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C++ MatrixWorkspace_sptr::getInstrument方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中mantid::api::MatrixWorkspace_sptr::getInstrument方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ MatrixWorkspace_sptr::getInstrument方法的具体用法?C++ MatrixWorkspace_sptr::getInstrument怎么用?C++ MatrixWorkspace_sptr::getInstrument使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在mantid::api::MatrixWorkspace_sptr的用法示例。


示例1: provideCollimationLength

 * Provide the collimation length which is associated with the instrument
 * @param workspace: the input workspace
 * @returns the collimation length
double SANSCollimationLengthEstimator::provideCollimationLength(
    Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr workspace) {
  // If the instrument does not have a correction specified then set the length
  // to 4
  const double defaultLColim = 4.0;
  auto collimationLengthID = "collimation-length-correction";

  if (!workspace->getInstrument()->hasParameter(collimationLengthID)) {
    g_log.error("Error in SANSCollimtionLengthEstimator: The instrument "
                "parameter file does not contain a collimation length "
                "a default of 4 is provided. Please update the instrument "
                "parameter file.");
    return defaultLColim;

  // Get the L1 length
  const V3D samplePos = workspace->getInstrument()->getSample()->getPos();
  const V3D sourcePos = workspace->getInstrument()->getSource()->getPos();
  const V3D SSD = samplePos - sourcePos;
  const double L1 = SSD.norm();

  auto collimationLengthCorrection =

  if (workspace->getInstrument()->hasParameter(
          "special-default-collimation-length-method")) {
    auto specialCollimationMethod =
    if (specialCollimationMethod[0] == "guide") {
      try {
        return getCollimationLengthWithGuides(workspace, L1,
      } catch (std::invalid_argument &ex) {
        g_log.notice() << ex.what();
            << "SANSCollimationLengthEstimator: Not using any guides";
        return L1 - collimationLengthCorrection[0];
    } else {
      throw std::invalid_argument("Error in SANSCollimationLengthEstimator: "
                                  "Unknown special collimation method.");
  return L1 - collimationLengthCorrection[0];

示例2: checkInput

 * Check the input workspace
 * @param inWS: the input workspace
void TOFSANSResolutionByPixel::checkInput(
    Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr inWS) {
  // Make sure that input workspace has an instrument as we rely heavily on
  // thisa
  auto inst = inWS->getInstrument();
  if (inst->getName().empty()) {
    throw std::invalid_argument("TOFSANSResolutionByPixel: The input workspace "
                                "does not contain an instrument");

示例3: getEFixed

 * Gets the eFixed value from the workspace using the instrument parameters.
 * @param ws Pointer to the workspace
 * @return eFixed value
double IndirectTab::getEFixed(Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr ws) {
  Mantid::Geometry::Instrument_const_sptr inst = ws->getInstrument();
  if (!inst)
    throw std::runtime_error("No instrument on workspace");

  // Try to get the parameter form the base instrument
  if (inst->hasParameter("Efixed"))
    return inst->getNumberParameter("Efixed")[0];

  // Try to get it form the analyser component
  if (inst->hasParameter("analyser")) {
    std::string analyserName = inst->getStringParameter("analyser")[0];
    auto analyserComp = inst->getComponentByName(analyserName);

    if (analyserComp && analyserComp->hasParameter("Efixed"))
      return analyserComp->getNumberParameter("Efixed")[0];

  throw std::runtime_error("Instrument has no efixed parameter");

示例4: getIDFfromWorkspace

std::string getIDFfromWorkspace(Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr workspace) {
  auto instrument = workspace->getInstrument();
  auto name = instrument->getFullName();
  auto date = workspace->getWorkspaceStartDate();
  return workspace->getInstrumentFilename(name, date);
