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C++ graph_access::getEdgeWeight方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中graph_access::getEdgeWeight方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ graph_access::getEdgeWeight方法的具体用法?C++ graph_access::getEdgeWeight怎么用?C++ graph_access::getEdgeWeight使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在graph_access的用法示例。


示例1: extract_block

void graph_extractor::extract_block(graph_access & G, 
                                    graph_access & extracted_block, 
                                    PartitionID block, 
                                    std::vector<NodeID> & mapping) {

        // build reverse mapping
        std::vector<NodeID> reverse_mapping;
        NodeID nodes = 0;
        NodeID dummy_node = G.number_of_nodes() + 1;
        forall_nodes(G, node) {
                if(G.getPartitionIndex(node) == block) {
                } else {
        } endfor

        extracted_block.start_construction(nodes, G.number_of_edges());

        forall_nodes(G, node) {
                if(G.getPartitionIndex(node) == block) {
                        NodeID new_node = extracted_block.new_node();
                        extracted_block.setNodeWeight( new_node, G.getNodeWeight(node));

                        forall_out_edges(G, e, node) {
                                NodeID target = G.getEdgeTarget(e);
                                if( G.getPartitionIndex( target ) == block ) {
                                        EdgeID new_edge = extracted_block.new_edge(new_node, reverse_mapping[target]);
                                        extracted_block.setEdgeWeight(new_edge, G.getEdgeWeight(e));
                        } endfor

示例2: writeGraphWeighted

int graph_io::writeGraphWeighted(graph_access & G, std::string filename) {
        std::ofstream f(filename.c_str());
        f << G.number_of_nodes() <<  " " <<  G.number_of_edges()/2 <<  " 11" <<  std::endl;

        forall_nodes(G, node) {
                f <<  G.getNodeWeight(node) ;
                forall_out_edges(G, e, node) {
                        f << " " <<   (G.getEdgeTarget(e)+1) <<  " " <<  G.getEdgeWeight(e) ;
                } endfor 

示例3: edge_cut

EdgeWeight quality_metrics::edge_cut(graph_access & G) {
        EdgeWeight edgeCut = 0;
        forall_nodes(G, n) { 
                PartitionID partitionIDSource = G.getPartitionIndex(n);
                forall_out_edges(G, e, n) {
                        NodeID targetNode = G.getEdgeTarget(e);
                        PartitionID partitionIDTarget = G.getPartitionIndex(targetNode);

                        if (partitionIDSource != partitionIDTarget) {
                                edgeCut += G.getEdgeWeight(e);
                } endfor 

示例4: convert_ds

EdgeWeight edge_cut_flow_solver::convert_ds( const PartitionConfig & config, 
                                             graph_access & G, 
                                             PartitionID & lhs, 
                                             PartitionID & rhs, 
                                             std::vector<NodeID> & lhs_boundary_stripe,
                                             std::vector<NodeID> & rhs_boundary_stripe,
                                             std::vector<NodeID> & new_to_old_ids,              
                                             long *n_ad, 
                                             long* m_ad, 
                                             node** nodes_ad, 
                                             arc** arcs_ad, 
                                             long ** cap_ad,
                                             node** source_ad, 
                                             node** sink_ad, 
                                             long* node_min_ad,
                                             EdgeID & no_edges_in_flow_graph) {

        //should soon be refactored
        #include "convert_ds_variables.h"

        //building up the graph as in parse.h of hi_pr code
        NodeID idx = 0;
        new_to_old_ids.resize(lhs_boundary_stripe.size() + rhs_boundary_stripe.size());
        std::unordered_map<NodeID, NodeID> old_to_new;
        for( unsigned i = 0; i < lhs_boundary_stripe.size(); i++) {
                G.setPartitionIndex(lhs_boundary_stripe[i], BOUNDARY_STRIPE_NODE);
                new_to_old_ids[idx]                = lhs_boundary_stripe[i];
                old_to_new[lhs_boundary_stripe[i]] = idx++ ;
        for( unsigned i = 0; i < rhs_boundary_stripe.size(); i++) {
                G.setPartitionIndex(rhs_boundary_stripe[i], BOUNDARY_STRIPE_NODE); 
                new_to_old_ids[idx]                = rhs_boundary_stripe[i];
                old_to_new[rhs_boundary_stripe[i]] = idx++;

        std::vector<NodeID>  outer_lhs_boundary;
        std::vector<NodeID>  outer_rhs_boundary;
        EdgeID no_edges = regions_no_edges(G, lhs_boundary_stripe, rhs_boundary_stripe, 
                                              lhs, rhs, 
                                              outer_lhs_boundary, outer_rhs_boundary);
        no_edges_in_flow_graph = no_edges;
        if(outer_lhs_boundary.size() == 0 || outer_rhs_boundary.size() == 0) return false;
        n = lhs_boundary_stripe.size() + rhs_boundary_stripe.size() + 2; //+source and target
        m = no_edges + outer_lhs_boundary.size() + outer_rhs_boundary.size(); 

        nodes    = (node*) calloc ( n+2, sizeof(node) );
        arcs     = (arc*)  calloc ( 2*m+1, sizeof(arc) );
        arc_tail = (long*) calloc ( 2*m,   sizeof(long) ); 
        arc_first= (long*) calloc ( n+2, sizeof(long) );
        acap     = (long*) calloc ( 2*m, sizeof(long) );
        arc_current = arcs;

        node_max = 0;
        node_min = n;

        unsigned nodeoffset = 1;
        source              = n - 2 + nodeoffset;
        sink                = source+1;
        idx                 = 0;
        for( unsigned i = 0; i < lhs_boundary_stripe.size(); i++, idx++) {
                NodeID node = lhs_boundary_stripe[i];
                NodeID sourceID = idx + nodeoffset;
                forall_out_edges(G, e, node) {
                        if(G.getPartitionIndex(G.getEdgeTarget(e)) == BOUNDARY_STRIPE_NODE)  {
                                NodeID targetID     = old_to_new[G.getEdgeTarget(e)] + nodeoffset;
                                EdgeWeight capacity = G.getEdgeWeight(e);
                                tail                = sourceID;
                                head                = targetID;
                                cap                 = capacity;
                } endfor
