本文整理汇总了C++中TEventList::GetEntry方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ TEventList::GetEntry方法的具体用法?C++ TEventList::GetEntry怎么用?C++ TEventList::GetEntry使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类TEventList
示例1: addTree
void NCIdeogram::addTree(TTree *tree, const char *mu, const char *sigma)
TLeaf *leafMu = tree->FindLeaf(mu);
TLeaf *leafSigma = tree->FindLeaf(sigma);
TEventList *elist = tree->GetEventList();
Long64_t j,ix,nbr;
nbr = elist ? elist->GetN() : tree->GetEntries();
for (j = 0; j < nbr; j++) {
ix = elist ? elist->GetEntry(j) : j;
addPoint(leafMu->GetValue(), leafSigma->GetValue());
} // addTree()
示例2: getEntries
// Return all of the events as a big vector
SEXP getEntries(SEXP eventList)
TEventList* el = checkForEventListWrapper(eventList);
unsigned int l = el->GetN();
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < l; ++i) {
INTEGER(e)[i] = el->GetEntry(i);
return e;
示例3: listMatchedEvents
void listMatchedEvents(std::string fullPath, bool matchesonly = false)
// Essentially a sort of diff for reco and gen tree
// May get slow for large trees as the search for the matching entry in the second tree
// traverses the whole tree. This is because for merged trees the order is not guaranteed
const int fVerbose(1);
// Open file
TFile *f = TFile::Open(fullPath.c_str());
if (f==0)
cout << "File " << fullPath << " not found -- exiting" << endl;
cout << "Succesfully opened file " << fullPath << endl;
// Get TTree with GenEvents
TTree* tgen = (TTree*) f->Get("genevents");
if(fVerbose>0) cout << "Got TTree with " << tgen->GetEntries() << " entries" << endl;
// Do a cut, if needed
TEventList *lst;
lst = (TEventList*)gDirectory->Get("lst");
if(fVerbose>0) cout << " After cuts: " << lst->GetN() << " entries" << endl;
// Get TTree with iRecoEvents
TTree* treco = (TTree*) f->Get("events");
if(fVerbose>0) cout << "Got TTree with " << treco->GetEntries() << " entries" << endl;
// set branch addresses
int genrun, genls, genevt;
int recorun, recols, recoevt;
int mcmatch;
double ptmu1, ptmu2, ptpr, ptpi;
double etamu1, etamu2, etapr, etapi;
double phimu1, phimu2, phipr, phipi;
cout << "# run LS event genidx recoidx" << endl;
cout << "---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------" << endl;
TLorentzVector tlvmu1, tlvmu2, tlvpr, tlvpi;
tmph1 = new TH1F ("tmph1","tmphisto",20,3.096,3.098);
tmph2 = new TH1F ("tmph2","tmphisto",20,1.112,1.120);
tmph3 = new TH1F ("tmph3","tmphisto",20,5.61,5.64);
tmph4 = new TH2F ("tmph4","tmphisto",20,0,5,20,-2,8);
// outer loop on gen events
for (int i=0; i!=lst->GetN(); i++)
tlvpr.SetPtEtaPhiM( ptpr, etapr, phipr ,0.938272013);
tlvpi.SetPtEtaPhiM( ptpi, etapi, phipi ,0.13957018);
//cout << (tlvmu1+tlvmu2).M() << " " << (tlvpr+tlvpi).M() << " " << (tlvmu1+tlvmu2+tlvpr+tlvpi).M() << endl;
if (!matchesonly)
cout << setw(10) << genrun << " " << setw(10) << genls << " " << setw(10) << genevt << " " << setw(10) << lst->GetEntry(i) << " ";
// inner loop on reco events
int nfound(0);
for (int j=0; j!=treco->GetEntries(); j++)
if(genrun==recorun && genls==recols && genevt==recoevt)
if (matchesonly && nfound==1)
cout << setw(10) << genrun << " " << setw(10) << genls << " " << setw(10) << genevt << " " << setw(10) << lst->GetEntry(i) << " ";
if(nfound>1) cout << " " << setw(10) << lst->GetEntry(i) << " ";
