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C++ mapcallbacklist::iterator类代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中mapcallbacklist::iterator的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ iterator类的具体用法?C++ iterator怎么用?C++ iterator使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: lock

Map::removeTerrainMaskLayer( MaskLayer* layer )
    if ( layer )
        //Take a reference to the layer since we will be deleting it
        osg::ref_ptr< MaskLayer > layerRef = layer;
        Revision newRevision;
            Threading::ScopedWriteLock lock( _mapDataMutex );
            for( MaskLayerVector::iterator i = _terrainMaskLayers.begin(); i != _terrainMaskLayers.end(); ++i )
                if ( i->get() == layer )
                    _terrainMaskLayers.erase( i );
                    newRevision = ++_dataModelRevision;
        // a separate block b/c we don't need the mutex   
        for( MapCallbackList::iterator i = _mapCallbacks.begin(); i != _mapCallbacks.end(); i++ )
            i->get()->onMapModelChanged( MapModelChange(
                MapModelChange::REMOVE_MASK_LAYER, newRevision, layerRef.get()) );

示例2: lock

Map::removeModelLayer( ModelLayer* layer )
    if ( layer )
        Revision newRevision;
            Threading::ScopedWriteLock lock( _mapDataMutex );
            for( ModelLayerVector::iterator i = _modelLayers.begin(); i != _modelLayers.end(); ++i )
                if ( i->get() == layer )
                    _modelLayers.erase( i );
                    newRevision = ++_dataModelRevision;

        for( MapCallbackList::iterator i = _mapCallbacks.begin(); i != _mapCallbacks.end(); ++i )
            i->get()->onMapModelChanged( MapModelChange(
                MapModelChange::REMOVE_MODEL_LAYER, newRevision, layer) );

示例3: msg

    MapModelChange msg( MapModelChange::END_BATCH_UPDATE, _dataModelRevision );
    for( MapCallbackList::iterator i = _mapCallbacks.begin(); i != _mapCallbacks.end(); i++ )
        i->get()->onMapModelChanged( msg );

示例4: lock

Map::insertImageLayer( ImageLayer* layer, unsigned int index )
    if ( layer )
        //Set options for the map from the layer
        layer->setDBOptions( _dbOptions.get() );

        //propagate the cache to the layer:
        if (_mapOptions.cachePolicy().isSet() )
            layer->overrideCachePolicy( *_mapOptions.cachePolicy() );

        //Set the Cache for the MapLayer to our cache.
        layer->setCache( this->getCache() );

        // Tell the layer the map profile, if possible:
        if ( _profile.valid() )
            layer->setTargetProfileHint( _profile.get() );

        int newRevision;

        // Add the layer to our stack.
            Threading::ScopedWriteLock lock( _mapDataMutex );

            if (index >= _imageLayers.size())
                _imageLayers.insert( _imageLayers.begin() + index, layer );

            newRevision = ++_dataModelRevision;

        // a separate block b/c we don't need the mutex   
        for( MapCallbackList::iterator i = _mapCallbacks.begin(); i != _mapCallbacks.end(); i++ )
            i->get()->onMapModelChanged( MapModelChange(
                MapModelChange::ADD_IMAGE_LAYER, newRevision, layer, index) );

示例5: if

    if ( !_profile.valid() )
        osg::ref_ptr<const Profile> userProfile;
        if ( _mapOptions.profile().isSet() )
            userProfile = Profile::create( _mapOptions.profile().value() );

        if ( _mapOptions.coordSysType() == MapOptions::CSTYPE_GEOCENTRIC )
            if ( userProfile.valid() )
                if ( userProfile->isOK() && userProfile->getSRS()->isGeographic() )
                    _profile = userProfile.get();
                    OE_WARN << LC 
                        << "Map is geocentric, but the configured profile SRS ("
                        << userProfile->getSRS()->getName() << ") is not geographic; "
                        << "it will be ignored."
                        << std::endl;

            if ( !_profile.valid() )
                // by default, set a geocentric map to use global-geodetic WGS84.
                _profile = osgEarth::Registry::instance()->getGlobalGeodeticProfile();

        else if ( _mapOptions.coordSysType() == MapOptions::CSTYPE_GEOCENTRIC_CUBE )
            //If the map type is a Geocentric Cube, set the profile to the cube profile.
            _profile = osgEarth::Registry::instance()->getCubeProfile();

        else // CSTYPE_PROJECTED
            if ( userProfile.valid() )
                _profile = userProfile.get();

