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C++ ParameterSet::comment方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中ParameterSet::comment方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ ParameterSet::comment方法的具体用法?C++ ParameterSet::comment怎么用?C++ ParameterSet::comment使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在ParameterSet的用法示例。


示例1: detachFrom

// >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
bool Comment::detachFrom(PublicObject* object) {
	if ( object == NULL ) return false;

	// check all possible parents
	MomentTensor* momentTensor = MomentTensor::Cast(object);
	if ( momentTensor != NULL ) {
		// If the object has been added already to the parent locally
		// just remove it by pointer
		if ( object == parent() )
			return momentTensor->remove(this);
		// The object has not been added locally so it must be looked up
		else {
			Comment* child = momentTensor->comment(index());
			if ( child != NULL )
				return momentTensor->remove(child);
			else {
				SEISCOMP_DEBUG("Comment::detachFrom(MomentTensor): comment has not been found");
				return false;
	FocalMechanism* focalMechanism = FocalMechanism::Cast(object);
	if ( focalMechanism != NULL ) {
		// If the object has been added already to the parent locally
		// just remove it by pointer
		if ( object == parent() )
			return focalMechanism->remove(this);
		// The object has not been added locally so it must be looked up
		else {
			Comment* child = focalMechanism->comment(index());
			if ( child != NULL )
				return focalMechanism->remove(child);
			else {
				SEISCOMP_DEBUG("Comment::detachFrom(FocalMechanism): comment has not been found");
				return false;
	Amplitude* amplitude = Amplitude::Cast(object);
	if ( amplitude != NULL ) {
		// If the object has been added already to the parent locally
		// just remove it by pointer
		if ( object == parent() )
			return amplitude->remove(this);
		// The object has not been added locally so it must be looked up
		else {
			Comment* child = amplitude->comment(index());
			if ( child != NULL )
				return amplitude->remove(child);
			else {
				SEISCOMP_DEBUG("Comment::detachFrom(Amplitude): comment has not been found");
				return false;
	Magnitude* magnitude = Magnitude::Cast(object);
	if ( magnitude != NULL ) {
		// If the object has been added already to the parent locally
		// just remove it by pointer
		if ( object == parent() )
			return magnitude->remove(this);
		// The object has not been added locally so it must be looked up
		else {
			Comment* child = magnitude->comment(index());
			if ( child != NULL )
				return magnitude->remove(child);
			else {
				SEISCOMP_DEBUG("Comment::detachFrom(Magnitude): comment has not been found");
				return false;
	StationMagnitude* stationMagnitude = StationMagnitude::Cast(object);
	if ( stationMagnitude != NULL ) {
		// If the object has been added already to the parent locally
		// just remove it by pointer
		if ( object == parent() )
			return stationMagnitude->remove(this);
		// The object has not been added locally so it must be looked up
		else {
			Comment* child = stationMagnitude->comment(index());
			if ( child != NULL )
				return stationMagnitude->remove(child);
			else {
				SEISCOMP_DEBUG("Comment::detachFrom(StationMagnitude): comment has not been found");
				return false;
	Pick* pick = Pick::Cast(object);
	if ( pick != NULL ) {
		// If the object has been added already to the parent locally
		// just remove it by pointer
		if ( object == parent() )
			return pick->remove(this);
		// The object has not been added locally so it must be looked up
		else {
			Comment* child = pick->comment(index());
			if ( child != NULL )