cout << setw(10) << j << " match: " << mcmatch << endl;
if (!matchesonly && nfound==0) cout << " -" << endl;
示例4: MakeDataFile
int counterAll = 0;
for(size_t i = 0; i < fSamples.size(); ++i){
string sampletype = (string)fSamples[i].type;
if(sampletype!="data") continue;//run only over data - extendable to MC
Double_t sample_weight = fSamples[i].xsection * fSamples[i].kfact * fSamples[i].lumi / (fSamples[i].nevents*fSamples[i].PU_avg_weight);
if(fVerbose>2) cout << "ZnunuNumbers: looping over " << fSamples[i].name << " added in " << sampletype << endl;
if(fVerbose>2) cout << " sample has weight " << sample_weight << " and " << fSamples[i].tree->GetEntries() << " entries" << endl;
if(fVerbose>2 && fSamples[i].tree->GetEntries()==0) cout << "skip sample, has no entries" << endl;
if(fSamples[i].tree->GetEntries()==0) continue;
MT2tree* fMT2tree = new MT2tree();
fSamples[i].tree->SetBranchAddress("MT2tree", &fMT2tree);
Long64_t nentries = fSamples[i].tree->GetEntries();
Long64_t nbytes = 0, nb = 0;
int nev =0;
TString myCuts = cuts;// + "&&" + basecuts;
if( fSamples[i].type=="data") myCuts += " && " + trigger; //cuts to be aplied only on data
cout << "Cuts for Flow: " << myCuts << endl;
fSamples[i].tree->Draw(">>selList", myCuts);
TEventList *myEvtList = (TEventList*)gDirectory->Get("selList");
int counter=0;
cout << "Filtering done, size=" <<myEvtList->GetN() << endl;
if(myEvtList->GetSize()==0) continue;
*fLogStream << "Sample " << fSamples[i].name << endl;
//run over all selected events
while(myEvtList->GetEntry(counter++) !=-1){
int jentry = myEvtList->GetEntry(counter-1);
nb = fSamples[i].tree->GetEntry(jentry); nbytes += nb;
fSamples[i].tree->SetBranchAddress("MT2tree", &fMT2tree);
if ( fVerbose>2 && counter % 5000 == 0 ) cout << "+++ Proccessing event " << counter << endl;
string sHT;//HT region
if(fMT2tree->misc.HT<450.) sHT = "_HTge0";
else if(fMT2tree->misc.HT<750.) sHT = "_lowHT";
else if(fMT2tree->misc.HT<1200.)sHT = "_mediumHT";
else sHT = "_highHT";
string ssignal;//topological region
if(fMT2tree->NJetsIDLoose40 == 2 && fMT2tree->NBJets40CSVM == 0) ssignal = "_2j0b";
if(fMT2tree->NJetsIDLoose40 == 2 && fMT2tree->NBJets40CSVM >= 1) ssignal = "_2j1to2b";
if(fMT2tree->NJetsIDLoose40 >= 3 && fMT2tree->NJetsIDLoose40 <= 5 && fMT2tree->NBJets40CSVM == 0) ssignal = "_3to5j0b";
if(fMT2tree->NJetsIDLoose40 >= 3 && fMT2tree->NJetsIDLoose40 <= 5 && fMT2tree->NBJets40CSVM == 1) ssignal = "_3to5j1b";
if(fMT2tree->NJetsIDLoose40 >= 3 && fMT2tree->NJetsIDLoose40 <= 5 && fMT2tree->NBJets40CSVM == 2) ssignal = "_3to5j2b";
if( fMT2tree->NBJets40CSVM >= 3) ssignal = "_3b";
if(fMT2tree->NJetsIDLoose40 >= 6 && fMT2tree->NBJets40CSVM == 0) ssignal = "_6j0b";
if(fMT2tree->NJetsIDLoose40 >= 6 && fMT2tree->NBJets40CSVM == 1) ssignal = "_6j1b";
if(fMT2tree->NJetsIDLoose40 >= 6 && fMT2tree->NBJets40CSVM == 2) ssignal = "_6j2b";
string hh = sHT + ssignal;
histos[(string)"MT2" + hh]->Fill(fMT2tree->misc.MT2);//fill histogram
if(fMT2tree->misc.MT2>histos[(string)"MT2" + hh]->GetBinLowEdge(1)){
if(sHT=="_lowHT" && (fMT2tree->trigger.HLT_PFHT350_PFMET100_v3==1||fMT2tree->trigger.HLT_PFHT350_PFMET100_v4==1||fMT2tree->trigger.HLT_PFHT350_PFMET100_v5==1||fMT2tree->trigger.HLT_PFHT350_PFMET100_v6==1||fMT2tree->trigger.HLT_PFHT350_PFMET100_v7==1 || fMT2tree->trigger.HLT_PFNoPUHT350_PFMET100_v1==1 || fMT2tree->trigger.HLT_PFNoPUHT350_PFMET100_v3==1 || fMT2tree->trigger.HLT_PFNoPUHT350_PFMET100_v4==1 ) ) *fLogStream << "HTMHT ";
