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C++ TLorentzVector::Pt方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中TLorentzVector::Pt方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ TLorentzVector::Pt方法的具体用法?C++ TLorentzVector::Pt怎么用?C++ TLorentzVector::Pt使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在TLorentzVector的用法示例。


示例1: toyMCele_cat1

void toyMCele_cat1(std::string inputFile, std::string outputFile){

  // read the ntuples (in pcncu)

  TreeReader data(inputFile.data());

  // Declare the histogram

  TFile* f = new TFile(inputFile.data());
  TH1D* h_totalEvents = (TH1D*)f->Get("h_totalEv");

  TH1D* h_PRmassNoSIG = new TH1D("h_PRmassNoSIG",  "PRmassNoSIG",    40,   40,  240);
  TH1D* h_PRmassAll   = new TH1D("h_PRmassAll",    "PRmassAll",      40,   40,  240);

  h_PRmassAll  ->Sumw2();

  h_PRmassAll  ->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("corrPRmass");

  // begin of event loop

  Long64_t nentries = data.GetEntriesFast();

  for(Long64_t ev = 0; ev < nentries; ev++){

    if( ev % 1000000 == 0 )
      fprintf(stderr, "Processing event %lli of %lli\n", ev + 1, nentries);


    Float_t        eventWeight       = data.GetFloat("ev_weight"); 
    TClonesArray*  eleP4             = (TClonesArray*) data.GetPtrTObject("eleP4");
    Int_t          FATnJet           = data.GetInt("FATnJet");    
    Int_t*         FATnSubSDJet      = data.GetPtrInt("FATnSubSDJet");
    Float_t*       corrPRmass        = data.GetPtrFloat("FATjetPRmassL2L3Corr");
    TClonesArray*  FATjetP4          = (TClonesArray*) data.GetPtrTObject("FATjetP4");
    vector<bool>&  FATjetPassIDLoose = *((vector<bool>*) data.GetPtr("FATjetPassIDLoose"));
    vector<float>* FATsubjetSDPx     = data.GetPtrVectorFloat("FATsubjetSDPx", FATnJet);
    vector<float>* FATsubjetSDPy     = data.GetPtrVectorFloat("FATsubjetSDPy", FATnJet);
    vector<float>* FATsubjetSDPz     = data.GetPtrVectorFloat("FATsubjetSDPz", FATnJet);
    vector<float>* FATsubjetSDE      = data.GetPtrVectorFloat("FATsubjetSDE", FATnJet);
    vector<float>* FATsubjetSDCSV    = data.GetPtrVectorFloat("FATsubjetSDCSV", FATnJet);

    // select good leptons
    vector<Int_t> goodLepID;

    TLorentzVector* thisLep = NULL;
    TLorentzVector* thatLep = NULL;

    if( !isPassZee(data,goodLepID) ) continue;
    thisLep = (TLorentzVector*)eleP4->At(goodLepID[0]);   
    thatLep = (TLorentzVector*)eleP4->At(goodLepID[1]);   

    // select good FATjet

    Int_t goodFATJetID = -1;
    TLorentzVector* thisJet = NULL;

    for(Int_t ij = 0; ij < FATnJet; ij++){

      thisJet = (TLorentzVector*)FATjetP4->At(ij);

      if( thisJet->Pt() < 200 ) continue;
      if( fabs(thisJet->Eta()) > 2.4 ) continue;
      if( !FATjetPassIDLoose[ij] ) continue;
      if( thisJet->DeltaR(*thisLep) < 0.8 || thisJet->DeltaR(*thatLep) < 0.8 ) continue;
      Int_t nsubBjet = 0;

      for(Int_t is = 0; is < FATnSubSDJet[ij]; is++){

	if( FATsubjetSDCSV[ij][is] > 0.605 ) nsubBjet++;


      Double_t subjetDeltaR = -1;

      if( nsubBjet == 2 ){

	TLorentzVector l4_subjet0(0,0,0,0);
	TLorentzVector l4_subjet1(0,0,0,0);

			      FATsubjetSDE [ij][0]);

			      FATsubjetSDE [ij][1]);

	subjetDeltaR = l4_subjet0.DeltaR(l4_subjet1);


