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C++ VideoStream::getMaxPixelValue方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中VideoStream::getMaxPixelValue方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ VideoStream::getMaxPixelValue方法的具体用法?C++ VideoStream::getMaxPixelValue怎么用?C++ VideoStream::getMaxPixelValue使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在VideoStream的用法示例。


示例1: CopyGeneralProperties

// Copy basic properties between VideoStream
void CopyGeneralProperties( const VideoStream& rSource, VideoStream& rTarget )
	rTarget.setVideoMode( rSource.getVideoMode() );

	// assign basic properties
	rTarget.setProperty( ONI_STREAM_PROPERTY_VERTICAL_FOV,		rSource.getVerticalFieldOfView() );
	rTarget.setProperty( ONI_STREAM_PROPERTY_HORIZONTAL_FOV,	rSource.getHorizontalFieldOfView() );
	rTarget.setProperty( ONI_STREAM_PROPERTY_MIRRORING,			rSource.getMirroringEnabled() );

	// assign dpeth only properties
	rTarget.setProperty( ONI_STREAM_PROPERTY_MIN_VALUE,			rSource.getMinPixelValue() );
	rTarget.setProperty( ONI_STREAM_PROPERTY_MAX_VALUE,			rSource.getMaxPixelValue() );

示例2: main

int main()
	// 2. initialize OpenNI
	Status rc = OpenNI::initialize();
	if (rc != STATUS_OK)
		printf("Initialize failed\n%s\n", OpenNI::getExtendedError());
		return 1;

	// 3. open a device
	Device device;
	rc = device.open(ANY_DEVICE);
	if (rc != STATUS_OK)
		printf("Couldn't open device\n%s\n", OpenNI::getExtendedError());
		return 2;

	// 4. create depth stream
	VideoStream depth;
	if (device.getSensorInfo(SENSOR_DEPTH) != NULL){
		rc = depth.create(device, SENSOR_DEPTH);
		if (rc != STATUS_OK){
			printf("Couldn't create depth stream\n%s\n", OpenNI::getExtendedError());
			return 3;
	VideoStream color;
	if (device.getSensorInfo(SENSOR_COLOR) != NULL){
		rc = color.create(device, SENSOR_COLOR);
		if (rc != STATUS_OK){
			printf("Couldn't create color stream\n%s\n", OpenNI::getExtendedError());
			return 4;

	// 5. create OpenCV Window
	cv::namedWindow("Depth Image", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
	cv::namedWindow("Color Image", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);

	// 6. start
	rc = depth.start();
	if (rc != STATUS_OK)
		printf("Couldn't start the depth stream\n%s\n", OpenNI::getExtendedError());
		return 5;
	rc = color.start();
	if (rc != STATUS_OK){
		printf("Couldn't start the depth stream\n%s\n", OpenNI::getExtendedError());
		return 6;
	VideoFrameRef colorframe;
	VideoFrameRef depthframe;
	int iMaxDepth = depth.getMaxPixelValue();
	int iColorFps = color.getVideoMode().getFps();
	cv::Size iColorFrameSize = cv::Size(color.getVideoMode().getResolutionX(), color.getVideoMode().getResolutionY());

	cv::Mat colorimageRGB;
	cv::Mat colorimageBGR;
	cv::Mat depthimage;
	cv::Mat depthimageScaled;


	cv::VideoWriter outputvideo_color;
	cv::FileStorage outputfile_depth;
	time_t timenow = time(0);
	tm ltime;
	localtime_s(&ltime, &timenow);
	int tyear = 1900 + ltime.tm_year;
	int tmouth = 1 + ltime.tm_mon;
	int tday = ltime.tm_mday;
	int thour = ltime.tm_hour;
	int tmin = ltime.tm_min;
	int tsecond = ltime.tm_sec;

	string filename_rgb = "RGB/rgb_" + to_string(tyear) + "_" + to_string(tmouth) + "_" + to_string(tday)
		+ "_" + to_string(thour) + "_" + to_string(tmin) + "_" + to_string(tsecond) + ".avi";
	string filename_d = "D/d_" + to_string(tyear) + "_" + to_string(tmouth) + "_" + to_string(tday)
		+ "_" + to_string(thour) + "_" + to_string(tmin) + "_" + to_string(tsecond) + ".yml";

	outputvideo_color.open(filename_rgb, CV_FOURCC('I', '4', '2', '0'), iColorFps, iColorFrameSize, true);
	if (!outputvideo_color.isOpened()){
		cout << "Could not open the output color video for write: " << endl;
		return 7;
	outputfile_depth.open(filename_d, cv::FileStorage::WRITE);
	if (!outputfile_depth.isOpened()){
		cout << "Could not open the output depth file for write: " << endl;
		return 8;


	// 7. main loop, continue read

示例3: main

	VideoMode mModeDepth;
	mModeDepth.setResolution( 640, 480 );
	mModeDepth.setFps( 30 );
	mModeDepth.setPixelFormat( PIXEL_FORMAT_DEPTH_100_UM );

