本文整理汇总了C++中symbol_shorthand类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ symbol_shorthand类的具体用法?C++ symbol_shorthand怎么用?C++ symbol_shorthand使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: measurement
/* ************************************************************************* */
TEST( StereoFactor, Jacobian ) {
// Create the factor with a measurement that is 3 pixels off in x
StereoPoint2 measurement(323, 318-50, 241);
TestStereoFactor factor(measurement, model, X(1), L(1), K);
// Set the linearization point
Pose3 pose(Rot3(), Point3(0.0, 0.0, -6.25));
Point3 point(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
// Use the factor to calculate the Jacobians
Matrix H1Actual, H2Actual;
factor.evaluateError(pose, point, H1Actual, H2Actual);
// The expected Jacobians
Matrix H1Expected = Matrix_(3, 6, 0.0, -625.0, 0.0, -100.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, -625.0, 0.0, -100.0, 0.0, -8.0,
625.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -100.0, 0.0);
Matrix H2Expected = Matrix_(3, 3, 100.0, 0.0, 0.0,
100.0, 0.0, 8.0,
0.0, 100.0, 0.0);
// Verify the Jacobians are correct
CHECK(assert_equal(H1Expected, H1Actual, 1e-3));
CHECK(assert_equal(H2Expected, H2Actual, 1e-3));
示例2: createSmoother
/* ************************************************************************* */
TEST( ISAM, iSAM_smoother )
Ordering ordering;
for (int t = 1; t <= 7; t++) ordering += X(t);
// Create smoother with 7 nodes
GaussianFactorGraph smoother = createSmoother(7);
// run iSAM for every factor
GaussianISAM actual;
for(boost::shared_ptr<GaussianFactor> factor: smoother) {
GaussianFactorGraph factorGraph;
// Create expected Bayes Tree by solving smoother with "natural" ordering
GaussianBayesTree expected = *smoother.eliminateMultifrontal(ordering);
// Verify sigmas in the bayes tree
for(const GaussianBayesTree::sharedClique& clique: expected.nodes() | br::map_values) {
GaussianConditional::shared_ptr conditional = clique->conditional();
// Check whether BayesTree is correct
EXPECT(assert_equal(GaussianFactorGraph(expected).augmentedHessian(), GaussianFactorGraph(actual).augmentedHessian()));
// obtain solution
VectorValues e; // expected solution
for (int t = 1; t <= 7; t++) e.insert(X(t), Vector::Zero(2));
VectorValues optimized = actual.optimize(); // actual solution
EXPECT(assert_equal(e, optimized));
示例3: xstar
/* ************************************************************************* */
TEST(NonlinearOptimizer, NullFactor) {
example::Graph fg = example::createReallyNonlinearFactorGraph();
// Add null factor
// test error at minimum
Point2 xstar(0,0);
Values cstar;
cstar.insert(X(1), xstar);
// test error at initial = [(1-cos(3))^2 + (sin(3))^2]*50 =
Point2 x0(3,3);
Values c0;
c0.insert(X(1), x0);
// optimize parameters
Ordering ord;
// Gauss-Newton
Values actual1 = GaussNewtonOptimizer(fg, c0, ord).optimize();
// Levenberg-Marquardt
Values actual2 = LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer(fg, c0, ord).optimize();
// Dogleg
Values actual3 = DoglegOptimizer(fg, c0, ord).optimize();
示例4: main
* Camera: f = 1, Image: 100x100, center: 50, 50.0
* Pose (ground truth): (Xw, -Yw, -Zw, [0,0,2.0]')
* Known landmarks:
* 3D Points: (10,10,0) (-10,10,0) (-10,-10,0) (10,-10,0)
* Perfect measurements:
* 2D Point: (55,45) (45,45) (45,55) (55,55)
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
/* read camera intrinsic parameters */
Cal3_S2::shared_ptr calib(new Cal3_S2(1, 1, 0, 50, 50));
/* 1. create graph */
NonlinearFactorGraph graph;
/* 2. add factors to the graph */
// add measurement factors
SharedDiagonal measurementNoise = Diagonal::Sigmas((Vector(2) << 0.5, 0.5));
boost::shared_ptr<ResectioningFactor> factor;
boost::make_shared<ResectioningFactor>(measurementNoise, X(1), calib,
Point2(55, 45), Point3(10, 10, 0)));
boost::make_shared<ResectioningFactor>(measurementNoise, X(1), calib,
