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C++ RasterElement::getName方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中RasterElement::getName方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ RasterElement::getName方法的具体用法?C++ RasterElement::getName怎么用?C++ RasterElement::getName使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在RasterElement的用法示例。


示例1: addSourcePage

void ReplaceBandInputWizard::addSourcePage()
   QWizardPage* pPage = new QWizardPage(this);
   pPage->setTitle("Select source data element");
   QLabel* pPageLabel = new QLabel("Select the source data element.", pPage);
   mpSource = new QComboBox(pPage);

   const RasterDataDescriptor* pDestDesc = static_cast<const RasterDataDescriptor*>(mpDest->getDataDescriptor());
   std::vector<DataElement*> rasters = Service<ModelServices>()->getElements(TypeConverter::toString<RasterElement>());
   for(std::vector<DataElement*>::iterator raster = rasters.begin(); raster != rasters.end(); ++raster)
      RasterElement* pRaster = static_cast<RasterElement*>(*raster);
      if (pRaster == mpDest)
      const RasterDataDescriptor* pDesc = static_cast<const RasterDataDescriptor*>(pRaster->getDataDescriptor());
      if (pDesc->getRowCount() == pDestDesc->getRowCount() &&
          pDesc->getColumnCount() == pDestDesc->getColumnCount() &&
          pDesc->getDataType() == pDestDesc->getDataType())
         mpSource->addItem(QString::fromStdString(pRaster->getName()), reinterpret_cast<qulonglong>(pRaster));

   QVBoxLayout* pLayout = new QVBoxLayout();


示例2: elementModified

void SpectralLibraryMatchResults::elementModified(Subject& subject, const std::string& signal, const boost::any& value)
   // check for rename
   RasterElement* pRaster = dynamic_cast<RasterElement*>(&subject);
   if (pRaster != NULL)
      ResultsPage* pPage = getPage(pRaster);
      if (pPage != NULL)
         int index = mpTabWidget->indexOf(pPage);
         if (index != -1 && mpTabWidget->tabToolTip(index).toStdString() != pRaster->getName())
            mpTabWidget->setTabText(index, QString::fromStdString(pRaster->getDisplayName(true)));
            mpTabWidget->setTabToolTip(index, QString::fromStdString(pRaster->getName()));

示例3: execute

bool EdgeDetector::execute(PlugInArgList* pInArgList, PlugInArgList* pOutArgList)
   StepResource pStep("Edge Detector", "app", "37C57772-DD49-4532-8BC6-9CFB8587D0C9");
   if (pInArgList == NULL || pOutArgList == NULL)
      return false;
   Progress* pProgress = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<Progress>(Executable::ProgressArg());
   RasterElement* pCube = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<RasterElement>(Executable::DataElementArg());
   if (pCube == NULL)
      std::string msg = "A raster cube must be specified.";
      pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, msg);
      if (pProgress != NULL) 
         pProgress->updateProgress(msg, 0, ERRORS);
      return false;
   RasterDataDescriptor* pDesc = static_cast<RasterDataDescriptor*>(pCube->getDataDescriptor());
   VERIFY(pDesc != NULL);
   EncodingType ResultType = INT1UBYTE;

   FactoryResource<DataRequest> pRequest;
   DataAccessor pSrcAcc = pCube->getDataAccessor(pRequest.release());

   ModelResource<RasterElement> pResultCube(RasterUtilities::createRasterElement(pCube->getName() +
      "_Edge_Detect_Result", pDesc->getRowCount(), pDesc->getColumnCount(), ResultType));
   if (pResultCube.get() == NULL)
      std::string msg = "A raster cube could not be created.";
      pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, msg);
      if (pProgress != NULL) 
         pProgress->updateProgress(msg, 0, ERRORS);
      return false;
   FactoryResource<DataRequest> pResultRequest;
   DataAccessor pDestAcc = pResultCube->getDataAccessor(pResultRequest.release());

   Service<DesktopServices> pDesktop;
   int stat = dlg.exec();
   if (stat == QDialog::Accepted)
      for (unsigned int row = 0; row < pDesc->getRowCount(); ++row)
         if (pProgress != NULL)
            pProgress->updateProgress("Edge detect ", row * 100 / pDesc->getRowCount(), NORMAL);
         if (isAborted())
            std::string msg = getName() + " has been aborted.";
            pStep->finalize(Message::Abort, msg);
            if (pProgress != NULL)
               pProgress->updateProgress(msg, 0, ABORT);
            return false;
         if (!pDestAcc.isValid())
            std::string msg = "Unable to access the cube data.";
            pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, msg);
            if (pProgress != NULL) 
               pProgress->updateProgress(msg, 0, ERRORS);
            return false;
         for (unsigned int col = 0; col < pDesc->getColumnCount(); ++col)
            switchOnEncoding(ResultType, EdgeDetectSAR, pDestAcc->getColumn(), pSrcAcc, row, col,
                             pDesc->getRowCount(), pDesc->getColumnCount(), pDesc->getDataType(), 
			                 dlg.getSmallThreshold(), dlg.getMedianThreshold(), dlg.getLargeThreshold());


      if (!isBatch())
         //Service<DesktopServices> pDesktop;

         SpatialDataWindow* pWindow = static_cast<SpatialDataWindow*>(pDesktop->createWindow(pResultCube->getName(),