      // deltaR depends loose cut

示例2: HHbbbbMikeBase

void HHbbbbMikeBase(int wMs,int wM, string st,string st2,string option=""){	
	//1=signal ,0=QCD ,2=data-----------------------------------------------------------
	int nameRoot=1;
	if(st2.find("QCD")!= std::string::npos)nameRoot=0;
	if(st2.find("data")!= std::string::npos)nameRoot=2;
	//---------------------Thea correction
	TFile *f3;
	TF1 * puppisd_corrGEN,* puppisd_corrRECO_cen,* puppisd_corrRECO_for;
	puppisd_corrGEN=(TF1 *) f3->FindObjectAny("puppiJECcorr_gen");
	puppisd_corrRECO_cen=(TF1 *) f3->FindObjectAny("puppiJECcorr_reco_0eta1v3");
	puppisd_corrRECO_for=(TF1 *) f3->FindObjectAny("puppiJECcorr_reco_1v3eta2v5");
	TF1* tf1[3];
	int JESOption=0;
	if(option.find("JESUp")!= std::string::npos)JESOption=1;
	if(option.find("JESDown")!= std::string::npos)JESOption=2;
	if(option.find("BtagUp")!= std::string::npos)JESOption=3;
	if(option.find("BtagDown")!= std::string::npos)JESOption=4;
	if(option.find("tau21Up")!= std::string::npos)JESOption=5;
	if(option.find("tau21Down")!= std::string::npos)JESOption=6;
	cout<<"JESOption = "<<JESOption<<endl;
	bool printHighPtSubjet=0;
	bool isFast=1;
	//tuple tree and cutflow variables------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	TFile *f;
	TTree *tree;
	int nPass[20]={0},total=0,dataPassingcsc=0;
	double nPassB[6]={0};
	double fixScaleNum[2]={0};
	//using for Btag Eff -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
	string btagsystematicsType="central";
	else if(JESOption==4)btagsystematicsType="down";
	BTagCalibration calib("CSVv2L", "subjet_CSVv2_ichep.csv");
	BTagCalibrationReader LF(BTagEntry::OP_LOOSE,"central", {"up", "down"});  
	BTagCalibrationReader HFC(BTagEntry::OP_LOOSE, "central", {"up", "down"});      // other sys types
	BTagCalibrationReader HF(BTagEntry::OP_LOOSE,"central",{"up", "down"});      // other sys types
	LF.load(calib, BTagEntry::FLAV_UDSG,    // btag flavour
            "incl");               // measurement type
	HFC.load(calib, BTagEntry::FLAV_C,    // btag flavour
            "lt");               // measurement type
	HF.load(calib, BTagEntry::FLAV_B,    // btag flavour
            "lt");               // measurement type
	TFile *f1;
	else if (nameRoot!=2 && (JESOption==0||JESOption==3||JESOption==4||JESOption==5||JESOption==6))f1=TFile::Open(Form("btagEffSource/%s.root",st2.data()));
	else if (nameRoot!=2 && JESOption==1)f1=TFile::Open(Form("btagEffSource/%s_JESUp.root",st2.data()));
	else if (nameRoot!=2 && JESOption==2)f1=TFile::Open(Form("btagEffSource/%s_JESDown.root",st2.data()));
	TH1D* th1[6];
	string btaggingEff[6]={"effD_b","effN_b","effD_c","effN_c","effD_l","effN_l"};
	for(int i=0;i<6;i++){
	//check for zero btagging SF----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	TH2D* th3[6];
	th3[0]=new TH2D("zeroSF_b","zeroSF_b",200,0,2000,60,-3,3);
	th3[1]=new TH2D("zeroSF_c","zeroSF_c",200,0,2000,60,-3,3);
	th3[2]=new TH2D("zeroSF_l","zeroSF_l",200,0,2000,60,-3,3);
	th3[3]=new TH2D("SF_vs_Pt_b","SF_vs_Pt_b",120,0,1200,40,0.8,1.2);
	th3[4]=new TH2D("SF_vs_Pt_c","SF_vs_Pt_c",120,0,1200,40,0.8,1.2);
	th3[5]=new TH2D("SF_vs_Pt_l","SF_vs_Pt_l",120,0,1200,40,0.8,1.2);
	for(int i=0;i<6;i++)th3[i]->Sumw2();
	//check for high btagging SF----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	TH1D* th4[14];
	string SF_jet_sub[8]={"SF_jet0_sub0_pass","SF_jet0_sub1_pass","SF_jet1_sub0_pass","SF_jet1_sub1_pass","SF_jet0_sub0_fail","SF_jet0_sub1_fail","SF_jet1_sub0_fail","SF_jet1_sub1_fail"};
	for(int i=0;i<8;i++)th4[i]=new TH1D(Form("%s",SF_jet_sub[i].data()),Form("%s",SF_jet_sub[i].data()),40,0.8,1.2);
	string weightName[6]={"weight","weight_0b","weight_1b","weight_2b","weight_2b_ll","weight_2b_onel"};
	for(int i=0;i<6;i++)th4[i+8]=new TH1D(Form("%s",weightName[i].data()),Form("%s",weightName[i].data()),40,0,2);
	for(int i=0;i<14;i++)th4[i]->Sumw2();
	//saving variables----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	TH1D * th5[300],* th6[300];
	for(int i=0;i<2;i++){
		for(int j=0;j<2;j++){
			for(int k=0;k<5;k++){
				th5[(i*2+j)*5+k]=new TH1D(Form("Pt_j%d_sj%d_%db",i,j,k),Form("Pt_j%d_sj%d_%db",i,j,k),200,0,2000);
				th5[(i*2+j)*5+k+20]=new TH1D(Form("Eta_j%d_sj%d_%db",i,j,k),Form("Eta_j%d_sj%d_%db",i,j,k),60,-3,3);
				th5[(i*2+j)*5+k+85]=new TH1D(Form("subCSV_j%d_sj%d_%db",i,j,k),Form("subCSV_j%d_sj%d_%db",i,j,k),20,0,1);
				th5[(i*2+j)*5+k+194]=new TH1D(Form("subCSVCut_j%d_sj%d_%db",i,j,k),Form("subCSVCut_j%d_sj%d_%db",i,j,k),20,0,1);
		for(int k=0;k<5;k++){
			th5[i*5+k+40]=new TH1D(Form("deltaR_j%d_%db",i,k),Form("deltaR_j%d_%db",i,k),20,0,1);
			th5[i*5+k+50]=new TH1D(Form("Pt_j%d_%db",i,k),Form("Pt_j%d_%db",i,k),200,0,2000);
			th5[i*5+k+60]=new TH1D(Form("Eta_j%d_%db",i,k),Form("Eta_j%d_%db",i,k),60,-3,3);
			th5[i*5+k+70]=new TH1D(Form("prMassL2L3_j%d_%db",i,k),Form("prMassL2L3_j%d_%db",i,k),15,90,150);
			th5[i*5+k+105]=new TH1D(Form("tau21_j%d_%db",i,k),Form("tau21_j%d_%db",i,k),25,0,1);
			th5[i*5+k+120]=new TH1D(Form("PuppiSDMassL2L3_j%d_%db",i,k),Form("PuppiSDMassL2L3_j%d_%db",i,k),15,90,150);
			th5[i*5+k+130]=new TH1D(Form("puppiTau21_j%d_%db",i,k),Form("puppiTau21_j%d_%db",i,k),25,0,1);
			th5[i*5+k+140]=new TH1D(Form("prMass_j%d_%db",i,k),Form("prMass_j%d_%db",i,k),15,90,150);
			th5[i*5+k+150]=new TH1D(Form("PuppiSDMass_j%d_%db",i,k),Form("PuppiSDMass_j%d_%db",i,k),15,90,150);
			th5[i*5+k+170]=new TH1D(Form("doubleSV_j%d_%db",i,k),Form("doubleSV_j%d_%db",i,k),40,-1,1);
			th5[i*5+k+184]=new TH1D(Form("FatSV_j%d_%db",i,k),Form("FatSV_j%d_%db",i,k),20,0,1);
			th5[i*5+k+250]=new TH1D(Form("PuppiSDMassThea_j%d_%db",i,k),Form("PuppiSDMassThea_j%d_%db",i,k),15,90,150);

示例3: main

int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {

  // first argument - config file 
  // second argument - filelist

  using namespace std;

  // **** configuration
  Config cfg(argv[1]);

  // vertex cuts
  const float ndofVertexCut  = cfg.get<float>("NdofVertexCut");   
  const float zVertexCut     = cfg.get<float>("ZVertexCut");
  const float dVertexCut     = cfg.get<float>("DVertexCut");

  // electron cuta
  const float ptElectronLowCut   = cfg.get<float>("ptElectronLowCut");
  const float ptElectronHighCut  = cfg.get<float>("ptElectronHighCut");
  const float etaElectronCut     = cfg.get<float>("etaElectronCut");
  const float dxyElectronCut     = cfg.get<float>("dxyElectronCut");
  const float dzElectronCut      = cfg.get<float>("dzElectronCut");
  const float isoElectronLowCut  = cfg.get<float>("isoElectronLowCut");
  const float isoElectronHighCut = cfg.get<float>("isoElectronHighCut");
  const bool applyElectronId     = cfg.get<bool>("ApplyElectronId");

  // tau cuts
  const float ptTauLowCut    = cfg.get<float>("ptTauLowCut");
  const float ptTauHighCut   = cfg.get<float>("ptTauHighCut");  
  const float etaTauCut      = cfg.get<float>("etaTauCut");
  const bool applyTauId      = cfg.get<bool>("ApplyTauId");

  // pair selection
  const float dRleptonsCut   = cfg.get<float>("dRleptonsCut");

  // additional lepton veto
  const float ptDiElectronVeto   = cfg.get<float>("ptDiElectronVeto");  
  const float etaDiElectronVeto  = cfg.get<float>("etaDiElectronVeto");
  // topological cuts
  const float dZetaCut       = cfg.get<float>("dZetaCut");
  const bool oppositeSign    = cfg.get<bool>("oppositeSign");

  const float deltaRTrigMatch = cfg.get<float>("DRTrigMatch");
  const bool isIsoR03 = cfg.get<bool>("IsIsoR03");
  const float jetEtaCut = cfg.get<float>("JetEtaCut");
  const float jetPtLowCut = cfg.get<float>("JetPtLowCut");
  const float jetPtHighCut = cfg.get<float>("JetPtHighCut");
  const float dRJetLeptonCut = cfg.get<float>("dRJetLeptonCut");
  const bool applyJetPfId = cfg.get<bool>("ApplyJetPfId");
  const bool applyJetPuId = cfg.get<bool>("ApplyJetPuId");

  const float bJetEtaCut = cfg.get<float>("bJetEtaCut");
  const float btagCut = cfg.get<float>("btagCut");

  // check overlap
  const bool checkOverlap = cfg.get<bool>("CheckOverlap");
  const bool debug = cfg.get<bool>("debug");
  // **** end of configuration

  // file name and tree name
  TString rootFileName(argv[2]);
  std::ifstream fileList(argv[2]);
  std::ifstream fileList0(argv[2]);
  std::string ntupleName("makeroottree/AC1B");

  rootFileName += "_et_Sync.root";
  std::cout <<rootFileName <<std::endl;  

  // output fileName with histograms
  TFile * file = new TFile( rootFileName ,"recreate");

  TH1F * inputEventsH = new TH1F("inputEventsH","",1,-0.5,0.5);
  TTree * tree = new TTree("TauCheck","TauCheck");
  Spring15Tree *otree = new Spring15Tree(tree);

  int nTotalFiles = 0;
  std::string dummy;
  // count number of files --->
  while (fileList0 >> dummy) nTotalFiles++;

  int nEvents = 0;
  int selEvents = 0;
  int nFiles = 0;
  vector<int> runList; runList.clear();
  vector<int> eventList; eventList.clear();

  int nonOverlap = 0;

  std::ifstream fileEvents("overlap.txt");
  int Run, Event, Lumi;
  if (checkOverlap) {
    std::cout << "Non-overlapping events ->" << std::endl;
    while (fileEvents >> Run >> Event >> Lumi) {

