const ESM::Region *region = world->getStore().get<ESM::Region>().find (regionstr);
                if (!region->mSleepList.empty())
                    // figure out if player will be woken while sleeping
                    int x = Misc::Rng::rollDice(hoursToWait);
                    float fSleepRandMod = world->getStore().get<ESM::GameSetting>().find("fSleepRandMod")->getFloat();
                    if (x < fSleepRandMod * hoursToWait)
                        float fSleepRestMod = world->getStore().get<ESM::GameSetting>().find("fSleepRestMod")->getFloat();
                        int interruptAtHoursRemaining = int(fSleepRestMod * hoursToWait);
                        if (interruptAtHoursRemaining != 0)
                            mInterruptAt = hoursToWait - interruptAtHoursRemaining;
                            mInterruptCreatureList = region->mSleepList;

        mProgressBar.setProgress (0, hoursToWait);

示例15: insertBegin

void Objects::insertBegin (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, bool enabled, bool static_)
    Ogre::SceneNode* root = mMwRoot;
    Ogre::SceneNode* cellnode;
    if(mCellSceneNodes.find(ptr.getCell()) == mCellSceneNodes.end())
        //Create the scenenode and put it in the map
        cellnode = root->createChildSceneNode();
        mCellSceneNodes[ptr.getCell()] = cellnode;
        cellnode = mCellSceneNodes[ptr.getCell()];

    Ogre::SceneNode* insert = cellnode->createChildSceneNode();
    const float *f = ptr.getRefData().getPosition().pos;

    insert->setPosition(f[0], f[1], f[2]);
    insert->setScale(ptr.getCellRef().scale, ptr.getCellRef().scale, ptr.getCellRef().scale);

    // Convert MW rotation to a quaternion:
    f = ptr.getCellRef().pos.rot;

    // Rotate around X axis
    Ogre::Quaternion xr(Ogre::Radian(-f[0]), Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_X);

    // Rotate around Y axis
    Ogre::Quaternion yr(Ogre::Radian(-f[1]), Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Y);

    // Rotate around Z axis
    Ogre::Quaternion zr(Ogre::Radian(-f[2]), Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Z);

    // Rotates first around z, then y, then x

    if (!enabled)
         insert->setVisible (false);
    mIsStatic = static_;