         SpatialDataView* pView = (pWindow == NULL) ? NULL : pWindow->getSpatialDataView();
         if (pView == NULL)
            std::string msg = "Unable to create view.";
            pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, msg);
            if (pProgress != NULL) 
               pProgress->updateProgress(msg, 0, ERRORS);

示例4: execute

bool TextureSegmentation::execute(PlugInArgList* pInArgList, PlugInArgList* pOutArgList)
   StepResource pStep("SAR image segmentation", "app", "CC430C1A-9D8C-4bb5-9254-FCF7EECAFA3C");
   if (pInArgList == NULL || pOutArgList == NULL)
      return false;
   Progress* pProgress = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<Progress>(Executable::ProgressArg());
   RasterElement* pCube = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<RasterElement>(Executable::DataElementArg());
   if (pCube == NULL)
      std::string msg = "A raster cube must be specified.";
      pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, msg);
      if (pProgress != NULL) 
         pProgress->updateProgress(msg, 0, ERRORS);
      return false;
   RasterDataDescriptor* pDesc = static_cast<RasterDataDescriptor*>(pCube->getDataDescriptor());
   VERIFY(pDesc != NULL);
   EncodingType ResultType = INT1UBYTE;

   FactoryResource<DataRequest> pRequest;
   DataAccessor pSrcAcc = pCube->getDataAccessor(pRequest.release());

   ModelResource<RasterElement> pResultCube(RasterUtilities::createRasterElement(pCube->getName() +
      "_Segmentation_Result", pDesc->getRowCount(), pDesc->getColumnCount(), ResultType));
   if (pResultCube.get() == NULL)
      std::string msg = "A raster cube could not be created.";
      pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, msg);
      if (pProgress != NULL) 
         pProgress->updateProgress(msg, 0, ERRORS);
      return false;
   FactoryResource<DataRequest> pResultRequest;
   DataAccessor pDestAcc = pResultCube->getDataAccessor(pResultRequest.release());

   if (isAborted())
       std::string msg = getName() + " has been aborted.";
       pStep->finalize(Message::Abort, msg);
       if (pProgress != NULL)
           pProgress->updateProgress(msg, 0, ABORT);
	   return false;        

   if (NULL != pBuffer)
   pBuffer = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*pDesc->getRowCount()*pDesc->getColumnCount());
   MakeSegmentation(pSrcAcc, pBuffer, pBuffer, pDesc->getRowCount(), pDesc->getColumnCount(), pDesc->getDataType());

   //Output the value 
   unsigned int nCount = 0;
   for (unsigned int j = 0; j < pDesc->getColumnCount(); j++)
       for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pDesc->getRowCount(); i++)		   
		   if (!pDestAcc.isValid())
			   std::string msg = "Unable to access the cube data.";        
			   pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, msg);
			   if (pProgress != NULL)                      
				   pProgress->updateProgress(msg, 0, ERRORS);       
			   return false;              
		   pDestAcc->toPixel(i, j);		   
		   switchOnEncoding(ResultType, restoreSegmentationValue, pDestAcc->getColumn(), (pBuffer+nCount));

   if (!isBatch())
      Service<DesktopServices> pDesktop;

      SpatialDataWindow* pWindow = static_cast<SpatialDataWindow*>(pDesktop->createWindow(pResultCube->getName(),

      SpatialDataView* pView = (pWindow == NULL) ? NULL : pWindow->getSpatialDataView();
      if (pView == NULL)
         std::string msg = "Unable to create view.";
         pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, msg);

示例5: execute

bool adaptive_median::execute(PlugInArgList * pInArgList,
							  PlugInArgList * pOutArgList)
	StepResource pStep("adap_median", "noise",
	if (pInArgList == NULL || pOutArgList == NULL)
		return false;

	std::string msg = "Noise Reduction by Adaptive Median Filter ";
	Progress *pProgress =
		pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue < Progress > (Executable::ProgressArg());
	RasterElement *pCube =
		pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue < RasterElement >

	if (pCube == NULL)
		std::string msg = "A raster cube must be specified.";
		pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, msg);
		if (pProgress != NULL)
			pProgress->updateProgress(msg, 0, ERRORS);
		return false;

	RasterDataDescriptor *pDesc =
		static_cast < RasterDataDescriptor * >(pCube->getDataDescriptor());
	VERIFY(pDesc != NULL);
	if (pDesc->getDataType() == INT4SCOMPLEX
		|| pDesc->getDataType() == FLT8COMPLEX)
		std::string msg =
			"Noise Reduction cannot be performed on complex types.";
		pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, msg);
		if (pProgress != NULL)
			pProgress->updateProgress(msg, 0, ERRORS);
		return false;

	FactoryResource < DataRequest > pRequest;
	DataAccessor pSrcAcc = pCube->getDataAccessor(pRequest.release());

	RasterElement *dRas =
		RasterUtilities::createRasterElement(pCube->getName() +
											 pDesc->getColumnCount(), 3,
											 pDesc->getDataType(), BSQ);

	pProgress->updateProgress(msg, 50, NORMAL);

	copyImage4(pCube, dRas, 0, pProgress);
	pProgress->updateProgress(msg + "RED complete", 60, NORMAL);

	copyImage4(pCube, dRas, 1, pProgress);
	pProgress->updateProgress(msg + "GREEN complete", 70, NORMAL);

	copyImage4(pCube, dRas, 2, pProgress);
	pProgress->updateProgress(msg + "BLUE complete", 80, NORMAL);