示例4: PreSelection

// // //
bool analysisClass::PreSelection(TString Process){
  int TotalN=0;
  int TotalTau=0;
  int TotalMu=0;
  int TotalEl=0;
  int TotalJet=0;
  int TotalBJet=0;
  TotalTau  = TauCounter();
  TotalMu   = MuCounter();
  TotalEl   = ElCounter();
  TotalJet  = JetCounter();
  TotalBJet = BJetCounter();
  TotalN = TotalTau + TotalMu + TotalEl + TotalJet;
  double LeadMuTauDeltaR=0;
  TLorentzVector Mu;
  TLorentzVector Tau;
  for(unsigned int iTauR=0; iTauR<HPSTauPt->size(); iTauR++){
    if( !tauRisoCheck(iTauR) )continue;
    if( tauPtcorr(iTauR)>Tau.Pt() ){
      Tau.SetPtEtaPhiM(tauPtcorr(iTauR), HPSTauEta->at(iTauR), HPSTauPhi->at(iTauR), 0);
  for(unsigned int iMuR=0; iMuR<MuonPt->size(); iMuR++){
    if( !muRisoCheck(iMuR) )continue;
    if( muPtcorr(iMuR)>Mu.Pt() ){
      Mu.SetPtEtaPhiM(muPtcorr(iMuR), MuonEta->at(iMuR), MuonPhi->at(iMuR), 0);
  if( TotalMu>0 && TotalTau>0 ) LeadMuTauDeltaR=Mu.DeltaR(Tau);
  if( Process != "Neutr" && Process != "Neutr2Jet" && Process != "NeutrNoQCD" && Process != "Neutr2JetNoQCD" && Process != "Neutr2Jet250ST" && Process != "Neutr2Jet250STtuneZ"
      && Process != "Neutr0Btag" && Process != "Neutr0BtagNoQCD" && Process != "Neutr2Jet350STtuneZ" && Process != "Neutr1Jet350STtuneZ"
      && Process != "Neutr1Jet350ST" && Process != "Neutr1Jet300ST" && Process != "Neutr1Jet500ST"
      && Process != "ZToMuMuAnalysis" && Process != "ZToMuTauAnalysis" && Process != "TTBar" && Process != "WJets" && Process != "FakeTaus" && Process != "ControlRegion1"
      && Process != "FakeMuons" && Process != "FakeMuonsV2" && Process != "FakeMuonsV3" && Process != "ZJets" && Process != "QCD" && Process != "LQ3M400" ){ return false; }
  if( Process == "Neutr" ){
    //if( MaxDiLepInvMass()<55    ) return false;
    if( MaxMuMuInvMass()>0 && MaxMuMuInvMass()<50 ) return false;
    //if( isZToMuMu()             ) return false;//required to exclude events in MuTrig Calculation
    if( TotalJet<1              ) return false;
  if( Process == "Neutr2Jet" ){
    if( MaxMuMuInvMass()>0 && MaxMuMuInvMass()<50 ) return false;
    if( TotalJet<2              ) return false;
  if( Process == "Neutr2Jet250ST" ){
    if( MaxMuMuInvMass()>0 && MaxMuMuInvMass()<50 ) return false;
    if( TotalJet<2              ) return false;
    if( ST()<250                ) return false;
  if( Process == "Neutr2Jet250STtuneZ" ){
    if( MaxMuMuInvMass()>0   && MaxMuMuInvMass()<55   ) return false;
    if( MaxMuTauInvMass()>0  && MaxMuTauInvMass()<55  ) return false;
    if( MaxTauTauInvMass()>0 && MaxTauTauInvMass()<55 ) return false;
    if( TotalJet<2              ) return false;
    if( ST()<250                ) return false;
  if( Process == "Neutr2Jet350STtuneZ" ){
    if( MaxMuMuInvMass()>0   && MaxMuMuInvMass()<55   ) return false;
    if( MaxMuTauInvMass()>0  && MaxMuTauInvMass()<55  ) return false;
    if( MaxTauTauInvMass()>0 && MaxTauTauInvMass()<55 ) return false;
    if( TotalJet<2              ) return false;
    if( ST()<350                ) return false;
  if( Process == "Neutr1Jet350STtuneZ" ){
    if( MaxMuMuInvMass()>0   && MaxMuMuInvMass()<55   ) return false;
    if( MaxMuTauInvMass()>0  && MaxMuTauInvMass()<55  ) return false;
    if( MaxTauTauInvMass()>0 && MaxTauTauInvMass()<55 ) return false;
    if( TotalJet<1              ) return false;
    if( ST()<350                ) return false;
  if( Process == "Neutr1Jet350ST" ){
    if( TotalJet<1              ) return false;
    if( ST()<350                ) return false;
  if( Process == "Neutr1Jet500ST" ){
    if( TotalJet<1              ) return false;
    if( ST()<500                ) return false;
  if( Process == "Neutr1Jet300ST" ){
    if( TotalJet<1              ) return false;
    if( ST()<300                ) return false;
  if( Process == "Neutr0Btag"){
    if( MaxMuMuInvMass()>0 && MaxMuMuInvMass()<50 ) return false;
    if( TotalBJet>0             ) return false;
  if( Process == "Neutr0BtagNoQCD"){
    if( MaxMuMuInvMass()>0 && MaxMuMuInvMass()<50 ) return false;
    if( TotalBJet>0             ) return false;
    if( METlepMT("Mu")<75       ) return false;
  if( Process == "NeutrNoQCD" ){

示例5: fitSingleMass

void fitSingleMass( const std::string& basedir, float mass, const std::string&  width, TGraphErrors* gr_mean, TGraphErrors* gr_sigma, TGraphErrors* gr_width, TGraphErrors* gr_alpha1, TGraphErrors* gr_n1, TGraphErrors* gr_alpha2, TGraphErrors* gr_n2 ) {

  std::string outdir = "genSignalShapes";
  system( Form("mkdir -p %s", outdir.c_str()) );

  std::string dataset( Form( "GluGluSpin0ToZGamma_ZToLL_W_%s_M_%.0f_TuneCUEP8M1_13TeV_pythia8", width.c_str(), mass ) );
  std::cout << "-> Starting: " << dataset << std::endl;

  system( Form("ls %s/%s/crab_%s/*/0000/genAna_1.root >> toBeAdded.txt", basedir.c_str(), dataset.c_str(), dataset.c_str() ) );
  TChain* tree = new TChain("mt2");
  ifstream ifs("toBeAdded.txt");
  while( ifs.good() ) {
    std::string fileName;
    ifs >> fileName;
    TString fileName_tstr(fileName);
    if( !fileName_tstr.Contains("pnfs") ) continue;
    tree->Add(Form("$DCAP/%s/mt2", fileName.c_str()) );
  system( "rm toBeAdded.txt" );

  if( tree->GetEntries()==0 ) return;

  int ngenPart;
  tree->SetBranchAddress( "ngenPart", &ngenPart );
  float genPart_pt[100];
  tree->SetBranchAddress( "genPart_pt", genPart_pt );
  float genPart_eta[100];
  tree->SetBranchAddress( "genPart_eta", genPart_eta );
  float genPart_phi[100];
  tree->SetBranchAddress( "genPart_phi", genPart_phi );
  float genPart_mass[100];
  tree->SetBranchAddress( "genPart_mass", genPart_mass );
  int genPart_pdgId[100];
  tree->SetBranchAddress( "genPart_pdgId", genPart_pdgId );
  int genPart_motherId[100];
  tree->SetBranchAddress( "genPart_motherId", genPart_motherId );
  int genPart_status[100];
  tree->SetBranchAddress( "genPart_status", genPart_status );