else if(sHT=="_lowHT") *fLogStream << "MET ";
else *fLogStream << "JetHT ";
*fLogStream << int(fMT2tree->misc.Run) << ":" << int(fMT2tree->misc.LumiSection) << ":" << int(fMT2tree->misc.Event) << endl;//file log file (including trigger stream
delete fMT2tree;
delete fSamples[i].tree;
}//for samples
cout << "add overflow to last bin" << endl;
for(map<string,TH1D*>::iterator h=histos.begin(); h!=histos.end();++h){
h->second->GetBinContent(h->second->GetNbinsX() )+
h->second->GetBinContent(h->second->GetNbinsX()+1) );
h->second->SetBinError( h->second->GetNbinsX(),
sqrt(h->second->GetBinError(h->second->GetNbinsX() )*
h->second->GetBinError(h->second->GetNbinsX() )+
h->second->GetBinError(h->second->GetNbinsX()+1) ));
cout << "Saving." << endl;
TFile *fsavefile = new TFile(fOutDir + outputname,"RECREATE");
for(map<string,TH1D*>::iterator h=histos.begin(); h!=histos.end();++h){
cout << "Saved histograms in " << fOutDir << outputname << endl;
TString logname ="eventlistMT2inclusive.log";
cout << counterAll << " events in " << logname.Data() << endl;
ofstream f_log (logname.Data(), ios::trunc);
f_log << fLogStream->str();
示例5: Plot
void Plot(Char_t *filen = "jsf.root")
Int_t nZoneX = 4;
Int_t nZoneY = 3;
TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","",0,0, 300*nZoneX, 300*nZoneY);
cerr << filen << endl;
TFile *filep = new TFile(filen);
TNtupleD *tup = (TNtupleD *)gROOT->FindObject("hEvt");
// Preselection
#if 0
TString sel("evis>0.");
TString sel("pt<20.&&abs(pl)<30.&&ycut>0.0015");
TEventList *elist = static_cast<TEventList*>(gROOT->FindObject("elist"));
Int_t nlist = elist->GetN();
cerr << "Nevent = " << nlist << endl;
// Loop over preselected events
Double_t kToDeg = 180./TMath::Pi();
for (Int_t i=0; i<nlist; i++) {
#if 0
Int_t event = elist->GetEntry(i);
cerr << "i = " << i << " event = " << event << endl;
Int_t event = i;
Double_t ntracks;
Double_t evis;
Double_t pt;
Double_t pl;
Double_t ycut;
Double_t chi2;
Double_t mh;
Double_t mw1;
Double_t mw2;
Double_t mt1;
Double_t mt2;
Double_t mtt;
hMhMw->Fill(mh, mw1, 1.);
hMwMw->Fill(mw1, mw2, 1.);
hMtMt->Fill(mt1, mt2, 1.);
hEvis->Fill(evis, 1.);
hPtPl->Fill(pt, pl, 1.);
hMttMh->Fill(mtt, mh, 1.);
Int_t id = 0;
id++; c1->cd(id); hStat->Draw();
id++; c1->cd(id); hMhMw->Draw();
id++; c1->cd(id); hMhMw->ProjectionX()->Draw();
id++; c1->cd(id); hMhMw->ProjectionY()->Draw();
id++; c1->cd(id); hEvis->Draw();
id++; c1->cd(id); hMwMw->Draw();
id++; c1->cd(id); hMwMw->ProjectionX()->Draw();
id++; c1->cd(id); hMwMw->ProjectionY()->Draw();
id++; c1->cd(id); hMtMt->Draw();
id++; c1->cd(id); hMtMt->ProjectionX()->Draw();
id++; c1->cd(id); hMtMt->ProjectionY()->Draw();
id++; c1->cd(id); hMttMh->ProjectionX()->Draw();
示例6: AddBranchEventsMT2tree
//call this macro via root -l -b -q AddBranchEventsMT2tree.C++
//This code takes a text file containing run:lumisection:event:taggervalue (tagger value is a new filter you want to add to your tree),
//an old MT2tree file that does not contain that tagger
// and creates a new MT2tree file, which is a copy of the old one and contains additionally that tagger.