	// new model resource
	RasterDataDescriptor *rDesc =
		dynamic_cast < RasterDataDescriptor * >(dRas->getDataDescriptor());
	rDesc->setDisplayMode(RGB_MODE);	// enable color mode
	rDesc->setDisplayBand(RED, rDesc->getActiveBand(0));
	rDesc->setDisplayBand(GREEN, rDesc->getActiveBand(1));
	rDesc->setDisplayBand(BLUE, rDesc->getActiveBand(2));

	ModelResource < RasterElement > pResultCube(dRas);

	if (pResultCube.get() == NULL)
		std::string msg = "A raster cube could not be created.";
		pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, msg);
		if (pProgress != NULL)
			pProgress->updateProgress(msg, 0, ERRORS);
		return false;

	pProgress->updateProgress("Final", 100, NORMAL);

	pProgress->updateProgress(msg, 100, NORMAL);

	if (!isBatch())
		Service < DesktopServices > pDesktop;

		SpatialDataWindow *pWindow =
			static_cast <
			SpatialDataWindow *
			  createWindow(pResultCube->getName(), SPATIAL_DATA_WINDOW));

示例6: getName

 std::string getName() { return pRaster->getName(); }

示例7: execute

bool HIGHPASS::execute(PlugInArgList* pInArgList, PlugInArgList* pOutArgList)
   StepResource pStep("Tutorial 5", "app", "219F1882-A59F-4835-BE2A-E83C0C8111EB");
   if (pInArgList == NULL || pOutArgList == NULL)
      return false;
   Progress* pProgress = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<Progress>(Executable::ProgressArg());
   RasterElement* pCube = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<RasterElement>(Executable::DataElementArg());

   if (pCube == NULL)
      std::string msg = "A raster cube must be specified.";
      pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, msg);
      if (pProgress != NULL) 
         pProgress->updateProgress(msg, 0, ERRORS);
      return false;
   RasterDataDescriptor* pDesc = static_cast<RasterDataDescriptor*>(pCube->getDataDescriptor());
   VERIFY(pDesc != NULL);

   FactoryResource<DataRequest> pRequest;
   DataAccessor pSrcAcc = pCube->getDataAccessor(pRequest.release());

   ModelResource<RasterElement> pResultCube(RasterUtilities::createRasterElement(pCube->getName() +
      "DResult", pDesc->getRowCount(), pDesc->getColumnCount(), pDesc->getDataType()));

   if (pResultCube.get() == NULL)
      std::string msg = "A raster cube could not be created.";
      pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, msg);
      if (pProgress != NULL) 
         pProgress->updateProgress(msg, 0, ERRORS);
      return false;
   FactoryResource<DataRequest> pResultRequest;
   DataAccessor pDestAcc = pResultCube->getDataAccessor(pResultRequest.release());
   int rowSize= pDesc->getRowCount();
   int colSize = pDesc->getColumnCount();
   int zero=0;
   int prevCol = 0;
      int prevRow = 0;
      int nextCol = 0;
      int nextRow = 0;

	  int prevCol1 = 0;
	  int prevRow1= 0;
	  int nextCol1= 0;
	  int nextRow1= 0;

   for (unsigned int row = 0; row < pDesc->getRowCount(); ++row)
      if (pProgress != NULL)
         pProgress->updateProgress("Calculating result", row * 100 / pDesc->getRowCount(), NORMAL);
      if (isAborted())
         std::string msg = getName() + " has been aborted.";
         pStep->finalize(Message::Abort, msg);
         if (pProgress != NULL)
            pProgress->updateProgress(msg, 0, ABORT);
         return false;
      if (!pDestAcc.isValid())
         std::string msg = "Unable to access the cube data.";
         pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, msg);
         if (pProgress != NULL) 
            pProgress->updateProgress(msg, 0, ERRORS);
         return false;
      for (unsigned int col = 0; col < pDesc->getColumnCount(); ++col)
		  double value=edgeDetection7(pSrcAcc, row, col, pDesc->getRowCount(), pDesc->getColumnCount());
          switchOnEncoding(pDesc->getDataType(), conversion, pDestAcc->getColumn(), value);


   if (!isBatch())
      Service<DesktopServices> pDesktop;

      SpatialDataWindow* pWindow = static_cast<SpatialDataWindow*>(pDesktop->createWindow(pResultCube->getName(),

示例8: createView

void ChippingWindow::createView()
   if (mpChippingWidget == NULL)

   RasterElement* pRaster = getRasterElement();
   if (pRaster == NULL)

   // Create the new raster element from the primary element of the source.
   // Note that this does not chip displayed elements if they differ from the primary element.
   // This causes a special case below where the stretch values are being applied to the chipped layer.
   RasterElement* pRasterChip = pRaster->createChip(pRaster->getParent(), "_chip",
      mpChippingWidget->getChipRows(), mpChippingWidget->getChipColumns(), mpChippingWidget->getChipBands());
   if (pRasterChip == NULL)
      QMessageBox::critical(this, windowTitle(), "Unable to create a new cube!");

   const RasterDataDescriptor* pDescriptor =
      dynamic_cast<const RasterDataDescriptor*>(pRasterChip->getDataDescriptor());
   VERIFYNRV(pDescriptor != NULL);

