本文整理汇总了C++中TIntermSequence::end方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ TIntermSequence::end方法的具体用法?C++ TIntermSequence::end怎么用?C++ TIntermSequence::end使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类TIntermSequence
示例1: writeFunctionParameters
void TOutputGLSL::writeFunctionParameters(const TIntermSequence& args)
TInfoSinkBase& out = objSink();
for (TIntermSequence::const_iterator iter = args.begin();
iter != args.end(); ++iter)
const TIntermSymbol* arg = (*iter)->getAsSymbolNode();
ASSERT(arg != NULL);
const TType& type = arg->getType();
TQualifier qualifier = type.getQualifier();
// TODO(alokp): Validate qualifier for function arguments.
if ((qualifier != EvqTemporary) && (qualifier != EvqGlobal))
out << type.getQualifierString() << " ";
out << getTypeName(type);
const TString& name = arg->getSymbol();
if (!name.empty())
out << " " << name;
if (type.isArray())
out << arrayBrackets(type);
// Put a comma if this is not the last argument.
if (iter != args.end() - 1)
out << ", ";
示例2: pruneUnusedFunctions
bool TCompiler::pruneUnusedFunctions(TIntermNode *root)
TIntermAggregate *rootNode = root->getAsAggregate();
ASSERT(rootNode != nullptr);
UnusedPredicate isUnused(&mCallDag, &functionMetadata);
TIntermSequence *sequence = rootNode->getSequence();
sequence->erase(std::remove_if(sequence->begin(), sequence->end(), isUnused), sequence->end());
return true;
示例3: isChildofMain
bool isChildofMain(TIntermNode *node, TIntermNode *root)
TIntermNode *main = getFunctionBySignature(MAIN_FUNC_SIGNATURE, root);
if (!main) {
dbgPrint(DBGLVL_ERROR, "CodeTools - could not find main function\n");
TIntermAggregate *aggregate;
if (!(aggregate = main->getAsAggregate())) {
dbgPrint(DBGLVL_ERROR, "CodeTools - main is not Aggregate\n");
TIntermSequence sequence = aggregate->getSequence();
TIntermSequence::iterator sit;
for(sit = sequence.begin(); sit != sequence.end(); sit++) {
if (*sit == node) {
return true;
return false;
示例4: getFunctionDebugParameter
int getFunctionDebugParameter(TIntermAggregate *node)
int result = -1;
int i;
if (!node)
return result;
if ( node->getOp() != EOpFunction) {
return result;
TIntermSequence funcDeclSeq = node->getSequence();
if (!funcDeclSeq[0] ||
!funcDeclSeq[0]->getAsAggregate() ||
!(funcDeclSeq[0]->getAsAggregate()->getOp() == EOpParameters)) {
dbgPrint(DBGLVL_ERROR, "CodeTools - function does not comply with assumptions\n");
TIntermSequence funcDeclParamSeq = (funcDeclSeq[0]->getAsAggregate())->getSequence();
TIntermSequence::iterator pD = funcDeclParamSeq.begin();
for (i=0; pD != funcDeclParamSeq.end(); ++pD, ++i) {
if ((*pD)->getAsFuncParamNode()->getType().getQualifier() == EvqIn) {
result = i;
return result;
示例5: mergeBodies
// Merge the function bodies and global-level initializers from unitGlobals into globals.
// Will error check duplication of function bodies for the same signature.
void TIntermediate::mergeBodies(TInfoSink& infoSink, TIntermSequence& globals, const TIntermSequence& unitGlobals)
// TODO: link-time performance: Processing in alphabetical order will be faster
// Error check the global objects, not including the linker objects
for (unsigned int child = 0; child < globals.size() - 1; ++child) {
for (unsigned int unitChild = 0; unitChild < unitGlobals.size() - 1; ++unitChild) {
TIntermAggregate* body = globals[child]->getAsAggregate();
TIntermAggregate* unitBody = unitGlobals[unitChild]->getAsAggregate();
if (body && unitBody && body->getOp() == EOpFunction && unitBody->getOp() == EOpFunction && body->getName() == unitBody->getName()) {
error(infoSink, "Multiple function bodies in multiple compilation units for the same signature in the same stage:");
infoSink.info << " " << globals[child]->getAsAggregate()->getName() << "\n";
// Merge the global objects, just in front of the linker objects
globals.insert(globals.end() - 1, unitGlobals.begin(), unitGlobals.end() - 1);
示例6: writeFunctionParameters
void TOutputGLSLBase::writeFunctionParameters(const TIntermSequence& args)
TInfoSinkBase& out = objSink();
for (TIntermSequence::const_iterator iter = args.begin();
iter != args.end(); ++iter)
const TIntermSymbol* arg = (*iter)->getAsSymbolNode();
ASSERT(arg != NULL);
const TType& type = arg->getType();
const TString& name = arg->getSymbol();
if (!name.empty())
out << " " << name;
if (type.isArray())
out << arrayBrackets(type);
// Put a comma if this is not the last argument.