void AddBranchEventsMT2tree() {
// Example of Root macro to copy a subset of a Tree to a new Tree
// Only selected entries are copied to the new Tree.
// The input file has been generated by the program in $ROOTSYS/test/Event
// with Event 1000 1 99 1
//Author: Rene Brun
//modified: Hannsjoerg Weber, 28/08/2013
//make cleaning
// get eventlist to clean
// vector contains <run, < <lumisection, event>, taggervalue > >
vector<pair<pair<int,pair<int,int> >,float> > rls; rls.clear();
char buffer[200];
ifstream filterdat("/shome/haweber/AODFiles_MT2SR/taggerlist/ControlRegionSinglePhotonPart1.dat");
while( filterdat.getline(buffer, 200, '\n') ){
int rrun(-1), lls(-1), eevent(-1), d1(-1); float ttagger(-1);
sscanf(buffer, "*\t%d\t*\t%d\t*\t%d\t*\t%d\t*\t%f", &d1, &eevent, &lls, &rrun, &ttagger);
pair<int,int> t1(lls,eevent);
pair<int,pair<int,int> > t2(rrun,t1);
pair<pair<int,pair<int,int> >, float> t3(t2,ttagger);
cout << "Events for filtering " << rls.size() << endl;
// get the old rootfile including events that should be tagged and define new event file including tagger variable
TString oldfilename = "/shome/haweber/MT2Analysis/MT2trees/MT2_V02-03-02/20130914_8TeV_1g_removed/lowHT/SinglePhoton-Run2012C-PromptReco-v2-2.root";
TString newfilename = "/shome/haweber/MT2Analysis/MT2trees/MT2_V02-03-02/20130914_8TeV_1g_removed/lowHT/SinglePhoton-Run2012C-PromptReco-v2-2_Filter.root";
// if you want to apply an additional event selection, define cuts here
std::ostringstream cutStream;
std::ostringstream cutStreamBase;
cutStream << " "
<< "NTausIDLoose3Hits+NMuons+NEles==0" << "&&"
<< "misc.Jet0Pass==1&&misc.Jet1Pass==1" << "&&"
<< "misc.Vectorsumpt<70&& misc.MinMetJetDPhi4Pt40 >0.3";
cutStream << "&&((misc.MET>200&&misc.HT<=750&&misc.HT>=450&&misc.MT2>200)||(misc.HT>750&&misc.MET>30&&misc.MT2>=100))";
cutStreamBase << " "
<< "misc.PassJet40ID ==1" << "&&"
<< "(misc.HBHENoiseFlag == 0 || misc.ProcessID==10)" << "&&" // not there for fastsim (i.e. signal)
<< "misc.CSCTightHaloIDFlag == 0" << "&&"
<< "misc.trackingFailureFlag==0" << "&&"
<< "misc.eeBadScFlag==0" << "&&"
<< "misc.EcalDeadCellTriggerPrimitiveFlag==0" << "&&"
<< "misc.TrackingManyStripClusFlag==0" << "&&"
<< "misc.TrackingTooManyStripClusFlag==0" << "&&"
<< "misc.TrackingLogErrorTooManyClustersFlag==0" << "&&"
<< "misc.CrazyHCAL==0";
TString cuts = cutStream.str().c_str();
TString basecuts = cutStreamBase.str().c_str();
// TString myCuts = cuts + "&&" + basecuts;// if cuts should be applied DO NOT comment this line
TString myCuts = "";// if no cuts should be applied DO NOT comment this line