	//Set Properties of Color Stream
	VideoMode mModeColor;
    mModeColor.setResolution( 640, 480 );
    mModeColor.setFps( 30 );
    mModeColor.setPixelFormat( PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB888 );
	//----------------------[Initial Streams]---------------------
	VideoStream streamInitDepth;
    streamInitDepth.create( devAnyDevice, SENSOR_DEPTH );

	VideoStream streamInitColor;
    streamInitColor.create( devAnyDevice, SENSOR_COLOR );

	streamInitDepth.setVideoMode( mModeDepth );
	streamInitColor.setVideoMode( mModeColor );

	namedWindow( "Depth Image (Init)",  CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );
    namedWindow( "Color Image (Init)",  CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );
	//namedWindow( "Thresholded Image (Init)", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );

	VideoFrameRef  frameDepthInit;
    VideoFrameRef  frameColorInit;

	cv::Mat BackgroundFrame;

	int avgDist = 0;
	int iMaxDepthInit = streamInitDepth.getMaxPixelValue();

	vector<int> OldOutX, OldOutY;
	//--------------------[Initiation Process]--------------------
	while( true )
		streamInitDepth.readFrame( &frameDepthInit );
		streamInitColor.readFrame( &frameColorInit );

		const cv::Mat mImageDepth( frameDepthInit.getHeight(), frameDepthInit.getWidth(), CV_16UC1, (void*)frameDepthInit.getData());

        cv::Mat mScaledDepth;
        mImageDepth.convertTo( mScaledDepth, CV_8U, 255.0 / iMaxDepthInit );

        cv::imshow( "Depth Image (Init)", mScaledDepth );

        const cv::Mat mImageRGB(frameColorInit.getHeight(), frameColorInit.getWidth(), CV_8UC3, (void*)frameColorInit.getData());

        cv::Mat cImageBGR;
        cv::cvtColor( mImageRGB, cImageBGR, CV_RGB2BGR );

		//--------------------[Get Average Distance]---------------------
		int depthVal = 0;
		int frameHeight = frameDepthInit.getHeight();
		int frameWidth = frameDepthInit.getWidth();
		//backgroundDepth.resize(frameHeight * frameWidth);

示例4: main

int main()
	// 2. initialize OpenNI
	Status rc = OpenNI::initialize();
	if (rc != STATUS_OK)
		printf("Initialize failed\n%s\n", OpenNI::getExtendedError());
		return 1;

	// 3. open a device
	Device device;
	rc = device.open(ANY_DEVICE);
	if (rc != STATUS_OK)
		printf("Couldn't open device\n%s\n", OpenNI::getExtendedError());
		return 2;

	// 4. create depth stream
	VideoStream depth;
	if (device.getSensorInfo(SENSOR_DEPTH) != NULL){
		rc = depth.create(device, SENSOR_DEPTH);
		if (rc != STATUS_OK){
			printf("Couldn't create depth stream\n%s\n", OpenNI::getExtendedError());
			return 3;
	VideoStream color;
	if (device.getSensorInfo(SENSOR_COLOR) != NULL){
		rc = color.create(device, SENSOR_COLOR);
		if (rc != STATUS_OK){
			printf("Couldn't create color stream\n%s\n", OpenNI::getExtendedError());
			return 4;

	// 5. create OpenCV Window
	cv::namedWindow("Depth Image", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
	cv::namedWindow("Color Image", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);

	// 6. start
	rc = depth.start();
	if (rc != STATUS_OK)
		printf("Couldn't start the depth stream\n%s\n", OpenNI::getExtendedError());
		return 5;
	rc = color.start();
	if (rc != STATUS_OK){
		printf("Couldn't start the depth stream\n%s\n", OpenNI::getExtendedError());
		return 6;
	VideoFrameRef colorframe;
	VideoFrameRef depthframe;
	int iMaxDepth = depth.getMaxPixelValue();

	cv::Mat colorimageRGB;
	cv::Mat colorimageBGR;
	cv::Mat depthimage;
	cv::Mat depthimageScaled;

	// 7. main loop, continue read
	while (!wasKeyboardHit())
		// 8. check is color stream is available
		if (color.isValid()){
			if (color.readFrame(&colorframe) == STATUS_OK){
				colorimageRGB = { colorframe.getHeight(), colorframe.getWidth(), CV_8UC3, (void*)colorframe.getData() };
				cv::cvtColor(colorimageRGB, colorimageBGR, CV_RGB2BGR);

		// 9. check is depth stream is available
		if (depth.isValid()){
			if (depth.readFrame(&depthframe) == STATUS_OK){
				depthimage = { depthframe.getHeight(), depthframe.getWidth(), CV_16UC1, (void*)depthframe.getData() };
				depthimage.convertTo(depthimageScaled, CV_8U, 255.0 / iMaxDepth);

		cv::imshow("Color Image", colorimageBGR);
		cv::imshow("Depth Image", depthimageScaled);




	return 0;