   // Create a view for the new chip
   SpatialDataWindow* pWindow = dynamic_cast<SpatialDataWindow*>(
      Service<DesktopServices>()->createWindow(pRasterChip->getName(), SPATIAL_DATA_WINDOW));
   if (pWindow == NULL)

   SpatialDataView* pView = pWindow->getSpatialDataView();
   if (pView == NULL)

   UndoLock lock(pView);
   if (pView->setPrimaryRasterElement(pRasterChip) == false)

   // RasterLayerImp is needed for the call to setCurrentStretchAsOriginalStretch().
   RasterLayerImp* pLayer = dynamic_cast<RasterLayerImp*>(pView->createLayer(RASTER, pRasterChip));
   if (pLayer == NULL)

   string origName = pRaster->getName();

   SpatialDataWindow* pOrigWindow = dynamic_cast<SpatialDataWindow*>(
      Service<DesktopServices>()->getWindow(origName, SPATIAL_DATA_WINDOW));
   if (pOrigWindow != NULL)
      SpatialDataView* pOrigView = pOrigWindow->getSpatialDataView();
      if (pOrigView != NULL)
         LayerList* pLayerList = pOrigView->getLayerList();
         if (pLayerList != NULL)
            RasterLayer* pOrigLayer = static_cast<RasterLayer*>(pLayerList->getLayer(RASTER, pRaster));
            if (pOrigLayer != NULL)
               // Set the stretch type first so that stretch values are interpreted correctly.
               pLayer->setStretchType(GRAYSCALE_MODE, pOrigLayer->getStretchType(GRAYSCALE_MODE));
               pLayer->setStretchType(RGB_MODE, pOrigLayer->getStretchType(RGB_MODE));

               // Set the properties of the cube layer in the new view.
               // For each channel, display the first band if the previously displayed band was chipped.
               vector<RasterChannelType> channels = StringUtilities::getAllEnumValues<RasterChannelType>();
               for (vector<RasterChannelType>::const_iterator iter = channels.begin(); iter != channels.end(); ++iter)
                  bool bandCopied = true;
                  DimensionDescriptor newBand;
                  DimensionDescriptor oldBand = pOrigLayer->getDisplayedBand(*iter);
                  if (oldBand.isOriginalNumberValid() == true)
                     newBand = pDescriptor->getOriginalBand(oldBand.getOriginalNumber());

                  if (newBand.isValid() == false)
                     bandCopied = false;
                     newBand = pDescriptor->getBands().front();

                  // No need to explicitly set the RasterElement here since the new view only has one RasterElement.
                  pLayer->setDisplayedBand(*iter, newBand);


示例9: execute

bool WaveletKSigmaFilter::execute(PlugInArgList* pInArgList, PlugInArgList* pOutArgList)
   StepResource pStep("Wavelet K-Sigma Filter", "app", "1A4BDC34-5A95-419B-8E53-C92333AFFC3E");
   if (pInArgList == NULL || pOutArgList == NULL)
      return false;
   Progress* pProgress = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<Progress>(Executable::ProgressArg());
   RasterElement* pCube = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<RasterElement>(Executable::DataElementArg());
   if (pCube == NULL)
      std::string msg = "A raster cube must be specified.";
      pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, msg);
      if (pProgress != NULL) 
         pProgress->updateProgress(msg, 0, ERRORS);
      return false;
   RasterDataDescriptor* pDesc = static_cast<RasterDataDescriptor*>(pCube->getDataDescriptor());
   VERIFY(pDesc != NULL);
   EncodingType ResultType = pDesc->getDataType();
   if (pDesc->getDataType() == INT4SCOMPLEX)
      ResultType = INT4SBYTES;
   else if (pDesc->getDataType() == FLT8COMPLEX)
      ResultType = FLT8BYTES;

   FactoryResource<DataRequest> pRequest;
   DataAccessor pSrcAcc = pCube->getDataAccessor(pRequest.release());

   ModelResource<RasterElement> pResultCube(RasterUtilities::createRasterElement(pCube->getName() +
      "_Noise_Removal_Result", pDesc->getRowCount(), pDesc->getColumnCount(), ResultType));
   if (pResultCube.get() == NULL)
      std::string msg = "A raster cube could not be created.";
      pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, msg);
      if (pProgress != NULL) 
         pProgress->updateProgress(msg, 0, ERRORS);
      return false;
   FactoryResource<DataRequest> pResultRequest;
   DataAccessor pDestAcc = pResultCube->getDataAccessor(pResultRequest.release());