  RooRealVar* x = new RooRealVar("boss_mass", "boss_mass", mass, 0.5*mass, 1.5*mass );

  RooDataSet* data = new RooDataSet( "data", "data", RooArgSet(*x) );

  int nentries = tree->GetEntries();

  for( int iEntry = 0; iEntry<nentries; ++iEntry ) {

    if( iEntry % 25000 == 0 ) std::cout << "  Entry: " << iEntry << " / " << nentries << std::endl;


    TLorentzVector leptPlus;
    TLorentzVector leptMinus;
    TLorentzVector photon;
    bool foundLeptPlus = false;
    bool foundLeptMinus = false;
    bool foundPhoton = false;
    bool tauEvent = false;

    for( int iPart=0; iPart<ngenPart; ++iPart ) {

      if( genPart_status[iPart]!=1 ) continue;

      if( abs(genPart_pdgId[iPart])==15 ) {
        tauEvent = true;

      if( (genPart_pdgId[iPart]==+11 || genPart_pdgId[iPart]==+13) && genPart_motherId[iPart]==23 ) {
        leptMinus.SetPtEtaPhiM( genPart_pt[iPart], genPart_eta[iPart], genPart_phi[iPart], genPart_mass[iPart] );
        foundLeptMinus = true;
      if( (genPart_pdgId[iPart]==-11 || genPart_pdgId[iPart]==-13) && genPart_motherId[iPart]==23 ) {
        leptPlus.SetPtEtaPhiM( genPart_pt[iPart], genPart_eta[iPart], genPart_phi[iPart], genPart_mass[iPart] );
        foundLeptPlus = true;
      if( genPart_pdgId[iPart]==22 && genPart_motherId[iPart]==25 ) {
        photon.SetPtEtaPhiM( genPart_pt[iPart], genPart_eta[iPart], genPart_phi[iPart], genPart_mass[iPart] );
        foundPhoton = true;

    } // for genparts

    if( tauEvent ) continue;
    if( !foundLeptPlus || !foundLeptMinus || !foundPhoton ) continue;

    if( photon.Pt() < 40. ) continue;
    float ptMax = TMath::Max( leptPlus.Pt(), leptMinus.Pt() );
    float ptMin = TMath::Min( leptPlus.Pt(), leptMinus.Pt() );
    if( ptMax<25. ) continue;
    if( ptMin<20. ) continue;
    if( fabs( photon.Eta() ) > 2.5 ) continue;

示例6: main


    int nentries = tree->GetEntries();

    for( int iEntry=0; iEntry<nentries; ++iEntry ) {

        if( iEntry % 50000 == 0 ) std::cout << "    Entry: " << iEntry << " / " << nentries << std::endl;


        float weight = (myTree.isData) ? 1. : myTree.evt_scale1fb;
        // pu reweighting:
        if( !myTree.isData ) {
            //weight *= myTree.puWeight;

        // first find leptons
        //if( myTree.ngenLep!=2 ) continue;
        //TLorentzVector genLep0, genLep1;
        //genLep0.SetPtEtaPhiM( myTree.genLep_pt[0], myTree.genLep_eta[0], myTree.genLep_phi[0], myTree.genLep_mass[0] );
        //genLep1.SetPtEtaPhiM( myTree.genLep_pt[1], myTree.genLep_eta[1], myTree.genLep_phi[1], myTree.genLep_mass[1] );

        std::vector<TLorentzVector> genLeptons;
        int genLeptType = 0;
        for( int iGen=0; iGen<myTree.ngenPart && genLeptons.size()<2; ++iGen ) {

            if( myTree.genPart_pt[iGen]<1. ) continue;
            if( myTree.genPart_status[iGen]!=1 ) continue;
            if( abs(myTree.genPart_pdgId[iGen])!=11 && abs(myTree.genPart_pdgId[iGen])!=13 ) continue;
            if( myTree.genPart_motherId[iGen]!=myTree.genPart_pdgId[iGen] ) continue;
            TLorentzVector tmpLep;
            tmpLep.SetPtEtaPhiM( myTree.genPart_pt[iGen], myTree.genPart_eta[iGen], myTree.genPart_phi[iGen], myTree.genPart_mass[iGen] );
            genLeptType = abs(myTree.genPart_pdgId[iGen]);


        if( genLeptType!=11 && genLeptType!=13 ) continue;
        if( genLeptons.size()<2 ) continue;

        TLorentzVector genLep0, genLep1;
        genLep0 = genLeptons[0];
        genLep1 = genLeptons[1];

        float maxPt = TMath::Max( genLep0.Pt(), genLep1.Pt() );
        float minPt = TMath::Min( genLep0.Pt(), genLep1.Pt() );
        if( maxPt<25. ) continue;
        if( minPt<20. ) continue;

        if( fabs(genLep0.Eta()) > 2.4 ) continue;
        if( fabs(genLep1.Eta()) > 2.4 ) continue;

        TLorentzVector genZ = genLep0 + genLep1;
        if( genZ.M()<50. ) continue;
        //if( genZ.M()<50. || genZ.M()>130. ) continue;

        TLorentzVector genPhoton;
        bool foundGenPhoton = false;

        for( int iGen=0; iGen<myTree.ngenPart && !foundGenPhoton; ++iGen ) {

            if( myTree.genPart_pdgId[iGen]!=22 ) continue;
            if( myTree.genPart_status[iGen]!=1 ) continue;

示例7: UpsCheck

void UpsCheck() {
  TFile *file = TFile::Open("/scratch_rigel/CMSTrees/PbPb_Data/MegaTree/OniaTree_MEGA_Peripheral30100_PromptReco_262548_263757.root");
//Track Tree Set Up
  TTree *trackTree = (TTree*)file->Get("anaTrack/trackTree");
  trackTree->SetBranchStatus("nLumi", 1);
  trackTree->SetBranchStatus("nTrk", 1);
  trackTree->SetBranchStatus("trkPt", 1);
  trackTree->SetBranchStatus("trkEta", 1);
  trackTree->SetBranchStatus("trkPhi", 1);
  trackTree->SetBranchStatus("trkCharge", 1);
  trackTree->SetBranchStatus("nEv", 1);
  Int_t Lumi, nTrk, event;
  Float_t eta[9804];
  Float_t phi[9804];
  Int_t charge[9804];
  Float_t pT[9804];
  trackTree->SetBranchAddress("nLumi", &Lumi);
  trackTree->SetBranchAddress("nTrk", &nTrk);
  trackTree->SetBranchAddress("trkPt", pT);
  trackTree->SetBranchAddress("trkEta", eta);
  trackTree->SetBranchAddress("trkPhi", phi);
  trackTree->SetBranchAddress("trkCharge", charge);
  trackTree->SetBranchAddress("nEv", &event);
//Dimuon Tree Set Up
  TTree *myTree = (TTree*)file->Get("hionia/myTree");
  TClonesArray *Reco_QQ_4mom=0;
  TClonesArray *Reco_QQ_mupl_4mom=0;
  TClonesArray *Reco_QQ_mumi_4mom=0;
  TLorentzVector *dimuon;
  TLorentzVector *mumi;
  TLorentzVector *mupl;
  double events=0;
  events = myTree->GetEntries();
  cout << events << endl;
  Int_t QQsize=0;
  Int_t Centrality=0;
  ULong64_t HLTrigger=0;
  ULong64_t Reco_QQ_trig[21];
  Int_t Reco_QQ_sign[21];
  myTree->SetBranchAddress("Reco_QQ_mupl_4mom", &Reco_QQ_mupl_4mom);
  myTree->SetBranchAddress("Reco_QQ_mumi_4mom", &Reco_QQ_mumi_4mom);
  myTree->SetBranchAddress("Reco_QQ_size", &QQsize);
  myTree->SetBranchAddress("Reco_QQ_trig", Reco_QQ_trig);
  myTree->SetBranchAddress("Reco_QQ_sign", Reco_QQ_sign);
//Histogram Initialization
  TH1D* phidiffmid = new TH1D( "phidiffmid", "#Delta#phi for mid mass band (9.0-9.8 GeV)",128,0,3.2);
  TH1D* rapdiffmid = new TH1D( "rapdiffmid", "#Delta#eta for mid mass band (9.0-9.8 GeV)",200,-5, 5);
  TH2D* midmass = new TH2D("midmass","#Delta#phi vs #Delta#eta for mid mass band",128,0,3.2,200,-5,5);
//Event Loop
  int test = 0;
  int mid = 0;
  int index = 0;
  for(int i = 0; i < trackTree->GetEntries(); i++) { 
	if(Centrality > 140) {
	if((HLTrigger&128) == 128 || (HLTrigger&256) == 256) {
		for(Int_t j=0; j < QQsize; j++) {
                        dimuon = (TLorentzVector*)Reco_QQ_4mom->At(j);
                        mumi = (TLorentzVector*)Reco_QQ_mumi_4mom->At(j);
                        mupl = (TLorentzVector*)Reco_QQ_mupl_4mom->At(j);
			if(((Reco_QQ_trig[j]&128) == 128 || (Reco_QQ_trig[j]&256) == 256) && Reco_QQ_sign[j] == 0) {
			if(mumi->Pt() > 4 && mupl->Pt() > 4 && TMath::Abs(mumi->Eta()) < 2.4 && TMath::Abs(mupl->Eta()) < 2.4 )  {
				if(dimuon->M() > 9.3 && dimuon->M() < 9.6) {
					for(Int_t k=0; k < nTrk; k++) {
						if(TMath::Abs(eta[k]) < 2.4 && pT[k] > .1 && TMath::Abs(charge[k]) == 1) {
							if(TMath::Abs(dimuon->Phi() - phi[k]) > 3.1416) { 
								rapdiffmid->Fill(eta[k] - dimuon->Rapidity());
							if(TMath::Abs(dimuon->Phi() - phi[k]) <= 3.1416) {
								phidiffmid->Fill(TMath::Abs(phi[k] - dimuon->Phi()));
			} } 
	}  }