//Get old file, old tree and set top branch address
TFile *oldfile = new TFile(oldfilename.Data());
TTree *oldtree = (TTree*)oldfile->Get("MassTree");
MT2tree* fMT2tree = new MT2tree();
oldtree->SetBranchAddress("MT2tree", &fMT2tree);
Long64_t nentries = oldtree->GetEntries();
Long64_t nbytes = 0, nb = 0;
int nev =0;
//Create a new file + a clone of old tree in new file
Float_t TOBTECTagger(-1);
Float_t HOTagger(-1);
Bool_t ExtraBeamHaloFilter(false);
TFile *newfile = new TFile(newfilename.Data(),"RECREATE");
TTree *newtree = oldtree->CloneTree(0);//clone all branches, but no event
TBranch *newBranch = newtree->Branch("TOBTECTagger", &TOBTECTagger, "TOBTECTagger/F");
TBranch *newBranch2 = newtree->Branch("ExtraBeamHaloFilter", &ExtraBeamHaloFilter, "ExtraBeamHaloFilter/O");
TBranch *newBranch3 = newtree->Branch("HOTagger", &HOTagger, "HOTagger/F");
oldtree->Draw(">>selList", myCuts);
TEventList *myEvtList = (TEventList*)gDirectory->Get("selList");
int counter=0;
int numEvt = myEvtList->GetN();
int printEvt = 100000;
if(myEvtList->GetN()<1000000) printEvt = myEvtList->GetN()/25;
cout << "Filtering done, size=" <<myEvtList->GetN() << endl;
while(myEvtList->GetEntry(counter++) !=-1){
int jentry = myEvtList->GetEntry(counter-1);
nb = oldtree->GetEntry(jentry); nbytes += nb;
oldtree->SetBranchAddress("MT2tree", &fMT2tree);
if(counter%printEvt==0) cout << "Process event " << counter << endl;
//make cleaning
bool keep = true;
int p=-1;
for(int nn=0; nn<rls.size();++nn){
if((rls[nn].first).first!=fMT2tree->misc.Run) continue; // --> run over matching
if(((rls[nn].first).second).first!=fMT2tree->misc.LumiSection) continue; // --> LS over matching
if(((rls[nn].first).second).second==fMT2tree->misc.Event) {
示例7: GetBEfficiency_InputHistograms
Double_t sample_weight = fSamples[i].xsection * fSamples[i].kfact * fSamples[i].lumi / (fSamples[i].nevents);
if(fVerbose>2) cout << "B-Efficiency: looping over " << fSamples[i].name << endl;
if(fVerbose>2) cout << " sample has weight " << sample_weight << " and " << fSamples[i].tree->GetEntries() << " entries" << endl;
if(fVerbose>2 && fSamples[i].tree->GetEntries()==0) cout << "skip sample, has no entries" << endl;
if(fSamples[i].tree->GetEntries()==0) continue;
MT2tree* fMT2tree = new MT2tree();
fSamples[i].tree->SetBranchAddress("MT2tree", &fMT2tree);
Long64_t nentries = fSamples[i].tree->GetEntries();
Long64_t nbytes = 0, nb = 0;
int nev =0;
TString myCuts = cuts;
if(HTskim) myCuts = myCuts + " && misc.HT>750";
if(METskim) myCuts = myCuts + " && misc.HT<=750 && misc.MET>200";//METskim excluding HTskim
