本文整理汇总了C++中SqlQuery::value方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ SqlQuery::value方法的具体用法?C++ SqlQuery::value怎么用?C++ SqlQuery::value使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类SqlQuery
示例1: getQuery
QPair<QString, QString> NGSD::getClassification(const Variant& variant)
SqlQuery query = getQuery();
query.exec("SELECT class, comment FROM variant_classification WHERE variant_id='" + variantId(variant) + "'");
if (query.size()==0)
return QPair<QString, QString>("n/a", "");
return QPair<QString, QString>(query.value(0).toString().trimmed(), query.value(1).toString().trimmed());
示例2: getValidationStatus
ValidationInfo NGSD::getValidationStatus(const QString& filename, const Variant& variant)
SqlQuery query = getQuery();
query.exec("SELECT status, type, comment FROM variant_validation WHERE sample_id='" + sampleId(filename) + "' AND variant_id='" + variantId(variant) + "'");
if (query.size()==0)
return ValidationInfo();
return ValidationInfo{ query.value(0).toString().trimmed(), query.value(1).toString().trimmed(), query.value(2).toString().trimmed() };
示例3: geneToApprovedID
int NGSD::geneToApprovedID(const QByteArray& gene)
static SqlQuery q_gene = getQuery(true);
static SqlQuery q_prev = getQuery(true);
static SqlQuery q_syn = getQuery(true);
static bool init = false;
if (!init)
q_gene.prepare("SELECT id FROM gene WHERE symbol=:1");
q_prev.prepare("SELECT g.id FROM gene g, gene_alias ga WHERE g.id=ga.gene_id AND ga.symbol=:1 AND ga.type='previous'");
q_syn.prepare("SELECT g.id FROM gene g, gene_alias ga WHERE g.id=ga.gene_id AND ga.symbol=:1 AND ga.type='synonym'");
init = true;
q_gene.bindValue(0, gene);
if (q_gene.size()==1)
return q_gene.value(0).toInt();
q_prev.bindValue(0, gene);
if (q_prev.size()==1)
return q_prev.value(0).toInt();
else if(q_prev.size()>1)
return -1;
q_syn.bindValue(0, gene);
if (q_syn.size()==1)
return q_syn.value(0).toInt();
return -1;
示例4: getEnum
QStringList NGSD::getEnum(QString table, QString column)
//check cache
static QMap<QString, QStringList> cache;
QString hash = table+"."+column;
if (cache.contains(hash))
return cache.value(hash);
//DB query
SqlQuery q = getQuery();
q.exec("DESCRIBE "+table+" "+column);
while (q.next())
QString type = q.value(1).toString();
type.replace("'", "");
type.replace("enum(", "");
type.replace(")", "");
cache[hash] = type.split(",");
return cache[hash];
THROW(ProgrammingException, "Could not determine enum values of column '"+column+"' in table '"+table+"'!");
示例5: tableEmpty
bool NGSD::tableEmpty(QString table)
SqlQuery query = getQuery();
query.exec("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + table);
return query.value(0).toInt()==0;
示例6: init
void NGSD::init(QString password)
//remove existing tables
SqlQuery query = getQuery();
query.exec("SHOW TABLES");
if (query.size()>0)
//check password for re-init of production DB
if (!test_db_ && password!=Settings::string("ngsd_pass"))
THROW(DatabaseException, "Password provided for re-initialization of procution database is incorrect!");
//get table list
QStringList tables;
tables << query.value(0).toString();
//remove old tables
if (!tables.isEmpty())
query.exec("SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0;");
query.exec("DROP TABLE " + tables.join(","));
query.exec("SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1;");
示例7: getValues
QStringList NGSD::getValues(const QString& query)
SqlQuery q = getQuery();
QStringList output;
return output;
示例8: getQCData
QCCollection NGSD::getQCData(const QString& filename)