  TFile out("EtaPhiMidCent.root", "RECREATE");

示例8: iJet

UEJetAreaFinder::find( TClonesArray& Input, vector<UEJetWithArea>& _jets )
  /// return if no four-vectors are provided
  if ( Input.GetSize() == 0 ) return kFALSE;

  /// prepare input
  std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> fjInputs;
  fjInputs.reserve ( Input.GetSize() );

  int iJet( 0 );
  for( int i(0); i < Input.GetSize(); ++i )
      TLorentzVector *v = (TLorentzVector*)Input.At(i);

      if ( TMath::Abs(v->Eta()) > etaRegionInput ) continue;
      if ( v->Pt()              < ptThreshold    ) continue;

      fjInputs.push_back (fastjet::PseudoJet (v->Px(), v->Py(), v->Pz(), v->E()) );

  /// return if no four-vectors in visible phase space
  if ( fjInputs.size() == 0 ) return kFALSE;
  /// print out info on current jet algorithm
  //   cout << endl;
  //   cout << mJetDefinition->description() << endl;
  //   cout << theAreaDefinition->description() << endl;

  /// return if active area is not chosen to be calculated
  if ( ! theAreaDefinition ) return kFALSE;

  //  cout << "fastjet::ClusterSequenceActiveArea* clusterSequence" << endl;
  fastjet::ClusterSequenceArea* clusterSequence
    = new fastjet::ClusterSequenceArea (fjInputs, *mJetDefinition, *theAreaDefinition );

  //  cout << "retrieve jets for selected mode" << endl;

  /// retrieve jets for selected mode
  double mJetPtMin( 1. );
  std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> jets( clusterSequence->inclusive_jets (mJetPtMin) );
  unsigned int nJets( jets.size() );

  if ( nJets == 0 ) 
      delete clusterSequence;
      return kFALSE;
  //Double_t ptByArea[ nJets ];

  //   int columnwidth( 10 );
  //cout << "found " << jets.size() << " jets" << endl;
  //   cout.width( 5 );
  //   cout << "jet";
  //   cout.width( columnwidth );
  //   cout << "eta";
  //   cout.width( columnwidth );
  //   cout << "phi";
  //   cout.width( columnwidth );
  //   cout << "pT";
  //   cout.width( columnwidth );
  //   cout << "jetArea";
  //   cout.width( 15 );
  //   cout << "pT / jetArea";
  //   cout << endl;
  _jets.reserve( nJets );

  vector< fastjet::PseudoJet > sorted_jets ( sorted_by_pt( jets ));
  for ( int i(0); i<nJets; ++i )
      //ptByArea[i] = jets[i].perp()/clusterSequence->area(jets[i]);

      //       cout.width( 5 );
      //       cout << i;
      //       cout.width( columnwidth );
      //       cout << jets[i].eta();
      //       cout.width( columnwidth );
      //       cout << jets[i].phi();
      //       cout.width( columnwidth );
      //       cout << jets[i].perp();
      //       cout.width( columnwidth );
      //       cout << clusterSequence->area(jets[i]);
      //       cout.width( 15 );
      //       cout << ptByArea[i];
      //       cout << endl;

      /// save
      /// TLorentzVector
      /// area
      /// nconstituents
      fastjet::PseudoJet jet( sorted_jets[i] );

示例9: phibin

void rochcor_42X::momcor_mc( TLorentzVector& mu, float charge, float sysdev, int runopt){
  //sysdev == num : deviation = num

  float ptmu = mu.Pt();
  float muphi = mu.Phi();
  float mueta = mu.Eta(); // same with mu.Eta() in Root

  float px = mu.Px();
  float py = mu.Py();
  float pz = mu.Pz();
  float e = mu.E();

  int mu_phibin = phibin(muphi);
  int mu_etabin = etabin(mueta);

  //float mptsys = sran.Gaus(0.0,sysdev);
  float dm = 0.0;
  float da = 0.0;
  if(runopt == 0){
    dm = (mcor_bfA[mu_phibin][mu_etabin] + mptsys_mc_dm[mu_phibin][mu_etabin]*mcor_bfAer[mu_phibin][mu_etabin])/mmavgA[mu_phibin][mu_etabin];
    da = mcor_maA[mu_phibin][mu_etabin] + mptsys_mc_da[mu_phibin][mu_etabin]*mcor_maAer[mu_phibin][mu_etabin];
  }else if(runopt == 1){
    dm = (mcor_bfB[mu_phibin][mu_etabin] + mptsys_mc_dm[mu_phibin][mu_etabin]*mcor_bfBer[mu_phibin][mu_etabin])/mmavgB[mu_phibin][mu_etabin];
    da = mcor_maB[mu_phibin][mu_etabin] + mptsys_mc_da[mu_phibin][mu_etabin]*mcor_maBer[mu_phibin][mu_etabin];
  float cor = 1.0/(1.0 + dm + charge*da*ptmu);
  //for the momentum tuning - eta,phi,Q correction
  px *= cor;
  py *= cor;
  pz *= cor;
  e  *= cor;
  float recm = 0.0;
  float drecm = 0.0; 
  float delta = 0.0;
  float sf = 0.0;

  float gscler = 0.0;
  float deltaer = 0.0;
  float sfer = 0.0;
    recm = recmA;
    drecm = drecmA;
    delta = deltaA;
    sf = sfA;
    gscler = TMath::Sqrt( TMath::Power(mgsclA_stat,2) + TMath::Power(mgsclA_syst,2) );
    deltaer = TMath::Sqrt( TMath::Power(deltaA_stat,2) + TMath::Power(deltaA_syst,2) );
    sfer = TMath::Sqrt( TMath::Power(sfA_stat,2) + TMath::Power(sfA_syst,2) );
  }else if(runopt==1){
    recm = recmB;
    drecm = drecmB;
    delta = deltaB;
    sf = sfB;
    gscler = TMath::Sqrt( TMath::Power(mgsclB_stat,2) + TMath::Power(mgsclB_syst,2) );
    deltaer = TMath::Sqrt( TMath::Power(deltaB_stat,2) + TMath::Power(deltaB_syst,2) );
    sfer = TMath::Sqrt( TMath::Power(sfB_stat,2) + TMath::Power(sfB_syst,2) );
  float tune = 1.0/(1.0 + (delta + sysdev*deltaer)*sqrt(px*px + py*py)*eran.Gaus(1.0,(sf + sysdev*sfer)));
  px *= (tune); 
  py *= (tune);  
  pz *= (tune);  
  e  *= (tune);   
  float gscl = (genm_smr/recm);
  px *= (gscl + sysdev*gscler);
  py *= (gscl + sysdev*gscler);
  pz *= (gscl + sysdev*gscler);
  e  *= (gscl + sysdev*gscler);

