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C++ Vec4类代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中Vec4的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ Vec4类的具体用法?C++ Vec4怎么用?C++ Vec4使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: setOpacity

void Marker::setOpacity(float opacity)
    Vec4 color = _shapeDrawable->getColor();
    color.set(color[0], color[1], color[2], opacity);


void FastClusterFit::Compress4( void* block )
	Vec4 const one = VEC4_CONST(1.0f);
	Vec4 const zero = VEC4_CONST(0.0f);
	Vec4 const half = VEC4_CONST(0.5f);
	Vec4 const two = VEC4_CONST(2.0);
	Vec4 const onethird = VEC4_CONST( 1.0f/3.0f );
	Vec4 const twothirds = VEC4_CONST( 2.0f/3.0f );

	// declare variables
	Vec4 beststart = VEC4_CONST( 0.0f );
	Vec4 bestend = VEC4_CONST( 0.0f );
	Vec4 besterror = VEC4_CONST( FLT_MAX );

	Vec4 x0 = zero;
	int b0 = 0, b1 = 0, b2 = 0;
	int i = 0;

	// check all possible clusters for this total order
	for( int c0 = 0; c0 <= 16; c0++)
		Vec4 x1 = zero;
		for( int c1 = 0; c1 <= 16-c0; c1++)
			Vec4 x2 = zero;
			for( int c2 = 0; c2 <= 16-c0-c1; c2++)
				Vec4 const constants = Vec4((const float *)&s_fourElement[i]);
				Vec4 const alpha2_sum = constants.SplatX();
				Vec4 const beta2_sum = constants.SplatY();
				Vec4 const alphabeta_sum = constants.SplatZ();
				Vec4 const factor = constants.SplatW();
				Vec4 const alphax_sum = x0 + MultiplyAdd(x1, twothirds, x2 * onethird);
				Vec4 const betax_sum = m_xsum - alphax_sum;
				Vec4 a = NegativeMultiplySubtract(betax_sum, alphabeta_sum, alphax_sum*beta2_sum) * factor;
				Vec4 b = NegativeMultiplySubtract(alphax_sum, alphabeta_sum, betax_sum*alpha2_sum) * factor;
				// clamp the output to [0, 1]
				a = Min( one, Max( zero, a ) );
				b = Min( one, Max( zero, b ) );
				// clamp to the grid
				Vec4 const grid( 31.0f, 63.0f, 31.0f, 0.0f );
				Vec4 const gridrcp( 0.03227752766457f, 0.01583151765563f, 0.03227752766457f, 0.0f );
				a = Truncate( MultiplyAdd( grid, a, half ) ) * gridrcp;
				b = Truncate( MultiplyAdd( grid, b, half ) ) * gridrcp;
				// compute the error
				Vec4 e1 = MultiplyAdd( a, alphax_sum, b*betax_sum );
				Vec4 e2 = MultiplyAdd( a*a, alpha2_sum, b*b*beta2_sum );
				Vec4 e3 = MultiplyAdd( a*b*alphabeta_sum - e1, two, e2 );
				// apply the metric to the error term
				Vec4 e4 = e3 * m_metricSqr;
				Vec4 error = e4.SplatX() + e4.SplatY() + e4.SplatZ();
				// keep the solution if it wins
				if( CompareAnyLessThan( error, besterror ) )
					besterror = error;
					beststart = a;
					bestend = b;
					b0 = c0;
					b1 = c1;
					b2 = c2;
				x2 += m_unweighted[c0+c1+c2];
			x1 += m_unweighted[c0+c1];
		x0 += m_unweighted[c0];

	// save the block if necessary
	if( CompareAnyLessThan( besterror, m_besterror ) )
		// compute indices from cluster sizes.
		/*uint bestindices = 0;
			int i = b0;
			for(; i < b0+b1; i++) {
				bestindices = 2 << (2 * m_order[i]);
			for(; i < b0+b1+b2; i++) {
				bestindices = 3 << (2 * m_order[i]);
			for(; i < 16; i++) {
				bestindices = 1 << (2 * m_order[i]);
		u8 bestindices[16];