Point2(45, 45), Point3(-10, 10, 0)));
boost::make_shared<ResectioningFactor>(measurementNoise, X(1), calib,
Point2(45, 55), Point3(-10, -10, 0)));
boost::make_shared<ResectioningFactor>(measurementNoise, X(1), calib,
Point2(55, 55), Point3(10, -10, 0)));
/* 3. Create an initial estimate for the camera pose */
Values initial;
Pose3(Rot3(1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, -1), Point3(0, 0, 2)));
/* 4. Optimize the graph using Levenberg-Marquardt*/
Values result = LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer(graph, initial).optimize();
result.print("Final result:\n");
return 0;
示例5: measurement
/* ************************************************************************* */
TEST( ProjectionFactorPPPC, JacobianWithTransform ) {
// Create the factor with a measurement that is 3 pixels off in x
Point2 measurement(323.0, 240.0);
Pose3 body_P_sensor(Rot3::RzRyRx(-M_PI_2, 0.0, -M_PI_2), Point3(0.25, -0.10, 1.0));
TestProjectionFactor factor(measurement, model, X(1), T(1), L(1), K(1));
// Set the linearization point. The vehicle pose has been selected to put the camera at (-6, 0, 0)
Pose3 pose(Rot3(), Point3(-6.25, 0.10 , -1.0));
Point3 point(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
// Use the factor to calculate the Jacobians
Matrix H1Actual, H2Actual, H3Actual, H4Actual;
factor.evaluateError(pose, body_P_sensor, point, *K1, H1Actual, H2Actual, H3Actual, H4Actual);
// The expected Jacobians
Matrix H1Expected = (Matrix(2, 6) << -92.376, 0., 577.350, 0., 92.376, 0., -9.2376, -577.350, 0., 0., 0., 92.376).finished();
Matrix H3Expected = (Matrix(2, 3) << 0., -92.376, 0., 0., 0., -92.376).finished();
// Verify the Jacobians are correct
CHECK(assert_equal(H1Expected, H1Actual, 1e-3));
CHECK(assert_equal(H3Expected, H3Actual, 1e-3));
// Verify H2 and H4 with numerical derivatives
Matrix H2Expected = numericalDerivative11<Vector, Pose3>(
boost::bind(&TestProjectionFactor::evaluateError, &factor, pose, _1, point,
*K1, boost::none, boost::none, boost::none, boost::none), body_P_sensor);
Matrix H4Expected = numericalDerivative11<Vector, Cal3_S2>(
boost::bind(&TestProjectionFactor::evaluateError, &factor, pose, body_P_sensor, point,
_1, boost::none, boost::none, boost::none, boost::none), *K1);
CHECK(assert_equal(H2Expected, H2Actual, 1e-5));
CHECK(assert_equal(H4Expected, H4Actual, 1e-5));
示例6: measurement
/* ************************************************************************* */
TEST( simulated2DOriented, constructor )
Pose2 measurement(0.2, 0.3, 0.1);
SharedDiagonal model = noiseModel::Diagonal::Sigmas((Vector(3) << 1., 1., 1.));
simulated2DOriented::Odometry factor(measurement, model, X(1), X(2));
simulated2DOriented::Values config;
config.insert(X(1), Pose2(1., 0., 0.2));
config.insert(X(2), Pose2(2., 0., 0.1));
boost::shared_ptr<GaussianFactor> lf = factor.linearize(config);
示例7: createSmoother
/* ************************************************************************* */
TEST( GaussianBayesTree, balanced_smoother_shortcuts )
// Create smoother with 7 nodes
GaussianFactorGraph smoother = createSmoother(7);
// Create the Bayes tree
Ordering ordering;
ordering += X(1),X(3),X(5),X(7),X(2),X(6),X(4);
GaussianBayesTree bayesTree = *smoother.eliminateMultifrontal(ordering);
// Check the conditional P(Root|Root)
GaussianBayesNet empty;
GaussianBayesTree::sharedClique R = bayesTree.roots().front();
GaussianBayesNet actual1 = R->shortcut(R);
// Check the conditional P(C2|Root)
GaussianBayesTree::sharedClique C2 = bayesTree[X(3)];
GaussianBayesNet actual2 = C2->shortcut(R);
// Check the conditional P(C3|Root), which should be equal to P(x2|x4)
/** TODO: Note for multifrontal conditional:
* p_x2_x4 is now an element conditional of the multifrontal conditional bayesTree[ordering[X(2)]]->conditional()
* We don't know yet how to take it out.
