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C++ InputFile::setFrameBuffer方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中imf::InputFile::setFrameBuffer方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ InputFile::setFrameBuffer方法的具体用法?C++ InputFile::setFrameBuffer怎么用?C++ InputFile::setFrameBuffer使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在imf::InputFile的用法示例。


示例1: clamp

OpenEXRInput::read_native_scanlines (int ybegin, int yend, int z,
                                     int chbegin, int chend, void *data)
    chend = clamp (chend, chbegin+1, m_spec.nchannels);
//    std::cerr << "openexr rns " << ybegin << ' ' << yend << ", channels "
//              << chbegin << "-" << (chend-1) << "\n";
    if (m_input_scanline == NULL && m_scanline_input_part == NULL) {
        error ("called OpenEXRInput::read_native_scanlines without an open file");
        return false;

    // Compute where OpenEXR needs to think the full buffers starts.
    // OpenImageIO requires that 'data' points to where the client wants
    // to put the pixels being read, but OpenEXR's frameBuffer.insert()
    // wants where the address of the "virtual framebuffer" for the
    // whole image.
    const PartInfo &part (m_parts[m_subimage]);
    size_t pixelbytes = m_spec.pixel_bytes (chbegin, chend, true);
    size_t scanlinebytes = (size_t)m_spec.width * pixelbytes;
    char *buf = (char *)data
              - m_spec.x * pixelbytes
              - ybegin * scanlinebytes;

    try {
        Imf::FrameBuffer frameBuffer;
        size_t chanoffset = 0;
        for (int c = chbegin;  c < chend;  ++c) {
            size_t chanbytes = m_spec.channelformat(c).size();
            frameBuffer.insert (m_spec.channelnames[c].c_str(),
                                Imf::Slice (part.pixeltype[c],
                                            buf + chanoffset,
                                            pixelbytes, scanlinebytes));
            chanoffset += chanbytes;
        if (m_input_scanline) {
            m_input_scanline->setFrameBuffer (frameBuffer);
            m_input_scanline->readPixels (ybegin, yend-1);
        } else if (m_scanline_input_part) {
            m_scanline_input_part->setFrameBuffer (frameBuffer);
            m_scanline_input_part->readPixels (ybegin, yend-1);
        } else {
            error ("Attempted to read scanline from a non-scanline file.");
            return false;
    } catch (const std::exception &e) {
        error ("Failed OpenEXR read: %s", e.what());
        return false;
    } catch (...) {   // catch-all for edge cases or compiler bugs
        error ("Failed OpenEXR read: unknown exception");
        return false;
    return true;

示例2: catch

OpenEXRInput::read_native_scanlines (int ybegin, int yend, int z,
                                     int firstchan, int nchans, void *data)
//    std::cerr << "openexr rns " << ybegin << ' ' << yend << ", channels "
//              << firstchan << "-" << (firstchan+nchans-1) << "\n";
    if (m_input_scanline == NULL)
        return false;

    // Compute where OpenEXR needs to think the full buffers starts.
    // OpenImageIO requires that 'data' points to where the client wants
    // to put the pixels being read, but OpenEXR's frameBuffer.insert()
    // wants where the address of the "virtual framebuffer" for the
    // whole image.
    size_t pixelbytes = m_spec.pixel_bytes (firstchan, nchans, true);
    size_t scanlinebytes = (size_t)m_spec.width * pixelbytes;
    char *buf = (char *)data
              - m_spec.x * pixelbytes
              - ybegin * scanlinebytes;

    try {
        Imf::FrameBuffer frameBuffer;
        size_t chanoffset = 0;
        for (int c = 0;  c < nchans;  ++c) {
            size_t chanbytes = m_spec.channelformats.size() 
                                  ? m_spec.channelformats[c+firstchan].size() 
                                  : m_spec.format.size();
            frameBuffer.insert (m_spec.channelnames[c+firstchan].c_str(),
                                Imf::Slice (m_pixeltype[c+firstchan],
                                            buf + chanoffset,
                                            pixelbytes, scanlinebytes));
            chanoffset += chanbytes;
        m_input_scanline->setFrameBuffer (frameBuffer);
        m_input_scanline->readPixels (ybegin, yend-1);
    catch (const std::exception &e) {
        error ("Failed OpenEXR read: %s", e.what());
        return false;
    return true;


void OpenEXRImpl :: load_channels(Imf::InputFile &file, Matrix& mat, int numChannels, const char *channelNames) {
	Imath::Box2i dw = file.header().dataWindow();
	int width = dw.max.x - dw.min.x + 1;
	int height = dw.max.y - dw.min.y + 1;

	mat.create(numChannels, Matrix::FLOAT32, width, height);

	Imf::FrameBuffer frameBuffer;
	for(int i=0; i < numChannels; i++) {
		char c[2];
		c[0] = channelNames[i];
		c[1] = '\0';
					(char *)(mat.data.fl + i),

	file.readPixels(dw.min.y, dw.max.y);


OpenEXRInput::read_native_scanline (int y, int z, void *data)
    ASSERT (m_input_scanline != NULL);

    // Compute where OpenEXR needs to think the full buffers starts.
    // OpenImageIO requires that 'data' points to where the client wants
    // to put the pixels being read, but OpenEXR's frameBuffer.insert()
    // wants where the address of the "virtual framebuffer" for the
    // whole image.
    size_t pixelbytes = m_spec.pixel_bytes (true);
    size_t scanlinebytes = m_spec.scanline_bytes (true);
    char *buf = (char *)data
              - m_spec.x * pixelbytes
              - y * scanlinebytes;

    try {
        Imf::FrameBuffer frameBuffer;
        size_t chanoffset = 0;
        for (int c = 0;  c < m_spec.nchannels;  ++c) {
            size_t chanbytes = m_spec.channelformats.size() 
                                  ? m_spec.channelformats[c].size() 
                                  : m_spec.format.size();
            frameBuffer.insert (m_spec.channelnames[c].c_str(),
                                Imf::Slice (m_pixeltype[c],
                                            buf + chanoffset,
                                            pixelbytes, scanlinebytes));
            chanoffset += chanbytes;
        m_input_scanline->setFrameBuffer (frameBuffer);
        m_input_scanline->readPixels (y, y);
    catch (const std::exception &e) {
        error ("Failed OpenEXR read: %s", e.what());
        return false;
    return true;