示例3: saveObject

QString Cube::saveObject()
    QString obj;
    QString aux;
    obj += "c ";
    Vec4 parameters;
    parameters = transform.getTranslateSeted();
    obj += aux.sprintf("%.3f %.3f %.3f ",parameters.x(),parameters.y(),parameters.z());
    parameters = transform.getScaleSeted();
    obj += aux.sprintf("%.3f %.3f %.3f ",parameters.x(),parameters.y(),parameters.z());
    parameters = transform.getRotationSeted();
    obj += aux.sprintf("%.3f %.3f %.3f ",parameters.x(),parameters.y(),parameters.z());
    obj += aux.sprintf("%d ",this->getIdMaterial());
    parameters = this->getMesh()->getMaterialM()->getAmbiente();
    obj += aux.sprintf("%.3f %.3f %.3f ",parameters.x(),parameters.y(),parameters.z());
    parameters = this->getMesh()->getMaterialM()->getDiffuse();
    obj += aux.sprintf("%.3f %.3f %.3f ",parameters.x(),parameters.y(),parameters.z());
    parameters = this->getMesh()->getMaterialM()->getSpecular();
    obj += aux.sprintf("%.3f %.3f %.3f ",parameters.x(),parameters.y(),parameters.z());
    obj += aux.sprintf("%.3f ",this->getMesh()->getMaterialM()->getShininess());
    obj += aux.sprintf("%.3f ",this->getMesh()->getMaterialM()->getReflection());
    obj += aux.sprintf("%.3f ",this->getMesh()->getMaterialM()->getRefraction());
    obj += aux.sprintf("%.3f %.3f ",this->getMesh()->getMaterialM()->getGlossyReflection(),this->getMesh()->getMaterialM()->getGlossyRefraction());
    obj += aux.sprintf("%.3f %.3f %.3f ",motion.x(),motion.y(),motion.z());
    if (this->enabled)
        obj += "t ";
        obj += "f ";
    if (this->selected)
        obj += "t ";
        obj += "f ";
    obj +=this->name+"\n";
    return obj;


示例4: setVec4Parameter

 void setVec4Parameter(const std::string name,
                       const Vec4 value,
                       bool isShaderConstant = true)
 { setColorParameter(name,
                     Color(value.x(), value.y(), value.z(), value.w()),
                     isShaderConstant); }

示例5: BuildJenga

void BuildJenga (osgViewer::Viewer* const viewer, osg::newtonWorld* const world, const Vec3& location, int high)
	dAssert (viewer->getSceneData());
	Group* const rootGroup = viewer->getSceneData()->asGroup();
	dAssert (rootGroup);

	Vec3 blockBoxSize (0.4f, 0.4f * 3.0f, 0.2f);

	// find the floor position
	Vec4 start(Vec4(location, 0.0f) + Vec4 (0.0f, 0.0f, 10.0f, 1.0f));
	Vec4 end (start - Vec4 (0.0f, 0.0f, 20.0f, 1.0f));
	newtonRayCast raycaster(world, DemoExample::m_rayCast); 

	raycaster.CastRay (start, end);
	Vec4 position (raycaster.m_contact + Vec4 (0.0f, 0.0f, blockBoxSize.z() * 0.5f, 1.0f));

	Matrix baseMatrix;
	baseMatrix.setTrans (position.x(), position.y(), position.z());

	// set realistic mass and inertia matrix for each block
	dFloat mass = 5.0f;

	// create a 90 degree rotation matrix
	Matrix rotMatrix (Quat (90.0f * 3.141592f / 180.0f, Vec3 (0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)));

	dFloat collisionPenetration = 1.0f / 256.0f;

	// make a box collision shape
	dNewtonCollisionBox boxShape (world, blockBoxSize.x(), blockBoxSize.y(), blockBoxSize.z(), DemoExample::m_all);

	// create a visual for visual representation
	newtonMesh boxMesh (&boxShape);

	// create a texture and apply uv to this mesh
	ref_ptr<Texture2D> texture = new Texture2D;
	ref_ptr<Image> image = osgDB::readImageFile("images\\crate.tga");
	texture->setImage (image.get());
	texture->setWrap(Texture::WRAP_S, Texture::REPEAT);
	texture->setWrap(Texture::WRAP_R, Texture::REPEAT);
	texture->setWrap(Texture::WRAP_T, Texture::REPEAT);

	int materialId = boxMesh.AddMaterial(texture);

	// apply uv to this mesh
	boxMesh.ApplyBoxMapping (materialId, materialId, materialId);

	// create a manual object for rendering 
	ref_ptr<Geode> geometryNode = boxMesh.CreateGeodeNode();

	for (int i = 0; i < high; i ++) { 
		Matrix matrix(baseMatrix);
		Vec3 step_x (Matrix::transform3x3 (Vec3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), matrix)); 

		step_x = step_x * blockBoxSize.x();
		matrix.setTrans (matrix.getTrans() - step_x);

		for (int j = 0; j < 3; j ++) { 
			ref_ptr<MatrixTransform> transformNode = new MatrixTransform(matrix);	
			new newtonDynamicBody (world, mass, &boxShape, transformNode.get(), matrix);
			matrix.setTrans (matrix.getTrans() + step_x);

		baseMatrix = rotMatrix * baseMatrix;
		Vec3 step_y (Matrix::transform3x3 (Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), matrix)); 
		step_y = step_y * (blockBoxSize.z() - collisionPenetration);
		baseMatrix.setTrans (baseMatrix.getTrans() + step_y);