if( fSamples[i].type=="data" && fSamples[i].sname=="EE-Data") { myCuts += " && " + triggerEE; }//cuts to be aplied only on data
else if( fSamples[i].type=="data" && fSamples[i].sname=="EMu-Data") { myCuts += " && " + triggerEMu; }//cuts to be aplied only on data
else if( fSamples[i].type=="data" && fSamples[i].sname=="MuMu-Data") { myCuts += " && " + triggerMuMu; } //cuts to be aplied only on data
else if(fSamples[i].type=="data") {cout << "data not usuable" << " type " << fSamples[i].type << " Sname " << fSamples[i].sname << endl; continue; }//not
if( fSamples[i].type=="data") { myCuts += " && " + trigger; }
cout << "Cuts for Flow: " << myCuts << endl;
fSamples[i].tree->Draw(">>selList", myCuts);
TEventList *myEvtList = (TEventList*)gDirectory->Get("selList");
int counter=0;
cout << "Filtering done, size=" <<myEvtList->GetN() << endl;
if(myEvtList->GetSize()==0) continue;
while(myEvtList->GetEntry(counter++) !=-1){
int jentry = myEvtList->GetEntry(counter-1);
nb = fSamples[i].tree->GetEntry(jentry); nbytes += nb;
fSamples[i].tree->SetBranchAddress("MT2tree", &fMT2tree);
if ( fVerbose>2 && counter % 50000 == 0 ) cout << "+++ Proccessing event " << counter << endl;
//if((fSamples[i].sname!="VVV"&&fSamples[i].sname!="TTbarV" && fSamples[i].type!="susy"&&sampletype!="Stop") && fMT2tree->misc.HBHENoiseFlag!=0 ) continue;//test
//if((fSamples[i].sname!="VVV"&&fSamples[i].sname!="TTbarV" && fSamples[i].type!="susy"&&sampletype!="Stop") && fMT2tree->misc.hcalLaserEventFlag!=0) continue;//test
Double_t weight = sample_weight;
if (!fMT2tree->misc.isData ) weight = weight * fMT2tree->pileUp.Weight; // pile-up reweighting for MC
/* Bool_t recoedee = false;// exact 2 ele, 0 muo
Bool_t recoedemu = false;// exact 1 ele, 1 muo
Bool_t recoedmumu = false;// exact 0 ele, 2 muo
//change this - might have some inefficiencies - three leptons with one not passing IDMedium==1
//20-20 selection --> third lepton is 10 GeV
if(fMT2tree->NEles>=2 &&fMT2tree->ele[0].lv.Pt()>20&&fMT2tree->ele[1].lv.Pt()>20&&fMT2tree->ele[2].lv.Pt()<20&&(fMT2tree->NMuons==0||fMT2tree->muo[0].lv.Pt()<10) && fMT2tree->ele[0].IDMedium==1 && fMT2tree->ele[1].IDMedium==1) recoedee = true;
if(fMT2tree->NMuons>=2&&fMT2tree->muo[0].lv.Pt()>20&&fMT2tree->muo[1].lv.Pt()>20&&fMT2tree->muo[2].lv.Pt()<10&&(fMT2tree->NEles ==0||fMT2tree->ele[0].lv.Pt()<10)) recoedmumu = true;
if(fMT2tree->NMuons>=1&&fMT2tree->muo[0].lv.Pt()>20&&fMT2tree->muo[1].lv.Pt()<10&&fMT2tree->NEles>=1 &&fMT2tree->ele[0].lv.Pt()>20&&fMT2tree->ele[1].lv.Pt()<10 && fMT2tree->ele[0].IDMedium==1) recoedemu = true;//XXX change emu to 20/20 selection, left ee,mumu at 20/10 for now
//id cuts?