   Service<DesktopServices> pDesktop;
   WaveletKSigmaDlg dlg(pDesktop->getMainWidget());
   int stat = dlg.exec();
   if (stat != QDialog::Accepted)
	  // pProgress->updateProgress("Level 4 " + StringUtilities::toDisplayString(dlg.getLevelThreshold(3))
       //  + " Level5 " + StringUtilities::toDisplayString(dlg.getLevelThreshold(4)), dlg.getLevelThreshold(0), NORMAL);

	   return true;

   unsigned int rowLoops;
   unsigned int colLoops;
   unsigned int rowIndex = 0;
   unsigned int colIndex = 0;
   double ScaleKValue[MAX_WAVELET_LEVELS] = {0.0};
   for (int k=0; k<MAX_WAVELET_LEVELS;k++)
	   ScaleKValue[k] = dlg.getLevelThreshold(k);
   if (0 == pDesc->getRowCount()%rowBlocks)
	   rowLoops = pDesc->getRowCount()/rowBlocks;
	   rowLoops = pDesc->getRowCount()/rowBlocks + 1;

   if (0 == pDesc->getColumnCount()%colBlocks)
	   colLoops = pDesc->getColumnCount()/colBlocks;
	   colLoops = pDesc->getColumnCount()/colBlocks + 1;

   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rowLoops; i++)
	   if ( rowIndex + rowBlocks > pDesc->getRowCount())
		   rowIndex = pDesc->getRowCount() - rowBlocks;

	   colIndex = 0;

	   for (unsigned int j = 0; j < colLoops; j++)

示例10: processAll

bool SamAlgorithm::processAll()
   auto_ptr<Wavelengths> pWavelengths;

   ProgressTracker progress(getProgress(), "Starting SAM", "spectral", "C4320027-6359-4F5B-8820-8BC72BF1B8F0");
   progress.getCurrentStep()->addProperty("Interactive", isInteractive());

   RasterElement* pElement = getRasterElement();
   if (pElement == NULL)
      progress.report(SAMERR012, 0, ERRORS, true);
      return false;
   progress.getCurrentStep()->addProperty("Cube", pElement->getName());
   const RasterDataDescriptor* pDescriptor = static_cast<RasterDataDescriptor*>(pElement->getDataDescriptor());
   VERIFY(pDescriptor != NULL);

   BitMaskIterator iter(getPixelsToProcess(), pElement);
   unsigned int numRows = iter.getNumSelectedRows();
   unsigned int numColumns = iter.getNumSelectedColumns();
   unsigned int numBands = pDescriptor->getBandCount();
   Opticks::PixelOffset layerOffset(iter.getColumnOffset(), iter.getRowOffset());

   // get cube wavelengths
   DynamicObject* pMetadata = pElement->getMetadata();
   if (pMetadata != NULL)
      pWavelengths.reset(new Wavelengths(pMetadata));
      if (!pWavelengths->isEmpty() && (!pWavelengths->hasEndValues() || !pWavelengths->hasStartValues()))
   VERIFY(pWavelengths.get() != NULL);

   int sig_index = 0;
   bool bSuccess = true;

   if (mInputs.mSignatures.empty())
      progress.report(SAMERR005, 0, ERRORS, true);
      return false;
   int iSignatureCount = mInputs.mSignatures.size();

   // Get colors for all the signatures
   vector<ColorType> layerColors, excludeColors;
   excludeColors.push_back(ColorType(0, 0, 0));
   excludeColors.push_back(ColorType(255, 255, 255));
   ColorType::getUniqueColors(iSignatureCount, layerColors, excludeColors);

   // Create a vector for the signature names
   vector<string> sigNames;

   // Create a pseudocolor results matrix if necessary
   RasterElement* pPseudocolorMatrix = NULL;
   RasterElement* pLowestSAMValueMatrix = NULL;
   // Check for multiple Signatures and if the user has selected
   // to combined multiple results in one pseudocolor output layer
   if (iSignatureCount > 1 && mInputs.mbCreatePseudocolor)
      pPseudocolorMatrix = createResults(numRows, numColumns, mInputs.mResultsName);
      pLowestSAMValueMatrix = createResults(numRows, numColumns, "LowestSAMValue");

      if (pPseudocolorMatrix == NULL || pLowestSAMValueMatrix == NULL )
         progress.report(SAMERR007, 0, ERRORS, true);
         return false;

      FactoryResource<DataRequest> pseudoRequest;
      string failedDataRequestErrorMessage =
         SpectralUtilities::getFailedDataRequestErrorMessage(pseudoRequest.get(), pPseudocolorMatrix);
      DataAccessor pseudoAccessor = pPseudocolorMatrix->getDataAccessor(pseudoRequest.release());
      if (!pseudoAccessor.isValid())
         string msg = "Unable to access results.";
         if (!failedDataRequestErrorMessage.empty())
            msg += "\n" + failedDataRequestErrorMessage;

         progress.report(msg, 0, ERRORS, true);
         return false;

      FactoryResource<DataRequest> lsvRequest;
      failedDataRequestErrorMessage =
         SpectralUtilities::getFailedDataRequestErrorMessage(lsvRequest.get(), pLowestSAMValueMatrix);
      DataAccessor lowestSamValueAccessor = pLowestSAMValueMatrix->getDataAccessor(lsvRequest.release());
      if (!lowestSamValueAccessor.isValid())
         string msg = "Unable to access results.";
         if (!failedDataRequestErrorMessage.empty())
            msg += "\n" + failedDataRequestErrorMessage;


示例11: execute

bool conservative_filter::execute(PlugInArgList* pInArgList, PlugInArgList* pOutArgList)
   StepResource pStep("Conservative", "Filter", "5EA0CC75-9E0B-4c3d-BA23-6DB7157BBD55"); //what is this?
   if (pInArgList == NULL || pOutArgList == NULL)
      return false;

