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C++ const_iterator::isCleanupFuncletEntry方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中machinefunction::const_iterator::isCleanupFuncletEntry方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ const_iterator::isCleanupFuncletEntry方法的具体用法?C++ const_iterator::isCleanupFuncletEntry怎么用?C++ const_iterator::isCleanupFuncletEntry使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在machinefunction::const_iterator的用法示例。


示例1: while

void WinException::computeIP2StateTable(
    const MachineFunction *MF, const WinEHFuncInfo &FuncInfo,
    SmallVectorImpl<std::pair<const MCExpr *, int>> &IPToStateTable) {

  for (MachineFunction::const_iterator FuncletStart = MF->begin(),
                                       FuncletEnd = MF->begin(),
                                       End = MF->end();
       FuncletStart != End; FuncletStart = FuncletEnd) {
    // Find the end of the funclet
    while (++FuncletEnd != End) {
      if (FuncletEnd->isEHFuncletEntry()) {

    // Don't emit ip2state entries for cleanup funclets. Any interesting
    // exceptional actions in cleanups must be handled in a separate IR
    // function.
    if (FuncletStart->isCleanupFuncletEntry())

    MCSymbol *StartLabel;
    int BaseState;
    if (FuncletStart == MF->begin()) {
      BaseState = NullState;
      StartLabel = Asm->getFunctionBegin();
    } else {
      auto *FuncletPad =
      assert(FuncInfo.FuncletBaseStateMap.count(FuncletPad) != 0);
      BaseState = FuncInfo.FuncletBaseStateMap.find(FuncletPad)->second;
      StartLabel = getMCSymbolForMBB(Asm, &*FuncletStart);
    assert(StartLabel && "need local function start label");
        std::make_pair(create32bitRef(StartLabel), BaseState));

    for (const auto &StateChange : InvokeStateChangeIterator::range(
             FuncInfo, FuncletStart, FuncletEnd, BaseState)) {
      // Compute the label to report as the start of this entry; use the EH
      // start label for the invoke if we have one, otherwise (this is a call
      // which may unwind to our caller and does not have an EH start label, so)
      // use the previous end label.
      const MCSymbol *ChangeLabel = StateChange.NewStartLabel;
      if (!ChangeLabel)
        ChangeLabel = StateChange.PreviousEndLabel;
      // Emit an entry indicating that PCs after 'Label' have this EH state.
          std::make_pair(getLabelPlusOne(ChangeLabel), StateChange.NewState));
      // FIXME: assert that NewState is between CatchLow and CatchHigh.
