本文整理汇总了C++中PathObject::getSymbol方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ PathObject::getSymbol方法的具体用法?C++ PathObject::getSymbol怎么用?C++ PathObject::getSymbol使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类PathObject
示例1: updateHoverState
void EditPointTool::updateHoverState(MapCoordF cursor_pos)
HoverState new_hover_state = OverNothing;
const Object* new_hover_object = nullptr;
MapCoordVector::size_type new_hover_point = no_point;
if (text_editor)
handle_offset = MapCoordF(0, 0);
else if (!map()->selectedObjects().empty())
if (map()->selectedObjects().size() <= max_objects_for_handle_display)
// Try to find object node.
auto best_distance_sq = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
for (const auto object : map()->selectedObjects())
MapCoordF handle_pos;
auto hover_point = findHoverPoint(cur_map_widget->mapToViewport(cursor_pos), cur_map_widget, object, true, &handle_pos);
if (hover_point == no_point)
auto distance_sq = cursor_pos.distanceSquaredTo(handle_pos);
if (distance_sq < best_distance_sq)
new_hover_state |= OverObjectNode;
new_hover_object = object;
new_hover_point = hover_point;
best_distance_sq = distance_sq;
handle_offset = handle_pos - cursor_pos;
if (!new_hover_state.testFlag(OverObjectNode))
// No object node found. Try to find path object edge.
/// \todo De-duplicate: Copied from EditLineTool
auto click_tolerance_sq = qPow(0.001 * cur_map_widget->getMapView()->pixelToLength(clickTolerance()), 2);
for (auto object : map()->selectedObjects())
if (object->getType() == Object::Path)
PathObject* path = object->asPath();
float distance_sq;
PathCoord path_coord;
path->calcClosestPointOnPath(cursor_pos, distance_sq, path_coord);
if (distance_sq >= +0.0 &&
distance_sq < best_distance_sq &&
distance_sq < qMax(click_tolerance_sq, qPow(path->getSymbol()->calculateLargestLineExtent(map()), 2)))
new_hover_state |= OverPathEdge;
new_hover_object = path;
new_hover_point = path_coord.index;
best_distance_sq = distance_sq;
handle_offset = path_coord.pos - cursor_pos;
if (!new_hover_state.testFlag(OverObjectNode) && selection_extent.isValid())
QRectF selection_extent_viewport = cur_map_widget->mapToViewport(selection_extent);
if (pointOverRectangle(cur_map_widget->mapToViewport(cursor_pos), selection_extent_viewport))
new_hover_state |= OverFrame;
handle_offset = closestPointOnRect(cursor_pos, selection_extent) - cursor_pos;
if (new_hover_state != hover_state ||
new_hover_object != hover_object ||
new_hover_point != hover_point)
hover_state = new_hover_state;
// We have got a Map*, so we may get an non-const Object*.
hover_object = const_cast<Object*>(new_hover_object);
hover_point = new_hover_point;
if (hover_state != OverNothing)
start_drag_distance = 0;
start_drag_distance = Settings::getInstance().getStartDragDistancePx();
Q_ASSERT((hover_state.testFlag(OverObjectNode) || hover_state.testFlag(OverPathEdge)) == (hover_object != nullptr));
示例2: doImport
void Importer::doImport(bool load_symbols_only, const QString& map_path)
// Object post processing:
// - make sure that there is no object without symbol
// - make sure that all area-only path objects are closed
// - make sure that there are no special points in wrong places (e.g. curve starts inside curves)
for (int p = 0; p < map->getNumParts(); ++p)
MapPart* part = map->getPart(p);
for (int o = 0; o < part->getNumObjects(); ++o)
Object* object = part->getObject(o);
if (object->getSymbol() == NULL)
addWarning(Importer::tr("Found an object without symbol."));
if (object->getType() == Object::Point)
object->setSymbol(map->getUndefinedPoint(), true);
else if (object->getType() == Object::Path)
object->setSymbol(map->getUndefinedLine(), true);
// There is no undefined symbol for this type of object, delete the object
part->deleteObject(o, false);
if (object->getType() == Object::Path)
PathObject* path = object->asPath();
Symbol::Type contained_types = path->getSymbol()->getContainedTypes();
if (contained_types & Symbol::Area && !(contained_types & Symbol::Line))
for (MapCoordVector::size_type i = 0; i < path->getCoordinateCount(); ++i)
if (path->getCoordinate(i).isCurveStart())
if (i+3 >= path->getCoordinateCount())
if (path->getCoordinate(i + 1).isClosePoint() || path->getCoordinate(i + 1).isHolePoint() ||
path->getCoordinate(i + 2).isClosePoint() || path->getCoordinate(i + 2).isHolePoint())
path->getCoordinate(i + 1).setCurveStart(false);
path->getCoordinate(i + 1).setDashPoint(false);
path->getCoordinate(i + 2).setCurveStart(false);
path->getCoordinate(i + 2).setDashPoint(false);
i += 2;
if (i > 0 && path->getCoordinate(i).isHolePoint())
if (path->getCoordinate(i-1).isHolePoint())
path->deleteCoordinate(i, false);
// Symbol post processing
for (int i = 0; i < map->getNumSymbols(); ++i)
if (!map->getSymbol(i)->loadFinished(map))
throw FileFormatException(Importer::tr("Error during symbol post-processing."));
// Template loading: try to find all template files
bool have_lost_template = false;
for (int i = 0; i < map->getNumTemplates(); ++i)
Template* temp = map->getTemplate(i);
bool loaded_from_template_dir = false;
temp->tryToFindAndReloadTemplateFile(map_path, &loaded_from_template_dir);
if (loaded_from_template_dir)
addWarning(Importer::tr("Template \"%1\" has been loaded from the map's directory instead of the relative location to the map file where it was previously.").arg(temp->getTemplateFilename()));
if (temp->getTemplateState() != Template::Loaded)
have_lost_template = true;
if (have_lost_template)
#if defined(Q_OS_ANDROID)
addWarning(tr("At least one template file could not be found."));
addWarning(tr("At least one template file could not be found.") + " " +
tr("Click the red template name(s) in the Templates -> Template setup window to locate the template file name(s)."));