QString ps_id = processedSampleId(filename, false);
//get QC data
SqlQuery q = getQuery();
q.exec("SELECT n.name, nm.value, n.description, n.qcml_id FROM processed_sample_qc as nm, qc_terms as n WHERE nm.processed_sample_id='" + ps_id + "' AND nm.qc_terms_id=n.id");
QCCollection output;
output.insert(QCValue(q.value(0).toString(), q.value(1).toString(), q.value(2).toString(), q.value(3).toString()));
//get KASP data
SqlQuery q2 = getQuery();
q2.exec("SELECT random_error_prob FROM kasp_status WHERE processed_sample_id='" + ps_id + "'");
QString value = "n/a";
if (q2.size()>0)
float numeric_value = 100.0 * q2.value(0).toFloat();
if (numeric_value>100.0) //special case: random_error_prob>100%
value = "<font color=orange>KASP not performed (see NGSD)</font>";
else if (numeric_value>1.0) //random_error_prob>1% => warn
value = "<font color=red>"+QString::number(numeric_value)+"%</font>";
value = QString::number(numeric_value)+"%";
output.insert(QCValue("kasp", value));
return output;
示例9: variantId
QString NGSD::variantId(const Variant& variant, bool throw_if_fails)
SqlQuery query = getQuery(); //use binding user input (safety)
query.prepare("SELECT id FROM variant WHERE chr=:chr AND start='"+QString::number(variant.start())+"' AND end='"+QString::number(variant.end())+"' AND ref=:ref AND obs=:obs");
query.bindValue(":chr", variant.chr().str());
query.bindValue(":ref", variant.ref());
query.bindValue(":obs", variant.obs());
if (query.size()==0)
if (throw_if_fails)
THROW(DatabaseException, "Variant " + variant.toString() + " not found in NGSD!");
return "-1";
return query.value(0).toString();
示例10: getValue
QVector<double> NGSD::getQCValues(const QString& accession, const QString& filename)
//get processing system ID
QString sys_id = getValue("SELECT processing_system_id FROM processed_sample WHERE id='" + processedSampleId(filename) + "'").toString();
//get QC id
QString qc_id = getValue("SELECT id FROM qc_terms WHERE qcml_id='" + accession + "'").toString();
//get QC data
SqlQuery q = getQuery();
q.exec("SELECT nm.value FROM processed_sample_qc as nm, processed_sample as ps WHERE ps.processing_system_id='" + sys_id + "' AND nm.qc_terms_id='" + qc_id + "' AND nm.processed_sample_id=ps.id ");
//fill output datastructure
QVector<double> output;
bool ok = false;
double value = q.value(0).toDouble(&ok);
if (ok) output.append(value);
return output;
示例11: sampleId
QString NGSD::sampleId(const QString& filename, bool throw_if_fails)
QStringList parts = QFileInfo(filename).baseName().append('_').split('_');
//get sample ID
SqlQuery query = getQuery(); //use binding (user input)
query.prepare("SELECT id FROM sample WHERE name=:sample");
query.bindValue(":sample", parts[0]);
if (query.size()==0)
THROW(DatabaseException, "Sample name '" + parts[0] + "' not found in NGSD!");
return "";
return query.value(0).toString();
示例12: processedSampleId
QString NGSD::processedSampleId(const QString& filename, bool throw_if_fails)
QStringList parts = QFileInfo(filename).baseName().append('_').split('_');
//get sample ID
SqlQuery query = getQuery(); //use binding (user input)
query.prepare("SELECT ps.id FROM processed_sample ps, sample s WHERE s.name=:sample AND ps.sample_id=s.id AND ps.process_id=:psnum");
query.bindValue(":sample", parts[0]);
query.bindValue(":psnum", QString::number(parts[1].toInt()));
if (query.size()==0)
THROW(DatabaseException, "Processed sample name '" + parts[0] + "_" + parts[1] + "' not found in NGSD!");
return "";
return query.value(0).toString();
