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C++ iterator::replaceAllUsesWith方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中module::iterator::replaceAllUsesWith方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ iterator::replaceAllUsesWith方法的具体用法?C++ iterator::replaceAllUsesWith怎么用?C++ iterator::replaceAllUsesWith使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在module::iterator的用法示例。


示例1: CleanupAndPrepareModules


      // Don't forward functions which are external in the test module too.
      if (TestFn && !TestFn->isDeclaration()) {
        // 1. Add a string constant with its name to the global file
        Constant *InitArray = ConstantArray::get(F->getContext(), F->getName());
        GlobalVariable *funcName =
          new GlobalVariable(*Safe, InitArray->getType(), true /*isConstant*/,
                             GlobalValue::InternalLinkage, InitArray,
                             F->getName() + "_name");

        // 2. Use `GetElementPtr *funcName, 0, 0' to convert the string to an
        // sbyte* so it matches the signature of the resolver function.

        // GetElementPtr *funcName, ulong 0, ulong 0
        std::vector<Constant*> GEPargs(2,
        Value *GEP =
                ConstantExpr::getGetElementPtr(funcName, &GEPargs[0], 2);
        std::vector<Value*> ResolverArgs;

        // Rewrite uses of F in global initializers, etc. to uses of a wrapper
        // function that dynamically resolves the calls to F via our JIT API
        if (!F->use_empty()) {
          // Create a new global to hold the cached function pointer.
          Constant *NullPtr = ConstantPointerNull::get(F->getType());
          GlobalVariable *Cache =
            new GlobalVariable(*F->getParent(), F->getType(), 
                               false, GlobalValue::InternalLinkage,

          // Construct a new stub function that will re-route calls to F
          const FunctionType *FuncTy = F->getFunctionType();
          Function *FuncWrapper = Function::Create(FuncTy,
                                                   F->getName() + "_wrapper",
          BasicBlock *EntryBB  = BasicBlock::Create(F->getContext(),
                                                    "entry", FuncWrapper);
          BasicBlock *DoCallBB = BasicBlock::Create(F->getContext(),
                                                    "usecache", FuncWrapper);
          BasicBlock *LookupBB = BasicBlock::Create(F->getContext(),
                                                    "lookupfp", FuncWrapper);

          // Check to see if we already looked up the value.
          Value *CachedVal = new LoadInst(Cache, "fpcache", EntryBB);
          Value *IsNull = new ICmpInst(*EntryBB, ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ, CachedVal,
                                       NullPtr, "isNull");
          BranchInst::Create(LookupBB, DoCallBB, IsNull, EntryBB);

          // Resolve the call to function F via the JIT API:
          // call resolver(GetElementPtr...)
          CallInst *Resolver =
            CallInst::Create(resolverFunc, ResolverArgs.begin(),
                             ResolverArgs.end(), "resolver", LookupBB);

          // Cast the result from the resolver to correctly-typed function.
          CastInst *CastedResolver =
            new BitCastInst(Resolver,
                            "resolverCast", LookupBB);

          // Save the value in our cache.
          new StoreInst(CastedResolver, Cache, LookupBB);
          BranchInst::Create(DoCallBB, LookupBB);

          PHINode *FuncPtr = PHINode::Create(NullPtr->getType(),
                                             "fp", DoCallBB);
          FuncPtr->addIncoming(CastedResolver, LookupBB);
          FuncPtr->addIncoming(CachedVal, EntryBB);

          // Save the argument list.
          std::vector<Value*> Args;
          for (Function::arg_iterator i = FuncWrapper->arg_begin(),
                 e = FuncWrapper->arg_end(); i != e; ++i)

          // Pass on the arguments to the real function, return its result
          if (F->getReturnType()->isVoidTy()) {
            CallInst::Create(FuncPtr, Args.begin(), Args.end(), "", DoCallBB);
            ReturnInst::Create(F->getContext(), DoCallBB);
          } else {
            CallInst *Call = CallInst::Create(FuncPtr, Args.begin(), Args.end(),
                                              "retval", DoCallBB);
            ReturnInst::Create(F->getContext(),Call, DoCallBB);

          // Use the wrapper function instead of the old function

  if (verifyModule(*Test) || verifyModule(*Safe)) {
    errs() << "Bugpoint has a bug, which corrupted a module!!\n";