   Service <DesktopServices> pDesktop;
   conservative_filter_ui dialog(pDesktop->getMainWidget());
   int status = dialog.exec();
   if (status == QDialog::Accepted)
	   int radius = dialog.getRadiusValue();

   Progress* pProgress = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<Progress>(Executable::ProgressArg());
   RasterElement* pCube = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<RasterElement>(Executable::DataElementArg());
   if (pCube == NULL)
      std::string msg = "A raster cube must be specified.";
      pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, msg);
      if (pProgress != NULL) 
         pProgress->updateProgress(msg, 0, ERRORS);
      return false;
   RasterDataDescriptor* pDesc = static_cast<RasterDataDescriptor*>(pCube->getDataDescriptor());
	VERIFY(pDesc != NULL);

   if (pDesc->getDataType() == INT4SCOMPLEX || pDesc->getDataType() == FLT8COMPLEX)
      std::string msg = "Conservative Filter cannot be performed on complex types.";
      pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, msg);
      if (pProgress != NULL) 
         pProgress->updateProgress(msg, 0, ERRORS);
      return false;

   FactoryResource<DataRequest> pRequest;
   DataAccessor pSrcAcc = pCube->getDataAccessor(pRequest.release());

   ModelResource<RasterElement> pResultCube(RasterUtilities::createRasterElement(pCube->getName() + "_Conservative_Filter_Result", pDesc->getRowCount(), pDesc->getColumnCount(), pDesc->getDataType()));
   if (pResultCube.get() == NULL)
      std::string msg = "A raster cube could not be created.";
      pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, msg);
      if (pProgress != NULL) 
         pProgress->updateProgress(msg, 0, ERRORS);
      return false;
   FactoryResource<DataRequest> pResultRequest;
   DataAccessor pDestAcc = pResultCube->getDataAccessor(pResultRequest.release());

   for (unsigned int row = 0; row < pDesc->getRowCount(); ++row)
      if (pProgress != NULL)
         pProgress->updateProgress("Applying Conservative Filter", row * 100 / pDesc->getRowCount(), NORMAL);
      if (isAborted())
         std::string msg = getName() + " has been aborted.";
         pStep->finalize(Message::Abort, msg);
         if (pProgress != NULL)
            pProgress->updateProgress(msg, 0, ABORT);
         return false;
      if (!pDestAcc.isValid())
         std::string msg = "Unable to access the cube data.";
         pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, msg);
         if (pProgress != NULL) 
            pProgress->updateProgress(msg, 0, ERRORS);
         return false;
      for (unsigned int col = 0; col < pDesc->getColumnCount(); ++col)
         switchOnEncoding(pDesc->getDataType(), verifyRange, pDestAcc->getColumn(), pSrcAcc, row, col, pDesc->getRowCount(), pDesc->getColumnCount(), radius);

   if (!isBatch())
      Service<DesktopServices> pDesktop;

      SpatialDataWindow* pWindow = static_cast<SpatialDataWindow*>(pDesktop->createWindow(pResultCube->getName(),

示例12: execute

bool KDISTRIBUTION::execute(PlugInArgList* pInArgList, PlugInArgList* pOutArgList)
   StepResource pStep("KDISTRIBUTION", "app10", "F298D57C-D816-42F0-AE27-43DAA02C0544");
   if (pInArgList == NULL || pOutArgList == NULL)
      return false;
   Progress* pProgress = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<Progress>(Executable::ProgressArg());
   RasterElement* pCube = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<RasterElement>(Executable::DataElementArg());

   if (pCube == NULL)
      std::string msg = "A raster cube must be specified.";
      pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, msg);
      if (pProgress != NULL)
         pProgress->updateProgress(msg, 0, ERRORS);

      return false;
   RasterDataDescriptor* pDesc = static_cast<RasterDataDescriptor*>(pCube->getDataDescriptor());
   VERIFY(pDesc != NULL);
   FactoryResource<DataRequest> pRequest;
   FactoryResource<DataRequest> pRequest2;


   DataAccessor pAcc = pCube->getDataAccessor(pRequest.release());
   DataAccessor pAcc2 = pCube->getDataAccessor(pRequest2.release());

   ModelResource<RasterElement> pResultCube(RasterUtilities::createRasterElement(pCube->getName() +
   "Result", pDesc->getRowCount(), pDesc->getColumnCount(), pDesc->getDataType()));

   if (pResultCube.get() == NULL)
      std::string msg = "A raster cube could not be created.";
      pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, msg);
      if (pProgress != NULL) 
         pProgress->updateProgress(msg, 0, ERRORS);
      return false;
   FactoryResource<DataRequest> pResultRequest;
   DataAccessor pDestAcc = pResultCube->getDataAccessor(pResultRequest.release());
   const RasterDataDescriptor* pDescriptor = dynamic_cast<const RasterDataDescriptor*>(pCube->getDataDescriptor());

   int tester_count = 0;
   int eastCol = 0;
   int northRow = 0;
   int westCol = 0;
   int southRow = 0;
   double zstatistic = 0;
   double total = 0.0;
   double total_sum = 0.0;
   double mean = 0.0;
   double std = 0.0;
   double a=0;
   int rowSize=pDesc->getRowCount();
   int colSize=pDesc->getColumnCount();
   int prevCol = 0;
   int prevRow = 0;
   int nextCol = 0;
   int nextRow = 0;
   double long PFA = 0.0;
   int DEPTH1 = 10;
   int DEPTH2 = 10;
   int DEPTH3 = 1;
   int DEPTH4 = 1;
   int count=0;
   int zero=0;
   double long threshold = 100000.0;

   double look_table1[24][6];

   for(int i=0; i<24; i++)
	   for(int j=0; j<3; j++)