示例13: _loadItems
void ListModel::_loadItems(ListItem* parent)
int parentId = parent->id();
SqlQuery sql;
sql.prepare("SELECT id, weight, content, is_expanded, is_project, is_milestone, is_highlighted, is_checkable, is_completed, is_cancelled, due_date, priority "
"FROM list_item WHERE list_id = :list AND parent_id = :parent "
"ORDER BY weight ASC");
sql.bindValue(":list", _listId);
sql.bindValue(":parent", parentId);
if (!sql.exec())
int currRow = 0;
while (sql.next()) {
int c = -1;
int id = sql.value(++c).toInt();
int row = sql.value(++c).toInt();
QString content = sql.value(++c).toString();
bool isExpanded = sql.value(++c).toBool();
bool isProject = sql.value(++c).toBool();
bool isMilestone = sql.value(++c).toBool();
bool isHighlighted = sql.value(++c).toBool();
bool isCheckable = sql.value(++c).toBool();
bool isCompleted = sql.value(++c).toBool();
bool isCancelled = sql.value(++c).toBool();
QDate dueDate = sql.value(++c).toDate();
int priority = sql.value(++c).toInt();
// Fix gap between row in database
if (row != currRow) {
SqlQuery sql;
sql.prepare("UPDATE list_item SET weight = :weight WHERE id = :id");
sql.bindValue(":weight", currRow);
sql.bindValue(":id", id);
ListItem* item = new ListItem(_listId, id, content, isExpanded, isProject, isMilestone, isHighlighted, isCheckable, isCompleted, isCancelled, dueDate, priority);
示例14: qMakePair
QPair<QByteArray, QByteArray> NGSD::geneToApproved(const QByteArray& gene)
static SqlQuery q_gene = getQuery(true);
static SqlQuery q_prev = getQuery(true);
static SqlQuery q_syn = getQuery(true);
static bool init = false;
if (!init)
q_gene.prepare("SELECT id FROM gene WHERE symbol=:1");
q_prev.prepare("SELECT g.symbol FROM gene g, gene_alias ga WHERE g.id=ga.gene_id AND ga.symbol=:1 AND ga.type='previous'");
q_syn.prepare("SELECT g.symbol FROM gene g, gene_alias ga WHERE g.id=ga.gene_id AND ga.symbol=:1 AND ga.type='synonym'");
init = true;
q_gene.bindValue(0, gene);
if (q_gene.size()==1)
return qMakePair(gene, QByteArray("KEPT: is approved symbol"));
q_prev.bindValue(0, gene);
if (q_prev.size()==1)
return qMakePair(q_prev.value(0).toByteArray(), "REPLACED: " + gene + " is a previous symbol");
else if(q_prev.size()>1)
QByteArray genes;
if (!genes.isEmpty()) genes.append(", ");
return qMakePair(gene, "ERROR: is a previous symbol of the genes " + genes);
q_syn.bindValue(0, gene);
if (q_syn.size()==1)
return qMakePair(q_syn.value(0).toByteArray(), "REPLACED: " + gene + " is a synonymous symbol");
else if(q_syn.size()>1)
QByteArray genes;
if (!genes.isEmpty()) genes.append(", ");
return qMakePair(gene, "ERROR: is a synonymous symbol of the genes " + genes);
return qMakePair(gene, QByteArray("ERROR: is unknown symbol"));
示例15: annotate
void NGSD::annotate(VariantList& variants, QString filename)
initProgress("NGSD annotation", true);
//get sample ids
QString s_id = sampleId(filename, false);
QString ps_id = processedSampleId(filename, false);
QString sys_id = getValue("SELECT processing_system_id FROM processed_sample WHERE id='" + processedSampleId(filename, false) + "'").toString();
//check if we could determine the sample
bool found_in_db = true;
if (s_id=="" || ps_id=="" || sys_id=="")
Log::warn("Could not find processed sample in NGSD by name '" + filename + "'. Annotation will be incomplete because processing system could not be determined!");
found_in_db = false;
//get sample ids that have processed samples with the same processing system (not same sample, variants imported, same processing system, good quality of sample, not tumor)
