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C++ TableWorkspace_sptr::getColumn方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中TableWorkspace_sptr::getColumn方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ TableWorkspace_sptr::getColumn方法的具体用法?C++ TableWorkspace_sptr::getColumn怎么用?C++ TableWorkspace_sptr::getColumn使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在TableWorkspace_sptr的用法示例。


示例1: convertViaTOF

/** Convert the workspace units using TOF as an intermediate step in the
 * conversion
 * @param fromUnit :: The unit of the input workspace
 * @param outputWS :: The output workspace
void ConvertUnitsUsingDetectorTable::convertViaTOF(
    Kernel::Unit_const_sptr fromUnit, API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr outputWS) {
  using namespace Geometry;

  // Let's see if we are using a TableWorkspace to override parameters
  TableWorkspace_sptr paramWS = getProperty("DetectorParameters");

  // See if we have supplied a DetectorParameters Workspace
  // TODO: Check if paramWS is NULL and if so throw an exception

  //      const std::string l1ColumnLabel("l1");

  // Let's check all the columns exist and are readable
  try {
    auto spectraColumnTmp = paramWS->getColumn("spectra");
    auto l1ColumnTmp = paramWS->getColumn("l1");
    auto l2ColumnTmp = paramWS->getColumn("l2");
    auto twoThetaColumnTmp = paramWS->getColumn("twotheta");
    auto efixedColumnTmp = paramWS->getColumn("efixed");
    auto emodeColumnTmp = paramWS->getColumn("emode");
  } catch (...) {
    throw Exception::InstrumentDefinitionError(
        "DetectorParameter TableWorkspace is not defined correctly.");

  // Now let's read them into some vectors.
  auto l1Column = paramWS->getColVector<double>("l1");
  auto l2Column = paramWS->getColVector<double>("l2");
  auto twoThetaColumn = paramWS->getColVector<double>("twotheta");
  auto efixedColumn = paramWS->getColVector<double>("efixed");
  auto emodeColumn = paramWS->getColVector<int>("emode");
  auto spectraColumn = paramWS->getColVector<int>("spectra");

  EventWorkspace_sptr eventWS =
  assert(static_cast<bool>(eventWS) == m_inputEvents); // Sanity check

  Progress prog(this, 0.2, 1.0, m_numberOfSpectra);
  int64_t numberOfSpectra_i =
      static_cast<int64_t>(m_numberOfSpectra); // cast to make openmp happy

  // Get the unit object for each workspace
  Kernel::Unit_const_sptr outputUnit = outputWS->getAxis(0)->unit();

  std::vector<double> emptyVec;
  int failedDetectorCount = 0;

  // ConstColumnVector<int> spectraNumber = paramWS->getVector("spectra");

  // TODO: Check why this parallel stuff breaks
  // Loop over the histograms (detector spectra)
  // PARALLEL_FOR1(outputWS)
  for (int64_t i = 0; i < numberOfSpectra_i; ++i) {

    // Lets find what row this spectrum ID appears in our detector table.


    std::size_t wsid = i;

    try {

      double deg2rad = M_PI / 180.;

      auto det = outputWS->getDetector(i);
      int specid = det->getID();

      // int spectraNumber = static_cast<int>(spectraColumn->toDouble(i));
      // wsid = outputWS->getIndexFromSpectrumNumber(spectraNumber);
      g_log.debug() << "###### Spectra #" << specid
                    << " ==> Workspace ID:" << wsid << std::endl;

      // Now we need to find the row that contains this spectrum
      std::vector<int>::iterator specIter;

      specIter = std::find(spectraColumn.begin(), spectraColumn.end(), specid);
      if (specIter != spectraColumn.end()) {
        size_t detectorRow = std::distance(spectraColumn.begin(), specIter);
        double l1 = l1Column[detectorRow];
        double l2 = l2Column[detectorRow];
        double twoTheta = twoThetaColumn[detectorRow] * deg2rad;
        double efixed = efixedColumn[detectorRow];
        int emode = emodeColumn[detectorRow];

        g_log.debug() << "specId from detector table = "
                      << spectraColumn[detectorRow] << std::endl;

        // l1 = l1Column->toDouble(detectorRow);
        // l2 = l2Column->toDouble(detectorRow);
        // twoTheta = deg2rad * twoThetaColumn->toDouble(detectorRow);
        // efixed = efixedColumn->toDouble(detectorRow);
        // emode = static_cast<int>(emodeColumn->toDouble(detectorRow));

        g_log.debug() << "###### Spectra #" << specid
                      << " ==> Det Table Row:" << detectorRow << std::endl;

