本文整理汇总了C++中SiftDescriptorExtractor类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ SiftDescriptorExtractor类的具体用法?C++ SiftDescriptorExtractor怎么用?C++ SiftDescriptorExtractor使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: tSIFT
Mat tSIFT(String path)
Mat img = imread(path, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
Mat des;
if (!img.data){
std::cout << "Can't open" << std::endl;
SiftFeatureDetector detector;
std::vector<KeyPoint> tSIFTkp;
detector.detect(img, tSIFTkp);
Mat img1;
drawKeypoints(img, tSIFTkp, img1, Scalar::all(-1), 4);
SiftDescriptorExtractor extractor;
return des;
示例2: computeFeatures
Mat Pyramids::computeFeatures(const Mat &m, vector<KeyPoint> &keypoints)
Mat features;
SiftDescriptorExtractor ex;
ex.compute(m, keypoints, features);
return features;
示例3: SIFTfeatureCalculate
int SIFTfeatureCalculate(Mat &img, vector<KeyPoint> &keypoints,Mat &descriptors ){
SiftFeatureDetector detector;
SiftDescriptorExtractor extractor;
detector.detect( img, keypoints );
extractor.compute( img, keypoints, descriptors );
示例4: detectSiftMatchWithOpenCV
void detectSiftMatchWithOpenCV(const char* img1_path, const char* img2_path, MatrixXf &match) {
Mat img1 = imread(img1_path);
Mat img2 = imread(img2_path);
SiftFeatureDetector detector;
SiftDescriptorExtractor extractor;
vector<KeyPoint> key1;
vector<KeyPoint> key2;
Mat desc1, desc2;
detector.detect(img1, key1);
detector.detect(img2, key2);
extractor.compute(img1, key1, desc1);
extractor.compute(img2, key2, desc2);
FlannBasedMatcher matcher;
vector<DMatch> matches;
matcher.match(desc1, desc2, matches);
match.resize(matches.size(), 6);
cout << "match count: " << matches.size() << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < matches.size(); i++) {
match(i, 0) = key1[matches[i].queryIdx].pt.x;
match(i, 1) = key1[matches[i].queryIdx].pt.y;
match(i, 2) = 1;
match(i, 3) = key2[matches[i].trainIdx].pt.x;
match(i, 4) = key2[matches[i].trainIdx].pt.y;
match(i, 5) = 1;
示例5: getDescriptors
Mat Panorama::getDescriptors(vector<KeyPoint> kp){
cout << "Computing descriptors..." << endl;
SiftDescriptorExtractor extractor;
Mat descriptors;
extractor.compute(srcGray, kp, descriptors);
return descriptors;
示例6: det_desc_features
// Faeture Detection and Decription
void det_desc_features(vector <Image>& images, bool flag)
// Detect the keypoints using SIFT Detector
SiftFeatureDetector detector(nfeatures, nOctaveLayers, contrastThreshold, edgeThreshold, sigma);
// Calculate descriptors (feature vectors)
SiftDescriptorExtractor extractor;
//// Detect the keypoints using SIFT Detector
//SurfFeatureDetector detector(500);
//// Calculate descriptors (feature vectors)
//SurfDescriptorExtractor extractor;
for (size_t i = 0; i < images.size(); i++)
/* Mat mask = Mat::zeros(images[i].getImg_gray().size(), images[i].getImg_gray().type());
Mat roi1(mask, cv::Rect(images[i].getImg_gray().cols - 60, 0, images[i].getImg_gray().cols - (images[i].getImg_gray().cols - 60), images[i].getImg_gray().rows));
roi1 = Scalar(255);
Mat roi2(mask, cv::Rect(0, 0, 60, images[i].getImg_gray().rows));
roi2 = Scalar(255);*/
// Feature Detection
vector <KeyPoint> tmp_keypoints;
detector.detect(images[i].getImg_gray(), tmp_keypoints);
cout << "Features detected in image #" << i << " : " << tmp_keypoints.size() << endl;
// Feature Description
Mat tmp_descriptors;
extractor.compute(images[i].getImg_gray(), tmp_keypoints, tmp_descriptors);
// Store keypoints and descriptors
images[i].setImageFeatures(tmp_keypoints, tmp_descriptors);
// Draw keypoints
Mat tmp_img_keypoints;
drawKeypoints(images[i].getImg_gray(), tmp_keypoints, tmp_img_keypoints, Scalar::all(-1), DrawMatchesFlags::DRAW_RICH_KEYPOINTS);
// Store img_keypoints
string str;
if (flag == 0)
str = "images/SIFT_Keypoints/Original_Image/";
str = "images/SIFT_Keypoints/Histogram_Equalazition/";
imwrite(str, tmp_img_keypoints);