   QStringList Names("0.0000001");
   QString value = QInputDialog::getItem(Service<DesktopServices>()->getMainWidget(),
            "Input a PFA value", "Input a PFA value (0.0000001 or 0.00000001)", Names);
   std::string strAoi = value.toStdString();

示例13: execute

bool LocalSharpening::execute(PlugInArgList* pInArgList, PlugInArgList* pOutArgList)
   StepResource pStep("Local Sharpening", "app", "08BB9B79-5D24-4AB0-9F35-92DE77CED8E7");
   if (pInArgList == NULL || pOutArgList == NULL)
      return false;
   Progress* pProgress = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<Progress>(Executable::ProgressArg());
   RasterElement* pCube = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<RasterElement>(Executable::DataElementArg());
   if (pCube == NULL)
      std::string msg = "A raster cube must be specified.";
      pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, msg);
      if (pProgress != NULL) 
         pProgress->updateProgress(msg, 0, ERRORS);
      return false;
   RasterDataDescriptor* pDesc = static_cast<RasterDataDescriptor*>(pCube->getDataDescriptor());
   VERIFY(pDesc != NULL);
   EncodingType ResultType = pDesc->getDataType();
   if (pDesc->getDataType() == INT4SCOMPLEX)
      ResultType = INT4SBYTES;
   else if (pDesc->getDataType() == FLT8COMPLEX)
      ResultType = FLT8BYTES;

   FactoryResource<DataRequest> pRequest;
   DataAccessor pSrcAcc = pCube->getDataAccessor(pRequest.release());

   ModelResource<RasterElement> pResultCube(RasterUtilities::createRasterElement(pCube->getName() +
      "_Local_Sharpening_Result", pDesc->getRowCount(), pDesc->getColumnCount(), ResultType));
   if (pResultCube.get() == NULL)
      std::string msg = "A raster cube could not be created.";
      pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, msg);
      if (pProgress != NULL) 
         pProgress->updateProgress(msg, 0, ERRORS);
      return false;
   FactoryResource<DataRequest> pResultRequest;
   DataAccessor pDestAcc = pResultCube->getDataAccessor(pResultRequest.release());

   Service<DesktopServices> pDesktop;
   LocalSharpeningDlg dlg(pDesktop->getMainWidget());
   int stat = dlg.exec();
   if (stat != QDialog::Accepted)
	   return true;
   double contrastVal = dlg.getContrastValue();
   int nFilterType = dlg.getCurrentFilterType();
   int windowSize = dlg.getCurrentWindowSize();
   windowSize = (windowSize-1)/2;

   for (unsigned int row = 0; row < pDesc->getRowCount(); ++row)
      if (pProgress != NULL)
         pProgress->updateProgress("Local sharpening", row * 100 / pDesc->getRowCount(), NORMAL);
      if (isAborted())
         std::string msg = getName() + " has been aborted.";
         pStep->finalize(Message::Abort, msg);
         if (pProgress != NULL)
            pProgress->updateProgress(msg, 0, ABORT);
         return false;
      if (!pDestAcc.isValid())
         std::string msg = "Unable to access the cube data.";
         pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, msg);
         if (pProgress != NULL) 
            pProgress->updateProgress(msg, 0, ERRORS);
         return false;
      for (unsigned int col = 0; col < pDesc->getColumnCount(); ++col)
		  if (nFilterType == 0)
			  switchOnEncoding(ResultType, localAdaptiveSharpening, pDestAcc->getColumn(), pSrcAcc, row, col,
                               pDesc->getRowCount(), pDesc->getColumnCount(), pDesc->getDataType(), windowSize, contrastVal);
			  switchOnEncoding(ResultType, localExtremeSharpening, pDestAcc->getColumn(), pSrcAcc, row, col,

示例14: execute

bool bilinear_bayer::execute(PlugInArgList * pInArgList,
							 PlugInArgList * pOutArgList)

	StepResource pStep("bilinear_bayer", "pratik",
	if (pInArgList == NULL || pOutArgList == NULL)
		return false;

	Progress *pProgress =
		pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue < Progress > (Executable::ProgressArg());

	RasterElement *pCube = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue < RasterElement > (Executable::DataElementArg());	// pCube

	if (pCube == NULL)
		std::string msg = "A raster cube must be specified.";
		pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, msg);
		if (pProgress != NULL)
			pProgress->updateProgress(msg, 0, ERRORS);

		return false;

	pProgress->updateProgress("Starting calculations", 10, NORMAL);
	RasterDataDescriptor *pDesc =
		static_cast < RasterDataDescriptor * >(pCube->getDataDescriptor());
	VERIFY(pDesc != NULL);

	std::string msg = "De-bayerize by bilinear interpolation \n";
	pProgress->updateProgress(msg, 20, NORMAL);	// show initial R,G and B
												// values