示例6: vConstants

// The Taylor Series smooths and removes jitter based on a taylor series expansion
void FilterTaylorSeries::Update( const SKinSkeletonRawData& pSkeletonData, const float fDeltaTime )
    const float fJitterRadius = 0.05f;
    const float fAlphaCoef  = 1.0f - m_fSmoothing;
    const float fBetaCoeff  = (fAlphaCoef * fAlphaCoef ) / ( 2 - fAlphaCoef );

    Vec4 vRawPos;
    // Velocity, acceleration and Jolt are 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree derivatives of position respectively. 
    Vec4 vCurFilteredPos, vEstVelocity, vEstAccelaration, vEstJolt;
    Vec4 vPrevFilteredPos, vPrevEstVelocity, vPrevEstAccelaration, vPrevEstJolt;
    Vec4 vDiff;
    float fDiff;

    Vec4 vPredicted, vError;
    Vec4 vConstants(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f, 0.1667f);

    for (int i = 0; i < KIN_SKELETON_POSITION_COUNT; i++)
        vRawPos             = pSkeletonData.vSkeletonPositions[i];
        vPrevFilteredPos    = m_History[i].vPos;
        vPrevEstVelocity    = m_History[i].vEstVelocity;
        vPrevEstAccelaration = m_History[i].vEstAccelaration;
        vPrevEstJolt        = m_History[i].vEstJolt;

        if (!JointPositionIsValid(vPrevFilteredPos))
            vCurFilteredPos = vRawPos;
            vEstVelocity      = Vec4(0,0,0,0);
            vEstAccelaration     = Vec4(0,0,0,0);
            vEstJolt     = Vec4(0,0,0,0);
        else if (!JointPositionIsValid(vRawPos))
            vCurFilteredPos = vPrevFilteredPos;
            vEstVelocity = vPrevEstVelocity;
            vEstAccelaration = vPrevEstAccelaration;
            vEstJolt = vPrevEstJolt;
            // If the current and previous frames have valid data, perform interpolation

            vDiff = vPrevFilteredPos - vRawPos;
            fDiff = fabs(vDiff.GetLength());

            if (fDiff <= fJitterRadius)
                vCurFilteredPos = vRawPos * fDiff/fJitterRadius + vPrevFilteredPos * (1.0f - fDiff/fJitterRadius);
                vCurFilteredPos = vRawPos;

            vPredicted  = vPrevFilteredPos + vPrevEstVelocity;
            vPredicted  = vPredicted + vPrevEstAccelaration * (vConstants.y * vConstants.y * vConstants.z);
            vPredicted  = vPredicted + vPrevEstJolt * (vConstants.y * vConstants.y * vConstants.y * vConstants.w);
            vError      = vCurFilteredPos - vPredicted;

            vCurFilteredPos = vPredicted + vError * fAlphaCoef;
            vEstVelocity = vPrevEstVelocity + vError * fBetaCoeff;
            vEstAccelaration = vEstVelocity - vPrevEstVelocity;
            vEstJolt = vEstAccelaration - vPrevEstAccelaration;

        // Update the state
        m_History[i].vPos = vCurFilteredPos;
        m_History[i].vEstVelocity = vEstVelocity;
        m_History[i].vEstAccelaration = vEstAccelaration;
        m_History[i].vEstJolt = vEstJolt;
        // Output the data
        m_FilteredJoints[i]     = vCurFilteredPos;
        m_FilteredJoints[i].w   = 1.0f;

示例7: setPlane

static void setPlane(const Vec4& abcd, Plane& p)
	Vec4 n = abcd.xyz0();
	F32 len = n.getLength();
	p = Plane(n / len, -abcd.w() / len);