Bool_t recoedosee = false;// opposite sign
Bool_t recoedosemu = false;// opposite sign
Bool_t recoedosmumu = false;// opposite sign
if(recoedee && (fMT2tree->ele[0].Charge)*(fMT2tree->ele[1].Charge)==(-1)) recoedosee = true;
if(recoedemu && (fMT2tree->ele[0].Charge)*(fMT2tree->muo[0].Charge)==(-1)) recoedosemu = true;
if(recoedmumu && (fMT2tree->muo[0].Charge)*(fMT2tree->muo[1].Charge)==(-1)) recoedosmumu = true;
Bool_t recoedeenZ = false;// off Z
Bool_t recoedemunZ = false;// off Z -> is not requirement, so this variable should be useless
Bool_t recoedmumunZ = false;// off Z
if(recoedee && ((fMT2tree->ele[0].lv + fMT2tree->ele[1].lv).M()<81 || (fMT2tree->ele[0].lv + fMT2tree->ele[1].lv).M()>101) ) recoedeenZ = true;
示例8: PrintOutEvents
//this code create the so-called 'PrintOuts' as done with the MT2tree::PrintOut() function
void PrintOutEvents(){
bool savetofile = true;//save the printout to the file PrintOut.log, default = true
bool onlyData = true; //run only over data, default = true
// TString samples = "/shome/haweber/MT2Analysis_8TeV/Code/MT2AnalysisCode/RootMacros/samples/samples_MET_filter.dat";//only dummy
// TString samples = "/shome/haweber/MT2Analysis_8TeV/Code/MT2AnalysisCode/RootMacros/samples/samples_HT_filter.dat";//only dummy
TString samples = "samples/samples_HTandMET_filter.dat";
//event selection for which you want to have the printout - complicated stuff can also be done later
std::ostringstream cutStream;
std::ostringstream cutStreamBase;
cutStream << " "
// << "NBJets40CSVM >= 3" << "&&"
<< "NJetsIDLoose40 >= 2" << "&&"
<< "NEles+NMuons+NTausIDLoose3Hits ==0"<< "&&"
// << "misc.MT2>=250" << "&&"
<< "misc.Jet0Pass ==1" << "&&"
<< "misc.Jet1Pass ==1" << "&&"
<< "misc.Vectorsumpt < 70";
cutStream << "&& misc.MinMetJetDPhi4Pt40 >0.3";
// cutStream << "&&misc.HT<750&&misc.HT>=450&&misc.MET>200";
// cutStream << "&&misc.HT>=750&&misc.MET>30";
cutStream << "&&((misc.HT<750&&misc.HT>=450&&misc.MET>200)||(misc.HT>=750&&misc.MET>30))";
// cutStream <<"&&NJetsIDLoose40 >= 4"<<"&&"
// <<"NBJetsCSVM>=2"<<"&&"
// <<"GetSelBBMinv()>250";
cutStreamBase << " "
<< "misc.PassJet40ID ==1" << "&&"
<< "(misc.HBHENoiseFlag == 0 || misc.ProcessID==10)" << "&&" // for rare SM samples
<< "misc.CSCTightHaloIDFlag == 0" << "&&"
<< "misc.trackingFailureFlag==0" << "&&"
<< "misc.eeBadScFlag==0" << "&&"
<< "misc.EcalDeadCellTriggerPrimitiveFlag==0" << "&&"
<< "misc.TrackingManyStripClusFlag==0" << "&&"
<< "misc.TrackingTooManyStripClusFlag==0" << "&&"
<< "misc.TrackingLogErrorTooManyClustersFlag==0" << "&&"
<< "misc.CrazyHCAL==0";
cutStreamBase << "&&misc.MET/misc.CaloMETRaw<=2.";
cutStreamBase << "&&TOBTECTagger<=8&&ExtraBeamHaloFilter==0";// ONLY ON DATA
TString cuts = cutStream.str().c_str();
TString basecuts = cutStreamBase.str().c_str();
//if have extremely many events can only select a random subset of those
TRandom3 *random = new TRandom3(0);//somehow truly random with this seed
vector<int> randvec; randvec.clear();
for(int i =0; i<40;++i)
delete random;
sort(randvec.begin(), randvec.end());
//for(int i=0; i<randvec.size();++i) cout << "randvec["<<i<<"]="<<randvec[i] << endl;
int counter1 = 0; int counter2 = 0;
//don't run events twice - this vector makes that sure (in case event is in both MET and HT trigger stream)
vector<pair<int,pair<int,int> > > rls; rls.clear();
for(size_t i = 0; i < fSamples.size(); ++i){
if(onlyData && fSamples[i].type!="data") continue;
MT2tree* fMT2tree = new MT2tree();
fSamples[i].tree->SetBranchAddress("MT2tree", &fMT2tree);
Long64_t nentries = fSamples[i].tree->GetEntries();
Long64_t nbytes = 0, nb = 0;
int nev =0;
TString myCuts = cuts + "&&" + basecuts;
