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C++ XmlRpcValue::size方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中XmlRpcValue::size方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ XmlRpcValue::size方法的具体用法?C++ XmlRpcValue::size怎么用?C++ XmlRpcValue::size使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在XmlRpcValue的用法示例。


示例1: sessionExecute

void TargetAltitude::sessionExecute (XmlRpcValue& params, XmlRpcValue& result)
	if (params.size () != 4)
		throw XmlRpcException ("Invalid number of parameters");
	if (((int) params[0]) < 0)
		throw XmlRpcException ("Target id < 0");
	rts2db::Target *tar = createTarget ((int) params[0], Configuration::instance ()->getObserver (), Configuration::instance ()->getObservatoryAltitude ());
	if (tar == NULL)
		throw XmlRpcException ("Cannot create target");
	time_t tfrom = (int)params[1];
	double jd_from = ln_get_julian_from_timet (&tfrom);
	time_t tto = (int)params[2];
	double jd_to = ln_get_julian_from_timet (&tto);
	double stepsize = ((double)params[3]) / 86400;
	// test for insane request
	if ((jd_to - jd_from) / stepsize > 10000)
		throw XmlRpcException ("Too many points");
	int i;
	double j;
	for (i = 0, j = jd_from; j < jd_to; i++, j += stepsize)
		result[i][0] = j;
		ln_hrz_posn hrz;
		tar->getAltAz (&hrz, j);
		result[i][1] = hrz.alt;

示例2: generateRequest

// Encode the request to call the specified method with the specified parameters into xml
bool XmlRpcClient::generateRequest(const char* methodName, XmlRpcValue const& params)
	std::string body = REQUEST_BEGIN;
	body += methodName;
	// If params is an array, each element is a separate parameter
	if (params.valid())
		body += PARAMS_TAG;
		if (params.getType() == XmlRpcValue::TypeArray)
			for (int i=0; i<params.size(); ++i)
				body += PARAM_TAG;
				body += params[i].toXml();
				body += PARAM_ETAG;
			body += PARAM_TAG;
			body += params.toXml();
			body += PARAM_ETAG;
		body += PARAMS_ETAG;
	body += REQUEST_END;
	std::string header = generateHeader(body);
	XmlRpcUtil::log(4, "XmlRpcClient::generateRequest: header is %d bytes, content-length is %d.",
					header.length(), body.length());
	_request = header + body;
	return true;


// Encode the request to call the specified method with the specified parameters into xml
XmlRpcCurlClient::generateRequest(const char* methodName, XmlRpcValue const& params)
  std::string body = REQUEST_BEGIN;
  body += methodName;

  // If params is an array, each element is a separate parameter
  if (params.valid()) {
    body += PARAMS_TAG;
    if (params.getType() == XmlRpcValue::TypeArray)
      for (int i=0; i<params.size(); ++i) {
        body += PARAM_TAG;
        body += params[i].toXml();
        body += PARAM_ETAG;
      body += PARAM_TAG;
      body += params.toXml();
      body += PARAM_ETAG;

    body += PARAMS_ETAG;
  body += REQUEST_END;

  _request = body;
  return true;

示例4: execute

	void execute(XmlRpcValue& params, XmlRpcValue& result)
		int nArgs = params.size();
		int requiredSize;
		wchar_t wFieldText[129];
		bool ShowMsg=false;

		Log(2,L"RX: %d",nArgs);

		for (int i=0; i<nArgs; i++)
			int y = (int) (params[i]["Row"]);
			int x = (int) (params[i]["Column"]);
			std::string& fieldText = params[i]["Field"];
			int attribute = params[i]["Attribute"];

			requiredSize = mbstowcs(NULL, fieldText.c_str(), 0); // C4996
			if (requiredSize>127) 


			//row updated?
			if (0 != wcsncmp(ScreenContent[y]+x, wFieldText, wcslen(wFieldText)))
				wcsncpy(ScreenContent[y]+x, wFieldText, wcslen(wFieldText));
				Log(2,L"R:%d C:%d <%s>",y,x,wFieldText);

		result = "OK";