示例8: direction

Vec4 SpotLight::calculateColor(Vec4 pit, Vec4 n,Vec4 viewer, Material *m,Vec4 pos,Vec4 texColor,int mode_texture)
        Vec4 direction(direction_light->x1,direction_light->x2,direction_light->x3);
        Vec4 position(position_light->x1,position_light->x2,position_light->x3);
        Vec4 l = (position-pit)/(position-pit).module();
        float fator = fmax((n*l)/(n.module()*l.module()),0);
        Vec4 Diffuse;
        Diffuse.x1 = (texColor.x() * diffuse_light->x1)*fator;
        Diffuse.x2 = (texColor.y() * diffuse_light->x2)*fator;
        Diffuse.x3 = (texColor.z() * diffuse_light->x3)*fator;

        l = l.unitary();
        Vec4 r = (n*((l*n)*2) - l);
        Vec4 v = (viewer-pit)/(viewer-pit).module();
        r = (r+v)/(r+v).module();

        float fator2 = fmax(pow((r*v),m->shininess*128),0);
        if(r*n<0) fator2 = 0;
        Vec4 especular;
        especular.x1 = (texColor.x() * specular_light->x1)*fator2;
        especular.x2 = (texColor.y() * specular_light->x2)*fator2;
        especular.x3 = (texColor.z() * specular_light->x3)*fator2;

        Vec4 ambiente;
        ambiente.x1 = texColor.x() * ambient_light->x1;
        ambiente.x2 = texColor.y() * ambient_light->x2;
        ambiente.x3 = texColor.z() * ambient_light->x3;

        Vec4 color = ((Diffuse+especular))*isInDualConeSpot(pit)*pow(direction*(l*-1),expoent_light)*attenuation((position-viewer).module());
        return color;

    }else if(mode_texture==TYPE_REPLACE_TEXTURE){

    Vec4 direction(direction_light->x1,direction_light->x2,direction_light->x3);

    //calculo da contribuição difusa

    Vec4 position(position_light->x1,position_light->x2,position_light->x3);
    if ((position-pit).unitary()*n<=0) return Vec4();
    //direction = (direction)/(direction).module();
    Vec4 l = (position-pit)/(position-pit).module();
    float fator = fmax((n*l)/(n.module()*l.module()),0);
    Vec4 Diffuse;
    Diffuse.x1 = (m->diffuse[0] * diffuse_light->x1)*fator;
    Diffuse.x2 = (m->diffuse[1] * diffuse_light->x2)*fator;
    Diffuse.x3 = (m->diffuse[2] * diffuse_light->x3)*fator;

    //calculo da contribuicao especular
    l = l.unitary();
    Vec4 r = (n*((l*n)*2) - l);
    Vec4 v = (viewer-pit)/(viewer-pit).module();
    r = (r+v)/(r+v).module();

    float fator2 = fmax(pow((r*v),m->shininess*128),0);
    if(r*n<0) fator2 = 0;
    Vec4 especular;
    especular.x1 = (m->specular[0] * specular_light->x1)*fator2;
    especular.x2 = (m->specular[1] * specular_light->x2)*fator2;
    especular.x3 = (m->specular[2] * specular_light->x3)*fator2;
    //calculo da contribuição ambiente
    Vec4 ambiente;
    ambiente.x1 = m->ambient[0] * ambient_light->x1;
    ambiente.x2 = m->ambient[1] * ambient_light->x2;
    ambiente.x3 = m->ambient[2] * ambient_light->x3;

    Vec4 color = texColor.mult(((Diffuse+especular))*isInDualConeSpot(pit)*pow(direction*(l*-1),expoent_light)*attenuation((position-viewer).module()));
    return color;
        Vec4 direction(direction_light->x1,direction_light->x2,direction_light->x3);

        //calculo da contribuição difusa

        Vec4 position(position_light->x1,position_light->x2,position_light->x3);
        if ((position-pit).unitary()*n<=0) return Vec4();
        //direction = (direction)/(direction).module();
        Vec4 l = (position-pit)/(position-pit).module();
        float fator = fmax((n*l)/(n.module()*l.module()),0);
        Vec4 Diffuse;
        Diffuse.x1 = (m->diffuse[0] * diffuse_light->x1)*fator;
        Diffuse.x2 = (m->diffuse[1] * diffuse_light->x2)*fator;
        Diffuse.x3 = (m->diffuse[2] * diffuse_light->x3)*fator;

        //calculo da contribuicao especular
        l = l.unitary();
        Vec4 r = (n*((l*n)*2) - l);
        Vec4 v = (viewer-pit)/(viewer-pit).module();
        r = (r+v)/(r+v).module();

        float fator2 = fmax(pow((r*v),m->shininess*128),0);
        if(r*n<0) fator2 = 0;
        Vec4 especular;
        especular.x1 = (m->specular[0] * specular_light->x1)*fator2;
        especular.x2 = (m->specular[1] * specular_light->x2)*fator2;
        especular.x3 = (m->specular[2] * specular_light->x3)*fator2;
        //calculo da contribuição ambiente
        Vec4 ambiente;
        ambiente.x1 = m->ambient[0] * ambient_light->x1;
        ambiente.x2 = m->ambient[1] * ambient_light->x2;
        ambiente.x3 = m->ambient[2] * ambient_light->x3;