示例7: sift_feature
int sift_feature()
Mat img_1=imread("./samples/box.png",CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);//宏定义时CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE=0,也就是读取灰度图像
Mat img_2=imread("./samples/box_in_scene.png",CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);//一定要记得这里路径的斜线方向,这与Matlab里面是相反的
if(!img_1.data || !img_2.data)//如果数据为空
cout<<"opencv error"<<endl;
return -1;
cout<<"open right"<<endl;
SiftFeatureDetector detector;//构造函数采用内部默认的
vector<KeyPoint> keypoints_1,keypoints_2;//构造2个专门由点组成的点向量用来存储特征点
Mat img_keypoints_1,img_keypoints_2;
SiftDescriptorExtractor extractor;//定义描述子对象
Mat descriptors_1,descriptors_2;//存放特征向量的矩阵
//用burte force进行匹配特征向量
BruteForceMatcher<L2<float>>matcher;//定义一个burte force matcher对象
Mat img_matches;
return 0;
示例8: compute_descriptors
Mat compute_descriptors(Mat image, std::vector<KeyPoint> keypoints)
cout << "Extracting sift descriptors..." << endl;
SiftDescriptorExtractor extractor ;
Mat descriptor;
image.convertTo(image, CV_8U);
extractor.compute(image, keypoints , descriptor);
return descriptor;
示例9: main
int main()
Mat img_1 = imread("class.png");
Mat img_2 = imread("class2.png");
if (img_1.empty() || img_2.empty())
cout << "load image error" << endl;
return -1;
imshow("src image 1", img_1);
imshow("src image 2", img_2);
SiftFeatureDetector detector;//构造函数采用内部默认的
std::vector<KeyPoint> keypoints_1, keypoints_2;//构造2个专门由点组成的点向量用来存储特征点
detector.detect(img_1, keypoints_1);//将img_1图像中检测到的特征点存储起来放在keypoints_1中
detector.detect(img_2, keypoints_2);//同理
Mat img_keypoints_1, img_keypoints_2;
drawKeypoints(img_1, keypoints_1, img_keypoints_1, Scalar::all(-1), DrawMatchesFlags::DEFAULT);//在内存中画出特征点
drawKeypoints(img_2, keypoints_2, img_keypoints_2, Scalar::all(-1), DrawMatchesFlags::DEFAULT);
imshow("sift_keypoints_1", img_keypoints_1);//显示特征点
imshow("sift_keypoints_2", img_keypoints_2);
SiftDescriptorExtractor extractor;//定义描述子对象
Mat descriptors_1, descriptors_2;//存放特征向量的矩阵
extractor.compute(img_1, keypoints_1, descriptors_1);//计算特征向量
extractor.compute(img_2, keypoints_2, descriptors_2);
//用burte force进行匹配特征向量
BruteForceMatcher<L2<float>>matcher;//定义一个burte force matcher对象
matcher.match(descriptors_1, descriptors_2, matches);
Mat img_matches;
drawMatches(img_1, keypoints_1, img_2, keypoints_2, matches, img_matches);//将匹配出来的结果放入内存img_matches中
imshow("sift_Matches", img_matches);//显示的标题为Matches
示例10: computeSifts
Mat computeSifts(const string& fileName)
const Mat input = cv::imread(fileName.c_str(), 0); //Load as grayscale
cout<<"ERROR: Image "<<fileName<<" was not read"<<endl;
Mat descriptors;
SiftFeatureDetector detector;
vector<cv::KeyPoint> keypoints;
detector.detect(input, keypoints);
SiftDescriptorExtractor extractor;
extractor.compute(input, keypoints, descriptors);
// cout<<descriptors<<endl;
return descriptors;
示例11: doSift
* Function : doSift
* Description : Find sift points on the image
* path : path of the image
* container : container for sift keypoints and their descriptor
void doSift(const string &path, struct SFeatures &container)
Mat img, des;
vector<KeyPoint> keypoints;
img = imread(path.c_str(), CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
SiftFeatureDetector detector;
detector.detect(img, keypoints);
SiftDescriptorExtractor extractor;
extractor.compute(img, keypoints, des);
container.des = des;
container.keys = keypoints;
示例12: Mat
void ASiftDetector::detectAndCompute(const Mat& img, std::vector< KeyPoint >& keypoints, Mat& descriptors)
descriptors = Mat(0, 128, CV_32F);
for(int tl = 1; tl < 6; tl++)
double t = pow(2, 0.5*tl);
for(int phi = 0; phi < 180; phi += 72.0/t)
std::vector<KeyPoint> kps;
Mat desc;
Mat timg, mask, Ai;
affineSkew(t, phi, timg, mask, Ai);
#if 0
Mat img_disp;
bitwise_and(mask, timg, img_disp);
namedWindow( "Skew", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );// Create a window for display.