// GaussianConditional::shared_ptr p_x2_x4 = bayesTree[ordering[X(2)]]->conditional();
// p_x2_x4->print("Conditional p_x2_x4: ");
// GaussianBayesNet expected3(p_x2_x4);
// GaussianISAM::sharedClique C3 = isamTree[ordering[X(1)]];
// GaussianBayesNet actual3 = GaussianISAM::shortcut(C3,R);
// EXPECT(assert_equal(expected3,actual3,tol));
示例8: X
/* ************************************************************************* */
TEST( GaussianFactor, getDim )
const Key kx1 = X(1), kx2 = X(2), kl1 = L(1);
// get a factor
Ordering ordering; ordering += kx1,kx2,kl1;
GaussianFactorGraph fg = example::createGaussianFactorGraph(ordering);
GaussianFactor::shared_ptr factor = fg[0];
// get the size of a variable
size_t actual = factor->getDim(factor->find(ordering[kx1]));
// verify
size_t expected = 2;
EXPECT_LONGS_EQUAL(expected, actual);
示例9: actual
/* ************************************************************************* */
TEST( SymbolicFactorGraph, symbolicFactorGraph )
Ordering o; o += X(1),L(1),X(2);
// construct expected symbolic graph
SymbolicFactorGraph expected;
// construct it from the factor graph
GaussianFactorGraph factorGraph = example::createGaussianFactorGraph(o);
SymbolicFactorGraph actual(factorGraph);
CHECK(assert_equal(expected, actual));
示例10: newConfig
/* ************************************************************************* */
TEST(DoglegOptimizer, Iterate) {
// really non-linear factor graph
NonlinearFactorGraph fg = example::createReallyNonlinearFactorGraph();
// config far from minimum
Point2 x0(3,0);
Values config;
config.insert(X(1), x0);
double Delta = 1.0;
for(size_t it=0; it<10; ++it) {
GaussianBayesNet gbn = *fg.linearize(config)->eliminateSequential();
// Iterate assumes that linear error = nonlinear error at the linearization point, and this should be true
double nonlinearError = fg.error(config);
double linearError = GaussianFactorGraph(gbn).error(config.zeroVectors());
DOUBLES_EQUAL(nonlinearError, linearError, 1e-5);
// cout << "it " << it << ", Delta = " << Delta << ", error = " << fg->error(*config) << endl;
VectorValues dx_u = gbn.optimizeGradientSearch();
VectorValues dx_n = gbn.optimize();
DoglegOptimizerImpl::IterationResult result = DoglegOptimizerImpl::Iterate(Delta, DoglegOptimizerImpl::SEARCH_EACH_ITERATION, dx_u, dx_n, gbn, fg, config, fg.error(config));
Delta = result.Delta;
EXPECT(result.f_error < fg.error(config)); // Check that error decreases
Values newConfig(config.retract(result.dx_d));
config = newConfig;
DOUBLES_EQUAL(fg.error(config), result.f_error, 1e-5); // Check that error is correctly filled in
示例11: lf
/* ************************************************************************* */
TEST( GaussianFactor, matrix )
const Key kx1 = X(1), kx2 = X(2), kl1 = L(1);
// create a small linear factor graph
Ordering ordering; ordering += kx1,kx2,kl1;
GaussianFactorGraph fg = example::createGaussianFactorGraph(ordering);
// get the factor kf2 from the factor graph
//GaussianFactor::shared_ptr lf = fg[1]; // NOTE: using the older version
Vector b2 = Vector_(2, 0.2, -0.1);
Matrix I = eye(2);
// render with a given ordering
Ordering ord;
ord += kx1,kx2;
JacobianFactor::shared_ptr lf(new JacobianFactor(ord[kx1], -I, ord[kx2], I, b2, sigma0_1));
// Test whitened version
Matrix A_act1; Vector b_act1;
boost::tie(A_act1,b_act1) = lf->matrix(true);
Matrix A1 = Matrix_(2,4,
-10.0, 0.0, 10.0, 0.0,
000.0,-10.0, 0.0, 10.0 );
Vector b1 = Vector_(2, 2.0, -1.0);
// Test unwhitened version
Matrix A_act2; Vector b_act2;
boost::tie(A_act2,b_act2) = lf->matrix(false);
Matrix A2 = Matrix_(2,4,
-1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
000.0,-1.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
//Vector b2 = Vector_(2, 2.0, -1.0);