示例10: RunPidGetterQAEff

void RunPidGetterQAEff()
    TString PidFrameworkDir = "/lustre/nyx/cbm/users/klochkov/soft/PidFramework/";
    gSystem->Load( PidFrameworkDir + "build/libPid");  

    TFile *f2 = new TFile("pid_0.root");    
    TTree *PidTree = (TTree*) f2->Get("PidTree");

    TofPidGetter *getter = new TofPidGetter();
    TBranch *PidGet = PidTree->GetBranch("TofPidGetter");

    Float_t ret[3];
    TProfile *hEffP  = new  TProfile ("hEffP", "", 100, 0, 10);
    TProfile *hEffPi = new  TProfile ("hEffPi", "", 100, 0, 6);
    TProfile *hEffK  = new  TProfile ("hEffK", "", 100, 0, 5);

    TProfile *hEffPSigma  = new  TProfile ("hEffPSigma", "", 100, 0, 10);
    TProfile *hEffPiSigma = new  TProfile ("hEffPiSigma", "", 100, 0, 6);
    TProfile *hEffKSigma  = new  TProfile ("hEffKSigma", "", 100, 0, 5);

    TProfile2D *hEffPtYP  = new  TProfile2D ("hEffPtYP", "", 100,   -2.5, 2.5, 100, 0, 4);
    TProfile2D *hEffPtYK  = new  TProfile2D ("hEffPtYK", "", 100,   -2.5, 2.5, 100, 0, 4);
    TProfile2D *hEffPtYPi  = new  TProfile2D ("hEffPtYPi", "", 100, -2.5, 2.5, 100, 0, 4);

    TString InTreeFileName = "/lustre/nyx/cbm/users/dblau/cbm/mc/UrQMD/AuAu/10AGeV/sis100_electron/SC_ON/2016_09_01/tree/11111.root";
    TFile *InFile = new TFile(InTreeFileName);    
    TTree *InTree = (TTree*) InFile->Get("fDataTree");
    DataTreeEvent* DTEvent;
    InTree -> SetBranchAddress("DTEvent",&DTEvent);

    int nevents = 100000;//InTree->GetEntries();
    int outputstep = 100;
    std::cout << "Entries = " << nevents << std::endl;

    for (int j=0;j<nevents;j++)
        if ( (j+1) % outputstep == 0) std::cout << j+1 << "/" << nevents <<  "\r" << std::flush;
        Int_t Nmc[3] = {100,100,100};
        Int_t Ntof[3] = {0,0,0};
        Int_t PdgCode[3] = {2212, 212, 211};
        Double_t sigmas [3] = {0,0,0};
        for (int i=0;i<DTEvent->GetNTracks(); i++)
            TLorentzVector v;
            DataTreeTrack* track = DTEvent -> GetTrack(i);
            DataTreeMCTrack* mctrack = DTEvent -> GetMCTrack(i);
            Double_t p = mctrack->GetPt() * TMath::CosH( mctrack->GetEta() );
            if (track->GetTOFHitId() < 0)
                if (mctrack->GetPdgId() == 2212  )  
                    v.SetPtEtaPhiM (track->GetPt(0), track->GetEta(0), track->GetPhi(0), 0.9386);
                    hEffP->Fill ( p, 0 );
                    hEffPSigma->Fill ( p, 0 );
                    hEffPtYP -> Fill( v.Rapidity() - 1.52, v.Pt(), 0 );
                if (mctrack->GetPdgId() == 321  )  
                    v.SetPtEtaPhiM (track->GetPt(0), track->GetEta(0), track->GetPhi(0), 0.5);
                    hEffK->Fill ( p, 0 );
                    hEffKSigma->Fill ( p,  0 ); 
                    hEffPtYK -> Fill( v.Rapidity() - 1.52, v.Pt(), 0 );
                if (mctrack->GetPdgId() == 211  )  
                    v.SetPtEtaPhiM (track->GetPt(0), track->GetEta(0), track->GetPhi(0), 0.14);
                    hEffPi->Fill ( p, 0 );
                    hEffPiSigma->Fill ( p,  0);  
                    hEffPtYPi -> Fill( v.Rapidity() - 1.52, v.Pt(),  0 );
            DataTreeTOFHit* toftrack = DTEvent -> GetTOFHit(track->GetTOFHitId());
            p = toftrack->GetP();
            Double_t m2 = toftrack->GetMass2 ();
            Bool_t cut = toftrack->GetBeta() > 0.1 && ( track->GetChiSq(0)/track->GetNDF(0) < 3 ) && p > 1.0 ;
            if ( !cut ) continue;
            getter->GetBayesProbability (m2, p, ret);
            sigmas[0] = getter->GetSigmaProton (m2, p);
            sigmas[1] = getter->GetSigmaKaon (m2, p);
            sigmas[2] = getter->GetSigmaPion (m2, p);
    //             std::cout << "pdg = " << mctrack->GetPdgId() << " p = " << p << " Sp = " << sigmas[0] << " Sk = " << sigmas[1]<< " Spi = " << sigmas[2] << std::endl;

示例11: get_csv_wgt

double get_csv_wgt( vvdouble jets, vdouble jetCSV, vint jetFlavor, int iSys, double &csvWgtHF, double &csvWgtLF, double &csvWgtCF ){

  int iSysHF = 0;
  case 11: iSysHF=1; break;
  case 12: iSysHF=2; break;
  case 17: iSysHF=3; break;
  case 18: iSysHF=4; break;
  case 21: iSysHF=5; break;
  case 22: iSysHF=6; break;
  case 25: iSysHF=7; break;
  case 26: iSysHF=8; break;
  default : iSysHF = 0; break;

  int iSysC = 0;
  case 29: iSysC=1; break;
  case 30: iSysC=2; break;
  case 31: iSysC=3; break;
  case 32: iSysC=4; break;
  default : iSysC = 0; break;

  int iSysLF = 0;
  case 11: iSysLF=1; break;
  case 12: iSysLF=2; break;
  case 19: iSysLF=3; break;
  case 20: iSysLF=4; break;
  case 23: iSysLF=5; break;
  case 24: iSysLF=6; break;
  case 27: iSysLF=7; break;
  case 28: iSysLF=8; break;
  default : iSysLF = 0; break;

  double csvWgthf = 1.;
  double csvWgtC  = 1.;
  double csvWgtlf = 1.;

  for( int iJet=0; iJet<int(jets.size()); iJet++ ){
    TLorentzVector myJet;
    myJet.SetPxPyPzE( jets[iJet][0], jets[iJet][1], jets[iJet][2], jets[iJet][3] );
    double csv = jetCSV[iJet];
    double jetPt = myJet.Pt();
    double jetAbsEta = fabs(myJet.Eta());
    int flavor = jetFlavor[iJet];

    int iPt = -1; int iEta = -1;
    if (jetPt >=19.99 && jetPt<30) iPt = 0;
    else if (jetPt >=30 && jetPt<40) iPt = 1;
    else if (jetPt >=40 && jetPt<60) iPt = 2;
    else if (jetPt >=60 && jetPt<100) iPt = 3;
    else if (jetPt >=100 && jetPt<160) iPt = 4;
    else if (jetPt >=160 && jetPt<10000) iPt = 5;

    if (jetAbsEta >=0 &&  jetAbsEta<0.8 ) iEta = 0;
    else if ( jetAbsEta>=0.8 && jetAbsEta<1.6 )  iEta = 1;
    else if ( jetAbsEta>=1.6 && jetAbsEta<2.41 ) iEta = 2;

    if (iPt < 0 || iEta < 0) std::cout << "Error, couldn't find Pt, Eta bins for this b-flavor jet, jetPt = " << jetPt << ", jetAbsEta = " << jetAbsEta << std::endl;

    if (abs(flavor) == 5 ){
      int useCSVBin = (csv>=0.) ? h_csv_wgt_hf[iSysHF][iPt]->FindBin(csv) : 1;
      double iCSVWgtHF = h_csv_wgt_hf[iSysHF][iPt]->GetBinContent(useCSVBin);
      if( iCSVWgtHF!=0 ) csvWgthf *= iCSVWgtHF;