if (iter != args.end() - 1)
out << ", ";
示例7: getFunctionBySignature
TIntermNode* getFunctionBySignature(const char *sig, TIntermNode* root)
// Assumption: 1. roots hold all function definitions.
// for single file shaders this should hold.
// Todo: Add solution for multiple files compiled in one shader.
TIntermAggregate *aggregate;
TIntermSequence sequence;
TIntermSequence::iterator sit;
// Root must be aggregate
if (!(aggregate = root->getAsAggregate())) {
return NULL;
if (aggregate->getOp() == EOpFunction) {
// do not stop search at function prototypes
if (aggregate->getSequence().size() != 0) {
if (!strcmp(sig, aggregate->getName().c_str())) {
return aggregate;
} else {
sequence = aggregate->getSequence();
for (sit = sequence.begin(); sit != sequence.end(); sit++) {
if ((*sit)->getAsAggregate()
&& (*sit)->getAsAggregate()->getOp() == EOpFunction) {
// do not stop search at function prototypes
if ((*sit)->getAsAggregate()->getSequence().size() != 0) {
if (!strcmp(sig,
(*sit)->getAsAggregate()->getName().c_str())) {
return *sit;
return NULL;
示例8: visitBinary
const TIntermConstantUnion *index = node->getRight()->getAsConstantUnion();
const TField *field = structure->fields()[index->getIConst(0)];
TString fieldName = field->name();
if (!mSymbolTable.findBuiltIn(structure->name(), mShaderVersion))
fieldName = hashName(fieldName);
out << fieldName;
visitChildren = false;
case EOpIndexDirectInterfaceBlock:
if (visit == InVisit)
out << ".";
const TInterfaceBlock *interfaceBlock = node->getLeft()->getType().getInterfaceBlock();
const TIntermConstantUnion *index = node->getRight()->getAsConstantUnion();
const TField *field = interfaceBlock->fields()[index->getIConst(0)];
TString fieldName = field->name();
ASSERT(!mSymbolTable.findBuiltIn(interfaceBlock->name(), mShaderVersion));
fieldName = hashName(fieldName);
out << fieldName;
visitChildren = false;
case EOpVectorSwizzle:
if (visit == InVisit)
out << ".";
TIntermAggregate *rightChild = node->getRight()->getAsAggregate();
TIntermSequence *sequence = rightChild->getSequence();
for (TIntermSequence::iterator sit = sequence->begin(); sit != sequence->end(); ++sit)
TIntermConstantUnion *element = (*sit)->getAsConstantUnion();
ASSERT(element->getBasicType() == EbtInt);
ASSERT(element->getNominalSize() == 1);
const TConstantUnion& data = element->getUnionArrayPointer()[0];
ASSERT(data.getType() == EbtInt);
switch (data.getIConst())
case 0:
out << "x";
case 1:
out << "y";
case 2:
out << "z";
case 3:
out << "w";
visitChildren = false;
case EOpAdd:
writeTriplet(visit, "(", " + ", ")");
case EOpSub:
示例9: traverseAggregate
void TLValueTrackingTraverser::traverseAggregate(TIntermAggregate *node)
bool visit = true;
TIntermSequence *sequence = node->getSequence();
if (node->getOp() == EOpPrototype)
addToFunctionMap(node->getFunctionSymbolInfo()->getNameObj(), sequence);
if (preVisit)
visit = visitAggregate(PreVisit, node);
if (visit)
bool inFunctionMap = false;
if (node->getOp() == EOpFunctionCall)
inFunctionMap = isInFunctionMap(node);
if (!inFunctionMap)
// The function is not user-defined - it is likely built-in texture function.