示例5: execute

void UserLogin::execute (struct sockaddr_in *saddr, XmlRpcValue& params, XmlRpcValue& result)
	if (params.size() != 2)
		throw XmlRpcException ("Invalid number of parameters");

	result = verifyUser (params[0], params[1]);

示例6: validateXmlrpcResponse

bool XMLRPCManager::validateXmlrpcResponse(const std::string& method, XmlRpcValue &response,
                                    XmlRpcValue &payload)
  if (response.getType() != XmlRpcValue::TypeArray)
    ROSCPP_LOG_DEBUG("XML-RPC call [%s] didn't return an array",
    return false;
  if (response.size() != 2 && response.size() != 3)
    ROSCPP_LOG_DEBUG("XML-RPC call [%s] didn't return a 2 or 3-element array",
    return false;
  if (response[0].getType() != XmlRpcValue::TypeInt)
    ROSCPP_LOG_DEBUG("XML-RPC call [%s] didn't return a int as the 1st element",
    return false;
  int status_code = response[0];
  if (response[1].getType() != XmlRpcValue::TypeString)
    ROSCPP_LOG_DEBUG("XML-RPC call [%s] didn't return a string as the 2nd element",
    return false;
  std::string status_string = response[1];
  if (status_code != 1)
    ROSCPP_LOG_DEBUG("XML-RPC call [%s] returned an error (%d): [%s]",
        method.c_str(), status_code, status_string.c_str());
    return false;
  if (response.size() > 2)
    payload = response[2];
    std::string empty_array = "<value><array><data></data></array></value>";
    int offset = 0;
    payload = XmlRpcValue(empty_array, &offset);
  return true;

示例7: execute

 void execute(XmlRpcValue& params, XmlRpcValue& result)
     int nArgs = params.size();
     double sum = 0.0;
     for (int i=0; i<nArgs; ++i)
         sum += double(params[i]);
     result = sum;

示例8: execute

 void execute(XmlRpcValue& params, XmlRpcValue& result) 
      string tmp = params[0];
     vector<string> list = chat.Listar();
     for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++)
            result[i] = (string)list[i];
     cout << "Listando: " << result.size() <<  endl;

示例9: AdvancedTest

static void AdvancedTest()
	XmlRpcValue args, result;

	// Passing datums:
	args[0] = "a string";
	args[1] = 1;
	args[2] = true;
	args[3] = 3.14159;
	struct tm timeNow;
	args[4] = XmlRpcValue(&timeNow);

	// Passing an array:
	XmlRpcValue array;
	array[0] = 4;
	array[1] = 5;
	array[2] = 6;
	args[5] = array;
	// Note: if there's a chance that the array contains zero elements,
	// you'll need to call:
	//      array.initAsArray();
	// ...because otherwise the type will never get set to "TypeArray" and
	// the value will be a "TypeInvalid".

	// Passing a struct:
	XmlRpcValue record;
	record["SOURCE"] = "a";
	record["DESTINATION"] = "b";
	record["LENGTH"] = 5;
	args[6] = record;
	// We don't support zero-size struct's...Surely no-one needs these?

	// Make the call:
	XmlRpcClient Connection("");
	if (! Connection.execute("arumate.getMegawatts", args, result)) {
		std::cout << Connection.getError();

	// Pull the data out:
	if (result.getType() != XmlRpcValue::TypeStruct) {
		std::cout << "I was expecting a struct.";
	int i = result["n"];
	std::string s = result["name"];
	array = result["A"];
	for (int i=0; i < array.size(); i++)
		std::cout << (int)array[i] << "\n";
	record = result["subStruct"];
	std::cout << (std::string)record["foo"] << "\n";

示例10: switch

void XMLRPC2DIServer::xmlrpcval2amarg(XmlRpcValue& v, AmArg& a, 
				      unsigned int start_index) {
  if (v.valid()) {
    for (int i=start_index; i<v.size();i++) {
      switch (v[i].getType()) {
      case XmlRpcValue::TypeInt:   { a.push(AmArg((int)v[i]));    }  break;
      case XmlRpcValue::TypeDouble:{ a.push(AmArg((double)v[i])); }  break;
      case XmlRpcValue::TypeString:{ a.push(AmArg(((string)v[i]).c_str())); }  break;
	// TODO: support more types (datetime, struct, ...)
      default:     throw XmlRpcException("unsupported parameter type", 400);