      // if( iSysHF==0 ) printf(" iJet,\t flavor=%d,\t pt=%.1f,\t eta=%.2f,\t csv=%.3f,\t wgt=%.2f \n",
      // 			     flavor, jetPt, iJet->eta, csv, iCSVWgtHF );
    else if( abs(flavor) == 4 ){
      int useCSVBin = (csv>=0.) ? c_csv_wgt_hf[iSysC][iPt]->FindBin(csv) : 1;
      double iCSVWgtC = c_csv_wgt_hf[iSysC][iPt]->GetBinContent(useCSVBin);
      if( iCSVWgtC!=0 ) csvWgtC *= iCSVWgtC;
      // if( iSysC==0 ) printf(" iJet,\t flavor=%d,\t pt=%.1f,\t eta=%.2f,\t csv=%.3f,\t wgt=%.2f \n",
      //      flavor, jetPt, iJet->eta, csv, iCSVWgtC );
    else {
      if (iPt >=3) iPt=3;       /// [30-40], [40-60] and [60-10000] only 3 Pt bins for lf
      int useCSVBin = (csv>=0.) ? h_csv_wgt_lf[iSysLF][iPt][iEta]->FindBin(csv) : 1;
      double iCSVWgtLF = h_csv_wgt_lf[iSysLF][iPt][iEta]->GetBinContent(useCSVBin);
      if( iCSVWgtLF!=0 ) csvWgtlf *= iCSVWgtLF;

      // if( iSysLF==0 ) printf(" iJet,\t flavor=%d,\t pt=%.1f,\t eta=%.2f,\t csv=%.3f,\t wgt=%.2f \n",
      // 			     flavor, jetPt, iJet->eta, csv, iCSVWgtLF );

  double csvWgtTotal = csvWgthf * csvWgtC * csvWgtlf;

  csvWgtHF = csvWgthf;
  csvWgtLF = csvWgtlf;
  csvWgtCF = csvWgtC;

  return csvWgtTotal;

示例12: csvSF_treeReader_13TeV


  int NumCutsHF = 10;
  TH1D* h_hf_event_selection  = new TH1D("h_hf_event_selection",";cut", NumCutsHF, 0, NumCutsHF );

  h_hf_event_selection->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(2,"==2 jets");
  h_hf_event_selection->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(3,"Dilepton trigger");
  h_hf_event_selection->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(4,"==2 leptons");
  h_hf_event_selection->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(5,"Opposite charge");
  h_hf_event_selection->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(6,"#Delta R(lep,lep) > 0.2");
  h_hf_event_selection->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(7,"M(lep,lep) > 12");
  h_hf_event_selection->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(9,"MET > 50");
  h_hf_event_selection->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(10,"jet passes medium b-tag");

  int NumCutsLF = 10;
  TH1D* h_lf_event_selection  = new TH1D("h_lf_event_selection",";cut", NumCutsLF, 0, NumCutsLF );

  h_lf_event_selection->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(2,"==2 jets");
  h_lf_event_selection->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(3,"Dilepton trigger");
  h_lf_event_selection->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(4,"==2 leptons");
  h_lf_event_selection->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(5,"Opposite charge");
  h_lf_event_selection->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(6,"#Delta R(lep,lep) > 0.2");
  h_lf_event_selection->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(7,"M(lep,lep) > 12");
  h_lf_event_selection->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(8,"Zmass window");
  h_lf_event_selection->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(9,"MET < 30");
  h_lf_event_selection->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(10,"jet fails loose b-tag");

  TH1D* h_numLooseLeptons = new TH1D("h_numLooseLeptons",";number of loose leptons", 5, 0, 5 );

  // single jet specific plots
  int nPt = 6;
  int nEta = 1;
  if ( !isHF ){
    nPt = 4; nEta = 3;

  TH1D* h_Data_jet_csv[6][3];
  TH1D* h_MC_b_jet_csv[6][3];
  TH1D* h_MC_nonb_jet_csv[6][3];

  TH1D* h_MC_b_jet_vtxMass[6][3];
  TH1D* h_MC_nonb_jet_vtxMass[6][3];

  TH2D* h_MC_b_jet_csv_vtxMass[6][3];
  TH2D* h_MC_nonb_jet_csv_vtxMass[6][3];

  int nBins = 18; //Number of bins 
  double xBins_hf[19] = {-10.0, 0.0, 0.122, 0.244, 0.331, 0.418, 0.505, 0.592, 0.679, 0.7228, 0.7666, 0.8104, 0.8542, 0.898, 0.9184, 0.9388, 0.9592, 0.9796, 1.01};

  if(!isHF) nBins = 21;
  double xBins_lf[22] = {-10.0, 0.0, 0.04, 0.08, 0.12, 0.16, 0.2, 0.244, 0.331, 0.418, 0.505, 0.592, 0.679, 0.752, 0.825, 0.898, 0.915, 0.932, 0.949, 0.966, 0.983, 1.01};

  for ( int iPt=0; iPt<nPt; iPt++){
    for ( int iEta=0; iEta<nEta; iEta++){

      TString h_Data_Name = Form("csv_Data_Pt%i_Eta%i",iPt,iEta);
      TString h_b_Name = Form("csv_MC_bjets_Pt%i_Eta%i",iPt,iEta);

示例13: xAna_ele

//void xAna_ele(std::string inputFile, TCanvas *c1 , TCanvas *c2 , TCanvas *c3 ,TCanvas *c4 ,TCanvas *c5 , 
void xAna_ele(TString inputFile, TCanvas *c1 , TCanvas *c2 , TCanvas *c3 ,TCanvas *c4 ,TCanvas *c5 ,
int mass_point ,double eff,double eff_err, TString dir_name, int dir_flag ){

  // define histograms

 TString title2 = Form("ele pT for Zprime mass = %d",mass_point);
 TString title3 = Form("lepton pairs' pT for Zprime mass = %d",mass_point);
 TString title4 = Form("SD mass for Zprime mass = %d",mass_point);
 TString title5 = Form("Z mass for Zprime mass = %d",mass_point);

 TH1D* h_ele_pT = new TH1D("h_ele_pT", title2 ,300 , 0,3000 );
 TH1D* h_lepton_pair_pT = new TH1D("h_lepton_pair_pT", title3 ,400 , 0,4000 );
// TH1D* h_SD_mass = new TH1D("h_SD_mass", title4 ,100 , 0,1000 );
 TH1D* h_SD =new TH1D("h_SD",title4 ,100,0,200);
 TH1D* h_Z_mass= new TH1D("h_Z_mass",title5 ,250,0,500);

  //get TTree from file ...
//  TreeReader data(inputFile.data());
  TreeReader data(inputFile.Data());

  Long64_t nTotal=0;
  Long64_t nPass[20]={0};
  ofstream fout;
//  TH1F* h_SD=new TH1F("h_SD","",100,0,200);

  //Event loop
  for(Long64_t jEntry=0; jEntry<data.GetEntriesFast() ;jEntry++){

    if (jEntry % 50000 == 0)
      fprintf(stderr, "Processing event %lli of %lli\n", jEntry + 1, data.GetEntriesFast());

    nTotal ++;