示例9: Vec4

void SpotLight::setPosition(Vec4 pos)
    position_light = new Vec4(pos.x(),pos.y(),pos.z());

示例10: Vector

	Vector(const Vec4& vector) :
		detail::VectorType<4>(vector.x(), vector.y(), vector.z(), 0.0f)

示例11: getStartTime

void FollowPathEvent::update(F32 prevUpdateTime, F32 crntTime)
	MoveComponent& move = movableSceneNode->getComponent<MoveComponent>();

	I pointA = 0;
	I pointB = 0;

	// Calculate the current distance. Clamp it to max distance
	F32 crntDistance = distPerTime * (crntTime - getStartTime());
	ANKI_ASSERT(crntDistance >= 0.0);
	crntDistance = std::min(crntDistance, path->getDistance());

	const I pointsCount = path->getPoints().size();
	ANKI_ASSERT(pointsCount > 1);

	// Find the points that we lie between
	for(I i = 1; i < pointsCount; i++)
		const PathPoint& ppa = path->getPoints()[i - 1];
		const PathPoint& ppb = path->getPoints()[i];

		if(crntDistance > ppa.getDistanceFromFirst() 
			&& crntDistance <= ppb.getDistanceFromFirst())
			pointA = i - 1;
			pointB = i;

	ANKI_ASSERT(pointA < pointsCount && pointB < pointsCount);

	I preA = std::max((I)0, pointA - 1);
	I postB = std::min(pointsCount - 1, pointB + 1);
	/*I pminus2 = std::max((I)0, pointA - 2);
	I pminus1 = std::max((I)0, pointA - 1);*/

	// Calculate the u [0.0, 1.0]
	F32 u = path->getPoints()[pointB].getDistance() + getEpsilon<F32>();
	ANKI_ASSERT(u != 0.0);

	const F32 c = crntDistance 
		- path->getPoints()[pointA].getDistanceFromFirst();

	u = c / u;

	// Calculate and set new position and rotation for the movable
	/*Vec3 newPos = cubicInterpolate(
	Vec3 newPos = interpolate(

		F32 u2 = u * u;
		Vec4 us(1, u, u2, u2 * u);
		F32 t = 0.7;
		Mat4 tentionMat(
			0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
			-t, 0.0, t, 0.0,
			2.0 * t, t - 3.0, 3.0 - 2.0 * t, -t,
			-t, 2.0 - t, t - 2.0, t);

		Vec4 tmp = us * tentionMat;

		Mat4 posMat;
			Vec4(path->getPoints()[preA].getPosition(), 1.0),
			Vec4(path->getPoints()[pointA].getPosition(), 1.0),
			Vec4(path->getPoints()[pointB].getPosition(), 1.0),
			Vec4(path->getPoints()[postB].getPosition(), 1.0));

		Vec4 finalPos = tmp * posMat;

		newPos = finalPos.xyz();

	Quat newRot = path->getPoints()[pointA].getRotation().slerp(

	F32 scale = move.getLocalTransform().getScale();
	Transform trf;

示例12: DrawTrack

// This method needs to be broken up
void tcHookInfo::DrawTrack(long anID) 
    std::string s;
    char zBuff[128];
    float ftextx = 10.0f;
    float ftexty = 22.0f;
    UINT8 nOwnAlliance = mpUserInfo->GetOwnAlliance();
	Vec4 color;

    tcSensorMapTrack* pSMTrack = mpSS->mcSensorMap.GetSensorMapTrack(anID, nOwnAlliance);
    if (pSMTrack == 0) return;

    const tcTrack *pTrack = pSMTrack->GetTrack();
    // classification
    ClassificationToString(pTrack->mnClassification, zBuff);
	strcat(zBuff, " track");
	color.set(0.4f, 1.0f, 0.4f, 1.0f);
	if (!pSMTrack->IsIdentified())
		DrawTextR(zBuff, ftextx-2.0f, ftexty, defaultFont.get(), 
			color, fontSizeLarge, LEFT_BASE_LINE);
		ftexty += 20.0f;
	else // track is identified, look up class name
		if (tcDatabaseObject* databaseObj = database->GetObject(pSMTrack->GetDatabaseId()))
            s = databaseObj->GetDisplayName();
		else // error, not found in database
			s = "Error";

