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C++ TrackPtr::inCollection方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中meta::TrackPtr::inCollection方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ TrackPtr::inCollection方法的具体用法?C++ TrackPtr::inCollection怎么用?C++ TrackPtr::inCollection使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在meta::TrackPtr的用法示例。


示例1: trackAdded

    QString title, artist, album, url;
    int year = -1, bpm = -1, playcount = -1, rating = -1;
    QDateTime lastplayed;
    while( !( isEndElement() && name() == "dict" ) )
        QString text = readElementText();
        if( name() == "key" && text == "Name" )
            readNext(); // skip past the </key> and to the data tag
            QString text = readElementText();
            title = text;
        } else if( name() == "key" && text == "Artist" )
            readNext(); // skip past the </key> and to the data tag
            artist = readElementText();
        } else if( isStartElement() && name() == "key" && text == "Album" )
            readNext(); // skip past the </key> and to the data tag
            album = readElementText();
        } else if( name() == "key" && text == "Year" )
            readNext(); // skip past the </key> and to the data tag
            year = readElementText().toInt();
        } else if( name() == "key" && text == "BPM" )
            readNext(); // skip past the </key> and to the data tag
            bpm = readElementText().toInt();
        } else if( name() == "key" && text == "Play Count" )
            readNext(); // skip past the </key> and to the data tag
            playcount = readElementText().toInt();
        } else if( name() == "key" && text == "Rating" )
            readNext(); // skip past the </key> and to the data tag
            rating = readElementText().toInt() / 10; // itunes rates 0-100
        } else if( name() == "key" && text == "Play Date" )
            readNext(); // skip past the </key> and to the data tag
            lastplayed = QDateTime::fromTime_t(readElementText().toInt());
        } else if( name() == "key" && text == "Location" )
            readNext(); // skip past the </key> and to the data tag
            url = readElementText();
    //split the file://localhost/path/to/track   to just file:///path/to/track
    if( url.indexOf( "file://localhost" ) == 0 )
        url = url.remove( 7, 9 );
    debug() << "got track info:" << title << artist << album << year << bpm << url;
    Meta::TrackPtr track = CollectionManager::instance()->trackForUrl( KUrl( url ) );
    if( track )
        QScopedPointer<Capabilities::StatisticsCapability> ec( track->create<Capabilities::StatisticsCapability>() );
        if( ec )
            if( rating != -1 ) 
                ec->setRating( rating );
            if( lastplayed.isValid() )
                ec->setLastPlayed( lastplayed );
            if( playcount != -1 ) 
                ec->setPlayCount( playcount );
            if( !track->inCollection() )
                m_tracksForInsert.insert( track, track->playableUrl().url() );
                debug() << " inserting track:" << track->playableUrl();
            else {
                Collections::Collection* collection = track->collection();
                if (collection)
                    debug() << "track in collection (" << collection->location()->prettyLocation() << "):" << track->playableUrl();

            emit trackAdded( track );
