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C++ path::directory_string方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中path::directory_string方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ path::directory_string方法的具体用法?C++ path::directory_string怎么用?C++ path::directory_string使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在path的用法示例。


示例1: findPlugins

Find liblightsparkBACKENDplugin libraries
void PluginManager::findPlugins()
        //Search for all files under ${PRIVATELIBDIR}/plugins
        //Verify if they are audio plugins
        //If true, add to list of audio plugins
        string froot ( PRIVATELIBDIR ), fplugins ( "/plugins/" ); //LS should always look in the plugins folder, nowhere else
        const path plugins_folder = froot + fplugins;
        const string pattern ( "liblightspark+[A-Za-z]+plugin.so" );
        regex file_pattern ( pattern ); //pattern of ls plugins

#if defined DEBUG
        cout << "Looking for plugins under " << plugins_folder << " for pattern " << pattern << endl;

        if ( !is_directory ( plugins_folder ) ) {
                LOG ( LOG_ERROR,_ ( ( ( string ) ( "The plugins folder doesn't exists under " + plugins_folder.string() ) ).c_str() ) );
        } else {
                for ( recursive_directory_iterator itr ( plugins_folder ), end_itr; itr != end_itr; ++itr ) {
                        if ( is_regular_file ( itr.status() ) ) { //Is it a real file? This will remove symlink
                                string leaf_name = itr->path().filename();
                                if ( regex_match ( leaf_name, file_pattern ) ) { // Does it answer to the desired pattern?
                                        string fullpath = plugins_folder.directory_string() + leaf_name;
                                        //Try to load the file and see if it's an audio plugin
                                        if ( HMODULE h_plugin = LoadLib ( fullpath ) ) {
                                                PLUGIN_FACTORY p_factory_function = ( PLUGIN_FACTORY ) ExtractLibContent ( h_plugin, "create" );
                                                PLUGIN_CLEANUP p_cleanup_function = ( PLUGIN_CLEANUP ) ExtractLibContent ( h_plugin, "release" );

                                                if ( p_factory_function != NULL && p_cleanup_function != NULL ) { //Does it contain the LS IPlugin?
                                                        IPlugin *p_plugin = ( *p_factory_function ) (); //Instanciate the plugin
                                                        LOG ( LOG_NO_INFO,_ ( "A plugin was found. Adding it to the list." ) );
                                                        addPluginToList ( p_plugin, fullpath ); //Add the plugin info to the audio plugins list

                                                        ( *p_cleanup_function ) ( p_plugin );
                                                        CloseLib ( h_plugin );
                                                } else { //If doesn't implement our IPlugin interface entry points, close it
                                                        CloseLib ( h_plugin );

示例2: findPlugins

Find liblightsparkBACKENDplugin libraries
void PluginManager::findPlugins()
	//Search for all files under the plugins directory
	//Verify if they are audio plugins
	//If true, add to list of audio plugins
#ifdef _WIN32
	const path plugins_folder = getExectuablePath();
	const path plugins_folder = string(PRIVATELIBDIR) + "/plugins/";
	const string pattern ( "liblightspark+[A-Za-z]+plugin.*" );

	//Stuff used by/for pcre
	const char* patternError;
	int patternErrorOffset;
	pcre* file_pattern = pcre_compile ( pattern.c_str(), 0, &patternError, &patternErrorOffset, NULL );
		throw RunTimeException("PluginManager::findPlugins(): can't compile file_pattern");
	//We don't expect any captured substrings, so 3 ints should be enough
	int patternOvector[3];

#if defined DEBUG
	LOG(LOG_INFO, "Looking for plugins under " << plugins_folder << " for pattern " << pattern);