    // 0. check the generator-level information and make sure there is a Z->e+e-
    Int_t nGenPar        = data.GetInt("nGenPar");
    Int_t* genParId      = data.GetPtrInt("genParId");
    Int_t* genParSt      = data.GetPtrInt("genParSt");
    Int_t* genMomParId   = data.GetPtrInt("genMomParId");
    Int_t* genDa1      = data.GetPtrInt("genDa1");
    Int_t* genDa2      = data.GetPtrInt("genDa2");

    bool hasLepton=false;

    for(int ig=0; ig < nGenPar; ig++){

      int da1=genDa1[ig];
      int da2=genDa2[ig];

      if(da1<0 || da2<0)continue;
      int da1pdg = genParId[da1];
      int da2pdg = genParId[da2];




    // 1. make sure there is a h-> bb, Yu-Hsiang change it
    bool hasHadron=false;

    for(int ig=0; ig < nGenPar; ig++){

      int da1=genDa1[ig];
      int da2=genDa2[ig];

      if(da1<0 || da2<0)continue;
      int da1pdg = genParId[da1];
      int da2pdg = genParId[da2];



    //2. pass electron or muon trigger
    std::string* trigName = data.GetPtrString("hlt_trigName");
    vector<bool> &trigResult = *((vector<bool>*) data.GetPtr("hlt_trigResult"));
    const Int_t nsize = data.GetPtrStringSize();

    bool passTrigger=false;
    for(int it=0; it< nsize; it++)
 	std::string thisTrig= trigName[it];
 	bool results = trigResult[it];

示例14: testPhiSRvsDetPhi

void testPhiSRvsDetPhi(){

	//LOAD LIBS_____________________
	cout << "\n";
	cout << " loading of pionPair library done" << endl;
	TH2D* hPhiSRvPhi_Up = new TH2D("hPhiSRvPhi_Up","hPhiSRvPhi_Up",16,-3.14159,3.14159,16,-3.14159,3.14159);
	TH2D* hPhiSRvPhi_Down = new TH2D("hPhiSRvPhi_Down","hPhiSRvPhi_Down",16,-3.14159,3.14159,16,-3.14159,3.14159);
	TFile* infile = new TFile("/star/u/klandry/ucladisk/2012IFF/schedOut_Full_4_2/allPairs_4_2.root");
	string outFileName = "./resultsNew_4_22/yellowEtaGT0_pairs_4_2.root"; 
	pionPair* pair1 = new pionPair();
	TTree* pairTree = infile->Get("pionPairTree");
	pairTree->SetBranchAddress("pionPair", &pair1);
	TLorentzVector sum;
	TLorentzVector sumY;
	TLorentzVector sumB;
	for (int iPair = 0; iPair < pairTree->GetEntries(); iPair++)
		if (iPair%10000 == 0) {cout << "processing pair number " << iPair << endl;}
		if (iPair == 1000000){break;}
		if (pair1->withinRadius(0.05, 0.3))
			bool triggerFired = false;
			bool fromKaon = false;
			bool passInitialCut_B = false;
			bool passInitialCut_Y = false;
			bool passDCAcut = false;
			StTriggerId trigId = pair1->triggerIds();
			if (trigId.isTrigger(370601) || trigId.isTrigger(370611) || trigId.isTrigger(370621) || trigId.isTrigger(370641))
				triggerFired = true;
			if (trigId.isTrigger(370501) || trigId.isTrigger(370511) || trigId.isTrigger(370522) || trigId.isTrigger(370531))
				triggerFired = true;
			if (triggerFired)
				sum = pair1->piPlusLV() + pair1->piMinusLV();
				sumB = sum; //blue beam.

				if (sumB.Pt() >= 3 && sumB.Pt() <= 50 && sumB.M() >= 0 && sumB.M() <= 100 && sumB.Eta() >= -1.4 && sumB.Eta() <= 1.4)
					passInitialCut_B = true;
				if (passInitialCut_B && (pair1->spinBit() == 9 || pair1->spinBit() == 10))
					cout << pair1->phiSR('b') << "  " << sumB.Phi() << endl;
					hPhiSRvPhi_Up->Fill(pair1->phiSR('b'), sumB.Phi());
				if (passInitialCut_B && (pair1->spinBit() == 5 || pair1->spinBit() == 6))
					hPhiSRvPhi_Down->Fill(pair1->phiSR('b'), sumB.Phi());

示例15: selectAntiWm

void selectAntiWm(const TString conf="wm.conf", // input file
              const TString outputDir="."       // output directory
) {

  // Settings 

  const Double_t PT_CUT    = 25;
  const Double_t ETA_CUT   = 2.4;
  const Double_t MUON_MASS = 0.105658369;

  const Double_t VETO_PT   = 10;
  const Double_t VETO_ETA  = 2.4;

  const Int_t BOSON_ID  = 24;
  const Int_t LEPTON_ID = 13;

  // load trigger menu
  const baconhep::TTrigger triggerMenu("../../BaconAna/DataFormats/data/HLT_50nsGRun");

  // load pileup reweighting file
  TFile *f_rw = TFile::Open("../Tools/pileup_weights_2015B.root", "read");
  TH1D *h_rw = (TH1D*) f_rw->Get("npv_rw");

  // Main analysis code 

  vector<TString>  snamev;      // sample name (for output files)  
  vector<CSample*> samplev;     // data/MC samples

  // parse .conf file
  confParse(conf, snamev, samplev);
  const Bool_t hasData = (samplev[0]->fnamev.size()>0);

  // Create output directory
  const TString ntupDir = outputDir + TString("/ntuples");
  // Declare output ntuple variables
  UInt_t  runNum, lumiSec, evtNum;
  UInt_t  npv, npu;
  UInt_t  id_1, id_2;
  Double_t x_1, x_2, xPDF_1, xPDF_2;
  Double_t scalePDF, weightPDF;
  TLorentzVector *genV=0, *genLep=0;
  Float_t genVPt, genVPhi, genVy, genVMass;
  Float_t genLepPt, genLepPhi;
  Float_t scale1fb, puWeight;
  Float_t met, metPhi, sumEt, mt, u1, u2;
  Float_t tkMet, tkMetPhi, tkSumEt, tkMt, tkU1, tkU2;
  Float_t mvaMet, mvaMetPhi, mvaSumEt, mvaMt, mvaU1, mvaU2;
  Int_t   q;
  TLorentzVector *lep=0;
  ///// muon specific /////
  Float_t trkIso, emIso, hadIso;
  Float_t pfChIso, pfGamIso, pfNeuIso, pfCombIso;
  Float_t d0, dz;
  Float_t muNchi2;
  UInt_t nPixHits, nTkLayers, nValidHits, nMatch, typeBits;
  // Data structures to store info from TTrees
  baconhep::TEventInfo *info  = new baconhep::TEventInfo();
  baconhep::TGenEventInfo *gen  = new baconhep::TGenEventInfo();
  TClonesArray *genPartArr = new TClonesArray("baconhep::TGenParticle");
  TClonesArray *muonArr    = new TClonesArray("baconhep::TMuon");
  TClonesArray *vertexArr  = new TClonesArray("baconhep::TVertex");
  TFile *infile=0;
  TTree *eventTree=0;
  // loop over samples
  for(UInt_t isam=0; isam<samplev.size(); isam++) {
    // Assume data sample is first sample in .conf file
    // If sample is empty (i.e. contains no ntuple files), skip to next sample
    Bool_t isData=kFALSE;
    if(isam==0 && !hasData) continue;
    else if (isam==0) isData=kTRUE;
    // Assume signal sample is given name "wm"
    Bool_t isSignal = (snamev[isam].CompareTo("wm",TString::kIgnoreCase)==0);
    // flag to reject W->mnu events when selecting wrong-flavor background events
    Bool_t isWrongFlavor = (snamev[isam].CompareTo("wx",TString::kIgnoreCase)==0);  
    CSample* samp = samplev[isam];
    // Set up output ntuple
    TString outfilename = ntupDir + TString("/") + snamev[isam] + TString("_select.root");