imshow( "Skew", img_disp );
SiftFeatureDetector detector;
detector.detect(timg, kps, mask);
SiftDescriptorExtractor extractor;
extractor.compute(timg, kps, desc);
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < kps.size(); i++)
Point3f kpt(kps[i].pt.x, kps[i].pt.y, 1);
Mat kpt_t = Ai*Mat(kpt);
kps[i].pt.x = kpt_t.at<float>(0,0);
kps[i].pt.y = kpt_t.at<float>(1,0);
keypoints.insert(keypoints.end(), kps.begin(), kps.end());
示例13: computeMatching
pair<vector<Point2f>, vector<Point2f> > computeMatching(Mat &img1, Mat &img2, vector<KeyPoint> &keypoints1, vector<KeyPoint> &keypoints2)
SiftDescriptorExtractor extractor;
Mat descriptors1, descriptors2;
extractor.compute(img1, keypoints1, descriptors1);
extractor.compute(img2, keypoints2, descriptors2);
BruteForceMatcher<L2<float> > matcher;
vector<DMatch> matches1_2, matches2_1;
matcher.match(descriptors1, descriptors2, matches1_2);
matcher.match(descriptors2, descriptors1, matches2_1);
pair<vector<Point2f>, vector<Point2f> > matches;
vector<DMatch> dmatchFiltrado;
double maxDistance = 90;
for (uint i=0; i < matches1_2.size(); i++) {
if (matches1_2[i].distance > maxDistance) {
pair<Point2f, Point2f> match1_2 = pair<Point2f, Point2f>(keypoints1[matches1_2[i].queryIdx].pt, keypoints2[matches1_2[i].trainIdx].pt);
for (uint j=0; j < matches2_1.size(); j++) {
if (matches2_1[j].distance > maxDistance) {
pair<Point2f, Point2f> match2_1 = pair<Point2f, Point2f>(keypoints1[matches2_1[j].trainIdx].pt, keypoints2[matches2_1[j].queryIdx].pt);
if (match1_2.first == match2_1.first && match1_2.second == match2_1.second) {
if (dmatchFiltrado.empty() || (matches.first.back() != match1_2.first || matches.second.back() != match1_2.second)) {
Mat img3;
drawMatches(img1, keypoints1, img2, keypoints2, dmatchFiltrado, img3);
imshow("Correspondencias", img3);
return matches;
示例14: panorama
// パノラマ合成
Mat panorama(Mat src1, Mat src2, int width, int height)
// SIFT特徴点の検出と特徴量の計算
Mat gray1, gray2, des1, des2;
SiftFeatureDetector detector(2000);
SiftDescriptorExtractor extrator;
vector<KeyPoint> kps1, kps2;
cvtColor(src1, gray1, CV_BGR2GRAY);
cvtColor(src2, gray2, CV_BGR2GRAY);
detector.detect(gray1, kps1);
detector.detect(gray2, kps2);
extrator.compute(gray1, kps1, des1);
extrator.compute(gray2, kps2, des2);
// 特徴点の対応付け
vector<DMatch> matches;
BruteForceMatcher< L2<float> > matcher;
matcher.match(des1, des2, matches);
vector<Vec2f> pts1(matches.size());
vector<Vec2f> pts2(matches.size());
// ホモグラフィの計算
for (size_t i = 0; i < matches.size(); ++i){
pts1[i][0] = kps1[matches[i].queryIdx].pt.x;
pts1[i][1] = kps1[matches[i].queryIdx].pt.y;
pts2[i][0] = kps2[matches[i].trainIdx].pt.x;
pts2[i][1] = kps2[matches[i].trainIdx].pt.y;
Mat H = findHomography(pts1, pts2, CV_RANSAC);
// ホモグラフィ行列Hを用いてパノラマ合成
Mat dst;
warpPerspective(src1, dst, H, Size(width, height));
for (int y = 0; y < src1.rows; y++){
for (int x = 0; x < src1.cols; x++){
dst.at<Vec3b>(y, x) = src2.at<Vec3b>(y, x);
return dst;
示例15: cv_featureDescriptor
int cv_featureDescriptor(CParamArray *pa)
using namespace cv;
// read image
string imageFN = svar.GetString("image", "./test.png");
Mat img = imread(imageFN);
// extract keypoints & descriptors
Ptr<FeatureDetector> detector;
SiftDescriptorExtractor extractor;
vector<KeyPoint> keypoints;
Mat descriptors;
detector = new SiftFeatureDetector;
detector->detect(img, keypoints);
extractor.compute(img, keypoints, descriptors);
// print keypoints
for(int i=0; i<keypoints.size(); i++) {
KeyPoint &p = keypoints[i];
printf("kp[%6d] x, y = %12f, %12f\n", i, p.pt.x, p.pt.y);
printf(" size = %12f, angle = %12f\n", p.size, p.angle);
printf(" response = %12f, octave = %3d, class_id = %4d\n", p.response, p.octave, p.class_id);
// print descriptors
// type: CV_MAT_TYPE, CV_32F
printf("descriptor: \n");
printf(" cols = %d\n", descriptors.cols);
printf(" rows = %d\n", descriptors.rows);
printf(" channels = %d\n", descriptors.channels());
printf(" type = %d\n", descriptors.type());
return 0;