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C++ Response::active_set方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中Response::active_set方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ Response::active_set方法的具体用法?C++ Response::active_set怎么用?C++ Response::active_set使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Response的用法示例。


示例1: test_local_evaluations

/// Convenience function for common code between wait and nowait case.
void GridApplicInterface::test_local_evaluations(PRPQueue& prp_queue)
  // Iterate through the set of requests
  for (ISIter it=idSet.begin(); it!=idSet.end(); it++) {
    // Test for existence of the results file(s) corresponding to this eval
    int fn_eval_id = *it;
    bool err_msg_caught = false;
    const String& file_to_test = fileNameMap[fn_eval_id].second;
    if (grid_file_test(file_to_test)) {
      // File exists; test for complete/valid set of results (an incomplete
      // set can result from a race condition in which Dakota is reading a
      // file that a simulator has not finished writing).  Response::read
      // throws a String exception if data is missing/misformatted.
      ParamResponsePair pr_pair;
      bool found = lookup_by_eval_id(prp_queue, fn_eval_id, pr_pair);
      if (!found) {
	Cerr << "Error: failure in queue lookup within GridApplicInterface::"
	     << "test_local_evaluations()." << std::endl;
      Response response = pr_pair.prp_response(); // shallow copy

      try { read_results_files(response, fn_eval_id); }
      catch(String& err_msg) {
	// If a String exception (incomplete file) is caught, set
	// err_msg_caught to true so that processing is not performed below.
	// The for loop will then cycle through the other active asynch. evals.
	// before coming back to the one with the exception.  This should allow
	// file writing by a simulator to complete.  100 failures are currently
	// allowed for any fn_eval_id before it is assumed that the error is
	// real (not race condition related) and aborting.
	err_msg_caught = true;
	IntShMIter map_iter = failCountMap.find(fn_eval_id);
	if (map_iter != failCountMap.end()) {
	  if (++map_iter->second > 100) {
	    Cerr << "Error: too many failed reads for file " << file_to_test
		 << "\n       check data format and completeness" << std::endl;
	  failCountMap[fn_eval_id] = 1;
	// Sleep for 1 millisecond
#endif // HAVE_UNISTD_H
	Cerr << "Warning: exception caught in reading response file "
	     << file_to_test << "\nException = \"" << err_msg
	     << "\"\nException recovery: returning " << file_to_test
	     << " to processing queue.\n";
      catch(int fail_code) {
	// If an int exception ("fail" detected in results file) is caught,
	// call manage_failure which will either (1) repair the failure and
	// populate response, or (2) abort the run.
	manage_failure(pr_pair.prp_parameters(), response.active_set(),
		       response, fn_eval_id);
      // Process successful results for this asynchronous eval.  Set
      // the response within the PRPair, remove entry in failCountMap, and
      // add evaluation id to completion set.
      if (!err_msg_caught) {
	//pr_pair.prp_response(response);                    // not needed
	//replace_by_eval_id(prp_queue, fn_eval_id, pr_pair);// not needed
	failCountMap.erase(fn_eval_id); // if present

  // reduce processor load from DAKOTA testing if jobs are not finishing
  if (completionSet.empty()) // no jobs completed in pass through entire set
    usleep(1000); // 1000 microseconds = 1 millisec
#endif // HAVE_UNISTD_H
  // Remove completed jobs from idSet
  for (ISIter it = completionSet.begin(); it != completionSet.end(); it++)