		DrawTextR(s.c_str(), ftextx-2.0f, ftexty, 
			defaultFont.get(), color, fontSizeLarge, LEFT_BASE_LINE);
		ftexty += 15.0f;

		DrawTextR(zBuff, ftextx, ftexty, 
			defaultFont.get(), color, fontSize, LEFT_BASE_LINE);
		ftexty += 20.0f;

    // speed, heading, altitude, terrain info
    s = "";
    if (pTrack->mnFlags & TRACK_HEADING_VALID) 

        //if (heading_deg < 0) heading_deg += 360;

        if (pTrack->mnFlags & TRACK_BEARING_ONLY) 
            int bearing_deg(C_180OVERPI*pTrack->bearing_rad + 0.5f);
            bearing_deg = bearing_deg + int(bearing_deg < 0)*360;
            sprintf(zBuff,"BRG %03d ", bearing_deg);
            int heading_deg(C_180OVERPI*pTrack->mfHeading_rad + 0.5f);
            heading_deg = heading_deg + int(heading_deg < 0)*360;
            sprintf(zBuff,"HDG %03d ", heading_deg);
        s += zBuff;
    if (pTrack->mnFlags & TRACK_SPEED_VALID) 
        sprintf(zBuff," SPD %s ", units->GetUserSpeedString(pTrack->mfSpeed_kts));
        s += zBuff;
    if ((pTrack->mnClassification & (PTYPE_AIR | PTYPE_MISSILE))
        &&(pTrack->mnFlags & TRACK_ALT_VALID)) 
        sprintf(zBuff," ALT %s", units->GetUserAltitudeString(pTrack->mfAlt_m));
        s += zBuff;

	DrawTextR(s.c_str(), ftextx, ftexty, defaultFont.get(), color, fontSize, LEFT_BASE_LINE);
    ftexty += 15;

    // Draw reporting platform info
    size_t nContributors = pSMTrack->GetContributorCount();
    s = "Detected by: ";
    for (size_t k=0; k<nContributors; k++)
        s += std::string(pSMTrack->GetContributorName(k));
        if (k < nContributors-1) s += ",";
	if (s.size() > 35)
		s = s.substr(0, 35);

    DrawTextR(s.c_str(), ftextx, ftexty, defaultFont.get(), color, fontSize, LEFT_BASE_LINE);
    ftexty += 15;

    // Draw contact update time
    double t = mpSS->GetTime();

示例13: DrawOwn

void tcHookInfo::DrawOwn(tcGameObject *pHookedObj) 

    std::string s;
    char zBuff[128];
    float ftextx = 10.0f;
    float ftexty = 22.0f;
	Vec4 color;

    if (pHookedObj == NULL) {return;}

    s = pHookedObj->mzUnit.c_str();
	color.set(0.4f, 1.0f, 0.4f, 1.0f);
	DrawTextR(s.c_str(), ftextx-2.0f, ftexty, defaultFont.get(), color, fontSizeLarge, LEFT_BASE_LINE,
    ftexty += 20.0f;

    sprintf(zBuff, "%s (id %d)", pHookedObj->GetDisplayClassName(), pHookedObj->mnID);
    s = zBuff;
	DrawTextR(s.c_str(), ftextx, ftexty, defaultFont.get(), color, fontSize, LEFT_BASE_LINE);
    ftexty += 20.0f;

    /*** mnClassID, mnModelType, mnType (classification) ***/
    GetObjectInfo(s, pHookedObj->mpDBObject, pHookedObj);
	DrawTextR(s.c_str(), ftextx, ftexty, defaultFont.get(), color, fontSize, LEFT_BASE_LINE);
    ftexty += 15.0f;

    // speed, heading, altitude, terrain info
    tcKinematics *pkin = &pHookedObj->mcKin;
    int heading_deg = int(C_180OVERPI*pkin->mfHeading_rad + 0.5f);
    heading_deg = heading_deg + (int(heading_deg < 0) - int(heading_deg >= 360))*360;

    sprintf(zBuff,"%s, hdg %03d, alt %s",
        units->GetUserSpeedString(pkin->mfSpeed_kts), heading_deg, 

    s = zBuff;
	DrawTextR(s.c_str(), ftextx, ftexty, defaultFont.get(), color, fontSize, LEFT_BASE_LINE);
    ftexty += 15;

    sprintf(zBuff, "Terrain %s", units->GetUserAltitudeString(pHookedObj->mcTerrain.mfHeight_m));
    s = zBuff;
	DrawTextR(s.c_str(), ftextx, ftexty, defaultFont.get(), color, fontSize, LEFT_BASE_LINE);

