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C++ Lyrics::pagePos方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中Lyrics::pagePos方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ Lyrics::pagePos方法的具体用法?C++ Lyrics::pagePos怎么用?C++ Lyrics::pagePos使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Lyrics的用法示例。


示例1: layout

void LyricsLineSegment::layout()
      bool        endOfSystem       = false;
      bool        isEndMelisma      = lyricsLine()->lyrics()->ticks() > 0;
      Lyrics*     lyr               = 0;
      Lyrics*     nextLyr           = 0;
      qreal       fromX             = 0;
      qreal       toX               = 0;             // start and end point of intra-lyrics room
      qreal       sp                = spatium();
      System*     sys;

      if (lyricsLine()->ticks() <= 0) {   // if no span,
            _numOfDashes = 0;             // nothing to draw
            return;                       // and do nothing

      // A) if line precedes a syllable, advance line end to right before the next syllable text
      // if not a melisma and there is a next syllable;
      if (!isEndMelisma && lyricsLine()->nextLyrics() && isSingleEndType()) {
            lyr         = nextLyr = lyricsLine()->nextLyrics();
            sys         = lyr->segment()->system();
            endOfSystem = (sys != system());
            // if next lyrics is on a different system, this line segment is at the end of its system:
            // do not adjust for next lyrics position
            if (!endOfSystem) {
                  qreal lyrX        = lyr->bbox().x();
                  qreal lyrXp       = lyr->pagePos().x();
                  qreal sysXp       = sys->pagePos().x();
                  toX               = lyrXp - sysXp + lyrX;       // syst.rel. X pos.
                  qreal offsetX     = toX - pos().x() - pos2().x() - score()->styleP(Sid::lyricsDashPad);
                  //                    delta from current end pos.| ending padding
                  rxpos2()          += offsetX;
      // B) if line follows a syllable, advance line start to after the syllable text
      lyr  = lyricsLine()->lyrics();
      sys  = lyr->segment()->system();
      if (sys && isSingleBeginType()) {
            qreal lyrX        = lyr->bbox().x();
            qreal lyrXp       = lyr->pagePos().x();
            qreal lyrW        = lyr->bbox().width();
            qreal sysXp       = sys->pagePos().x();
            fromX             = lyrXp - sysXp + lyrX + lyrW;
            //               syst.rel. X pos. | lyr.advance
            qreal offsetX     = fromX - pos().x();
            offsetX           += score()->styleP(isEndMelisma ? Sid::lyricsMelismaPad : Sid::lyricsDashPad);

            //               delta from curr.pos. | add initial padding
            rxpos()           += offsetX;
            rxpos2()          -= offsetX;

      // VERTICAL POSITION: at the base line of the syllable text
      if (!isEndType())
            rypos() = lyr->ipos().y();
      else {
            // use Y position of *next* syllable if there is one on same system
            Lyrics* nextLyr = searchNextLyrics(lyr->segment(), lyr->staffIdx(), lyr->no(), lyr->placement());
            if (nextLyr && nextLyr->segment()->system() == system())
                  rypos() = nextLyr->y();
                  rypos() = lyr->y();

      // MELISMA vs. DASHES
      if (isEndMelisma) {                 // melisma
            _numOfDashes = 1;
            rypos()      -= lyricsLine()->lineWidth() * .5; // let the line 'sit on' the base line
            qreal offsetX = score()->styleP(Sid::minNoteDistance) * mag();
            // if final segment, extend slightly after the chord, otherwise shorten it
            rxpos2() += (isBeginType() || isEndType()) ? -offsetX : +offsetX;
      else {                              // dash(es)
            // set conventional dash Y pos
            rypos() -= MScore::pixelRatio * lyr->fontMetrics().xHeight() * score()->styleD(Sid::lyricsDashYposRatio);
            _dashLength = score()->styleP(Sid::lyricsDashMaxLength) * mag();  // and dash length
            qreal len         = pos2().x();
            qreal minDashLen  = score()->styleS(Sid::lyricsDashMinLength).val() * sp;
            qreal maxDashDist = score()->styleS(Sid::lyricsDashMaxDistance).val() * sp;
            if (len < minDashLen) {                                           // if no room for a dash
                  // if at end of system or dash is forced
                  if (endOfSystem || score()->styleB(Sid::lyricsDashForce)) {
                        rxpos2()          = minDashLen;                       //     draw minimal dash
                        _numOfDashes      = 1;
                        _dashLength       = minDashLen;
                  else                                                        //   if within system or dash not forced
                        _numOfDashes = 0;                                     //     draw no dash
            else if (len < (maxDashDist * 2.0)) {                           // if no room for two dashes
                  _numOfDashes = 1;                                           //    draw one dash
                  if (_dashLength > len)                                      // if no room for a full dash
                        _dashLength = len;                                    //    shorten it
                  _numOfDashes = len / (maxDashDist);                         // draw several dashes

            // adjust next lyrics horiz. position if too little a space forced to skip the dash
            if (_numOfDashes == 0 && nextLyr != nullptr && len > 0)