	RasterElement *dRas =
		RasterUtilities::createRasterElement(pCube->getName() + "RGB",
											 pDesc->getColumnCount(), 3,
											 pDesc->getDataType(), BSQ);

	// request

	pProgress->updateProgress(msg, 50, NORMAL);

	copyImage(pCube, dRas, 0, pProgress);
	pProgress->updateProgress(msg + "RED complete", 60, NORMAL);

	copyImage(pCube, dRas, 1, pProgress);
	pProgress->updateProgress(msg + "GREEN complete", 70, NORMAL);

	copyImage(pCube, dRas, 2, pProgress);
	pProgress->updateProgress(msg + "BLUE complete", 80, NORMAL);

	// new model resource
	RasterDataDescriptor *rDesc =
		dynamic_cast < RasterDataDescriptor * >(dRas->getDataDescriptor());
	rDesc->setDisplayMode(RGB_MODE);	// enable color mode
	rDesc->setDisplayBand(RED, rDesc->getActiveBand(0));
	rDesc->setDisplayBand(GREEN, rDesc->getActiveBand(1));
	rDesc->setDisplayBand(BLUE, rDesc->getActiveBand(2));
	ModelResource < RasterElement > pResultCube(dRas);

	pProgress->updateProgress("Final", 100, NORMAL);

	// create window

	if (!isBatch())
		Service < DesktopServices > pDesktop;

		SpatialDataWindow *pWindow =
			static_cast <
			SpatialDataWindow *

		SpatialDataView *pView =
			(pWindow == NULL) ? NULL : pWindow->getSpatialDataView();
		if (pView == NULL)
			std::string msg = "Unable to create view.";
			pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, msg);
			if (pProgress != NULL)
				pProgress->updateProgress(msg, 0, ERRORS);
			return false;


示例15: execute

bool ChangeUpDirection::execute(PlugInArgList* pInArgList, PlugInArgList* pOutArgList)
   if (pInArgList == NULL || pOutArgList == NULL)
      return false;
   ProgressTracker progress(pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<Progress>(Executable::ProgressArg()),
      "Rotating data.", "app", "{11adadb9-c133-49de-8cf5-a16372da2578}");

   RasterElement* pData = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<RasterElement>(Executable::DataElementArg());
   if (pData == NULL)
      progress.report("No data element specified.", 0, ERRORS, true);
      return false;
   bool display = false;
   if (!pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue("Display Results", display))
      progress.report("Unsure if results should be displayed. Invalid argument.", 0, ERRORS, true);
      return false;
   double rotation = 0.0;
   SpatialDataView* pOrigView = NULL;
   if (isBatch())
      if (!pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue("Rotation", rotation))
         progress.report("No rotation specified.", 0, ERRORS, true);
         return false;
      pOrigView = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<SpatialDataView>(Executable::ViewArg());
      if (pOrigView == NULL)
         progress.report("No view specified.", 0, ERRORS, true);
         return false;
      GraphicLayer* pLayer = dynamic_cast<GraphicLayer*>(pOrigView->getActiveLayer());
      if (pLayer == NULL)
         pLayer = dynamic_cast<GraphicLayer*>(pOrigView->getTopMostLayer(ANNOTATION));
      GraphicObject* pArrow = NULL;
      if (pLayer != NULL)
         std::list<GraphicObject*> objects;
         pLayer->getObjects(ARROW_OBJECT, objects);
         if (!objects.empty())
            pArrow = objects.back();
         if (objects.size() > 1)
            progress.report("Multiple arrow objects found. Using the most recently added one.", 0, WARNING, true);
      if (pArrow == NULL)
         progress.report("Unable to locate up direction. Add an arrow annotation and re-run this plugin.",
            0, ERRORS, true);
         return false;
      LocationType ur = pArrow->getUrCorner();
      LocationType ll = pArrow->getLlCorner();
      double xlen = ur.mX - ll.mX;
      double ylen = ur.mY - ll.mY;

      // Initial rotatation value. The 90 degrees is due to the difference
      // in the "0 point" (right vs. up). Also account for explicit rotation
      // of the annotation object. Convert this to radians.
      rotation = GeoConversions::convertDegToRad(90 + pArrow->getRotation());

      // Determine a rotation adjustment based on the bounding box
      rotation += atan2(ylen, xlen);

   progress.report("Rotating data.", 10, NORMAL);
   ModelResource<RasterElement> pRotated(pData->copyShallow(pData->getName() + "_rotated", pData->getParent()));
   if (pRotated.get() == NULL)
      progress.report("Unable to create destination raster element.", 0, ERRORS, true);
      return false;

   int defaultBadValue(0);  // the rotate method will handle setting the default bad values into the rotated raster
   if (!RasterUtilities::rotate(pRotated.get(), pData, rotation, defaultBadValue,
      INTERP_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR, progress.getCurrentProgress(), &mAbort))
      // error message already reported by rotate()
      return false;
   pOutArgList->setPlugInArgValue("Rotated Element", pRotated.get());

   if (display)
      SpatialDataWindow* pWindow = static_cast<SpatialDataWindow*>(
         Service<DesktopServices>()->createWindow(pRotated->getName(), SPATIAL_DATA_WINDOW));
      SpatialDataView* pView = (pWindow == NULL) ? NULL : pWindow->getSpatialDataView();