    // lat, lon
	DrawTextR(s.c_str(), ftextx, ftexty, defaultFont.get(), color, fontSize, LEFT_BASE_LINE);
    ftexty += 15;

    /*** damage ***/
	float damageLevelPercent = 100.0f * pHookedObj->GetDamageLevel();
	if (damageLevelPercent > 100.0f) damageLevelPercent = 100.0f;

    if (damageLevelPercent == 0) 
        strcpy(zBuff,"Damage: none");
    else if (damageLevelPercent >= 50.0f) 
		color.set(1.0f, 0.4f, 0.4f, 1.0f);
        sprintf(zBuff, "Damage: %2.0f%%", damageLevelPercent);
		color.set(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.4f, 1.0f);
        sprintf(zBuff, "Damage: %2.0f%%", damageLevelPercent);
    s = zBuff;
	DrawTextR(s.c_str(), ftextx, ftexty, defaultFont.get(), color, fontSize, LEFT_BASE_LINE);
    ftexty += 15;
	color.set(0.4f, 1.0f, 0.4f, 1.0f);

	// multiplayer info
	if (mpSS->IsMultiplayerActive())
		const std::string& controller = pHookedObj->GetController();

		if (controller.size())
			s = "Controlled by ";
			s += controller;
			s = "No controller";

		DrawTextR(s.c_str(), ftextx, ftexty, defaultFont.get(), color, fontSize, LEFT_BASE_LINE);
		ftexty += 15;
		color.set(0.4f, 1.0f, 0.4f, 1.0f);

    // AI action text for platform objects
    tcPlatformObject* pPlatformObj = dynamic_cast<tcPlatformObject*>(pHookedObj);
    if (pPlatformObj != NULL) 

示例14: Vec4

// Name: CombiJointFilter()
// Desc: A filter for the positional data.  This filter uses a combination of velocity 
//       position history to filter the joint positions.
void FilterCombination::Update( const SKinSkeletonRawData& pSkeletonData, const float fDeltaTime )
    // Process each joint
    for ( uint32 nJoint = 0; nJoint < KIN_SKELETON_POSITION_COUNT; ++nJoint )
        // Remember where the camera thinks this joint should be
        m_History[ nJoint ].m_vWantedPos = pSkeletonData.vSkeletonPositions[ nJoint ];

        Vec4 vDelta;
        vDelta = m_History[ nJoint ].m_vWantedPos - m_History[ nJoint ].m_vLastWantedPos;
            Vec4 vBlended;

            // Calculate the vBlended value - could optimize this by remembering the running total and
            // subtracting the oldest value and then adding the newest. Saves adding them all up on each frame.
            vBlended = Vec4(0,0,0,0);
            for( uint32 k = 0; k < m_nUseTaps; ++k)
                vBlended = vBlended + m_History[ nJoint ].m_vPrevDeltas[k];
            vBlended = vBlended / ((float)m_nUseTaps);

						vBlended.w = 0.0f;
						vDelta.w = 0.0f;

            float fDeltaLength = vDelta.GetLength();
            float fBlendedLength = vBlended.GetLength();
            m_History[ nJoint ].m_fWantedLocalBlendRate = m_fDefaultApplyRate;
            m_History[ nJoint ].m_bActive[0] = false;
            m_History[ nJoint ].m_bActive[1] = false;
            m_History[ nJoint ].m_bActive[2] = false;

            // Does the current velocity and history have a reasonable magnitude?
            if( fDeltaLength   >= m_fDeltaLengthThreshold &&
                fBlendedLength >= m_fBlendedLengthThreshold )
                float fDotProd;
                float fConfidence;

                if( m_bDotProdNormalize )
                    Vec4 vDeltaOne = vDelta;
                    Vec4 vBlendedOne = vBlended;

                    fDotProd = vDeltaOne.Dot( vBlendedOne );
										fDotProd = vDelta.Dot(vBlended);

                // Is the current frame aligned to the recent history?
                if( fDotProd >= m_fDotProdThreshold )
                    fConfidence = fDotProd;
                    m_History[ nJoint ].m_fWantedLocalBlendRate = min( fConfidence, 1.0f );
                    m_History[ nJoint ].m_bActive[0] = true;

            assert( m_History[ nJoint ].m_fWantedLocalBlendRate <= 1.0f );

        // Push the previous deltas down the history
        for( int j = m_nUseTaps-2; j >= 0; --j )
            m_History[ nJoint ].m_vPrevDeltas[j+1] = m_History[ nJoint ].m_vPrevDeltas[j];

