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C++ PreparedQueryResult::GetCString方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中PreparedQueryResult::GetCString方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ PreparedQueryResult::GetCString方法的具体用法?C++ PreparedQueryResult::GetCString怎么用?C++ PreparedQueryResult::GetCString使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在PreparedQueryResult的用法示例。


示例1: _HandleReconnectChallenge

/// Reconnect Challenge command handler
bool AuthSocket::_HandleReconnectChallenge()
    sLog.outStaticDebug("Entering _HandleReconnectChallenge");
    if (socket().recv_len() < sizeof(sAuthLogonChallenge_C))
        return false;

    ///- Read the first 4 bytes (header) to get the length of the remaining of the packet
    std::vector<uint8> buf;

    socket().recv((char *)&buf[0], 4);

    uint16 remaining = ((sAuthLogonChallenge_C *)&buf[0])->size;
    sLog.outStaticDebug("[ReconnectChallenge] got header, body is %#04x bytes", remaining);

    if ((remaining < sizeof(sAuthLogonChallenge_C) - buf.size()) || (socket().recv_len() < remaining))
        return false;

    //No big fear of memory outage (size is int16, i.e. < 65536)
    buf.resize(remaining + buf.size() + 1);
    buf[buf.size() - 1] = 0;
    sAuthLogonChallenge_C *ch = (sAuthLogonChallenge_C*)&buf[0];

    ///- Read the remaining of the packet
    socket().recv((char *)&buf[4], remaining);
    sLog.outStaticDebug("[ReconnectChallenge] got full packet, %#04x bytes", ch->size);
    sLog.outStaticDebug("[ReconnectChallenge] name(%d): '%s'", ch->I_len, ch->I);

    _login = (const char*)ch->I;

    PreparedStatement* stmt = LoginDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(LOGIN_GET_SESSIONKEY);
    stmt->setString(0, _login);
    PreparedQueryResult result = LoginDatabase.Query(stmt);

    // Stop if the account is not found
    if (!result)
        sLog.outError("[ERROR] user %s tried to login and we cannot find his session key in the database.", _login.c_str());
        return false;

    K.SetHexStr (result->GetCString(0));

    ///- Sending response
    ByteBuffer pkt;
    pkt << (uint8)  AUTH_RECONNECT_CHALLENGE;
    pkt << (uint8)  0x00;
    _reconnectProof.SetRand(16 * 8);
    pkt.append(_reconnectProof.AsByteArray(16), 16);             // 16 bytes random
    pkt << (uint64) 0x00 << (uint64) 0x00;                  // 16 bytes zeros
    socket().send((char const*)pkt.contents(), pkt.size());
    return true;