	if ( !is_directory ( plugins_folder ) )
		LOG ( LOG_ERROR, _ ( ( ( string ) ( "The plugins folder doesn't exists under " + plugins_folder.string() ) ).c_str() ) );
		for ( directory_iterator itr ( plugins_folder ), end_itr; itr != end_itr; ++itr )
			if ( is_regular_file ( *itr ) )   //Is it a real file? This will remove symlink
#if BOOST_VERSION >= 104600
				string leaf_name = itr->path().filename().string();
				string leaf_name = itr->path().filename();
				int rc=pcre_exec(file_pattern, NULL, leaf_name.c_str(), leaf_name.length(), 0, 0, patternOvector, 3);
				if ( rc > 0 )   // Does it answer to the desired pattern?
#if BOOST_VERSION >= 104600
					path fullpath = plugins_folder.string();
					path fullpath = plugins_folder.directory_string();
					fullpath /= leaf_name;
					//Try to load the file and see if it's an audio plugin
					if ( GModule* h_plugin = g_module_open( fullpath.string().c_str(), G_MODULE_BIND_LAZY) )
						PLUGIN_FACTORY p_factory_function;
						PLUGIN_CLEANUP p_cleanup_function;

						if ( g_module_symbol(h_plugin, "create", (void**)&p_factory_function)
							&& g_module_symbol(h_plugin, "release", (void**)&p_cleanup_function) )
						{  //Does it contain the LS IPlugin?
							IPlugin *p_plugin = p_factory_function (); //Instanciate the plugin
							LOG ( LOG_INFO, _ ( "A plugin was found. Adding it to the list." ) );
							addPluginToList ( p_plugin, fullpath.string() ); //Add the plugin info to the audio plugins list

							p_cleanup_function ( p_plugin );
							g_module_close ( h_plugin );
						else   //If doesn't implement our IPlugin interface entry points, close it
							g_module_close( h_plugin );

示例3: findPlugins

Find liblightsparkBACKENDplugin libraries
void PluginManager::findPlugins()
	//Search for all files under ${PRIVATELIBDIR}/plugins
	//Verify if they are audio plugins
	//If true, add to list of audio plugins
	string froot ( PRIVATELIBDIR ), fplugins ( "/plugins/" ); //LS should always look in the plugins folder, nowhere else
	const path plugins_folder = froot + fplugins;
	const string pattern ( "liblightspark+[A-Za-z]+plugin.so" );

	//Stuff used by/for pcre
	const char* patternError;
	int patternErrorOffset;
	pcre* file_pattern = pcre_compile ( pattern.c_str(), 0, &patternError, &patternErrorOffset, NULL );
		throw RunTimeException("PluginManager::findPlugins(): can't compile file_pattern");
	//We don't expect any captured substrings, so 3 ints should be enough
	int patternOvector[3];

#if defined DEBUG
	cout << "Looking for plugins under " << plugins_folder << " for pattern " << pattern << endl;

	if ( !is_directory ( plugins_folder ) )
		LOG ( LOG_ERROR, _ ( ( ( string ) ( "The plugins folder doesn't exists under " + plugins_folder.string() ) ).c_str() ) );
		for ( recursive_directory_iterator itr ( plugins_folder ), end_itr; itr != end_itr; ++itr )
			if ( is_regular_file ( itr.status() ) )   //Is it a real file? This will remove symlink
				string leaf_name = itr->path().filename();
				int rc=pcre_exec(file_pattern, NULL, leaf_name.c_str(), leaf_name.length(), 0, 0, patternOvector, 3);
				if ( rc > 0 )   // Does it answer to the desired pattern?
					string fullpath = plugins_folder.directory_string() + leaf_name;
					//Try to load the file and see if it's an audio plugin
					if ( HMODULE h_plugin = LoadLib ( fullpath ) )
						PLUGIN_FACTORY p_factory_function = ( PLUGIN_FACTORY ) ExtractLibContent ( h_plugin, "create" );
						PLUGIN_CLEANUP p_cleanup_function = ( PLUGIN_CLEANUP ) ExtractLibContent ( h_plugin, "release" );

						if ( p_factory_function != NULL && p_cleanup_function != NULL )   //Does it contain the LS IPlugin?
							IPlugin *p_plugin = ( *p_factory_function ) (); //Instanciate the plugin
							LOG ( LOG_NO_INFO, _ ( "A plugin was found. Adding it to the list." ) );
							addPluginToList ( p_plugin, fullpath ); //Add the plugin info to the audio plugins list

							( *p_cleanup_function ) ( p_plugin );
							CloseLib ( h_plugin );
						else   //If doesn't implement our IPlugin interface entry points, close it
							CloseLib ( h_plugin );
