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C++ RSqlStatement::ColumnIndex方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中RSqlStatement::ColumnIndex方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ RSqlStatement::ColumnIndex方法的具体用法?C++ RSqlStatement::ColumnIndex怎么用?C++ RSqlStatement::ColumnIndex使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在RSqlStatement的用法示例。


示例1: GetListForItemL

GetListForItemL has a dual nature. If aIsGroup is ETrue, a list of contact items belonging to
specified group is returned. Otherwise a list of group ids to which contact id belongs is returned.

@param aItemId contact item id
@param aIsGroup ETrue if the method will fill a group.
CContactIdArray* CPplGroupsTable::GetListForItemL(TContactItemId aItemId, TBool aIsGroup)
	// Check if group membership information was not requested or if the item
	// is not derived from CContactItemPlusGroup.
	if (!(aType == KUidContactGroup	  || aType == KUidContactCard ||
		  aType == KUidContactOwnCard || aType == KUidContactICCEntry) )
		return NULL; 

	// build the RSqlStatement
	RSqlStatement stmnt;
	TInt idIndex;

	// build the CCntSqlStatement statement
	const TInt KWhereParamIndex(KFirstIndex); // only one parameter in the query
	if (aIsGroup)
		// group -> select members
		stmnt.PrepareL(iDatabase, iSelectMembersStmnt->SqlStringL() );
		User::LeaveIfError(stmnt.BindInt(KWhereParamIndex, aItemId ) );
		idIndex = stmnt.ColumnIndex(KGroupContactGroupMemberId() );
		// member -> select groups
		stmnt.PrepareL(iDatabase, iSelectGroupsStmnt->SqlStringL() );
		User::LeaveIfError(stmnt.BindInt(KWhereParamIndex, aItemId ) );
		idIndex = stmnt.ColumnIndex(KGroupContactGroupId() );
	// fetch the list of any matching ids
	CContactIdArray* items = CContactIdArray::NewLC();
	TInt err(KErrNone);
	while ((err = stmnt.Next() ) == KSqlAtRow)
		items->AddL(stmnt.ColumnInt(idIndex) );

	// leave if we didn't complete going through the results properly
	if(err != KSqlAtEnd)
	return items;

示例2: GetAllFilenamesL

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpSecurityDbConnection::GetAllFilenamesL
// Get all filenames. 
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUpnpSecurityDbConnection::GetAllFilenamesL(
    RPointerArray<HBufC>& aFilenameArray )
    TInt err;
    RSqlStatement statement;
    User::LeaveIfError( statement.Prepare( iDatabase, KUpnpSecSqlSelectAllFiles ) );
    CleanupClosePushL( statement );

    TInt columnIndex = statement.ColumnIndex( KUpnpSecSqlFilename );

    while ( (err = statement.Next()) == KSqlAtRow )
        TPtrC data = statement.ColumnTextL( columnIndex );
        HBufC* filename = data.AllocLC();
        aFilenameArray.AppendL( filename );
        CleanupStack::Pop( filename );

    if ( err != KSqlAtEnd )
        User::LeaveIfError( err );

    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &statement );

示例3: ReadBinaryBlobL

Utility method used to read binary blob fields from contacts database. Provides a mechanism to
fill a contact item with informations stored in binary blobs within contact database.
A reference to the contact item to be fill has to be provided. A template has to be provided
if the contact item is based on a template. Template can be NULL. Also a view definition can
be provided to filter which fields are read from blob fields.

@param		aItem Contact item to be filled with information from binary blob field.
@param		aView View definition specifying what item fields should be read from binary blob field
@param		aTemplate Contact item representing a template based on which aItem should be read. Can be NULL
@param		aDatabase RSqlDatabase reference.
@leave		KErrNotFound if the specified contact item does not exist any more in contact database
void TCntPersistenceUtility::ReadBinaryBlobL(CContactItem& aItem, const CContactItemViewDef& aView, const CContactItem* aTemplate, RSqlDatabase& aDatabase)
	HBufC* selectString = HBufC::NewLC(KSelectTwoFields().Length() + KContactBinaryFieldHeader().Length() + KContactBinaryFields().Length() + KSqlContactTableName().Length() + KContactId().Length());
	TPtr ptrSelectString = selectString->Des();
	ptrSelectString.Format(KSelectTwoFields, &KContactBinaryFieldHeader, &KContactBinaryFields, &KSqlContactTableName, &KContactId, aItem.Id());
	RSqlStatement selectStmt;
	User::LeaveIfError(selectStmt.Prepare(aDatabase, ptrSelectString));

	TInt err = selectStmt.Next();
	if(err != KSqlAtRow)
		if(err == KSqlAtEnd)
	TPtrC8 binaryHeader;
	selectStmt.ColumnBinary(User::LeaveIfError(selectStmt.ColumnIndex(KContactBinaryFieldHeader)), binaryHeader);
	RDesReadStream binaryHeaderStream(binaryHeader);
	CEmbeddedStore* binaryHeaderStore = CEmbeddedStore::FromLC(binaryHeaderStream);
	TPtrC8 binaryFields;
	selectStmt.ColumnBinary(User::LeaveIfError(selectStmt.ColumnIndex(KContactBinaryFields)), binaryFields);
	RDesReadStream binaryFieldsStream(binaryFields);
	CEmbeddedStore* binaryBlobStore = CEmbeddedStore::FromLC(binaryFieldsStream);

	ReadBinaryBlobL(*binaryHeaderStore, *binaryBlobStore, aItem, aView, aTemplate);	

	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(6, selectString); //binaryHeaderStore, binaryHeaderStrean, binaryBlobStore, binaryBlobStream, selectStmt, selectString

示例4: GetAllIpAddressesL

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUpnpSecurityDbConnection::GetAllIpAddressesL
// Get all ips.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUpnpSecurityDbConnection::GetAllIpAddressesL(
    RArray<TInetAddr>& aAddressArray )
    TInt err;
    RSqlStatement statement;
    User::LeaveIfError( statement.Prepare( iDatabase,
        KUpnpSecSqlSelectAllIpAddresses ) );
    CleanupClosePushL( statement );
    TInt columnIndex = statement.ColumnIndex( KUpnpSecSqlIp );

    while ( (err = statement.Next()) == KSqlAtRow )
        TUint32 data = statement.ColumnInt( columnIndex );
        aAddressArray.AppendL( TInetAddr( data, 0 ) );

    if ( err != KSqlAtEnd )
        User::LeaveIfError( err );

    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &statement );