// Assume that those do not have out parameters.
if (inFunctionMap)
TIntermSequence *params = getFunctionParameters(node);
TIntermSequence::iterator paramIter = params->begin();
for (auto *child : *sequence)
ASSERT(paramIter != params->end());
TQualifier qualifier = (*paramIter)->getAsTyped()->getQualifier();
setInFunctionCallOutParameter(qualifier == EvqOut || qualifier == EvqInOut);
if (visit && inVisit)
if (child != sequence->back())
visit = visitAggregate(InVisit, node);
// Find the built-in function corresponding to this op so that we can determine the
// in/out qualifiers of its parameters.
TFunction *builtInFunc = nullptr;
TString opString = GetOperatorString(node->getOp());
if (!node->isConstructor() && !opString.empty())
// The return type doesn't affect the mangled name of the function, which is used
// to look it up from the symbol table.
TType dummyReturnType;
TFunction call(&opString, &dummyReturnType, node->getOp());
for (auto *child : *sequence)
TType *paramType = child->getAsTyped()->getTypePointer();
TConstParameter p(paramType);
TSymbol *sym = mSymbolTable.findBuiltIn(call.getMangledName(), mShaderVersion);
if (sym != nullptr && sym->isFunction())
builtInFunc = static_cast<TFunction *>(sym);
ASSERT(builtInFunc->getParamCount() == sequence->size());
size_t paramIndex = 0;
for (auto *child : *sequence)
TQualifier qualifier = EvqIn;
if (builtInFunc != nullptr)
qualifier = builtInFunc->getParam(paramIndex).type->getQualifier();
setInFunctionCallOutParameter(qualifier == EvqOut || qualifier == EvqInOut);
if (visit && inVisit)
if (child != sequence->back())
visit = visitAggregate(InVisit, node);
示例10: parseExpr
void Parser::parseExpr(TIntermSequence& e) {
for (auto it = e.begin(); it != e.end(); ++it) {
auto aggregate = (*it)->getAsAggregate();
auto binop = (*it)->getAsBinaryNode();
if (aggregate != nullptr) {
switch (aggregate->getOp()) {
case EOpFunctionCall: {
ParsedExpr expr;
expr.v = nullptr;
ParsedValue value;
value.v = nullptr;
value.p = aggregate->getLine().first_line;
std::vector<TIntermTyped*> args;
for (auto it2 = aggregate->getSequence().begin(); it2 != aggregate->getSequence().end(); ++it2) {
expr.e = new ParsedValue(makeCall(aggregate->getName().c_str(), args, aggregate->getLine().first_line));
expr.p = aggregate->getLine().first_line;
case EOpDeclaration: {
PLocal* local = new PLocal;
auto var = dynamic_cast<TIntermBinary*>(aggregate->getSequence()[0]);
if (var->getOp() != EOpInitialize) error("Expected initialization.", var->getLine().first_line);
local->v = allocVar(var->getLeft()->getAsSymbolNode()->getSymbol().c_str(), var->getLeft()->getTypePointer(), VTmp, var->getLine().first_line);
ParsedExpr expr;
ParsedValue* value = new ParsedValue;
value->v = local;
value->p = var->getLine().first_line;
expr.v = value;
expr.e = new ParsedValue(parseValue(var->getRight()));
expr.p = var->getLine().first_line;
else if (binop != nullptr) {
switch (binop->getOp()) {
case EOpAssign:
addAssign(parseValue(binop->getLeft()), parseValue(binop->getRight()), binop->getLine().first_line);
case EOpAddAssign:
case EOpSubAssign:
case EOpMulAssign:
case EOpVectorTimesScalarAssign:
case EOpMatrixTimesScalarAssign:
case EOpVectorTimesMatrixAssign:
case EOpMatrixTimesMatrixAssign:
//case OpAssignOp(op):
// addAssign(parseValue(e1), parseValue( { expr : EBinop(op, e1, e2), pos : e.pos } ), e.pos);
error("Operation should have side-effects", binop->getLine().first_line);
/*switch (e.expr) {
case EBlock(el):
auto eold = cur.exprs;
auto old = allowReturn;
auto last = el[el.length - 1];
cur.exprs = [];
for (e in el) {
allowReturn = old && (e == last);
allowReturn = old;
eold.push({ v : null, e : { v : PBlock(cur.exprs), p : e.pos }, p : e.pos });
cur.exprs = eold;
case EIf(cond, eif, eelse):
var pcond = parseValue(cond);
var eold = cur.exprs;
cur.exprs = [];
var pif = { v : PBlock(cur.exprs), p : eif.pos };
var pelse = null;
if( eelse != null ) {
cur.exprs = [];
pelse = { v : PBlock(cur.exprs), p : eelse.pos };