//if( fSamples[i].type=="data") myCuts += " && " + trigger; //cuts to be aplied only on data
cout << "sample " << fSamples[i].name << endl;
cout << "Cuts for Flow: " << myCuts << endl;
fSamples[i].tree->Draw(">>selList", myCuts);
TEventList *myEvtList = (TEventList*)gDirectory->Get("selList");
int counter=0;
cout << "Filtering done, size=" <<myEvtList->GetN() << endl;
if(myEvtList->GetSize()==0) continue;
//run over selected events
while(myEvtList->GetEntry(counter++) !=-1){
int jentry = myEvtList->GetEntry(counter-1);
nb = fSamples[i].tree->GetEntry(jentry); nbytes += nb;
fSamples[i].tree->SetBranchAddress("MT2tree", &fMT2tree);
//implementation of running over random subset
// if(counter1==randvec[counter2]){
// ++counter2;
// fMT2tree->PrintOut(savetofile);
// }
pair <int,int> dummy1(fMT2tree->misc.LumiSection,fMT2tree->misc.Event);
pair <int,pair<int,int> > dummy(fMT2tree->misc.Run, dummy1);
示例9: TMVAClassificationApplication
input = TFile::Open( fname ); // check if file in local directory exists
if (!input) {
std::cout << "ERROR: could not open data file" << std::endl;
std::cout << "--- TMVAClassificationApp : Using input file: " << input->GetName() << std::endl;
// --- Event loop
// Prepare the event tree
// - here the variable names have to corresponds to your tree
// - you can use the same variables as above which is slightly faster,
// but of course you can use different ones and copy the values inside the event loop
std::cout << "--- Select signal sample" << std::endl;
TTree* theTree = (TTree*)input->Get("MVA");
//Float_t userVar1, userVar2;
theTree->SetBranchAddress( "met", &met );
theTree->SetBranchAddress( "HT", &HT );
theTree->SetBranchAddress( "minMLB", &minMLB );
theTree->SetBranchAddress( "leptonJetsMETSum", &leptonJetsMETSum );
// spectators
theTree->SetBranchAddress( "leptonSumMass", &leptonSumMass );
theTree->SetBranchAddress( "nJets", &nJets );
theTree->SetBranchAddress( "nBTag", &nBTag );
theTree->SetBranchAddress( "nLeptons", &nLeptons );
theTree->SetBranchAddress( "isMuon1", &isMuon1 );
theTree->SetBranchAddress( "isMuon2", &isMuon2 );
theTree->SetBranchAddress( "isMuon3", &isMuon3 );
theTree->SetBranchAddress( "isMuon4", &isMuon4 );
std::vector<Float_t> vecVar(4); // vector for EvaluateMVA tests
// A little trick: loop over only selected events
// make event list
theTree->Draw(">>EvtList", mycut);
TEventList * pEvtList = (TEventList *)gROOT->FindObject("EvtList");
long int nEvents = pEvtList->GetN();
//std::cout << "--- Processing: " << theTree->GetEntries() << " events" << std::endl;
std::cout << "--- Processing: " << nEvents << " events" << std::endl;
TStopwatch sw;
//for (Long64_t ievt=0; ievt<theTree->GetEntries();ievt++) {
for (Long64_t ievt=0; ievt<nEvents; ++ievt) {
if (ievt%1000 == 0) std::cout << "--- ... Processing event: " << ievt << std::endl;
// *** HERE we assign integer branches' values to float spectator variables
// Otherwise our category cuts would fail
isMuon1Float = (Float_t)isMuon1;
isMuon2Float = (Float_t)isMuon2;
isMuon3Float = (Float_t)isMuon3;
isMuon4Float = (Float_t)isMuon4;
// --- Return the MVA outputs and fill into histograms
if (Use["BDT" ]) histBdt ->Fill( reader->EvaluateMVA( "BDT method" ) );
if (Use["Category" ]) histCat ->Fill( reader->EvaluateMVA( "Category method" ) );
// Get elapsed time
std::cout << "--- End of event loop: "; sw.Print();
// --- Write histograms
TFile *target = new TFile( "TMVApp.root","RECREATE" );
if (Use["BDT" ]) histBdt ->Write();
if (Use["Category" ]) histCat ->Write();
std::cout << "--- Created root file: \"TMVApp.root\" containing the MVA output histograms" << std::endl;
delete reader;
std::cout << "==> TMVAClassificationApplication is done!" << endl << std::endl;