// Ensure that whitening is consistent
boost::shared_ptr<noiseModel::Gaussian> model = lf->get_model();
model->WhitenSystem(A_act2, b_act2);
EQUALITY(A_act1, A_act2);
EQUALITY(b_act1, b_act2);
示例12: expected
/* ************************************************************************* */
TEST( GaussianFactor, linearFactor )
const Key kx1 = X(1), kx2 = X(2), kl1 = L(1);
Ordering ordering; ordering += kx1,kx2,kl1;
Matrix I = eye(2);
Vector b = Vector_(2, 2.0, -1.0);
JacobianFactor expected(ordering[kx1], -10*I,ordering[kx2], 10*I, b, noiseModel::Unit::Create(2));
// create a small linear factor graph
GaussianFactorGraph fg = example::createGaussianFactorGraph(ordering);
// get the factor kf2 from the factor graph
JacobianFactor::shared_ptr lf =
// check if the two factors are the same
示例13: fg
/* ************************************************************************* */
TEST( NonlinearOptimizer, SimpleDLOptimizer )
example::Graph fg(example::createReallyNonlinearFactorGraph());
Point2 x0(3,3);
Values c0;
c0.insert(X(1), x0);
Values actual = DoglegOptimizer(fg, c0).optimize();
示例14: main
/* ************************************************************************* */
int main (int argc, char* argv[]) {
// Find default file, but if an argument is given, try loading a file
string filename = findExampleDataFile("dubrovnik-3-7-pre");
if (argc>1) filename = string(argv[1]);
// Load the SfM data from file
SfM_data mydata;
assert(readBAL(filename, mydata));
cout << boost::format("read %1% tracks on %2% cameras\n") % mydata.number_tracks() % mydata.number_cameras();
// Create a factor graph
NonlinearFactorGraph graph;
// We share *one* noiseModel between all projection factors
noiseModel::Isotropic::shared_ptr noise =
noiseModel::Isotropic::Sigma(2, 1.0); // one pixel in u and v
// Add measurements to the factor graph
size_t j = 0;
BOOST_FOREACH(const SfM_Track& track, mydata.tracks) {
BOOST_FOREACH(const SfM_Measurement& m, track.measurements) {
size_t i = m.first;
Point2 uv = m.second;
graph.push_back(MyFactor(uv, noise, C(i), P(j))); // note use of shorthand symbols C and P
j += 1;
// Add a prior on pose x1. This indirectly specifies where the origin is.
// and a prior on the position of the first landmark to fix the scale
graph.push_back(PriorFactor<SfM_Camera>(C(0), mydata.cameras[0], noiseModel::Isotropic::Sigma(9, 0.1)));
graph.push_back(PriorFactor<Point3> (P(0), mydata.tracks[0].p, noiseModel::Isotropic::Sigma(3, 0.1)));
// Create initial estimate
Values initial;
size_t i = 0; j = 0;
BOOST_FOREACH(const SfM_Camera& camera, mydata.cameras) initial.insert(C(i++), camera);
BOOST_FOREACH(const SfM_Track& track, mydata.tracks) initial.insert(P(j++), track.p);
/* Optimize the graph and print results */
Values result;
try {
LevenbergMarquardtParams params;
LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer lm(graph, initial, params);
result = lm.optimize();
} catch (exception& e) {
cout << e.what();
cout << "final error: " << graph.error(result) << endl;
return 0;
示例15: optimizer
/* ************************************************************************* */
TEST( NonlinearOptimizer, Factorization )
Values config;
config.insert(X(1), Pose2(0.,0.,0.));
config.insert(X(2), Pose2(1.5,0.,0.));
NonlinearFactorGraph graph;
graph.add(PriorFactor<Pose2>(X(1), Pose2(0.,0.,0.), noiseModel::Isotropic::Sigma(3, 1e-10)));
graph.add(BetweenFactor<Pose2>(X(1),X(2), Pose2(1.,0.,0.), noiseModel::Isotropic::Sigma(3, 1)));
Ordering ordering;
LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer optimizer(graph, config, ordering);
Values expected;
expected.insert(X(1), Pose2(0.,0.,0.));
expected.insert(X(2), Pose2(1.,0.,0.));
CHECK(assert_equal(expected, optimizer.values(), 1e-5));