示例2: convertViaTOF

/** Convert the workspace units using TOF as an intermediate step in the
* conversion
* @param fromUnit :: The unit of the input workspace
* @param inputWS :: The input workspace
* @returns A shared pointer to the output workspace
MatrixWorkspace_sptr ConvertUnitsUsingDetectorTable::convertViaTOF(
    Kernel::Unit_const_sptr fromUnit, API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr inputWS) {
  using namespace Geometry;

  // Let's see if we are using a TableWorkspace to override parameters
  TableWorkspace_sptr paramWS = getProperty("DetectorParameters");

  // See if we have supplied a DetectorParameters Workspace
  // TODO: Check if paramWS is NULL and if so throw an exception

  //      const std::string l1ColumnLabel("l1");

  // Let's check all the columns exist and are readable
  try {
    auto spectraColumnTmp = paramWS->getColumn("spectra");
    auto l1ColumnTmp = paramWS->getColumn("l1");
    auto l2ColumnTmp = paramWS->getColumn("l2");
    auto twoThetaColumnTmp = paramWS->getColumn("twotheta");
    auto efixedColumnTmp = paramWS->getColumn("efixed");
    auto emodeColumnTmp = paramWS->getColumn("emode");
  } catch (...) {
    throw Exception::InstrumentDefinitionError(
        "DetectorParameter TableWorkspace is not defined correctly.");

  // Now let's take a reference to the vectors.
  const auto &l1Column = paramWS->getColVector<double>("l1");
  const auto &l2Column = paramWS->getColVector<double>("l2");
  const auto &twoThetaColumn = paramWS->getColVector<double>("twotheta");
  const auto &efixedColumn = paramWS->getColVector<double>("efixed");
  const auto &emodeColumn = paramWS->getColVector<int>("emode");
  const auto &spectraColumn = paramWS->getColVector<int>("spectra");

  Progress prog(this, 0.2, 1.0, m_numberOfSpectra);
  int64_t numberOfSpectra_i =
      static_cast<int64_t>(m_numberOfSpectra); // cast to make openmp happy

  // Get the unit object for each workspace
  Kernel::Unit_const_sptr outputUnit = m_outputUnit;
  std::vector<double> emptyVec;
  int failedDetectorCount = 0;

  // Perform Sanity Validation before creating workspace
  size_t checkIndex = 0;
  int checkSpecNo = inputWS->getDetector(checkIndex)->getID();
  auto checkSpecIter =
      std::find(spectraColumn.begin(), spectraColumn.end(), checkSpecNo);
  if (checkSpecIter != spectraColumn.end()) {
    size_t detectorRow = std::distance(spectraColumn.begin(), checkSpecIter);
    // copy the X values for the check
    auto checkXValues = inputWS->readX(checkIndex);
    // Convert the input unit to time-of-flight
    auto checkFromUnit = std::unique_ptr<Unit>(fromUnit->clone());
    auto checkOutputUnit = std::unique_ptr<Unit>(outputUnit->clone());
    double checkdelta = 0;
    checkFromUnit->toTOF(checkXValues, emptyVec, l1Column[detectorRow],
                         l2Column[detectorRow], twoThetaColumn[detectorRow],
                         emodeColumn[detectorRow], efixedColumn[detectorRow],
    // Convert from time-of-flight to the desired unit
    checkOutputUnit->fromTOF(checkXValues, emptyVec, l1Column[detectorRow],
                             l2Column[detectorRow], twoThetaColumn[detectorRow],
                             efixedColumn[detectorRow], checkdelta);

  // create the output workspace
  MatrixWorkspace_sptr outputWS = this->setupOutputWorkspace(inputWS);
  EventWorkspace_sptr eventWS =
  assert(static_cast<bool>(eventWS) == m_inputEvents); // Sanity check

  // TODO: Check why this parallel stuff breaks
  // Loop over the histograms (detector spectra)
  // PARALLEL_FOR_IF(Kernel::threadSafe(*outputWS))
  for (int64_t i = 0; i < numberOfSpectra_i; ++i) {

    // Lets find what row this spectrum Number appears in our detector table.


    std::size_t wsid = i;

    try {

      double deg2rad = M_PI / 180.;

      auto det = outputWS->getDetector(i);
      int specNo = det->getID();

      // int spectraNumber = static_cast<int>(spectraColumn->toDouble(i));
      // wsid = outputWS->getIndexFromSpectrumNumber(spectraNumber);
      g_log.debug() << "###### Spectra #" << specNo
                    << " ==> Workspace ID:" << wsid << '\n';