QSet<int> sys_sample_ids;
SqlQuery tmp = getQuery();
tmp.exec("SELECT DISTINCT s.id FROM processed_sample as ps, sample s WHERE ps.processing_system_id='" + sys_id + "' AND ps.sample_id=s.id AND s.tumor='0' AND s.quality='good' AND s.id!='" + s_id + "' AND (SELECT count(id) FROM detected_variant as dv WHERE dv.processed_sample_id = ps.id)>0");
//remove all NGSD-specific columns
QList<VariantAnnotationHeader> headers = variants.annotations();
foreach(const VariantAnnotationHeader& header, headers)
if (header.name().startsWith("ihdb_"))
removeColumnIfPresent(variants, header.name(), true);
removeColumnIfPresent(variants, "classification", true);
removeColumnIfPresent(variants, "classification_comment", true);
removeColumnIfPresent(variants, "validated", true);
removeColumnIfPresent(variants, "comment", true);
//get required column indices
QString num_samples = QString::number(sys_sample_ids.count());
int ihdb_hom_idx = addColumn(variants, "ihdb_hom", "Homozygous variant counts in NGSD for the same processing system (" + num_samples + " samples).");
int ihdb_het_idx = addColumn(variants, "ihdb_het", "Heterozyous variant counts in NGSD for the same processing system (" + num_samples + " samples).");
int ihdb_wt_idx = addColumn(variants, "ihdb_wt", "Wildtype variant counts in NGSD for the same processing system (" + num_samples + " samples).");
int ihdb_all_hom_idx = addColumn(variants, "ihdb_allsys_hom", "Homozygous variant counts in NGSD independent of the processing system.");
int ihdb_all_het_idx = addColumn(variants, "ihdb_allsys_het", "Heterozygous variant counts in NGSD independent of the processing system.");
int class_idx = addColumn(variants, "classification", "Classification from the NGSD.");
int clacom_idx = addColumn(variants, "classification_comment", "Classification comment from the NGSD.");
int valid_idx = addColumn(variants, "validated", "Validation information from the NGSD. Validation results of other samples are listed in brackets!");
if (variants.annotationIndexByName("comment", true, false)==-1) addColumn(variants, "comment", "Comments from the NGSD. Comments of other samples are listed in brackets!");
int comment_idx = variants.annotationIndexByName("comment", true, false);
//(re-)annotate the variants
SqlQuery query = getQuery();
for (int i=0; i<variants.count(); ++i)
//QTime timer;
//variant id
Variant& v = variants[i];
QByteArray v_id = variantId(v, false).toLatin1();
//variant classification
QVariant classification = getValue("SELECT class FROM variant_classification WHERE variant_id='" + v_id + "'", true);
if (!classification.isNull())
v.annotations()[class_idx] = classification.toByteArray().replace("n/a", "");
v.annotations()[clacom_idx] = getValue("SELECT comment FROM variant_classification WHERE variant_id='" + v_id + "'", true).toByteArray().replace("\n", " ").replace("\t", " ");
//int t_v = timer.elapsed();
//detected variant infos
int dv_id = -1;
QByteArray comment = "";
if (found_in_db)
query.exec("SELECT id, comment FROM detected_variant WHERE processed_sample_id='" + ps_id + "' AND variant_id='" + v_id + "'");
if (query.size()==1)
dv_id = query.value(0).toInt();
comment = query.value(1).toByteArray();
//validation info
int vv_id = -1;
QByteArray val_status = "";
if (found_in_db)
query.exec("SELECT id, status FROM variant_validation WHERE sample_id='" + s_id + "' AND variant_id='" + v_id + "'");
if (query.size()==1)
vv_id = query.value(0).toInt();
val_status = query.value(1).toByteArray().replace("n/a", "");