示例11: XmlRpcException

void XMLRPC2DIServerDIMethod::execute(XmlRpcValue& params, XmlRpcValue& result) {
  try {
    if (params.size() < 2) {
      DBG("XMLRPC2DI: ERROR: need at least factory name"
	  " and function name to call\n");
      throw XmlRpcException("need at least factory name"
			    " and function name to call", 400);
    string fact_name = params[0];
    string fct_name = params[1];

    DBG("XMLRPC2DI: factory '%s' function '%s'\n", 
	fact_name.c_str(), fct_name.c_str());

    // get args
    AmArg args;
    XMLRPC2DIServer::xmlrpcval2amarg(params, args, 2);
    AmDynInvokeFactory* di_f = AmPlugIn::instance()->getFactory4Di(fact_name);
      throw XmlRpcException("could not get factory", 500);
    AmDynInvoke* di = di_f->getInstance();
      throw XmlRpcException("could not get instance from factory", 500);
    AmArg ret;
    di->invoke(fct_name, args, ret);
    XMLRPC2DIServer::amarg2xmlrpcval(ret, result);

  } catch (const XmlRpcException& e) {
  } catch (const AmDynInvoke::NotImplemented& e) {
    throw XmlRpcException("Exception: AmDynInvoke::NotImplemented: "
			  + e.what, 504);
  } catch (const AmArg::OutOfBoundsException& e) {
    throw XmlRpcException("Exception: AmArg out of bounds - paramter number mismatch.", 300);
  } catch (const AmArg::TypeMismatchException& e) {
    throw XmlRpcException("Exception: Type mismatch in arguments.", 300);
  } catch (const string& e) {
    throw XmlRpcException("Exception: "+e, 500);
  } catch (...) {
    throw XmlRpcException("Exception occured.", 500);

示例12: executeMulticall

// Execute multiple calls and return the results in an array.
bool XmlRpcServerConnection::executeMulticall(const std::string& in_methodName, XmlRpcValue& params, XmlRpcValue& result)
	if (in_methodName != SYSTEM_MULTICALL) return false;

	// There ought to be 1 parameter, an array of structs
	if (params.size() != 1 || params[0].getType() != XmlRpcValue::TypeArray)
		throw XmlRpcException(SYSTEM_MULTICALL + ": Invalid argument (expected an array)");

	int nc = params[0].size();

	for (int i=0; i<nc; ++i)
		if ( ! params[0][i].hasMember(METHODNAME) ||
			! params[0][i].hasMember(PARAMS))
			result[i][FAULTCODE] = -1;
				": Invalid argument (expected a struct with members methodName and params)";

		const std::string& methodName = params[0][i][METHODNAME];
		XmlRpcValue& methodParams = params[0][i][PARAMS];

		XmlRpcValue resultValue;
			if ( ! executeMethod(methodName, methodParams, resultValue[0]) &&
				! executeMulticall(methodName, params, resultValue[0]))
				result[i][FAULTCODE] = -1;
				result[i][FAULTSTRING] = methodName + ": unknown method name";
				result[i] = resultValue;

		catch (const XmlRpcException& fault)
			result[i][FAULTCODE] = fault.getCode();
			result[i][FAULTSTRING] = fault.getMessage();

	return true;

示例13: switch

void XMLRPC2DIServer::xmlrpcval2amarg(XmlRpcValue& v, AmArg& a, 
				      unsigned int start_index) {
  if (v.valid()) {
    for (int i=start_index; i<v.size();i++) {
      switch (v[i].getType()) {
      case XmlRpcValue::TypeInt:   { /* DBG("X->A INT\n");*/ a.push(AmArg((int)v[i]));    }  break;
      case XmlRpcValue::TypeDouble:{ /* DBG("X->A DBL\n");*/ a.push(AmArg((double)v[i])); }  break;
      case XmlRpcValue::TypeString:{ /* DBG("X->A STR\n");*/ a.push(AmArg(((string)v[i]).c_str())); }  break;
      case XmlRpcValue::TypeArray: { 
	// DBG("X->A ARR\n"); 
	AmArg arr; 
	xmlrpcval2amarg(v[i], a[a.size()-1], 0);
      } break;
	// TODO: support more types (datetime, struct, ...)
      default:     throw XmlRpcException("unsupported parameter type", 400);