        // Store the current history
        m_History[ nJoint ].m_vPrevDeltas[0] = vDelta;	

        // Remember where the camera thought this joint was on the this frame
        m_History[ nJoint ].m_vLastWantedPos = m_History[ nJoint ].m_vWantedPos;

    // Secondary and tertiary blending
    for ( uint32 pass = 0; pass < 2; ++pass )
        for ( uint32 bone = 0; bone < g_numBones; ++bone )
            float fRate1;
            float fRate2;

            fRate1 = m_History[ g_Bones[bone].startJoint ].m_fWantedLocalBlendRate;
            fRate2 = m_History[ g_Bones[bone].endJoint ].m_fWantedLocalBlendRate;

            // Blend down? Start to end
            if( (fRate1 * m_fDownBlendRate) > fRate2)
                // Yes, apply
                m_History[ g_Bones[bone].endJoint ].m_fWantedLocalBlendRate = ( fRate1 * m_fDownBlendRate );


示例15: JointPositionIsValid

void FilterDoubleExponential::Update( const SKinSkeletonRawData& pSkeletonData, uint32 i, const KIN_TRANSFORM_SMOOTH_PARAMETERS& smoothingParams )
    Vec4 vPrevRawPosition;
    Vec4 vPrevFilteredPosition;
    Vec4 vPrevTrend;
    Vec4 vRawPosition;
    Vec4 vFilteredPosition;
    Vec4 vPredictedPosition;
    Vec4 vDiff;
    Vec4 vTrend;
    Vec4 vLength;
    float fDiff;
    BOOL bJointIsValid;

    const Vec4* __restrict pJointPositions = pSkeletonData.vSkeletonPositions;

    vRawPosition            = pJointPositions[i];
    vPrevFilteredPosition   = m_History[i].m_vFilteredPosition;
    vPrevTrend              = m_History[i].m_vTrend;
    vPrevRawPosition        = m_History[i].m_vRawPosition;
    bJointIsValid           = JointPositionIsValid(vRawPosition);

    // If joint is invalid, reset the filter
    if (!bJointIsValid)
        m_History[i].m_dwFrameCount = 0;

    // Initial start values
    if (m_History[i].m_dwFrameCount == 0)
        vFilteredPosition = vRawPosition;
        vTrend = Vec4(0,0,0,0);
    else if (m_History[i].m_dwFrameCount == 1)
        vFilteredPosition = (vRawPosition + vPrevRawPosition) * 0.5f;
        vDiff = vFilteredPosition - vPrevFilteredPosition;
        vTrend = (vDiff * smoothingParams.m_fCorrection) + (vPrevTrend *  (1.0f - smoothingParams.m_fCorrection));
        // First apply jitter filter
        vDiff = vRawPosition - vPrevFilteredPosition;
        fDiff = fabs(vDiff.GetLength());

        if (fDiff <= smoothingParams.m_fJitterRadius)
            vFilteredPosition = vRawPosition * (fDiff/smoothingParams.m_fJitterRadius) + vPrevFilteredPosition * (1.0f - fDiff/smoothingParams.m_fJitterRadius);
            vFilteredPosition = vRawPosition;

        // Now the double exponential smoothing filter
        vFilteredPosition = vFilteredPosition * (1.0f - smoothingParams.m_fSmoothing) + (vPrevFilteredPosition + vPrevTrend) * smoothingParams.m_fSmoothing;

        vDiff = vFilteredPosition - vPrevFilteredPosition;
        vTrend = vDiff * smoothingParams.m_fCorrection + vPrevTrend * (1.0f - smoothingParams.m_fCorrection); 

    // Predict into the future to reduce latency
    vPredictedPosition = vFilteredPosition + (vTrend * smoothingParams.m_fPrediction);

    // Check that we are not too far away from raw data
    vDiff = vPredictedPosition - vRawPosition;
    fDiff = fabs(vDiff.GetLength());

    if (fDiff > smoothingParams.m_fMaxDeviationRadius)
        vPredictedPosition = vPredictedPosition * smoothingParams.m_fMaxDeviationRadius/fDiff + vRawPosition * (1.0f - smoothingParams.m_fMaxDeviationRadius/fDiff);

    // Save the data from this frame
    m_History[i].m_vRawPosition      = vRawPosition;
    m_History[i].m_vFilteredPosition = vFilteredPosition;
    m_History[i].m_vTrend            = vTrend;
    // Output the data
    m_FilteredJoints[i] = vPredictedPosition;
    m_FilteredJoints[i].w = 1.0f;