        // At this point, if we don't have a profile we need to search tile sources until we find one.
        if ( !_profile.valid() )
            Threading::ScopedReadLock lock( _mapDataMutex );

            for( ImageLayerVector::iterator i = _imageLayers.begin(); i != _imageLayers.end() && !_profile.valid(); i++ )
                ImageLayer* layer = i->get();
                if ( layer->getTileSource() )
                    _profile = layer->getTileSource()->getProfile();

            for( ElevationLayerVector::iterator i = _elevationLayers.begin(); i != _elevationLayers.end() && !_profile.valid(); i++ )
                ElevationLayer* layer = i->get();
                if ( layer->getTileSource() )
                    _profile = layer->getTileSource()->getProfile();

        // convert the profile to Plate Carre if necessary.
        if (_profile.valid() &&
            _profile->getSRS()->isGeographic() && 
            getMapOptions().coordSysType() == MapOptions::CSTYPE_PROJECTED )
            OE_INFO << LC << "Projected display with geographic SRS; activating Plate Carre mode" << std::endl;
            _profile = _profile->overrideSRS( _profile->getSRS()->createPlateCarreGeographicSRS() );

        // finally, fire an event if the profile has been set.
        if ( _profile.valid() )
            OE_INFO << LC << "Map profile is: " << _profile->toString() << std::endl;

            for( MapCallbackList::iterator i = _mapCallbacks.begin(); i != _mapCallbacks.end(); i++ )
                i->get()->onMapInfoEstablished( MapInfo(this) );

            OE_WARN << LC << "Warning, not yet able to establish a map profile!" << std::endl;


示例6: if

    if ( !_profile.valid() )
        osg::ref_ptr<const Profile> userProfile;
        if ( _mapOptions.profile().isSet() )
            userProfile = Profile::create( _mapOptions.profile().value() );

        if ( _mapOptions.coordSysType() == MapOptions::CSTYPE_GEOCENTRIC )
            if ( userProfile.valid() )
                if ( userProfile->isOK() && userProfile->getSRS()->isGeographic() )
                    _profile = userProfile.get();
                    OE_WARN << LC 
                        << "Map is geocentric, but the configured profile does not "
                        << "have a geographic SRS. Falling back on default.."
                        << std::endl;

            if ( !_profile.valid() )
                // by default, set a geocentric map to use global-geodetic WGS84.
                _profile = osgEarth::Registry::instance()->getGlobalGeodeticProfile();

        else if ( _mapOptions.coordSysType() == MapOptions::CSTYPE_GEOCENTRIC_CUBE )
            //If the map type is a Geocentric Cube, set the profile to the cube profile.
            _profile = osgEarth::Registry::instance()->getCubeProfile();

        else // CSTYPE_PROJECTED
            if ( userProfile.valid() )
                _profile = userProfile.get();

        // At this point, if we don't have a profile we need to search tile sources until we find one.
        if ( !_profile.valid() )
            Threading::ScopedReadLock lock( _mapDataMutex );

            for( ImageLayerVector::iterator i = _imageLayers.begin(); i != _imageLayers.end() && !_profile.valid(); i++ )
                ImageLayer* layer = i->get();
                if ( layer->getTileSource() )
                    _profile = layer->getTileSource()->getProfile();

            for( ElevationLayerVector::iterator i = _elevationLayers.begin(); i != _elevationLayers.end() && !_profile.valid(); i++ )
                ElevationLayer* layer = i->get();
                if ( layer->getTileSource() )
                    _profile = layer->getTileSource()->getProfile();

        // finally, fire an event if the profile has been set.
        if ( _profile.valid() )
            OE_INFO << LC << "Map profile is: " << _profile->toString() << std::endl;

            for( MapCallbackList::iterator i = _mapCallbacks.begin(); i != _mapCallbacks.end(); i++ )
                i->get()->onMapInfoEstablished( MapInfo(this) );

            OE_WARN << LC << "Warning, not yet able to establish a map profile!" << std::endl;

    if ( _profile.valid() )
        // tell all the loaded layers what the profile is, as a hint
            Threading::ScopedWriteLock lock( _mapDataMutex );

            for( ImageLayerVector::iterator i = _imageLayers.begin(); i != _imageLayers.end(); i++ )
                ImageLayer* layer = i->get();
                layer->setTargetProfileHint( _profile.get() );