示例14: validateXmlrpcResponse

bool XMLRPCManager::validateXmlrpcResponse(const std::string& method, XmlRpcValue &response,
                                    XmlRpcValue &payload)
  if (response.getType() != XmlRpcValue::TypeArray)
    ROSCPP_LOG_DEBUG("XML-RPC call [%s] didn't return an array",
    return false;
  if (response.size() != 3)
    ROSCPP_LOG_DEBUG("XML-RPC call [%s] didn't return a 3-element array",
    return false;
  if (response[0].getType() != XmlRpcValue::TypeInt)
    ROSCPP_LOG_DEBUG("XML-RPC call [%s] didn't return a int as the 1st element",
    return false;
  int status_code = response[0];
  if (response[1].getType() != XmlRpcValue::TypeString)
    ROSCPP_LOG_DEBUG("XML-RPC call [%s] didn't return a string as the 2nd element",
    return false;
  std::string status_string = response[1];
  if (status_code != 1)
    ROSCPP_LOG_DEBUG("XML-RPC call [%s] returned an error (%d): [%s]",
        method.c_str(), status_code, status_string.c_str());
    return false;
  payload = response[2];
  return true;

示例15: main

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  string server = "localhost";
  string port = "11088";
  string service = def_service;
  string method = def_method;
  bool serviceSet = false;
  bool methodSet = false;
  int extraArgs = argc;

  // a kindergarten cmdline parser
  for (int i = 1; i < argc; ) {
    string arg = argv[i++];
    if (arg == "-h") {
    } else if (arg == "-d") {
      debug = true;
      quiet = false;
    } else if (arg == "-q") {
      quiet = true;
      debug = false;
    } else if (arg == "-s") {
      if (i >= argc) {
        cerr << "Error: -s missing hostname" << endl;
      } else {
        server = argv[i++];
    } else if (arg == "-p") {
      if (i >= argc) {
        cerr << "Error: -p missing port number" << endl;
      } else {
        port = argv[i++];
    } else if (arg[0] == '-') {
      cerr << "Error: don't understand flag '" << arg << "'" << endl;
    } else if ( ! serviceSet) {
      service = arg;
      method = def_method2;
      serviceSet = true;
    } else if ( ! methodSet) {
      method = arg;
      methodSet = true;
    } else {
      extraArgs = i - 1;

  int portnum = strtol(port.c_str(), NULL, 0);

  cout << "Connecting to " << server << ":" << portnum << " ... " << flush;
  Tarati::Client client(server, portnum, debug);
  cout << "done" << endl;

  XmlRpcValue noArgs, result;

  try {
    if (service == "client") {
      if (method == "directory") {
        if (extraArgs != argc) {
          cerr << "Error: too many arguments on command line" << endl;
        string service = "Server";
        string method = "ServiceDirectory";
        cout << "Service: " << service << "::" << method << "()" << endl;
        XmlRpcValue services;
        if (client.execute(service, method, noArgs, services)) {
          for (int i = 0; i < services.size(); i++) {
            XmlRpcValue version;
            string service = services[i];
            string method = "MethodDirectory";
            client.execute(service, "Version", noArgs, version);
            cout << "    Service: "
                 << service << "(v" << version << ")::"
                 << method << "()" << endl;
            XmlRpcValue methods;
            if (client.execute(service, method, noArgs, methods)) {
              for (int i = 0; i < methods.size(); i++) {
                cout << "        Method: " << methods[i] << endl;
      } else if (method == "stats") {
        if (extraArgs != argc) {
          cerr << "Error: too many arguments on command line" << endl;
        string service = "Stats";
        string method = "States";
        cout << "Service: " << service << "::" << method << "()" << endl;
        XmlRpcValue states;
        if (client.execute(service, method, noArgs, states)) {
          for (int i = 0; i < states.size(); i++) {
            XmlRpcValue args = states[i];
